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Thread: How do I make a faction join The Empire as a client state?

  1. #1

    Default How do I make a faction join The Empire as a client state?

    I am posting exactly the same question in a number of forums, but these are different mods:

    EB 1.31c (RTW1-ALEX)
    EB 2.3 (MTW2-KINGDOMS)
    RS 3.1 (RTW1-ALEX)


    I am not trying to impress anyone. I just want you know where I am at and what I know.

    (1) I have never played the stock game.
    (2) I have been playing the DMR 9.01.
    (3) I have won the long campaign as Julii hard/hard

    I have watched lots of history documentaries and college lectures regarding the period as a result of wanting to understand the period better.


    The Romans did not simply conquer through killing/enslaving every last member of an enemy faction. Sometimes, they did like Carthage. But for other times, they engaged factions militarily giving them the option "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." They did this with Britannia and Germannia, but failed mainly due to bad governance. (But it might have worked.)


    Is it possible to add a faction to The Empire without taking every province by battling every army and laying siege to every settlement? Is there build path of buildings for a single province which will turn a faction into a client state? I have spoken to Saul Tyre (my expert on mods, but he doesn't really play The Romans). So, is this possible? (he believes it is) And if so, what are the mechanics?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: How do I make a faction join The Empire as a client state?

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkShot View Post
    Is it possible to add a faction to The Empire without taking every province by battling every army and laying siege to every settlement? Is there build path of buildings for a single province which will turn a faction into a client state? I have spoken to Saul Tyre (my expert on mods, but he doesn't really play The Romans). So, is this possible? (he believes it is) And if so, what are the mechanics?
    Besides making that faction a protectorate via diplomacy, you mean? No, it isn't possible. If you want to take control of another faction's cities, you have to capture or bribe them.

    Since this is a general modding question, I am going to move this thread to the R:TW modding fora so that other people might find this answer.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: How do I make a faction join The Empire as a client state?

    Is it possible to add a faction to The Empire without taking every province by battling every army and laying siege to every settlement?
    As mentioned, there is a diplomatic option for "become a protectorate" and it does work but in my experience very rarely - either the conditions are very specific and hard to achieve or it is specifically stacked against the player. On the diplomacy screen you occasionally see a faction has made another faction into a client state. When it works they give you all their spare cash and act as a permanent ally (until their family tree dies out). Also you can gift them cities to create buffer zones around your core area. This reduces your unrest problems and they still count towards your total regions.

    I haven't tried doing it for years as i found trying to get them to agree was too frustrating - the only tip i vaguely remember is IIRC they take their allies military strength into account so if they're allied to a very powerful faction you need to break it somehow, or pounce when it is broken (but it's been a long time since i tried doing it so i may be misremembering).
    It's not a map.


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