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Thread: The Warrior Hold

  1. #61
    Member Member karmastray's Avatar
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    Red face

    The Education of Prince Suleyman
    vol. V

    The night-sky was dark, clouds hid the moon and stars from the Earth. In such darkness a man could not see more then a few yards from him without the help of a torch or lantern, and even with them his sight was aided little if he were trying spot anything at a distance. It was this deep-dark, thought the young prince Suleyman, which the Mongol horsemen had used to creep up on the Turks.

    The prince was stuck in a precarious position, earlier in the night one of his general/master's men had stolen him from camp and brought him out here to a small copse of trees a couple of hundred yards from the border of the Turk's army encampment. The man, named Malik, a warrior with the army, had planned on raping and killing the young slave-prince in revenge for a past greivance. Suleyman had got the better of him, though, and now his corpse lay on the ground a few feet from the princes hiding spot, a dagger jammed into his throat. From Suleyman's hiding spot, a tree to one side of him and a small boulder to the other, he peeked out at the barbarian horsemen. Through the heavy nightblanket he could make out only a few dozen men riding hard toward the Turkish camp, but the constant thundering of hooves on soft earth told him there were thousands more out there.

    Suleyman wasn't a very devout or pious Muslim at best of times, but a situation like the one he was trapped in forces a man to make certain decisions about his religous beliefs.

    Merciful Allah, he muttered. Guide me away from certain death and I shall be your slave forever Almost as soon as he finished his short prayer one of the mongol warriors crashed through Suleyman's hiding place from the direction of the Turkish camp, his horse crashing to the ground, arrows sticking from it's neck and flank The man was thrown a few yards from his dead beast and cried out as he hit the ground just a few feet from Suleyman. The prince watched silently as the man tried to stand, then fell back to the ground, one of his legs obviously broken. The mongol's eyes flicked around the small island of trees and then, with surpise, noticed the young prince.

    The barbarian said something in a questioning tone, perhaps thinking Suleyman was one of his comrades taking cover or hiding from the battle. The prince simply nodded, as if in agreement and muttered something unintelligible. Slowly, Suleyman began making his way over to Maliks corpse. The mongol said something again, this time harsher, his barbarian tongue sounding even more alien then the varied languages of the Latins. Suleyman didn't answer this time, he trotted over to his dead enemy and ripped the kris from the mans throat. The Mongol shouted something and, using a tree as support, pulled himself to one leg, while unsheathing a nasty looking short sword. Again the Mongol yelled out, trying to get the attention of his companions.

    Quiet Suleyman hissed, and again the Mongol yelled and continued to yell. In a rush the prince moved toward the wounded Mongol, his kris held at the ready. The barbarian swung his blade swiftly at Suleyman, and the prince leapt back to avoid the stroke which certainly would have eviscirated him. Suleyman stabbed the dagger towards the Mongol's chest and scored, but his blade was turned aside by the tough leather and animal skin the man wore as armour. The Mongol instantly grabbed at Suleymans knife arm with one hand and brought the hilt of his blade up to smash at the prince's head. Suleyman was barely able to bring his arm up to deflect the blow in time, and he was rocked to the side by the impact of the strike to his forearm. The barbarian rose his blade to swing down upon Suleymans head, but the young prince swung his elbow in at the Mongols face, smashing the wounded mans nose flat against his left cheek. With a cry, the Mongol lost his balance and, grasping at the prince, fell to the ground with Suleyman on top of him. Enraged, the prince stabbed at the man until he realized -- it seemed much later to him -- that the barbarian was dead.

    Suleyman, after sitting, his back to a tree and his head in his hands, for a long while slowly got to his feet. Beyond him, in the blackness of the night, he heard a fierce battle raging. He could hear bows twanging and arrows whistling through the air, men screaming anger and curses and horses screaming their deaths in oddly human ways. He could see the torches of the Turkish camp not three-hundred yards away and between him and those torches he made out a myriad of shadows and night-forms: Horses charging against the pike-wall which made up the outter fortification of the camp near the base of the hill the camp was situated on, mounted archers firing into the camp and, within the pikewall, Turkish archers firing their bows into the army of Mongol phantoms.

    Finally regaining his courage, his heart still thumping heavily in his chest, Suleyman stripped the Mongol of his bloodied armour and furs. He dressed himself in the barbarian's smelly accoutrements and strapped on the man's swordsling and the case for his bow and arrows then, with a deep breath, he rushed out of his hiding place.

    He ran out into the field just as the clouds broke for a moment and the whole area was bathed in soft, silvery light.
    He saw clearly the chaotic melee before him, the moon's light glinting off the spears and armour of the Mongol raiders, thousands upon thousands, a seeming swarm of snakes all writhing upon the ground. He saw them going up against the pikewall, swiping at it with the swords, trying to break holes into it, beyond Turkish spearmen stabbed at the barbarians through the wall. Clouds of arrows, some afire, lofted into the camp, looking far too innocent and beautiful to be a tool of death. Clouds of arrows flew from the camp as well, and, in the soft light, Suleyman could make out horses and men lying here and there, like they'd grown tired of the battle and decided to take a nap right in the field.

