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Thread: Any easy Warhammer 2 guides/tutorials out there?

  1. #1

    Default Any easy Warhammer 2 guides/tutorials out there?


    Can anyone link me to some nice, easy and quick tutorials for Warhammer 2?

    I can play the battles being a TW vet, but I think I only know about 5% of the campaign options after playing for a few hours and the whole buildings structure is an absolute mess to me....

    Abandon all hope.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Any easy Warhammer 2 guides/tutorials out there?

    In my opinion the total war academy is one the best and quick tutorial in youtube:

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  3. #3

    Default Re: Any easy Warhammer 2 guides/tutorials out there?

    Many videos and threads on this forum are helpful for you. Please keep your eyes open and notice the threads helpful for you. I hope you find interesting things here. I also recommend watching videos on YouTube or asking direct questions to get the best answers.


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