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Thread: M2TW Gold - unspecified error...

  1. #1
    Second-hand chariot salesman Senior Member macsen rufus's Avatar
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    Ratae Corieltauvorum

    Default M2TW Gold - unspecified error...

    OK, I finally splashed out on a copy of M2TW Gold (DVD version), now I think my current machine can cope. It seems to have installed ok, with all the Kingdoms stuff. BUT I had no manual (2nd hand) and trying to launch it just results in an 'unspecified error'.

    Now, I see the ReadMe makes mention of needing an internet connection for the launcher, which is a PiTA as this machine is not connected, and I really went for a disc version to avoid any Steam stuff. Is it really the case I can't run it all without getting online? That will mean splashing out even more for WiFi...

    Anyone out there with experience of this package???

    Edit to add: System log shows this:

    20:42:34.343 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    20:42:34.609 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Aug  3 2007 version bld-medieval2-kingdoms-104 (45562) ===
    20:42:34.656 [] [always] mounted pack mods/americas/packs/data.pack
    20:42:34.671 [] [always] mounted pack mods/americas/packs/localized.pack
    20:42:34.687 [] [warning] open: data/text/battle_ed.txt.strings.bin is missing
    20:42:34.687 [] [warning] open: data/text/battle_ed.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: data/text/date_format.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: mods/americas/data/text/shortcut.txt.strings.bin is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: data/shortcuts_lookup.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: mods/americas/data/text/shortcut.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: data/text/shortcut.txt.strings.bin is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: data/shortcuts_lookup.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: data/text/shortcut.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: preferences/player.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: mods/americas/preferences/keys.dat is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: mods/americas/preferences/keys.dat is missing
    20:42:34.734 [] [warning] open: data/text/descr_shortcuts.txt is missing
    20:42:34.734 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
    Are these missing files an install problem or just stuff that would be generated once it gets going?
    Last edited by macsen rufus; 01-02-2021 at 21:55.

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