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Thread: Game crashing error

  1. #1

    Exclamation Game crashing error

    Good Afternoon,

    Having a crash issue that might have something to do with an issue others are having.

    -When entering large battles my game crashes.

    -The error message says: "A fatal graphics error has occured and the game will now be shut down. This is normally cause by having your game graphics options set too high, please try running the game again and lowering your graphics settings before entering a battle."

    -This happens frequently but not every time.

    -This does not happen when I play custom battles with fully maxed out unit rosters.

    -This does not happen in other M2TW mods I have, regardless of army size.

    -Please help!

  2. #2
    Member Member Zarrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Default Re: Game crashing error

    Did you try 4GB patch?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Game crashing error

    where should I send the error report if the game crashes on turn 230? version 2.4

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