I am getting CTds when going into large battle scenes , otherwise Europa Barbarorum is working OK. I have a zipped error log but do not have permission to post attachments ??
I am getting CTds when going into large battle scenes , otherwise Europa Barbarorum is working OK. I have a zipped error log but do not have permission to post attachments ??
Thanks for the reply Ludens, I am definitely not a spambot, I will keep trying to work out this CRD problem and do some conversations on this forum, thanks
I know you are not a spambot - but the forum software is set-up this way to prevent people from immediately posting images, etc.
You could just post a few short posts in this thread until you reach the magic post number.
Just don't post the same message each time - otherwise the algorithm might decide you are a spambot anyway.
Hi, I am now not getting error logs at all . The CFG file says logs disabled and I am not sure how to enable this log
No answer to my previous question but I do have an earlier error log to download. The CTDs apply to both Medieval Total War 2 mods , Europa Barbarorum 2 and the debuged version of Stainless Steel. There may be a simple solution but I have been unable to find it. N.B. Rome Total War 2 Emperor version plays absolutely fine. These all run through Steam.NewZip.zip
Have managed to download Stainless Steel but Europa Barbarorum 2 is still a problem, I do have an enabled error log
Last edited by ECCLES567; 08-02-2021 at 11:39.
OK obviously no solution here but what I found with extensive research was that a recent update of Windows 10 by Microsoft included a clever little invention called " Game Mode" which is Microsofts way of trying to control your gaming experience. This disables your mods ability to source your video card or Nividia gaming programs like GeForce experience and also seems to interfere with Steam connections. Disconnect this app, no further problems!!
I have the same problem and I tried your solution but unfortunately it didn`t work, it only made the game a lot slower. Does anyone have a different solution?
Hello Milnaht,
Unfortunately, the .Org's EB forums are very quiet these days. You could try asking over at their TWC forums: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forum...-Barbarorum-II