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Thread: The Art of Diplomacy and War

  1. #1
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default The Art of Diplomacy and War

    So finally here we are:

    This is a multiple players alternate history, where the decisions are made primarily by posting here, but also to some extent by PM. The first turn the players will also need to do research about their factions, if needed with each others' assistance. The outcome of actions is decided at the end of each chapter/turn. Rules and more details about the system is listed at the bottom of this post.


    The year is 1603. After the defeat of the Armada and the de facto independence of the Netherlands, Spain is no longer the major power in Europe. England has through diplomacy and warfare successfully prevented many invasions and with it's colonies and fleet become a power of considerable importance after a century of internal problems. The newly independent Netherlands have developed very effective trade and is a flourishing nation with an untraditional power structure, open-mindedness to trade and an effective fleet, but with limited offensive capabilities. The Holy roman empire is comparatively stable, even though many external threats are in the process of building up. Russia has gone from being a number of smaller principalities occupied by mongols to, under the leadership of Muscovy, become a large empire intent on expanding further west. The Ottoman empire might be expanding well inland, but their naval domination has been limited since the battle of Lepanto many decades earlier.

    It is a time when many nations are about equal in power, but also a time of instability where the strategies of the leaders could have huge consequences and make one nation insignificant, while another becomes an empire.

    Map of 1600 AD:

    Tasks for this turn:

    1. first choose a faction to play as (England, France, HRE, Poland, Spain, Sweden). After choosing faction, make a post in this thread to reserve that faction. The first who posts that he wants a certain faction gets that faction.

    2. make some research about your faction. This information will be available to all players, and is later to be used to plan your strategies. The knowledge about what happened after 1603 is supposed to be used to better understand the present situation in 1603, not to be abused as hindsight - I'll deliberately lay out the story in a way that prevents hindsight that couldn't have been known at the time from having any effect (after the first chapters it'll become clear what I mean by this). Things to research:
    a. name of your leader, and of the living heirs of your leader
    b. your current alliances in 1603. Look at which alliances were broken in the coming 50 years and why, to try and find information about the nature and strength of the alliances at this time
    c. current pacts/leagues (with pact I mean a bunch of nations all in alliance with each others, the pacts must also be public whereas alliances can be of a more secret character)
    d. current wars that your nation is engaged in
    e. regions that historically rebelled against your nation during the period 1603 to around 1648, and why. Did any of the rebellions happen at critical times during wars with outside nations, or did the rebellions for other reasons have greater effect than their military strength alone would imply?
    f. a list of the major military campaigns, crucial economical conflicts and other major events during the period 1603 to around 1648 for your nation
    g. in 1603, how is your army organized? how many men are available through conscription? how many men constitute a standing army? what equipment and training have they got? how is the quality of the artillery? and how did these things change in the coming 50 years?
    h. how well is your nation doing economically? are you in debt or is the economy flourishing? which are the key strategic locations that gives you income? tax, trade routes/tolls, farming or industries? How many people live in your realm?
    i. which countries are your major trading partners at this time and what products do they buy/sell from/to you?
    j. how centralized is rule? what is your role as leader? military defender of your people? reformer? if your rule isn't centralized, is local unhappiness most directed towards you or the local rulers?
    k. what is your leader's religion? what is the stance of different religions in your nation - acceptance, tolerance, non-tolerance or persecution?
    l. what's the social situation for farmers, workers etc.? are they in a position to rebel over their social situations?
    m. are there any provinces of your nation that are eager to break off and form an own country? i.e. Portugal for Spain etc.


    Here the players commanding the nations will be listed for reference when during play you need to contact them by PM for diplomatic deals.

    England - Fisherking
    France - Swordsmaster
    HRE and Austria - Arjos
    Spain - Prince Cobra
    Netherlands - El Barto

    Poland - Free (formally Csargo)
    Sweden - Free (Formally autolycos)


    - Your objectives: the objective is to achieve as much as possible in all these fields: conquest of provinces, conquest of strategic positions, strengthening the economy and controlling trade, having an appearance of strength and determination to outside threats by successfully defending and counter-attacking aggressors, have a good diplomatic rumor, and help spread whatever religion you choose. All these factors will be added together and the factions which achieved most in all these aspects will be winners by the end of the game.

    - First turn - in the prologue turn you'll not make any decisions but only do research about your faction.

