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Thread: Hi I have just come back to Playing the Total War Empire and Napoleon series

  1. #1

    Default Hi I have just come back to Playing the Total War Empire and Napoleon series

    Hi I have spent many hours playing most of the Total War series, most has been with Rome and Rome 2.
    I have decided to come back to Empire and Napoleon since installing the Darth Mod.
    I have just moved from playing Empire to starting back on Napoleon's First Battles and have noticed that the Battle Map is rather restrictive compared to that in Empire.
    I see there is a means to adjusting the script for an "Unrestricted Camera" setting.
    I tried following where the script is but my PC has numerous drives and I cannot find where the script is it is certainly not on my "C" drive.
    My PC is running Windows 10 and various Steam games are on different Drives.
    I know how to find which Drive Napoleon is on but I cannot locate the scripts folder.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    General "Rolando"

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hi I have just come back to Playing the Total War Empire and Napoleon series

    You might want to check the Steam game folder on the drive where Napoleon is installed; look under "userdata" or "appdata" for the script folder, or try searching for "preferences.script.txt."


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