    As fast as the moon had peeked out from the clouds it was gone again, and the land fell back into darkness, broken here and there by the fire of the torches, and another fire building within the camp itself. Suleyman began to run for the apparent right flank of the engagement, hoping to make it around the Mongols and to the other side of the encampment, to the gate there. He made it only a hundred yards or so before a Mongol horsemen, leading another horse without it's rider, rode up to Suleyman. The barbarian barked something at the prince, then again. In the pale light, Suleyman saw suspiscion grow on the mans face. The Mongol yelled at him one more time, then cast aside the reigns to the other horse and began riding his mount in a wide circle around the young prince. With a silent prayer to Allah, Suleyman drew his Mongol short sword and prepared to meet the rider. The barbarian wheeled his mount toward the prince, shouted something and drew back his own blade, his horse leaping to full gallop. Behind him, Suleyman heard the thunder of more hooves. No escape, he realized and began to trot to the right, trying to find a good position in which to fight his last (and nearly his first) battle. The thunder behind him grew louder, as the horseman in front of him grew closer. Suddenly the Mongol gave another yell and again wheeled his horse around, galloping furiously away from the prince. All around the young man was the shout -- in Turkish -- DEATH DEATH IS RIDING FOR YOU While a horde of cavalry -- Armenians -- rumbled like an earthquake toward the Mongol's flank. As the Armenians roared past him on both sides the prince rose his sword into the air and shouted praise for Allah and the Turkish army

    Suddenly and without warning something heavy thudded into the back of Suleymans head and he was sent hurtling through the ground and into darkness even deeper then that of that hell-tinged night.

    Stay tuned for more adventures of Suleyman, the Slave Prince

    Liberties are not given, they are taken. Aldous Huxley

    Then we are living in a place abandoned by God, I said, disheartened.
    Have you found any places where God would have felt at home? William asked me, looking down from his great height.
    -- The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

  2. #62


    OK, I've not read all these storys (tho I will). But surely these should be posted in their own non-sticky threads...? I very nearly missed them till I thought I wonder what people are discussing in the sticky...

    Or is posting them in a sticky a way to achieve everlasting fame? hehe
    "I request permanent reassignment to the Gallic frontier. Nay, I demand reassignment. Perhaps it is improper to say so, but I refuse to fight against the Greeks or Macedonians any more. Give my command to another, for I cannot, I will not, lead an army into battle against a civilized nation so long as the Gauls survive. I am not the young man I once was, but I swear before Jupiter Optimus Maximus that I shall see a world without Gauls before I take my final breath."

    Senator Augustus Verginius

  3. #63
    Kanto Kanrei Member Marshal Murat's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Eye of the Hurricane (FL)


    Marching to battle, Byzantine infantry confront the Turkish enemy. yell ing in a triumphant voice, the Emperor, his two sons and the General thank the lod that the Turks are willing to battle. Marching forward to a hill crest, the infantry line up for battle, behind are multiple Trebzoind Archers. At the flanks Kats hold the flanks. Chargeing, the infantry yell thier battle cry. Lead by Alexius Comenaus son Alexius II they crash into the light elements. Following behind are the Kats. In the ensueing battle, thousands of Infantry push the light Turks. Then the trap is sprung. From the forest, masses of Ghulam calvary charge into the fray. The Trebzoind archers flood in to help. In a trap the men fight for thier lives. Then a voice echoes in Alexius ears Head to your homeland straight, and follow the star to there go Seeing a star in the sky, he charges in that direction. Crashing into the weakest point the Turks crumble.
    Ok pretty dry, but it sort of late for me.
    "Nietzsche is dead" - God

    "I agree, although I support China I support anyone discovering things for Science and humanity." - lenin96

    Re: Pursuit of happiness
    Have you just been dumped?

    I ask because it's usually something like that which causes outbursts like this, needless to say I dissagree completely.

  4. #64


    Karmastray I love the story of Prince Suleyman...he's only been in camp a couple of days and you've taken 5 posts already I reckon the 4 year apprenticeship could take a whole book

    Keep up the good work.
    "I request permanent reassignment to the Gallic frontier. Nay, I demand reassignment. Perhaps it is improper to say so, but I refuse to fight against the Greeks or Macedonians any more. Give my command to another, for I cannot, I will not, lead an army into battle against a civilized nation so long as the Gauls survive. I am not the young man I once was, but I swear before Jupiter Optimus Maximus that I shall see a world without Gauls before I take my final breath."

