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Thread: EB Version 1.2 - Jan-2025_v4 version released - 27-Jan-25

  1. #1
    Member Member b0Gia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Makedonia, Greece

    Default EB Version 1.2 - Jan-2025_v5.2 version released - 31-Jan-25!

    Hello Everyone,
    Back to the roots post.

    EB with RTW
    Installation Instructions how to install EB 1.2
    This version 1.2 has been tested for many many years so let's give focus to that version for now.
    How to install EB 1.2 for RTW.

    Download EB 1.1, 1.2 and hotfixes.
    EB 1.1

    EB 1.2

    EB 1.2 - Fixes

    Website also:
    to download also the files:
    I just cannot find the EB 1.2 fixes there.

    #################################################################################################### ####

    EB with ALX
    Now there is a chance to update the EB 1.2 version to run with Alexander Total War instead of Rome Total War (with many advantages like improved AI).
    So you need to own Alexander Total War.

    Installation Instructions.
    Please install EB 1.1 and EB 1.2 to your Alexander Total War destination.
    In my case is:
    E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Alexander
    Then copy paste the content of the the patch to the same folder and overwrite everything.

    Also I have fixed many bugs of the original EB 1.2 that there existing since forever.
    Note that this version doesn't have any additional modifications to EB 1.2 except of the changes needed to run with Alexander Total War and bug fixes.
    The file is here:
    This build can be considered the final EB 1.2 fixes file. If you want one 100% vanilla legacy EB experience you just need to install EB 1.1, 1.2 and these fixes.
    Beyond that point would be modded EB versions.

    #################################################################################################### ###

    Modded EB with ALX
    Here is the file:

    To run the mod either use the EBTrivialScript.exe or do a shortcut of Alexander Total War and edit the shortcut from properties have in the end extra from the target line:
    -nm -ne -show_err -noalexander -mod:EB
    Or there is another way from Gigantus:

    #################################################################################################### ###

    #################################################################################################### ###
    EB 1.2 Official fixs included
    Chat_filter.san file to run with Alex included Changes to files to run with Alex included, more info here:
    Historical battles fixed and implemented
    Original EB Bugs fixed:
    Missed ownership for generic militia for all factions
    Missed ownership for steppe missile cavalry pahlava shivatir for armenia (default rtw faction)
    Missed ownership for african_cavalry_ethiopian for germans (default rtw faction)
    Missed ownership for indian_elephant_standard for egypt (default rtw faction)
    Missed ownership for african_cavalry_ethiopian for parthia (default rtw faction)
    Missed ownernship for african_cavalry_ethiopian for romans_brutii (default rtw faction)
    Fixed issue with File that exists in mod-folder, but referenced to vanilla folder. ln 93 data/models_strat/textures/diplomat_sauromatae.tga
    Fixed issue with File that exists in mod-folder, but referenced to vanilla folder. ln 741 data/models_strat/textures/navy.tga
    Fixed issue with ebsprite_african_infantry_maures_all.spr missing
    Fixed issues with the settlement names to the trait file
    Fixed issues with the settlement names to the ancillaries file
    6138 minor bugs fixed in the campaign script:
    Many minor bugs fixed in descr_strat
    Fixed EBTrivialScript
    Fixed Save option for Carthage / Sauromatae / Sweboz
    #################################################################################################### ###
    Land bridges of DaCrazyMofo implemented
    An updated Trivial Script to work for Alexander Total War (Original creator Tellos Athenaios)
    EDU from EB online implemented, credits to Vartan and the rest of the team. Both for single player and custom battles. And online battles.
    #################################################################################################### ###
    Historical Battles mod 2.0 implemented
    Credits to:
    created by EB/Hax
    created by LDC
    Changed also all the units of EDU to be commented with the correct name from export_units
    #################################################################################################### ###
    Fixed descriptions for new historical battles
    Re-balanced mercenaries costs, now every mercenary unit costs +25% of the standard version plus an extra 5% for every experience level it is.
    #################################################################################################### ###
    Eastern Hellenic Portraits from TuCoT
    DARTH_Dark_FORMATIONS_16.2 - Modified for play with Europa Barbarorum by Lysander13
    Increased campaign movement speed for generals
    Replaced watchtowers with villages icons and a standard cost of 200 coins
    #################################################################################################### ###

    Roman Reforms Re-balanced
    Unconditional Marian Reforms for player: at least 300 turns (75 game years into the game - 197 bc) and 60 cities to be Roman (all cities of the game are 199)
    Unconditional Marian Reforms for ai: at least 200 turns (50 game years) and 21 settlements, then there is a 15% per turn to occur
    Conditional Marian Reforms : at least 6 Latifundae (the highest level farms) and turn at least 300 turns and at least 40 settlements
    Imperial Reforms conditional: at least 45 gov2 buildings, and turn 400 and Roman settlements 70
    Unconditional Imperial Reforms for ai :at least 300 turns and 41 settlements then there is 15% chance to happen each turnNew battle script based on the one of EB II
    Fixed a really difficult bug to spot where Priest of Heracles was existing two times with the same name
    Cute Wolf's Garamantine and Habukoz Scandinavian Fix.
    Megas Methuselah's Watchtower/Village Mod
    Implemented accurate version of Antesignani (Veteran Legionary Vanguard Infantry)
    #################################################################################################### ####
    Removed the battle script since it was breaking the main script - would be checked again in the future.
    #################################################################################################### ####
    Implemented: Peace with the Dead script so when a faction dies it resets it's relations with everyone to be neutral so you can ally with it's allies etc
    Implemented: 2 small fixes to the traits and ancillaries that I made.
    Implemented : 1 small fix that must be since the beginning of EB: The following models in descr_lbc_db.txt are missing a texture line for the specified faction: Line: 62 Model: greek_artillery_crew Faction: slaves It's a typo of Slave faction.
    Implemented: Fixed two typos that were blocking the constructed photos of Persia part and Persia full reforms I guess.
    Implemented: battle model : ebofficer_roman_lesser_general strat for roman captains.
    #################################################################################################### ####
    Last edited by b0Gia; 02-10-2025 at 18:27. Reason: Jan-2025_v5.2 version released!

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