    - How to play - every turn, I'll list questions about the most relevant matters for the player to decide about. However, each turn it's also possible to decide about things that aren't listed under that turn. Examples of things that you can decide are listed here for reference during the game:
    * thing made publicly in this thread:
    a. declaring war
    b. hiring mercenaries
    c. propaganda - if your nation wants to use propaganda actions it's posted as a public proclamation in the public thread. This can also be a general call for, say "the Catholic cause" etc. but also actions for your own population. Normal actions that aren't explicit propaganda can also have propaganda effects.
    d. choosing stance on religion, and the leader's religion - this will affect relations with the pope, relations with other countries, relations with local rulers etc.
    * things made by sending a PM to me that turn (sometimes this information risks to leak out to the public forum):
    e. reorganizing your army - this is made by PM, but info will leak out
    f. diplomatic discussions - it'll always leak out that a meeting has taken place, but very seldom what was said during the meeting, unless the two parts wish to make an official proclamation as result of the meeting. Because some of the diplomatic correspondence can leak out, try to make the PMs with historical phrasing, and it's also a good reason to, even if you're planning on backstabbing, not expressing such things too explicitly in the PMs... The diplomatic discussion in a turn may only be carried out as a series of max 3 PMs, i.e. 1. offer, 2. counter-offer/accept/decline, 3. accept/decline/counter-offer to consider for next turn/suggest discussions continue next turn. The reason for this rule is to make the discussion fast enough to not delay chapters, but also to simulate some of the difficulties of diplomatic discussion and not make the diplomacy an overly effective tool. The PMs from the correspondence should be sent to me by PM each turn so I know which deals took place so I can determine the outcome of the turn.
    g. choosing where to launch offensives and which tactics and key targets to use - you're allowed make very complex strategies with conditional plans and diversions etc. Just remember it must be logistically feasible within the length of the chapter. Also remember that pushing soldiers too hard can result in undisciplined behavior, mutiny and desertion etc.
    h. starting war without formal declaration
    i. determining what to do about rebels - you decide which and how many troops, what tactics they are to use etc. I'll ask more specific questions and give the suitable player options for how to act when a rebellion takes place
    j. choosing whether to use your own leader in combat - using the leader in combat can boost morale, but also keeps him away from home which may be tempting to some rebels, and it also puts him at the risk of dying in action. If the leader has gone to the front, the other nations will know it before long through hints in the public thread (this thread).
    * other decisions:
    k. you can decide about almost anything you can think of that isn't very historically unlikely, say send away mercenaries without pay, choose whether to kill prisoners of war or not, etc. etc. Those decisions can be sent to me by PM. Bear in mind that every character affected by your decisions has some form of power which he can use against you.
    Last edited by Franconicus; 06-02-2017 at 09:15.

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  2. #2
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I would like to pick France. If that is ok. I will start researching about this realm.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

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  3. #3
    Masked Man Member autolycus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I will be SWEDEN! I've started research, and will publish information this evening or tomorrow night.
    My game on Civfanatics could use a few more!: MNOTW XVII: The Cursed Blade!

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I'll take England please and begin research.
    Last edited by Fisherking; 03-08-2017 at 12:35.

    Education: that which reveals to the wise,
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    the vast limits of their knowledge.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Senior Member Yeti Sports 1.5 Champion, Snowboard Slalom Champion, Monkey Jump Champion, Mosquito Kill Champion Csargo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I'll take Poland.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sooh View Post
    I wonder if I can make Csargo cry harder by doing everyone but his ISO.

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  6. #6
    Masked Man Member autolycus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Swedish Research (I'll keep coming back and editing this as I learn more):
    Current leader: Charles IX. Technically regent until 1604 (Then proclaimed king)
    Living heirs: 1. Gustavus Adolphus (b. 1594) Eldest son
    2. Charles Philip (b. 1601). Other living son
    3. Catherine (b.1584) eldest daughter
    4. Maria Elizabeth (b. 1596) other living daughter
    Other potential claimants: Sigismund of Poland, recently deposed King of Sweden (Charles' nephew)
    John, Duke of Ostergotland (b.1590) formally renounces his succession rights in 1604

    Alliances: None in 1603, but will fight on the Protestant/French side in the 30 years war
    Wars: At war with Poland-Lithuania over both the Swedish crown and control of the provinces of Estonia and Livonia. Continues until 1629 with a few breaks
    Upcoming wars: Kalmar War (1611-1613( with Denmark-Norway over tolls for naval traffic. Won by the Danes, resulting in major costs
    Ingrian War with Russia(1610-1617): Attempt to put a Swede (Charles Philip) on the throne of Russia. Gain the provinces of Ingria and Karelia, but Michael Romanov stays on the throne

    Religion: Lutheran. Adamantly so, as we just deposed a Catholic and disinherited all Catholics!
    Dissident regions: Finland's Governor-General supported Sigismund before his death in 1597, but no major uprisings since 1580 (and that was probably not directed at secession but rather changing the leadership of all of Sweden), and none historically for several centuries

    Military: Infantry conscripted, Cavalry incentivized volunteers. Conscription and army reorganized on Provincial lines with the next decade. Approximately 17k in army. In 1604, relatively untrained and underteched, primary experience from border skirmishes with Denmark and Russia. Over the course of the 1620s, rapid modernization and training on a "combined forces" model, with shot, artillery and pikes/cavalry working in concert for devastating effect. Size of army rapidly grew as well (83k in 1631), but majority mercenaries around a corner of native Swedes. This includes the introduction of the "regimental gun" a 3 pounder, which was one of the first examples of artillery that was used in a mobile fashion during combat.

    Economy: Poor, primary resources wood, iron, copper, fish and other commodities additional sources of funds: customs tolls levied on Baltic trading ports and raiding. Went into deep debt to the Dutch in paying the fees from the Kalmar war.

    Social Status of farmers, etc. Very poor, but no tradition of feudal system or serfdom. Represented as one of the Estates in the Diet, but often ignored. The Diet gained some power over this time, but power and governance mostly remained centralized in the king.
    Last edited by autolycus; 03-09-2017 at 02:31.
    My game on Civfanatics could use a few more!: MNOTW XVII: The Cursed Blade!

