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Thread: Appeal: Historians - EBII Needs you!

  1. #1
    State of Mind Member z3n's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Appeal: Historians - EBII Needs you!

    Greetings fans of Europa Barbarorum!

    Work continues on the mod. Historians help make the mod what it is, and let us all improve our understanding of the ancient world. Without feedback and contributions from our historians we wouldn't be able to create what we have so far. So we're looking for more historians to help out.

    Do you have a favourite faction in EB2 you want to see improved? New team members who can work on the history and mechanics of a faction would be very welcome. New units, descriptions, traits, ancillaries and scripts could be improved with your help.

    If that sounds like you, or someone you know, and you'd be interested in helping out, please get in touch. That could be on a temporary/commission basis (eg "I'll expand the province descriptions for Athens") or for a longer-term arrangement if you want to join the team. Please apply here, with any examples you have of your work.

    Also note, we are a multi-lingual team; if your primary language is any one of French, Italian, German, Polish, Slovenian, Russian, Spanish, Greek, Swedish, Arabic, Romanian or Croatian, and you prefer to converse in your native tongue, we can accommodate.

    As ever, thank you for your support and remember to read more history.

    - The Europa Barbarorum II Team

  2. #2

    Default Re: Appeal: Historians - EBII Needs you!

    no problem . I made the team the concepts of the Colchian and Circassian units according to which they made these units


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