Hey gang,
Due to our overall awesomeness, the .Org has once again been invited to take part in the annual Mafia Championships over at Mafia Universe (a site that our own Askthepizzaguy had no small hand in forming). We're looking to send over a representative who will fly our flag, so this thread will serve as a nomination thread as well as a general FAQ.
Here's what the admin and overall organizer, Thingyman, has to say:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
What the heck does "Mountainous" mean?
It means "vanilla". Just town and mafia, no other roles. These setups will very much be in the style of a classic GH game (not Pirate Ship/French Revolution Mafia, the really old stuff).
What should I expect if I do this?
Every championships game is different, but be prepared for a lot of posts. My qualifying game last year had 17 people and 3,600 posts over 5 and a half day phases (around two weeks). If you progress to the wild card and/or finale, that number will probably only go up. The overall atmosphere will probably be more rough-and-tumble than what we're used to here, though this will vary based on player composition.
What's the .Org's history with this event?
I'm glad you asked! We've sent representatives for all three iterations of the tournament so far, and several of our players have represented other forums they play on too, meaning our progress toward world domination is one step closer. Askthepizzaguy and Zack made it to the finale in Season 2, and Visor and I followed in their footsteps last year. I'll be honest: I want to keep this streak going.
Me too! .Org pride! So what happens next?
That's the spirit!
As finalists from the previous year, Visor and I are ineligible, though everyone else is fair game. Ideally our nomination should go to the person who meets the following criteria:
a) Someone who wants to go.
b) Someone who is comfortable with the requirements.
c) Someone who the community backs as a worthy representative of the .Org.
"Worthy representative" is intentionally undefined here. The point of this series is to foster cross-community relationships and expand our horizons when it comes to Mafia.
Is there any criteria towards nominating someone besides the above points?
No. We have a lot of very good Mafia players here, some who are familiar with Mafia Universe and some who aren't. This should not be a mark for or against anybody - just last year both Visor (who has played games across like a million forums) and I (literally only ever played on the .Org for ten years) made the finals. I'm also not restricting the nomination period to someone who has or has not done well in recent games. Basically, use your best judgement.
How will the representative/alternate ultimately be decided?
We'll see if there's consensus and go from there.
Okay, great! Who are you nominating, GH?
I have a couple of ideas, but I don't want to turn the OP into a referendum on certain people's skills/qualities. I'll chime in at some point during the process but will allow you guys to go first.