  7. #7
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I'll be the HRE/Austria, by the evening I'll have the research done ;)


    - Leader: Rudolf II, several illegitimate children (Julius, Karl, Charlotte, Matthias, Anna Dorothea, Dorothea), alive brothers (Matthias, Maximilian III, Albert VII), alive first cousins (Ferdinand II, Maximilian Ernest, Leopold V, Charles II).

    - Allies: Spain, very strong, ruled by a branch of the same house.

    Duchy of Modena and Reggio (Cesare d'Este), strong, supported his claim during a succession war. Duchy of Mantua (Vincenzo Gonzaga), strong, dynastic ties. Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (Sigismund III Vasa), strong, desire by Sigismund to centralise power.

    Wallachia (Radu Șerban), Moldavia (Ieremia Movilă), Zaporizhian Bazavluk Sich (Ivan Kosyi), Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Ferdinando I), Duchy of Savoy (Carlo Emanuele I), Republic of Ragusa (Marin Tudišević), Papal States (Clement VIII) and Serbian Hajduk due to common league against the Ottoman Turks.

    - Pacts/Leagues: Holy Alliance against the Turks.

    - Current Wars: Long Turkish War, mainly over the possession of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia.

    - Rebellions: Bocskai Uprising in 1604-1606 due to Rudolf II accusing Hungarian nobles of treason and war weariness.

    Habsburg "succession crisis", not a rebellion per se, but the Habsburg house was not pleased with Rudolf's tolerance and when later Rudolf fell ill his brother Matthias was made head of the house and the latter used a personal army to force Rudolf to yield the rule of more and more territories from 1608 until 1611, when he effectively became ruler in all but name. Matthias was also looking to strengthen the empire by tolerance, but without heirs he was eventually forced to nominate the later Ferdinand II as successor, backed by the other brother Maximillian, leading the inflexible Catholic faction within the family. This led to the following.

    Bohemian Revolt in 1618, following the defenestration, it was the first of the religious rebellions, which started to spread across Europe, due to the policies of the intransigent Ferdinand II, who panicked and called for international support, eventually bringing the intervention of other powers, losing any religious ideals as the cause of the conflicts (since the revolts were generally dealt with and never expanded beyond their local areas), escalating as the Thirty Years War.

    - Major Campaigns: Long Turkish War (29 July 1593 – 11 November 1606), within of course was also the Bocskai uprising.

    War of the Jülich Succession (10 June 1609 – 24 October 1610 and May 1614 – 13 October 1614).

    Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648), with also its peripheral conflicts like the Bohemian Revolt (1618 - 1620) and the War of the Mantuan Succession (1628 - 1631).

    - Army: the imperial army was attached to the person of the emperor, who could raise troops directly only in imperial cities and his personal domain. This was structured in regiments, between 1,200 and 2,000 men each, costing every year 260,000 florins for infantry, 450,000 florins for cavalry and 600,000 florins for artillery. It is difficult to determine the size of the Habsburg standing army, since the concept pretty much took off with the Thirty Years War, but for example in 1601 35,000 men and 40 cannons were mustered. While later Ferdinand II agreed to raise 20,000 infantry and 6,000 cavalry under Wallenstein. By 1628 the imperial army numbered 110,000 men, a fifth being cavalry.

    The electoral states were largely autonomous and it was the Imperial Diet that could muster the army of the Holy Roman Empire, whose contingents had been fixed at around 20,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry. This was called a Simplum, and its upkeep stood at 10 florins for cavalrymen and at 8 florins for infantrymen. During wars the number could be doubled or tripled, in theory even more, by calling extra contingents (the Duplum and Triplum). Indeed by 1681 the Simplum consisted of 28,000 infantry, 2,000 dragoons and 10,000 cavalry. Nevertheless this force due to political differences could hardly be called upon, especially because the nobles and the clergy were reluctant in parting with their workforce.

    - Economy: Europe was slowly experiencing the transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to a monetary and market economy. Indeed all the conflicts of the time required money to pay for the soldiers and the control over taxation became vital. The Habsburg Empire had a populous and productive manufacturing center in Bohemia, complemented by textile and iron industries in Upper Austria and Styria. While the Hungarian plain, the Archduchies and Silesia provided a firm agricultural base. Moreover the resources from mountainous territories made the Habsburgs one of Europe's foremost producers of key minerals. However the regional economies tended to operate independently and were not yet integrated in a single economic policy, but this was mainly due to the political administration of the empire.

    Issues were the shift of trading routes towards the Atlantic, influx of American gold and silver, plus the increased Swedish extraction of copper and iron. Together with the war weariness in Hungary and the constant Turkish raids. Overall the economy in the previous century had focused on commodity production, ignoring investments in the manufacturing, as a result, when the downturn in Europe at the start of the 17th century brought a decline of 50% in grain and livestock prices, the economy of the empire lost a good chunk of its income, this being felt particularly in Hungary. To contrast this the noble landowners strove to maximize productivity, increasing the number of days the serfs had to work for them and by starting small cottage textile industries. The lords also imposed that the peasants use mills, breweries and other facilities within their own domains, so that they could buy the products at lower rates and then export them through their own agents at the market price. They could also force their peasants to make purchases in their own towns, causing the imperial free towns to also lose business. Indeed the imperial free towns were losing the favour of the emperor and in Austria and Hungary all together came to have just a single vote in the Diet, while the magnates were gaining individual representation.

