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Thread: Representative Democracy [Concluded]

  1. #1
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Representative Democracy [Concluded]

    Welcome all. This is a small game for 21 players, with a twist in the voting mechanics.

    Violating the rules in red can cause you to be modkilled or lose the game or both. Host's judgment what happens.

    Game rules:

    • You may not talk after death. There will be a dead quicktopic if you want to talk.
    • Don't quote anything I say to you. Paraphrasing is fine.
    • No screenshots or any similar workarounds that allow someone to confirm your role.
    • Do not discuss when you received your role PM.
    • You may NOT talk to players outside the thread, unless I say so.
    • Please do not post in the game thread during Night Phase.
    • Don't edit posts. If you edit out game-related content in particular, it may result in a modkill.
    • Post minimum is twice per day phase, and you must place a legal vote each round. If you don't, there may be dire consequences.
    • Alignment and role will be revealed upon death.
    • 48 hour days and 24 hour night phases, except where indicated (holidays).
    • If you are replaced or modkilled, please do not post in the thread.
    • For votes that end in a tie it will be decided by the Chancellor.
    • No lynch is not a viable option and will be counted as not voting.
    • Abstain is not a viable vote and will be counted as not voting.
    • If you have a question, send it to me via PM, otherwise I may not answer it publicly or at all.

    Vote Mechanics: Read this, it is important.

    • You may be required to vote for someone to represent your district. To place such a vote, do so in bold and blue, like so... Vote: seireikhaan
    • You may end up voting for someone to become Chancellor. To place such a vote, do so in bold and green, like so... Vote: Andres
    • You must vote for someone to be lynched. To place such a vote, do so in bold and red, like so... Vote: Sigurd
    • If you wish to unvote any of these things, type unvote and place it in bold and the color in question, such as red.
    • Some rounds will not include an election of Chancellor.
    • Unless you are a duly elected Representative of a District, your lynch vote will not be counted. You still might want to have your vote on record, in case you suddenly got elected to represent your district. Also to avoid dire consequences.
    • If you are the Chancellor, you may be asked to break a tie. You will have 24 hours to send me your verdict, otherwise I kill you. Ties are bad, mmkay.
    • If you are the Chancellor, you may be asked to redraw the districts. You will have 24 hours to redraw them, otherwise something bad may happen.

    If you need to see the vote tags and colors, they look like this.

    [COLOR=Blue][B]Vote: Name[/B][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Green][B]Vote: Name[/B][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Red][B]Vote: Name[/B][/COLOR]

    Vanilla Town Role PM:
    Reminder: Do not quote your role PM. See the rules in red. This is to give the mafia a general idea what a town role PM would look like in a paraphrasing context.
    Quote Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
    You are a vanilla townie. You have no special powers other than your vote.

    Victory condition: All the members of the Mafia team are eliminated.
    Mafia victory condition:
    You must achieve parity against the Town faction. Once parity is reached, nothing and no one can stop your victory.

    Round End time:
    Rounds will end at 8:30 PM local time in Norway, which is currently UTC+1. Eastern time in the United States is -6 hours from that time, so 2:30PM Eastern time, USA. Votes placed at :30 minute mark are valid, votes placed at :31 minute mark are invalid, and posts must stop after that. If the game host is late for whatever reason, please be patient and don't wait up to see the results. I will try to avoid ever being late.

    Lynch reveal:
    It may take me several minutes to tally the results and do the reveal. If there's a need for a tie-breaker, I'll ship it to the Chancellor and everyone else can sit and cool their jets for a day, unless they have been kind enough to tell me their decision already.

    Representative Mechanics and Sample Game:

    Read this summary and/or click through to read the sample game and see how it will work. If confused, send me a PM with a question.
    Quote Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy View Post
    Representative Democracy!!!

    The players will be randomized into an odd number of districts.
    Each district will elect a representative, and only that representative will actually vote in a manner that matters when it comes to the lynch.
    The rule for districts is that the largest-sized district cannot have two or more people more than the smallest-sized district, so all districts will be of the same approximate size, off by a maximum of 1 person.
    As people die off, the districts may need to be re-drawn.
    At game start, there will be a special election for "Chancellor-for-life".
    Only the Chancellor can re-draw districts.
    If the Chancellor dies, a special election for the new Chancellor will happen.
    Whenever the size difference between districts becomes 2 or more, the Chancellor will decide who goes in what district.
    Districts have a minimum size of 3 people.
    Districts can be as large as you like, but there must always be 3 or more districts, and there must always be an odd-number of districts.
    District voting ends when there are 8 players or fewer, because at that point, there would be either one district, or an even number of districts, or districts would end up with 2 people or 1 person.
    If the voters in a district tie, they will not have a representative that round.
    If the district representatives' lynch vote ends in a tie, the Chancellor decides between the tied candidates, and someone will be lynched anyway.

