Hi guys,
I have windows 7 64 bit installed on my PC. So one day i decided to install and play rome total war gold edition. i've played this for years now without a single ctd or problem. It runs nice & smoothly. Then when i found out about a mod called Europa Barbarorum i deciede to download and try it. I had no problems installing the mod and i applied the patch 1.2 & fixes accordingly. but after 2 or 3 battles the mod crashes to desktop. Now for months ive reseached and read threads on here about compatibility and getting the game stable but none of these methods seem to work. i tried waiting 30 secs after battle but it still ctd. i heard a theory that its got something to do with memory usage so i applied an app called explorer suite which allows access to more memory 2gig to be precise but the game still ctd. i installed the game to c:drive instead of progam files still got ctds. I heard that europa barbarorum is not compatible with windows 7 64bit so i changed the compatibility to windows xp. that did not work and i tried windows compatility with vista and that didint work either. i then read somewhere that europa barbarorum is much more demanding on pc systems than the original rome total war. so it takes up more memory to run. I think this is the case because when i first start a campaign in E.B. it does not crash so often but the more i expand territory and the longer i have played the game it crashes almost everytime. the game intro music also does not loop which is a bad sign as it should loop after it plays. I also heard rome total war on steam is much more stable than the basic CDrom version of rome total war. is this true?? I'm out of ideas for this mod. Its a fabulous & adorable game but i cant play it anymore due to continuous crashes its become intolerable. If anyone knows why im have this problem please help me as i very much miss this mod and would love to play it without ctd's for once. Any help is much appreciated.