    - Trading Partners: productive areas mostly focused on trading the the German states, but also overall trading with English and Dutch middlemen.

    - Centralisation: although having to deal with the framework in place within the empire, the figure of the emperor was quite strong. Generally uncontested, however the emperor relied on the cooperation with the electoral princes and the Spanish Habsburg House to preserve prominence. Troubles arose with emperors like Ferdinand II, whose pro-Catholic position made it impossible to keep friendly terms with most princes. Also the choice by Rudolf II and Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria, to reestablish Catholicism in 1607 and the later decision by the Imperial Diet in 1608 to restore catholic land as it was at the time of the Peace of Augsburg caused the establishment of the Protestant Union (internally split between Lutheranism and Calvinism), which was answered by the formation of the Catholic League.

    - Religion: in theory Rudolf II was a Roman Catholic, being also forcefully raised at the Spanish court, but he was very tolerant and held more occult and scientific interests. He rejected a lot of aspects of the Catholic life and supported different political lines, when it comes to religious matters, depending on his needs.

    - Social Status of Farmers and Workers: as noted here there was a patchwork of serfs and freemen, but with little representation. Overall without a prince taking their side, the commoners really couldn't do anything.

    - Possible Break-off Regions: not really any in particular at this time. In the eastern territories it was more of a matter of whose side provided more benefits to the local nobility between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans. While Protestant territories became rebellious with the change in policies by Matthias and the ascension of Ferdinand II.
    Last edited by Arjos; 03-08-2017 at 11:18.

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  8. #8
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Welcome autolycus! Good to have you in the game

    divitorobert is still missing. Maybe one or two other jump on, too.
    Please try to gather your information until end of the week. Obviously it is very important to have an idea abut your forces, your economy. Also a statement about your religious intentions would be nice (does not have to be the historical one, of course).

    By the way, maybe this helps you a bit:

    Population in 1600:

    Kingdom 8 mio
    Naples: 2 mio
    Portugal: 2 mio
    Spanish Netherlands: 2 mio
    Sicily: 1.8 mio

    France: 20 mio

    HRE: 20 mio (Habsburg: 5.5)

    Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth: 8 mio

    England: 4 mio
    Ireland: 1.2 mio
    Wales: 0.25 mio
    Scotland 0.8 mio

    Sweden: 1.3 mio

    Russia: 14 mio
    Dutch: 1.5 mio
    Denmark: 1 mio
    Last edited by Franconicus; 03-07-2017 at 18:45.

  9. #9
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Kingdom of France

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	370px-Grand_Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_France_&_Navarre.svg.png 
Views:	471 
Size:	237.2 KB 
ID:	19526

    King: Henry IV of France (13 December 1553

    Heir: Louis (born 1601)

    Other issue: Elisabeth (born 1602)

    César de Bourbon (born 1594), Catherine Henriette de Bourbon (born 1596)

    Foreign relations:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Kingdom of Spain, Peace of Vervins 1598, Spain recognise´s Henry as King of France.Peace is made between the two Kingdoms.
    Duchy of Savoy, Treaty of Lyon 1601, France releases Saluzzo to Savoy and Savoy gives up areas West of Rhone to France.
    Franco- Ottoman alliance, last confirmed in 1601 by embassy of Mehmed III
    England, good relations. Fought together against Spanish during French wars of Religion.
    Scotland, good relations.
    Fought together against Spanish during French wars of Religion.
    Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Henri is married to Maria medici.

    Conflicts during the era:'_War

    Population of France:

    20,000,000 people


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    After 1597, France economic situation improved and agricultural production was aided by milder weather. Henry IV, with his minister Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully, adopted monetary reforms. These included better coinage, a return to the livre tournois as an account money, reduction of the debt, which was 200 million livres in 1596, and a reduction of the tax burden on peasants. Henry IV attacked abuses, embarked on a comprehensive administrative reform, increased charges for official offices, the "paulette", repurchased alienated royal lands, improved roads and the funded the construction of canals, and planted the seed of a state-supervised mercantile philosophy. Under Henry IV, agricultural reforms, largely started by Olivier de Serres were instituted.

    Rural society:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ]n the 17th century rich peasants who had ties to the market economy provided much of the capital investment necessary or agricultural growth, and frequently moved from village to village (or town). Geographic mobility, directly tied to the market and the need for investment capital, was the main path to social mobility. The "stable" core of French society, town guildspeople and village laboureurs, included cases of staggering social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal. Accepting the existence of these two societies, the constant tension between them, and extensive geographic and social mobility tied to a market economy holds the key to a clearer understanding of the evolution of the social structure, economy, and even political system of early modern France


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    To be continued...
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  10. #10
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Thanks Franc! Would the next countries playable be Russia, Netherlands and Ottomans?
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  11. #11
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Quote Originally Posted by Franconicus View Post
    divitorobert is still missing. Maybe one or two other jump on, too.
    You might want to tag him - he was last online an hour ago (so he's still around) but hasn't viewed either this thread or the previous one.

