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Thread: import units

  1. #1

    Default import units

    hi all.
    i would like to import new units from the other games/mods.

    like, for instance wardogs and roman archers etc.
    is there any tutorial/instruction of how to do it?
    can anyone redirect me about this matter?


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  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: import units

    Quote Originally Posted by belliger View Post
    i would like to import new units from the other games/mods.

    like, for instance wardogs and roman archers etc.
    is there any tutorial/instruction of how to do it?
    can anyone redirect me about this matter?
    Sure. Check out the Tutorial: Adding new units for beginners by Epistolary Richard. More guides are available in the Scriptorium.

    However, do keep in mind that R:TW has limit to the number of units and models it allows, and EB1 is already very close to those limits.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: import units

    wow! gnam gnam! i start now!!!!
    thanks a looooot
    Nec sine Marsis nec contra Marsos triumphari posse


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