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  1. #1
    Member Member Crandar's Avatar
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    Default Christchurch massacre

    I am sure we all know the details of the terrorist attack by now. To give a very brief summary, a young Australian citizen entered two mosques in the town of Christchurch in New Zealand, killing at least 50 people and wounding many others. After half an hour, he was arrested by the authorities, which suspect that he acted alone. Presumably, he chose New Zealand, as the security there is less advanced than in Australia, due to the latter's experience with the Port Arthur massacre.

    His motives are pretty clear, according to his published manifesto: He focuses a lot on the conspiracy theory of White Genocide and the hysteria of white Europeans being replaced by brown barbarians. The document is the epitome of alt-right trolling and Internet memes, as he's self-described as a "kebab-remover" and spammed the Navy Seal copy-pasta. I believe he was active in the notorious community of 4chan and he even called his rambling an "effortpost" and not a "shitpost". He idolised his fellow mosque-shooter of Canada and pretended to act in the defense of the Rotherham victims. Even one of the rifles he used is full of weird graffiti.

    "Turkofagos" for example means Turkish-eater in Greek and was used as an epithet to describe the vanquisher of the Turks. The perpetrator obviously copied it from obscure Islamophobic sites, who fetishize Vienna, the Crusades and Lepanto. Internet slang and stupid memes aside, I think it's time to give some attention to the radicalisation provoked by edgy communities, who turn idiots with a bad sense of humour into murderous psychopaths. Perhaps the /pol/ should be monitored as closely as the various jihadist websites recruiting disenfranchised youths for daesh.

    The incident was of course internationally criticized, although many far-right clowns secretly sympathize with the perpetrator and justify his killing-spree as a necessary response to the modern "cosmopolitan dystopia". An Australian Senator not only excused the murderer but also called his actions as a show of "vigilantism". I wonder how he will perform in the next elections.

    I personally wish rest in peace to the victims and my sincere condolences to their families, while I hope that the town of Christchurch and the society of New Zealand will manage to overcome this terrible tragedy.

  2. #2
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    I think it was 8chan, not 4chan. Apparently 8chan is the even less moderated bastard child of 4chan, where racists like to meet since they're not welcome on 4chan.

    The massacre is absolutely disgusting, I'm not going to read his manifesto or watch his video though because that's just what the pervert wants. It's especially rich to talk about replacing the white man in Australia, the continent where the white man threw the original inhabitants off the cliffs to replace them...

    Idiocy really seems to be on the rise again everywhere, I hope that this trend stops at some point, preferably before we have destroyed the planet.

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  3. #3
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    I believe 8Chan and 4Chan ARE monitored quite closely (so is Reddit) but you can't catch everyone.

    I saw this about that Senator today:

    Someone cracked a raw egg on his head whilst filming it for teh loz. The Senator punched him in the face. I feel like both parties deserved what they got in that exchange.

    With Regards to the massacre itself - what to say? It's obviously terrible, but also cunningly well executed. He managed to get his video out there and you can't stop it; he managed to survive his attack and have his day in court, and he reckons he'll be out in 20 years and haled as a "hero" once all the Sheeple wake up.

    He also said he was inspired by Brevik - and we're doing it again, feeding the murderous troll all the publicity he craves. This guy basically wrote a manual for how to shoot up a Mosque and get away with it. He's not even going to have a hard time inside probably, he'll just gang up with the other racists/
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  4. #4
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    I've seen it cited in numerous places that Anning won just 19 votes in the election that got him his seat. What was the size of the electorate?

  5. #5
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    I've seen it cited in numerous places that Anning won just 19 votes in the election that got him his seat. What was the size of the electorate?
    Answer: 2.7 million. 2.7 million Queenslanders voted in the last elections, 19 of whom put down Fraser Anning as a first choice. And due to various shenanigans, that was enough to get him a place in the Australian senate.

  6. #6
    Member Member Tuuvi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Philippus Flavius Homovallumus View Post
    I believe 8Chan and 4Chan ARE monitored quite closely (so is Reddit) but you can't catch everyone.
    4Chan has a board called /pol/, short for "politically incorrect", which is a designated nazi safe space. Reddit leaves moderation up to individual subreddits and has left boards like The_Donald alone, which allows racism as long as it's thinly veiled by dogwhistles and the like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Philippus Flavius Homovallumus View Post
    I saw this about that Senator today:

    Someone cracked a raw egg on his head whilst filming it for teh loz. The Senator punched him in the face. I feel like both parties deserved what they got in that exchange.
    Free speech absolutism and civility fetishism are what allowed racist, far right ideas to fester and inspire attacks like the one in Christchurch. Racists like Senator Anning need to be mocked, shamed, humiliated, and shut down so they will be too afraid of the social consequences to air their vile views in public.