    /mod advice
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    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Monarch: James I of England/ James VI of Scotland

    Heirs: Henry 9, Elizabeth 7, and Charles 3

    Alliances: France and Netherlands.

    Pacts, etc: Russia, Sweden, various German States and trade agreements with the Ottoman Empire.

    Wars: Spain, though mostly a cold war most recent fighting in Ireland 1602. Rebellion in Ireland (9 years war) is nearly at an end.

    Ireland has been the most rebellious region for the Crown, though James is cautious of Scottish Lords.

    Major Military Actions: Anglo-Spanish War 1625-1630
    Anglo-French War 1627- 1629
    Bishops’ Wars of 1639 & 1640
    Portuguese Restoration War 1640- 1668
    Irish Confederate Wars 1641- 1653
    English Civil War 1642- 1651

    Military Organisation: There are two standing Corps of military; The Yeomen of the Guard and the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. Additionally there are independent garrisons in major towns and cities of importance. The means of raising armies is still on the feudal concept of levies from fiefs and the yeomanry. At start there are 17,000 troops in Ireland. There is the government position of Lord of the Admiralty governing naval forces. Most naval forces are privateers and impressed transports at this time. For information on artillery development : The Royal Arsenals of England and Scotland produced Artillery as well as small arms, produced at Conwy.

    Economy: The private economy is flourishing. However, the Crown is in debt due to the 9 years war. There are a number of private corporations in partnership with the Crown for trade in the far east, North Africa, and trading interests with North America. Major exports are cloth, wool, weapons and armour. Imports are sugar, tobacco, and a wide range of other goods. Agriculture is also enjoying a productivity boom. The current population, all told is some 6.25 million.
    Other than Taxes levied by Parliament the major source of government income is imports and import duties.

    to be continued.
    Last edited by Fisherking; 03-08-2017 at 19:10.

    Education: that which reveals to the wise,
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    Mark Twain

  13. #13
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Thank you!

    Bad divitorobert

    Would the next countries playable be Russia, Netherlands and Ottomans?
    If Poland and Sweden are occupied, we could go on with the Netherlands and maybe Denmark.

  14. #14
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    @divitorobert. Have you found the game thread?
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  15. #15
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Quote Originally Posted by Franconicus View Post
    Thank you!

    Bad divitorobert

    If Poland and Sweden are occupied, we could go on with the Netherlands and maybe Denmark.
    Our friend Csargo has already picked Poland. So there is only Spain not handled by a player.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

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  16. #16
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War


    feel free to start your diplomatic activities. You may also post public statement or declaration. Here is one from the old thread, just to inspire you:


    May I introduce myself? My name is Henry IV le Grand, born as Henri de Bourbon in December 1553 in Pau, Navarra. Since 1589 I am King of France and Navarra. My subjects in the Gascongne call me “lo nòstre bon rei Enric”, the French "le bon roi". This gives you indication about my capacity and the reverence of my peoples.

    I was raised at Navarro in a very countrified ambience. Then, Navarro was the shelter and center for Protestants, which we call Huguenots. Although I was baptized Roman Catholic, my education was Protestant.

    The country had had a hard time. My predecessors created a modern realm, with a strong centralized government. The administration lay in the hands of catholic clergy and was very effective. However, Protestantism came together with Humanism and shook the fundament of this order. The former King Francois I. had been in conflict with the Habsburg Karl V., who ruled the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. In Italy there were open hostilities between France and Habsburg. If Francois would have tolerated the Huguenots, the Pope would have supported Karl and Karl would have been able to invade France. Therefore, due to political reasons, Francois had to oppress the Huguenots.

    The Kings that came after him did the same. However, the Habsburg Empire decayed. Karl V. could not control the Reformation any longer and the Augsburg concept „Cuius regio, eius religio“ created the schism of Germany. Henry II. did not accept this concept for France. The religious wars began.

    In 1570 I married Margarete de Valois, the sister of three French kings. This wedding became the frame of the Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy. I was arrested and forced to become Catholic.

    In 1576 I could escape to Navarro and return to Protestantism. I became the leader of the Huguenots. In 1589 before he died, King Henry III., appointed me as his heir. However, the condition was that I would become Catholic, again.

    «Paris vaut bien une messe.» After long fighting I finally converted at Saint-Denis in 1593. In February 1595 I was crowned at Notre-Dame de Chartres.

    Obviously God had chosen me to give my country peace, justice and wealth. From the very beginning I had to fight my enemies. I repelled an invasion from Spain and I survived plots of radical Catholics.

    After all this struggling I managed to give peace to my country. I banished the Jesuits. I made reconciliation with Phillip II, King of Spain; I regained control of the Bretagne and the Provence. In the Edict of Nantes Huguenots received equal rights (although Catholicism was still state religion). France had peace again.

    Peace was not my goal; it was only a step on the way to bring wealth to my subjects. Si Dieu me prête vie, je ferai qu’il n’y aura point de laboureur en mon royaume qui n’ait les moyens d’avoir le dimanche une poule dans son pot! The Duke of Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, became Minister of Finance and France made an economic and financial boom. National dept is gone; we built harbors and channels, and encouraged agriculture.

