(i posted this yesterday, but could find it anywere today, so i'm sorry if this is repeat)

Does anyone remember the game Braveheart that cameout around the same time as STW?
The game was based on the movie (no sh*t). Where you would first unite scotland and then take out the english. The main selling point of the game was the 3d battle fields(similart to RTW). Another was the direct 3d scan of Eng, and you can have a battle anywere on the map (just as RTW is promising to do). In braveheart you had control as to the location of towns and castles. (just like RTW). and for the the final simularity you could march your armies anyway you like it.
I will admit that i bought braveheart before i got hooked on the drug that is total war. The reason that i and many other braveheart owners turned to TW is braveheart would crash every two min.
Now TW is taking on the likeness of Braveheart(well 10 times more then that),and i'm afraid that it will face the same problems. In the last 4 years, has the gaming industry progressed far enought to deliver a game like RTW and make it work?