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Thread: Swords Made of Letters

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    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Fortress of the Mountains

    Default Swords Made of Letters

    Swords Made of Letters - A new project, something fresh, which happens to be a novel.

    It's a novel, which I will write bit by bit, a novel set in December 1938, just before the war. It starts with a Prologue set in Eastern Europe, but the main action will be in Western Europe - right on the borders, and right in that period just before the war. You will hopefully enjoy a window into that tumultuous period which I will try and evoke as richly and as accurately as possible. You will recognise some parts, such as the stories from Night Train and Clouds of Smoke, which are part of the novel. The entire novel will focus on the period before the war so expect some interesting twists and turns throughout the way!

    1938 was a very turbulent period, the project aims to capture that completely.

    Please enjoy it, read it, share it and feedback as always is very much appreciated.

    You can also find the novel on Wattpad, if you're a frequent visitor of the website -

    Happy reading!

    Book Chapter - Index

    Chapter I - Night Train -

    Chapter II - Swords Made of Letters -

    Chapter III - The White Club -

    Chapter IV - Letters from Across

    Chapter V - Others

    Chapter VI - Night Train II -

    Chapter VII - Elbe -

    Chapter VIII - Clouds of Smoke -

    Chapter IX - Police Stations -

    Chapter X - Crackles and Roars -

    Chapter XI - House of Cards -

    Chapter XII - Paris Briefing -

    Chapter XIII - Secret Briefing -

    Chapter XIV - Carry It Out, Officer -

    Chapter XV
    - A Den of Spies -

    Chapter XVI - Shadow of Aachen -

    Chapter XVII - Heavy Scents -

    Chapter XVIII - Battle Plans -

    Chapter XIX - Silence of the Forest -

    Chapter XX - Dossiers and Letters -

    Chapter XXI - First Escape -

    Chapter XXII - Sabotage -

    Cahppter XXIII - Surprise, Surprise -

    Chapter XXIV - Evaluations of No Laughing Matter -

    Chapter XXV - A Walk in the Park -

    Chapter XXVI - Quellenhof Ball -

    Chapter XXVII - A Bureau -

    Chapter XXVIII - Linking the Puzzle -

    Chapter XXIX - Report your Findings -

    Chapter XXX - Papers, Plans and Projections -

    Chapter XXXI - Rolling Towards the line of Battle -

    Chapter XXXII - Take Up Your Arms-

    Chapter XXXIII - Overzealous -

    Chapter XXXIV - Shadows -

    Chapter XXXV - Masquerade for Me, Please -

    Chapter XXXVI - Enchante, Monsieur -

    Chapter XXVII - Need a Hand? -

    Chapter XXXVIII - No News is Good News -

    Chapter XXXIX - Escape -

    Chapter XL - Where do We Stand? -

    Chapter XLI - Drive, And Keep Driving -

    Chapter XLII - You? -

    Chapter XLIII - Ciphers, Rotors, Jumbled & Foreign -

    Chapter XLIV - Foreshadowing -

    Chapter XLV - Pensive on a New Year -

    Epilogue I - Rescue -

    Epilogue II - Reminiscing -

    Swords Made of Letters


    Prologue - Part I

    12:45 AM, 2nd of December 1938
    Athenee Palace Hotel

    They never listened to her.

    And she told them countless times. Time and time again she told the shift manager, but they never listened to her. The cheap detergent the hotel kept buying caused Helen's skin to crack whenever she had to wash the dishes and cutlery for the patrons who came to the English Bar. They never listened and her skin always looked more than her twenty eight years of age. And it was the same endless story tonight as well. The water gushed from the tap onto the white dishes inscribed with the AP initials of the hotel, breaking off the relative silence of the bar.

    Tucked in the corner of the lobby, the English bar was made as a retreat for the patrons of the hotel, and the ladies who would often wait for them. Cosy, with dim lights and somehow reeking of a combination of musk and heavy tobacco, the bar was heavily populated at all times. But tonight it was empty. The 1st of December always brought empty cosy bars - and rather houses full of people partying a national holiday. The holiday left Helen alone in the bar with four men huddled at a low table in the opposite corner of the room, chatting and laughing between hushed tones. They never raised their voice, they never raised their eyesight to her and they spoke as little as possible when she went to take their order. She found that odd but Helen had seen her fair share of oddities so she only delivered their order and went about her business.

    But even so, it was too quiet. It was as if the men were never there.

    She gave them a quick glance and returned to her duties, satisfied they were there and not causing any trouble. But the four men, all dressed in black uniforms with odd white patches on the side, were different than any other guests she had encountered. No other guest kept their silence, and neither of them would speak in hushed tones or laugh as quietly as possible. Helen's back arched slightly at the implications. She was warned about foreign elements within the country and perhaps they were some of those elements. Helen sighed. The water kept gushing from the tap until she slammed it shut and waited for the dishes to dry. As the sudden silence beckoned, a couple of words trailed off before the guests realised they were no longer covered by the sound of the water.

    Helen recognised the language.

    Three weeks before, a rather charming Englishman came up to her while she was at the bar and paid her a generous tip. The man specifically asked for her to report whenever she heard this language, and she was promised a hefty reward every time she would call him. Somewhere in her pocket she had his room number - the man after all was a legate at the embassy and lived often in the hotel - but she decided to listen to the conversation in order to get an even heftier reward. Helen picked up three glasses and opened the tap again, letting the water slide gently in the glasses as she pretended to clean them. Her ears were honed on their conversation, picking up bits and bobs from the words that she understood of that language. Despite her being a bartender, Helen spoke five languages, courtesy of a very ambitious mother. She finished her washing about two minutes later, gently easing the tap until she could hear and decipher some parts of phrases the men spoke between them. Helen had no more dishes or glasses, and there were no other patrons, so she glided gently out of the bar and left for the lobby to excuse herself from a potentially awkward situation.

    She returned to the bar four minutes later, only to find it empty.

    On the table the men left a considerable amount of money, including a hefty tip, despite them not knowing exactly the price of the food and drinks they ordered because Helen never even got them the check. She shrugged, counted the money and returned to the bar. She glanced around, looking from the place at the bar out into the lobby, but the men were not there either. SOmewhat confused, Helen smirked and counted the money. She kept what was hers and put everything into the books. Satisified, she closed the ledger and beckoned to the receptionist. It was the end of the shift and she wanted to go home. With the tip in her pocket and five minutes later her uniform exchanged for more confortable clothing, she bid goodbye to the coworker taking her place and exited the hotel.

    The night was cold and cloudy - it was December after all - forcing Helen to button her overcoat up to the last top button. With the silk scarf huddled around her neck, she turned left from the Athenee Palace hotel and reached for the side streets behind the imposing Atheneum. In her desire to reach her house she did not notice the three men casually resting against a black Mercedes limousine parked beside the hotel. Helen beckoned even faster, oblivious to the men eyeing her behind, hoping to reach her house before it started raining. As she turned into the street behind the conservatory, a hand gently slid between her and her torso, pinning her to a halt.

    "Good evening, Mrs. Helen."


    Keep a close eye on this thread, regular updates will come as the story develops and unfolds.

    Website coming soon - !

    As always, feedback appreciated!

    Last edited by edyzmedieval; 10-22-2020 at 16:36.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

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