    It is Night. Don't post at night.


  2. #2
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 01-01-2017 at 20:25.

  3. #3
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Live players and reveals

    Winston Hughes

    Choxorn- Mafia Goon, died D1
    Sooh- Town watcher, died N1
    Generalhankerchief- Vanilla town, died D2
    dp101- Vanilla town, died N2
    El Barto- Mafia Goon, died D3
    Renata- Vanilla town, died N3
    Cuthillius- Vanilla town, died N3
    Al Sipsclar- Vanilla town, died D4
    Cass_- Vanilla town, died N4
    BSmith- N3 town vigilante, died N4
    Jabbz- Vanilla town, died N4
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 01-01-2017 at 20:05.

  4. #4
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Randomized districts for Day One:


    1. Schema
    2. Cuthillius
    3. Renata
    4. Choxorn
    5. Dp101
    6. Jabbz
    7. dicetosser1


    1. Winston Hughes
    2. BSmith
    3. Visor
    4. Csargo
    5. Riedquat
    6. El Barto
    7. Monstrbro


    1. Montmorency
    2. Al Sipsclar
    3. Sooh
    4. Cass_
    5. GeneralHankerchief
    6. Zack
    7. atheotes


    • You WILL be voting to elect a Representative today, whose lynch vote will be counted. Bold and Blue, Vote: Name
    • You WILL be voting to elect a Chancellor today. Bold and Green, Vote: Name
    • You ALWAYS must place a vote to Lynch someone. Bold and Red, Vote: Name
    • Voting ends 48 hours from Day Start.

    Unvoting is bold plus the associated color, plus Unvote.
    Abstain and No Lynch are not valid.
    If you need to find the vote tags so you can copy and paste them, they're in the original post in noparse tags.

    It is still Night, do not post.

  5. #5
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    OK we should be all set to begin.

    @El Barto
    @Al Sipsclar
    @Winston Hughes


    Remember to be friendly to one another, don't get personal.
    It's just a guessing game on the internets with friends or soon-to-be-friends.
    If you annoy the impartial game host enough with uncivil behavior I may boot you from play.
    Round ends at 2:30 PM Eastern Time USA, UTC -5, Monday the 19th of December.
    You have 48 hours to meet vote and participation requirements.
    Votes at :30 are legal, votes at :31 are not counted.
    It is 8:30 PM local time in Norway, UTC +1.
    Reading the OP and rules is a great idea.


  6. #6
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    ~~~An Appreciation of One of Our Betters~~~

    Friends, Orgahs, fellow countrymen. I stand before you all today with the intent to extol the many virtues of one of our number. You may be surprised by whom I about to speak of, but the reason for my doing so is simple: Among his many admirable qualities, his humility perhaps shines most gloriously of them all. Thus the task falls upon me to wax poetic about the man who deserves all of the accolades we can think of. I speak, of course, about Zack.

    If you're not familiar with Zack, perhaps you might know him by one of his alter egos. Zaccino, ZackCFC, he even briefly went as Zackbeard in a very successful tenure aboard the legendary vessel Presence where, of course, he was immediately named Captain and steered the ship home and presided over the smallest loss of life in all three of the ship's great voyages. His gold total accumulated from that expedition still singlehandedly pays for the satisfaction - and pleasure! - of many a night worker in Nassau even today, and his name still rightly strikes fear in the heart of many a Frenchman.

    He is a decorated and exemplary host, welding together many universes in his famous None Shall Pass series with the raw power of an overclocked jackhammer yet also the fine precision of a razor for ants. In terms of hosting games set in an established universe - which I notoriously despise - there is perhaps no finer and more talented figure at this than Zack. His Futurama game aptly demonstrates his skill at this always-difficult task.

    Zack's skill as a player is also, of course, unmatched. Truly Visor's better half, Zack has weaved through the myriad of thankless roles he has been assigned over the years, always cutting the most dashing figure on the dance floor that is our lives. He also made the finals of the annual Mafia Championships a year before such noted competitors as GeneralHankerchief, Apoc, and Newcomb, and did better than Askthepizzaguy, who could only muster up a N1 death while Zack, as part of the winning mafia team, gentlemanly subbed out on D2 in order to give the doomed town at least a fighting chance.