    So here we are today! France is a strong country, unified under a strong government, with a good economy and excellent finance. The religious confusion is over. We live in peace with our neighbors. However, we see that the confusion in the Habsburg countries is still going on and we could be roped in again. We are not worried. We are prepared!

    Additionally there are still some Catholic scatterbrains, who think that murdering will save their souls. We know how to deal with them!

  17. #17
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

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    During the game you might want to increase your armed forces to vitiate the evil plans of your opponents or to foster your own evil plans.

    As we all know, money is the root of all evils and this is especially true at the 17th century. If you want to have an army, you have to pay them.

    So if you have some money to spent, here is how you can recruit troops. I think it is plain to see that Europe needs a common currency so I introduces the gulden.

    First of all the land forces. These are based on foot soldiers, let' call them lansquenets. To raise a new regiment (about 3.000 men), you appoint a colonel and give him the money to recruit a new regiment. The colonel then will go to a certain area, this could be a part of your country, but you may also recruit regiments from abroad, esp. from Switzerland, Germany or Italy. Here he gathers volunteers and equips them.

    Practically you give the order to form such a regiment, pay the money (300.000 gulden) and at the end of the year, the new regiment will be ready for service. A regiment has a standard mixture of different weapons, halberds, swords, pike, archebuses etc. Of course you may want to change this, but other equipment may raise the costs.
    Please note that you will have to keep on paying the same price each year as long as you want the regiment fight for you. And be careful if you disband troops, cause this might also cause trouble.

    Of course you may also want to recruit cavalry, the most noble branch of service. In principle, it is the same, however, the regiments are smaller (500) and the price is 500,000 per year.

    Last but not least there is the new branch of artillery - although you may say that this is certainly something a Christian sovereign should keep his hands off – others may use them. Artillery is extremely expensive. Therefore, an artillery regiment of 100 men with four guns costs 150,000 per year. Please note that there is a limit in increasing the numbers of guns in your army due to the capacity of your casting houses.

    Some of you may also want to extend their military actions to the sea. Alright, there are two different ship types available, Great Ships, galleons mounting 38 guns and
    Small Ships with 28 guns. They cost 300,000 and 200,000 per year. Building takes on year and is limited to the capacity of your ship yards.

    Additionally to your regular troops you may also want to have some city guards. These are free, but they have a limited fighting power and the more men are in service the less are working and paying taxes.

    Some countries have special troops with special regulations, like Polish hussarias. We will find a way to handle this.


    By now you may realize that money is something you would like to have. There are basically several ways to get money. First of all there is the income from taxes and customs. However, if taxes are too high, this may cause unrest or people may leave the country. Therefore it may be better to support the growth of your economy. You may make trade agreements with other countries, but keep in mind that custom fees are an important source for money.
    Trade is everywhere in Europe, but the most important areas are the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea as well as the Oversea Trade across the Atlantic. Military conflicts may interrupt trade routes and lead to less income.
    Some of you may have a kind of constitution, which limits their ability to raise taxes.
    There are two other sources for money, though. First of all you may find an ally, who does not want to get involved directly into your wars but may be willing to support you with gold. As said before, money is as good as soldiers. And if you are successful, you may have rich prey or may force the enemy to pay tribute.
    So get yourself some money and have fun.

    By he way, I will send you the status of your forces and your finances soon. Do not worry if you think you do not have enough soldiers, you may recruit more. And do not be too happy if you have a big army, you will have to pay for it.

  18. #18
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

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ID:	19534

    Greetings from France!

    We would like to have this opportunity to introduce our great realm to our benevolent neighbours. We at France have been carefully observing the situation at Europe and based on our past experiences we are worried about the current situation and the high tensions outside our borders. France calls for moderation and hope that peace can be achieved in Europe.

    We have had our fair share of war during the past decades. To be exactment 36 years and 1 month we had turmoil that sprung from religious differences and hate. Once the affair which is also known as "French War of Religion" was settled. Our Roi, Henry IV in all his wisdom decided to sign the Edict of Nantes, thus making toleration an Royal notion in our Kingdom. Tolerance is defining feature of France. We do not oppress our minorities and the Roi has made his first priority that while a Catholic country, we will all be under protection of Roi and France. Those persecuted are always welcome to our Kingdom and together learning from past mistakes we will build our Kingdom as best place to live and prosper under the Sun.

    We would also like to invite any ambassadours of our trusted neighbours and other Princes of Europe to discuss with us about any issues or prospects you might have that could involve France.

    yours truly, On behalf Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre

    Maximilien de Bethune, 1st Duke de Sully, Mareshall of France

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	France.jpg 
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ID:	19533  
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  19. #19
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    In the name of His Imperial Majesty Rudolf II, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Luxemburg, Württemberg, the Upper and Lower Silesia, Prince of Swabia, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Moravia, the Upper and Lower Lusatia, Princely Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Ferrette, Kyburg, Gorizia, Landgrave of Alsace, Lord of the Wendish March, Pordenone and Salins.

