unless the roles of this game were designed to troll, there is no world that maple is wolf. it shouldn't even be a consideration on your end
Yes that's game! Well I'm sad Gemma isn't here to officially end it, uh...
So The wolves win!
Cape and Syn were vanilla. Maple was a wolf with this role:
I'll invite you all to the DVC and stuffVisceral Realist poet (supposedly)
You are Mafia. Your partners are x and x. You have been cordially invited to join the wolfchat: x (you will accept, of course)
A rispetto, professor, is a kind of lyrical verse, romantic to be precise, similar to the strambotto, with six or eight hendecasyllabic lines, the first four in the form of a serventesio and the following composed in rhyming couplets. For example…”
Each night, you must write an insulting rispetto, which will be published in thread at the start of the next day phase, else be vanillaized.
If Wide Willem Kinski dies, you gain a Vanillaizer shot.
You win when your team reaches parity with Town and no other threats to your team remain. (edited)
[6:02 PM]
Brah, wtf were you doing Syn, you shouldnt have had that POV given Ender's legacy
so three wolf PRs, two of which with tracking and sensors, against one town PR that doesn't visit anyone
my mistake thinking the setup wouldn't be a troll lol
right but like, I think "if ender is not wolf, then cape must be" is a crazy POV to have when that goes against what you stood for lmao
well im a bit salty because I was actually goiung to backread and actually do proper f3 stuff but ig just losing was also an option
yeah wait, why were there 3 mafia prs?
there was an error in randing the setup where ender, who was supposed to be the third town PR, was mistakenly given a vanilla PM
this error was not announced or corrected, hence
this game was actually pretty fun, mech aside
gg wp
gg i was the third pr
thanks for playing everyone!
apologies for mod error, made the setup pretty troll
somewhat cursed game with visor being mia and wolves being extremely boxed in from day 2 onwards, was fun to watch all the same
Gg, thx for hosting
My reads where correct this game after all
Congrats wolves and thanks hosts!
Thanks for running
Thanks for the carry wolfbros
Sorry for the shit performance, will be a few months before I have time for ww again
"Les plus désespérés sont les chants les plus beaux, et j'en sais d'immortels qui sont de purs sanglots." Alfred de Musset
Also thanks for hosting Gemma. Very nice flavor.
Some good laughs in dvc (sadge I couldnt join much this week though)
"Les plus désespérés sont les chants les plus beaux, et j'en sais d'immortels qui sont de purs sanglots." Alfred de Musset