    Yes, truly Zack is a shining example and role model to all of us on all possible fronts that you can think of. While I, GeneralHankerchief, may have been around the longest, while Sasaki Kojiro was the most influential of us in the early days, while Askthepizzaguy may have more posts, and while seireikhaan may be my best internet friend (and occasional secret dalliance partner), there is one person who shines above them - and us - all. I speak of the one and only...








    The one...
    The only...

    The great...


    Long may he grace us with his presence!
    "I'm going to die anyway, and therefore have nothing more to do except deliberately annoy Lemur." -Orb, in the chat
    "Lemur. Even if he's innocent, he's a pain; so kill him." -Ignoramus
    "I'm going to need to collect all of the rants about the guilty lemur, and put them in a pretty box with ponies and pink bows. Then I'm going to sprinkle sparkly magic dust on the box, and kiss it." -Lemur
    Mafia: Promoting peace and love since June 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

    Members thankful for this post (2):


  7. #7
    Member Member Sooh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Say no more. I'm convinced.

    Vote: Zack

  8. #8
    Member Member Sooh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Wait, was the the wrong color?

  9. #9
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Sooh View Post
    Wait, was the the wrong color?
    Probably not. I'm personally all in favor of allowing the scum to lead us though. That's how these games usually go. vote: Zack

    For my local district, it must of course be the only person in the group I've played with before, excepting choxorn, who should be immediately disqualified for obvious reasons. The one, the only, vote:Dp101!

    vote: El Barto can die.

  10. #10
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Oops. vote: El Barto

  11. #11
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    GeneralH, that was most delicious.

  12. #12
    Facilitating Understanding Member Dp101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Thanks for your confidence Renata. Voting on mobile with all the tags is horrible this game, so I will probably not vote anytime soon. Also GH that was lovely.

  13. #13
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralHankerchief View Post
    ~~~An Appreciation of One of Our Betters~~~

    Friends, Orgahs, fellow countrymen. I stand before you all today with the intent to extol the many virtues of one of our number. You may be surprised by whom I about to speak of, but the reason for my doing so is simple: Among his many admirable qualities, his humility perhaps shines most gloriously of them all. Thus the task falls upon me to wax poetic about the man who deserves all of the accolades we can think of. I speak, of course, about Zack.

    If you're not familiar with Zack, perhaps you might know him by one of his alter egos. Zaccino, ZackCFC, he even briefly went as Zackbeard in a very successful tenure aboard the legendary vessel Presence where, of course, he was immediately named Captain and steered the ship home and presided over the smallest loss of life in all three of the ship's great voyages. His gold total accumulated from that expedition still singlehandedly pays for the satisfaction - and pleasure! - of many a night worker in Nassau even today, and his name still rightly strikes fear in the heart of many a Frenchman.

    He is a decorated and exemplary host, welding together many universes in his famous None Shall Pass series with the raw power of an overclocked jackhammer yet also the fine precision of a razor for ants. In terms of hosting games set in an established universe - which I notoriously despise - there is perhaps no finer and more talented figure at this than Zack. His Futurama game aptly demonstrates his skill at this always-difficult task.

    Zack's skill as a player is also, of course, unmatched. Truly Visor's better half, Zack has weaved through the myriad of thankless roles he has been assigned over the years, always cutting the most dashing figure on the dance floor that is our lives. He also made the finals of the annual Mafia Championships a year before such noted competitors as GeneralHankerchief, Apoc, and Newcomb, and did better than Askthepizzaguy, who could only muster up a N1 death while Zack, as part of the winning mafia team, gentlemanly subbed out on D2 in order to give the doomed town at least a fighting chance.

    Yes, truly Zack is a shining example and role model to all of us on all possible fronts that you can think of. While I, GeneralHankerchief, may have been around the longest, while Sasaki Kojiro was the most influential of us in the early days, while Askthepizzaguy may have more posts, and while seireikhaan may be my best internet friend (and occasional secret dalliance partner), there is one person who shines above them - and us - all. I speak of the one and only...








    The one...
    The only...

    The great...


    Long may he grace us with his presence!

  14. #14
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    I should probably read the rules.

  15. #15
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    All of that aside, Zack has shown to be a pretty damn effective town leader in the past, so I'd legitimately be fine with him becoming Chancellor to start the game. Naturally, I'd be happy to serve as his underling.