    It is my pleasure to welcome any embassies to the Imperial Court in Prague. His Imperial Royal Majesty is a most learned man and patron of arts, whose private collection is unparalleled in Europe. Our Holy Roman Emperor decrees that he dedicates His person to preserve and protect all Christians, regardless of their church, and Jewish people. As such His Imperial Royal Majesty is now leading a Holy Alliance against the infidels, who are plaguing the Balkans and desire to invade the very heart of Christendom. Artists, philosophers and ambassadors are hereby invited to Prague, to discuss and better life and knowledge on this earth.

    Wolfgang von Rumpf, Imperial Court Chamberlain
    Last edited by Arjos; 03-19-2017 at 02:00.

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    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

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    Announcement from Kingdom of France!

    From this day forward. All games of mafia or wolf as they are called are to be forbidden in the Royal realm of France under the pain of death!

    yours truly, On behalf Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre

    Maximilien de Bethune, 1st Duke de Sully, Mareshall of France

    OOC: This because of the recent more then disastrous events in the French revolution mafia game at gameroom!

    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

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  21. #21
    Retired Senior Member Prince Cobra's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I will try to take Spain. (despite some busy schedule but I can't miss that!). When is deadline?

    Can I have time until the end of the coming week?
    R.I.P. Tosa...

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  22. #22
    Senior Member Senior Member Yeti Sports 1.5 Champion, Snowboard Slalom Champion, Monkey Jump Champion, Mosquito Kill Champion Csargo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I need a bit more time as well, should have my research in the next day or so hopefully.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sooh View Post
    I wonder if I can make Csargo cry harder by doing everyone but his ISO.

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  23. #23
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Cobra View Post
    I will try to take Spain. (despite some busy schedule but I can't miss that!). When is deadline?

    Can I have time until the end of the coming week?

    Excellent! Welcome on board!!!!!!

    Do not worry about timing. Right now there is still the prophase, where you can learn about your role and begin the diplomatic discussion.

    I am going to post the first chapter, this may help you find your tasks. But there is still enough time to do the intro.

  24. #24
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Chapter 1 (Year 1604)

    The great Russian famine continues. During the last two-and-a-half-year period, 127,000 bodies were buried in mass graves in Moscow alone. Widespread starvation killed perhaps two million in Russia, a third of the population.

    The government of Csar Boris Godunov distributes money and food for poor people in Moscow, but that only leads to refugees flocking to the capital and increasing the economic disorganization. The oligarchical faction, headed by the Romanovs, considers it a disgrace to obey a boyar; conspiracies are frequent; the rural districts are desolated by famine and plague; large bands of armed brigands roam the country committing all manner of atrocities; the Don Cossacks on the frontier are restless; and the government demonstrates it could not keep order.

    Under the influence of the great nobles who had unsuccessfully opposed the election of Godunov, the general discontent is expressed as hostility to him as a usurper. Rumours circulate that the late tsar's younger brother Dmitri, thought to be dead, was still alive and in hiding.

    A man calling himself Dmitri and professing to be the rightful heir to the throne, appears in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, looking for support against Boris Godunov.

    Sigismund III Vasa, at one time king of both the Commonwealth and Sweden, lost the throne of Sweden. Few Commonwealth troops participated in that conflict, and it is mostly regarded as a Swedish civil war, not part of the Polish–Swedish wars. After an early stalemate, Sigismund was defeated at the Battle of Stångebro in 1598. By 1599 Sigismund was dethroned by his uncle, Duke Charles and forced to retreat to the Commonwealth. This also spelled the end of the short-lived personal union between Poland and Sweden. However it is uncertain whether Sigismund is willing to give up his claims on the Swedish throne. There are rumors, that he will try to gain support of the Sejm. Many Polish noblemen agree that Estonia was promised to become Polish and seem to be willing to give Sigismund military support to gain this land for the Commonwealth.

    At Sweden, Carl is crowned as King Charles IX. Now this country has once again a protestant king. However, Charles must proof his ability to protect his country and the Protestant faith against all enemies, esp. against Sigismund.

    At the Netherlands, war continues and so is the siege of Ostend. Dutch troops prepare a new operation to relief the city.

    James receives the crown of England and Ireland as James I of England by the Anglican bishop and representatives of the Puritans. Now he is King of England and Ireland as well as King of Scotland. One thing he has to care about is the on-going war with Spain.

    At France a conspiracy of a group of Catholic fanatics, called wolves of mafia, is revealed. The French government arrests several suspects and bans all activities of this group[/SIZE].

    Desicions for chapter 1:


    What is your position regarding Russia. Should Poland support Dimitry? If yes, how?

    What is your position regarding Sweden?

    There is always some trouble at your souther border and an invasion of the Ottoman Empire is always possible. What are your orders?

    Please deploy your troops. Do you wish to recruit new ones?


    the Spanish economy – Any activities to raise your income and reduce your debt??

    Deploy your troops. Do you want to recruit new ones?

    What are your orders regarding the wars against England, Netherlands and the Ottomans?

    colonial competition - English and Dutch influence on the seas is increasing. What to do about the situation? The Spanish colonists ask for more support, more money, more troops, more settlers and the right to produce and own weapons.


    How do you want to deploy your troops? Want to recruit new ones??

