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Thread: How do I give the Greek Cities wardogs?

  1. #1

    Default How do I give the Greek Cities wardogs?

    Cause my son likes the Greeks and likes wardogs. That's why. I've tried giving them the Dacian wardogs. So far all I've managed to do is get the game to crash before it even starts loading, until I reverse the changes I made. This is what I've tried so far, changes in bold. Thanks in advance.

    C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\Data\export_descr_unit

    type barb wardogs dacian
    dictionary barb_wardogs_dacian ; Warhounds
    category handler
    class heavy
    voice_type Light_1
    soldier barb_handler, 12, 36, 1.2
    animal wardogs
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest
    formation 2.2, 2.2, 3, 3, 3, horde
    stat_health 1, 1
    stat_pri 6, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 25 ,1
    stat_pri_attr no
    stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, other, piercing, none, 25 ,1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 3, 1, 2, leather
    stat_sec_armour 2, 1, flesh
    stat_heat 2
    stat_ground 2, -2, 3, 2
    stat_mental 4, normal, untrained
    stat_charge_dist 40
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 2, 610, 40, 60, 80, 510
    ownership dacia,greek_cities

    C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\Data\export_descr_buildings

    building equestrian
    levels stables cavalry_barracks hippodrome circus_maximus
    stables requires factions { barbarian, ct_carthage, eastern, parthia, egyptian, greek, roman, }
    recruit "carthaginian warhounds" 0 requires factions { spain, }
    recruit "carthaginian cavalry" 0 requires factions { spain, }
    recruit "barb cavalry gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
    recruit "barb cavalry german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
    recruit "barb cavalry dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
    recruit "barb cavalry scythian" 0 requires factions { scythia, }
    recruit "barb wardogs briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
    recruit "barb wardogs dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia,greek_cities, }
    recruit "barb wardogs gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
    recruit "barb wardogs german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
    recruit "barb wardogs scythian" 0 requires factions { scythia, }
    recruit "carthaginian cavalry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
    recruit "numidian cavalry" 0 requires factions { numidia, }
    recruit "east cavalry" 0 requires factions { pontus, }
    recruit "east horse archer" 0 requires factions { armenia, parthia, }
    recruit "egyptian cavalry" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
    recruit "greek light lancer" 0 requires factions { macedon, }
    recruit "greek cavalry" 0 requires factions { seleucid, thrace, greek_cities, }
    recruit "roman medium cavalry" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
    recruit "roman light cavalry" 0 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
    recruit "roman wardogs" 0 requires factions { roman, }
    In those simple times there was a great wonder and mystery in life. Man walked in fear and solemnity, with Heaven very close above his head, and Hell below his very feet. God's visible hand was everywhere, in the rainbow and the comet, in the thunder and the wind. The Devil too raged openly upon the earth; he skulked behind the hedge-rows in the gloaming; he laughed loudly in the night-time; he clawed the dying sinner, pounced on the unbaptized babe, and twisted the limbs of the epileptic. A foul fiend slunk ever by a man's side and whispered villainies in his ear, while above him there hovered an angel of grace . . .

    Arthur Conan Doyle

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I give the Greek Cities wardogs?

    There's a couple of things that could have gone wrong: no skin or model available, model already used by another Greek unit, that sort of thing. Maybe you even need to create a separate entry for this unit.

    Obvious question first: have you read the "How to add units" guide by Epistolary Richard?
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  3. #3
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I give the Greek Cities wardogs?

    There's a problem most likely with the assignment of faction skin to that specific unit. If there is no faction skin for the wardogs unit, then a conflict most likely appears.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


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  4. #4

    Default Re: How do I give the Greek Cities wardogs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    There's a couple of things that could have gone wrong: no skin or model available, model already used by another Greek unit, that sort of thing. Maybe you even need to create a separate entry for this unit.

    Obvious question first: have you read the "How to add units" guide by Epistolary Richard?
    Well, I did, but maybe I need to look at it again. I'm not sure if it will help, though, because IIRC there are some files that have "handlers" entries in addition to "wardog" entries, a situation his post does not cover. When I get some time I'll see if I can apply what Epistolary Richard, you, and Edyzmedieval have to say.

    Thanks, guys.
    In those simple times there was a great wonder and mystery in life. Man walked in fear and solemnity, with Heaven very close above his head, and Hell below his very feet. God's visible hand was everywhere, in the rainbow and the comet, in the thunder and the wind. The Devil too raged openly upon the earth; he skulked behind the hedge-rows in the gloaming; he laughed loudly in the night-time; he clawed the dying sinner, pounced on the unbaptized babe, and twisted the limbs of the epileptic. A foul fiend slunk ever by a man's side and whispered villainies in his ear, while above him there hovered an angel of grace . . .

    Arthur Conan Doyle


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