    Vote: Zack

    Vote: GH
    "I'm going to die anyway, and therefore have nothing more to do except deliberately annoy Lemur." -Orb, in the chat
    "Lemur. Even if he's innocent, he's a pain; so kill him." -Ignoramus
    "I'm going to need to collect all of the rants about the guilty lemur, and put them in a pretty box with ponies and pink bows. Then I'm going to sprinkle sparkly magic dust on the box, and kiss it." -Lemur
    Mafia: Promoting peace and love since June 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  16. #16
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralHankerchief View Post
    All of that aside, Zack has shown to be a pretty damn effective town leader in the past, so I'd legitimately be fine with him becoming Chancellor to start the game. Naturally, I'd be happy to serve as his underling.

    Vote: Zack

    Vote: GH
    How on earth does "#blue" translate to that color???

    Unvote: GH
    "I'm going to die anyway, and therefore have nothing more to do except deliberately annoy Lemur." -Orb, in the chat
    "Lemur. Even if he's innocent, he's a pain; so kill him." -Ignoramus
    "I'm going to need to collect all of the rants about the guilty lemur, and put them in a pretty box with ponies and pink bows. Then I'm going to sprinkle sparkly magic dust on the box, and kiss it." -Lemur
    Mafia: Promoting peace and love since June 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  17. #17
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Vote: GH

    Should probably preview my posts before actually posting them.
    "I'm going to die anyway, and therefore have nothing more to do except deliberately annoy Lemur." -Orb, in the chat
    "Lemur. Even if he's innocent, he's a pain; so kill him." -Ignoramus
    "I'm going to need to collect all of the rants about the guilty lemur, and put them in a pretty box with ponies and pink bows. Then I'm going to sprinkle sparkly magic dust on the box, and kiss it." -Lemur
    Mafia: Promoting peace and love since June 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  18. #18
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Vote: Zack
    Vote: Zack

  19. #19
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Those in District 1 and 2 should post their resumes. I want good underlings.

    In the dastardly circumstance where I do not become Chancellor, I'd want to at least represent District 3. Failing such nonsense, I officially endorse GeneralHankerchief on my ticket.

  20. #20
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Sooh View Post
    Wait, was the the wrong color?
    Yes. Use green.

  21. #21
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Also, this is not included in Pizza's list of rules, but I am adding this on my own initiative as moderator:

    Real-world political discussion is strictly prohibited. You may lightly reference politics for flavor and roleplaying purposes (i.e. "let's vote this person and make the Gameroom great again"), but anything more than that, particularly editorializing, will not be tolerated.

    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
    "I'm going to die anyway, and therefore have nothing more to do except deliberately annoy Lemur." -Orb, in the chat
    "Lemur. Even if he's innocent, he's a pain; so kill him." -Ignoramus
    "I'm going to need to collect all of the rants about the guilty lemur, and put them in a pretty box with ponies and pink bows. Then I'm going to sprinkle sparkly magic dust on the box, and kiss it." -Lemur
    Mafia: Promoting peace and love since June 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  22. #22
    Facilitating Understanding Member Dp101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Zack, how would you draw the districts if you are elected?

  23. #23
    Member Member Sooh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Zack View Post
    Yes. Use green.

    Vote: Sooh

  24. #24
    Member Member Sooh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy [In Play]

    Oh yeah! That works!

  25. #25
    <Insert Joke Here> Member Choxorn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    My fellow Earthicans! Today, we face many crises, from the alcohol-guzzling robots worsening global warming, to the threat of invasion from the Omicron Persei Eightians, to that ominous looking rip in the universe, to time travel paradoxes. Only one man is qualified to lead us against these struggles. I present to you: The Mighty and Fabulously Sexy Zaccino!

    Vote: Zack

  26. #26
    Member Member Sooh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Omg what is this Zack parade!?



  27. #27
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    We're all a bunch of lemmings. Don't worry, it's better that way.

  28. #28
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Dp101 View Post
    Zack, how would you draw the districts if you are elected?

  29. #29
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Representative Democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Sooh View Post
    Omg what is this Zack parade!?


    You're perfectly welcome to put up an alternative choice and advocate for him/her. This is a democracy, after all.
    "I'm going to die anyway, and therefore have nothing more to do except deliberately annoy Lemur." -Orb, in the chat
    "Lemur. Even if he's innocent, he's a pain; so kill him." -Ignoramus
    "I'm going to need to collect all of the rants about the guilty lemur, and put them in a pretty box with ponies and pink bows. Then I'm going to sprinkle sparkly magic dust on the box, and kiss it." -Lemur
    Mafia: Promoting peace and love since June 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Representative Democracy


    Vote: Zack

    Vote: GH

    But who steps up when they die?

    Who steps up when they need to die?
    Vitiate Man.

    History repeats the old conceits
    The glib replies, the same defeats

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

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