    If we want to live in a society where bigotry is taboo then we have to do the work to make it taboo. If our response to racism is to shrug our shoulders and think, "well, he's a terrible person but he's entitled to his opinion" then the white nationalists will find it easier to spread their beliefs and gain converts to their movement, which will inspire more and more attacks on Muslims, immigrants and other minorities in the future. If the white nationalists manage to gain mainstream acceptance or capture state power then we could have a full-scale genocide on our hands.

    Besides all that, eggs are harmless and I don't think punching a kid in the face, tackling him to the ground and putting him in a chokehold is an appropriate response to having one smashed on your head.
    Last edited by Tuuvi; 03-17-2019 at 18:49.

  7. #7
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuuvi View Post
    4Chan has a board called /pol/, short for "politically incorrect", which is a designated nazi safe space. Reddit leaves moderation up to individual subreddits and has left boards like The_Donald alone, which allows racism as long as it's thinly veiled by dogwhistles and the like.
    No, they're monitored by Law Enforcement.

    All your racists in one convenient place, see.

    Free speech absolutism and civility fetishism are what allowed racist, far right ideas to fester and inspire attacks like the one in Christchurch. Racists like Senator Anning need to be mocked, shamed, humiliated, and shut down so they will be too afraid of the social consequences to air their vile views in public.

    If we want to live in a society where bigotry is taboo then we have to do the work to make it taboo. If our response to racism is to shrug our shoulders and think, "well, he's a terrible person but he's entitled to his opinion" then the white nationalists will find it easier to spread their beliefs and gain converts to their movement, which will inspire more and more attacks on Muslims, immigrants and other minorities in the future. If the white nationalists manage to gain mainstream acceptance or capture state power then we could have a full-scale genocide on our hands.

    Besides all that, eggs are harmless and I don't think punching a kid in the face, tackling him to the ground and putting him in a chokehold is an appropriate response to having one smashed on your head.
    Suppression of Far-Right ideas is what allows them to fester. In this case egging the Senator is likely to engender sympathy if not admiration for his response. He hit him, the kid then threw a pathetic counter so he hit him again, then his aides dragged him away. The same thing happened to John Prescott some years ago:

    In this case the kid looks particularly pathetic for trying to film it on his phone.
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Philippus Flavius Homovallumus View Post
    In this case the kid looks particularly pathetic for trying to film it on his phone.
    Nah, the politician looks pathetic for hitting a kid.

    This is what happens when a politician who is comfortable with the people he represents gets egged:

    "this is all just part of, you know, the free speech. [...] that's why I love this country, you have to take the whole package when you love something..."

    Alt-right going to go straight for the violent solution every time...

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  9. #9
    BrownWings: AirViceMarshall Senior Member Furunculus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuuvi View Post
    Besides all that, eggs are harmless and I don't think punching a kid in the face, tackling him to the ground and putting him in a chokehold is an appropriate response to having one smashed on your head.
    All he received from the person in question is a slap.

    Tackling him to the ground and putting him in a chokehold looks to be the response of the security.

    Let it be noted right now that if someone did that to me I would feel completely justified in slapping them, tackling them to the ground, AND putting them in a chokehold.

    I think he was quite restrained, all told.
    Furunculus Maneuver: Adopt a highly logical position on a controversial subject where you cannot disagree with the merits of the proposal, only disagree with an opinion based on fundamental values. - Beskar

  10. #10

    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Furunculus View Post
    All he received from the person in question is a slap.

    Tackling him to the ground and putting him in a chokehold looks to be the response of the security.

    Let it be noted right now that if someone did that to me I would feel completely justified in slapping them, tackling them to the ground, AND putting them in a chokehold.

    I think he was quite restrained, all told.
    How do you justify an escalation of violence? This is like saying you are justified in shooting at kids trespassing on your property. The response must be proportional to the threat.

  11. #11
    Member Member Tuuvi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    double post
    Last edited by Tuuvi; 03-17-2019 at 18:44.

  12. #12
    Backordered Member CrossLOPER's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar View Post
    I think it was 8chan, not 4chan.
    4chan, in general, has a large amount of boards, some of them serving as containment cells for more annoying or extreme content. /pol/, for example, is an extension of /news/ which was killed TWICE because it became a stormfronter haven. The newer board basically holds all the frog memes, while /r9k/ holds all the incels.

    There are other boards dedicated to nature and animals, transpeople, various types of (specifically legal) porn, and computer hardware.

    8chan essentially consists of loli porn and fascist memes.
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  13. #13

    Default Re: Christchurch massacre

    The Spongebob quote is "What is today but yesterday's tomorrow."

    You whole arguement clearly falls apart.

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