    Sweden is a small country with a big army. Any plans to raise more money to pay it?

    What is your plan regarding Russia? The country is in times of troubles and should not be able to resist any invator.

    What are your plans regarding Sigismund and a potential Polish attempt to gain Estonia?


    How do you want to deploy your troops? Want to recruit new ones??

    You are still at war with Spain. What are your orders?

    Netherlands: Are you going to support the Dutch in their fight against Spain?

    Religion: How do you treat Protestants, Puritans and Catholics in your country? Are you going to support the rights of Protestants in other countries? How??

    Colonies: Spain and Netherlands are competitors in the oversea trade. Any plans to increase your share?

    Baltic Sea: The trade in the Baltic Sea gives you a good income. Now it seems as tensions are growing there. How do you deal with that?


    Want to recruit new troops?

    What is your policy regarding Catholics and Protestants?

    What is your stand regarding the war between Spain and the Netherlands?



    How do you want to deploy your troops? Want to recruit new ones??

    What is your policy regarding Catholics and Protestants?

    Any idea to unify and centralize the empire?

    Do you support the Spanish against the Dutch?

    What is your plan regarding the Ottoman Empire?
    Last edited by Franconicus; 03-13-2017 at 12:41.

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  25. #25
    Senior Member Senior Member Yeti Sports 1.5 Champion, Snowboard Slalom Champion, Monkey Jump Champion, Mosquito Kill Champion Csargo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War


    Leader: Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Archduke of Lithuania

    Anne Marie (Polish: Anna Maria; 23 May 1593 – 9 February 1600)
    Catherine (Polish: Katarzyna; 9 May 1594 – 5 June 1594)
    Vladislaus (Polish: Władysław; 9 June 1595 – 20 May 1648), reigned 1632–1648 as Władysław IV Vasa of Poland
    Catherine (Polish: Katarzyna; 27 September 1596 – 11 June 1597)
    Christopher (Polish: Krzysztof; 10 February 1598)

    And secondly, on 11 December 1605, to his first wife's sister, Constance of Austria (1588–1631). They had seven children:

    John Casimir (Polish: Jan Kazimierz; 25 December 1607 – 14 January 1608)
    John Casimir (Polish: Jan Kazimierz; 22 March 1609 – 1672), reigned 1648–1668 as John II Casimir Vasa of Poland
    John Albert (Polish: Jan Albert/Olbracht; 25 May 1612 – 22 December 1634)
    Charles Ferdinand (Polish: Karol Ferdynand; 13 October 1613 – 9 May 1655)
    Alexander Charles (Polish: Aleksander Karol; 4 November 1614 – 19 November 1634)
    Anna Constance (Polish: Anna Konstancja; 26 January 1616 – 24 May 1616)
    Anna Catherine Constance (Polish: Anna Katarzyna Konstancja; 7 August 1619 – 8 October 1651) was the first wife of Philip William, Elector Palatine.




    Military Campaigns:

    Military Org:



    Religion: Catholic
    Last edited by Csargo; 03-14-2017 at 16:52. Reason: Work in Progress
    Quote Originally Posted by Sooh View Post
    I wonder if I can make Csargo cry harder by doing everyone but his ISO.

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  26. #26
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Quote Originally Posted by Csargo View Post

    Leader: Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Archduke of Lithuania
    I think you still use the title King of Sweden, although you been defeated by Charles.

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  27. #27
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    Announcement from Kingdom of France!

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ID:	19541

    On this day the 17th of February Anno Domini 1604.

    With great sorrow we have to inform that the King´s sister Catherine de Bourbon has passed away to eternity at the Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine only six days after her 45th birthday. Catherine will be remembered as a resourceful lady. She served for a long time as regent of Bearn when her brother the King had to fight in the religious wars. She also served the Kingdom at King´s Royal council until her death and among other things was an avid writer.

    While stricken with grief. Our King in all his wisdom has declared that from this day onward this day February 17th is to become a "Day of Women". So we can knowledge and celebrate the Loyal and dutiful women of France. No matter were they our Wives or mothers, sisters or daughters. Because in the end what we would be without our lovely and wise women, who tend to us and take care for all we men are too busy to handle?

    yours truly, On behalf Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre

    Maximilien de Bethune, 1st Duke de Sully, Mareshall of France
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  28. #28
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    I am very pleased to see that diplomatic discussion is going on. Please note that you do not have to send me a copy, only if there are agreements I have to know for the story.

    How long do you think you will need for discussions and decisions?
    Last edited by Franconicus; 03-15-2017 at 17:13.

  29. #29
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    I think could get my decisons for Friday, but those who have joined later might struggle with such deadline. In any case it is crucial to keep things rolling, as it can become easy as a player to try and make too many policies in one year and that can also start to drag the speed of the game.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

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  30. #30
    Retired Senior Member Prince Cobra's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Art of Diplomacy and War

    We will request time until Sunday. We already considered some actions but we still need to move forward our diplomatic correspondence.

    Kind regards from the court of His Most Catholic Majesty Philip III, King of Spain and Portugal
    King of Naples, Sicily and Sardinia and Duke of Milan
    Last edited by Prince Cobra; 03-16-2017 at 00:50.
    R.I.P. Tosa...

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