Welcome to Bolañafia, a mafia game with the theme of Roberto Bolaño's books! This is the thread where the game will be played and shenanigalous fun will doubtless ensue. Game will start on the 4th of Jan, 20:00 EST. (Roughly 24 hrs from now.) Don't post until then!
1. 8pm EST deadlines, 75 postcap lifted 1 hr before deadline.
2. This is a normal 10:3 closed setup with full flips. (The setup was codesigned by dC, if you like anything about the roles then he is responsible for it. Everything else is my fault. Jan reviewed the setup and he is faultless no matter what. Thank them both!)
3. Day phases will last 48 hours, Night phases will last 24 hours. There will be a 24 hour pregame period. Wolves have daytalk at all times, including pregame.
4. Do not lie about real-life commitments. Similarly, do not question the validity of other players’ real-life commitments. If you will be inactive for a prolonged period of time, inform the game host so you can be replaced.
5. Mafia is a game of analysis - removing a player’s ability to analyze things is against the spirit of the game. Keep references that only a handful of players would understand to a minimum. Encoded messages, hidden text, and other such methods are a no-no. Everything you have to say or not say should be clearly readable in your post by anyone.
6. You may thank posts (but do it responsibly). Do not edit your posts. Do not quote information directly from moderator communication, your role PM, private chats, or any other sources of game communication outside the main game thread. Only living players may post in the game thread. Do not post in the game thread during the Night phase, unless your role explicitly allows you to do so.
7. You may not privately communicate with anyone except the game moderator, unless you're explicitly allowed to do so by the game moderator. This includes using systems outside the scope of the game to communicate something game-related. Any game-related questions should be asked privately to the moderator. Do not talk about your conversations with the moderator in any game thread.
8. Do not use out-of-game information (such as Discord, other forum activity, other mafia activity, or real-life activity) to generate reads. Do not use out-of-game information to exert pressure or influence on this game. Do not mention out of game information in the context of explaining or speculating on a player’s alignment in this game.
9. Votes must be bolded and on a separate line using this format: Vote: player. Any votes not following this format will not be counted. You will be rewarded with frequent and (probably) accurate vote counts. :00 good, :01 bad. Votes made after modpost saying stop posting will not be counted.
10. Majority votes will not cause a yeet until YoLo, (you’re goddamn right) where votes will be locked. The player with the most votes at deadline will be yeeted. In the event of a tie, the yeet will be randed between the tied wagons by the game moderator.
11. Do not fake daytime activations. There may or may not be daytime abilities, but faking them will get you a Stern Warning or possibly modkilled.
12. If you believe a player is violating one of these rules by the letter, or in spirit, contact the game moderator privately. Do NOT address the potential violation in the thread, proceed on normally.
13. Moderator decisions are final. @Dels will be backup mod for the duration of the game.
14. Keep the game fun for everyone, since that's why we're all here.
Vanilla role PM:
You are Vanilla.
You are Town.
You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.
night 1
night 2
night 3