    Senator Augustus Verginius

  5. #65
    Member Member karmastray's Avatar
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    St. Paul, Mn  USA


    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Mount Suribachi @ Aug. 30 2003,09:47)]Karmastray I love the story of Prince Suleyman...he's only been in camp a couple of days and you've taken 5 posts already I reckon the 4 year apprenticeship could take a whole book

    Keep up the good work.
    OY Don't I know it and believe me I never planned out the story, well, I did, but I only had it pegged for a couple of posts, five at the most Anyway, the original story was gonna be the prince going to meet the famous bad-ass general en route to kill the mongols, and on the way the general would tell the prince stories of all the victories and conquests of his life.. loosely based on the general i used in M:TW to defeat the Byzantines and Hungarians. It's also based on the fact that all my heirs in the game right now suck much ass and must be sent in to certain victories so that they can slowly gain command stars. (I'm a little nervous of using a 2-star general in a major battle )

    Anyhow, I didn't know if I should let some other people post here since I've taken up a hell of a lot of room

    ps thanks for telling me you liked it
    pps I am gonna hit the ol' advance time rate button after the war with the mongols ends and have him do a couple years of his slave-time off screen.
    Liberties are not given, they are taken. Aldous Huxley

    Then we are living in a place abandoned by God, I said, disheartened.
    Have you found any places where God would have felt at home? William asked me, looking down from his great height.
    -- The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

  6. #66
    Member Member karmastray's Avatar
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    The Education of Prince Suleyman
    vol. VI

    The slave/prince Suleyman gradually became aware that he was alive. First it was a pounding headache, a dagger being pushed into the back of his skull it felt like. Next it was the clamy-chilliness against the right side of his face, that wet chill slowly spread down his neck to his torso, then to his arms and legs (which he realized were spread eagled on the ground) and then finally to his toes and fingers. Off in the distance he could hear yelling, constant yelling that seemed to encompass the whole world. He could tell it was only one or two men at most, but he couldn't make out any of the words. He didn't have the strength to push himself to his feet, nor could he force his eyes open. In a panic he tried to scream out for help, but he could only make a slight noise in the back of his throat.

    A cold drizzle fell over the prone Suleyman and his thougts turned dark. Perhaps I am dead,he thought morosely. And this is purgatory.. I do not deserve this I fought like a man, I should not be dead A sob shook his body, but suddenly he understood the yelling he was hearing. An Alim Calling all the faithful to prayers I am alive Praise you, merciful Allah I am yours for all my days
    Bringing what little strength he could he managed to force his eyes open. The first thing he saw was a dead horse, eyes bulging and tongue hanging out of it's mouth. It's neck and flank bristled with at least a dozen arrows. Slowly he managed to bring his hands in close to his body, then managed to force his body off the ground. His headache flaired hotly in his head and he managed a croaking moan. Slowly his strength came back, not much, but enough to allow him to attempt prostrations for his Lord.

    Never in the young princes life had he ever voluntarily prayed, but today he found new belief in the face of the previous nights carnage. He managed to keep up, bowing into the soggy ground in the direction which he thought was correct, until the unseen Alim's voice finally stopped, ending with a prayer for those who had fallen and the knowledge that they had certainly died as brave Muslim warriors and had found Paradise.

    Not long later, the prince sitting on the ground, his head spinning he heard more shouts. Over there There's one, get him Suleyman looked around and saw a couple Turkish soldiers heading in his direction.

    Brothers He shouted weakly, and saw the couple start. I am one of you Hurt on the field of battle
    The two men ran over to the prince, eyed the stolen Mongol armour and hide coat that he wore and then their eyes opened in recognition. Both knelt to the ground.

    My prince One said excitedly. We're sorry we didn't recognize you right away Are you hurt?
    I cannot walk, Suleyman answered, his head flaring hotter with the effort of the conversation. Take me to the general.. at once.
    My Lord' The soldier said, taking in the young man with the deep, angry black eyes. 'You are wounded, we will carry you to the aid tent, you should be looked after by one of our learned healers
    No Ta-- was all the prince managed before he fell back into darkness.

    When next he woke he heard the sound of a heavy rain beating on the roof of a tent. He opened his eyes, much easier this time, and looked around. It was his tent, he recognized that much. His headache was much less painful now and he slowly sat up in his straw pallet.
    I'll fetch the general, Prince Suleyman. He heard a voice say, then the patter of feet running out of the tent. Outside he could hear the bark of men yelling orders and doing some kind of heavy work.

    A few moments later the grizzled visage of old General Gazi filled the doorway.
    You have made it The man sounded surprised, his eyes glimmering with dark humor.
    What did you expect, the prince replied with a hint of anger in his voice. Or did you send your friend to kill me in that dark wood.
    What? Gazi replied, stepping into the tent and standing over Suleyman. 'I thought you had run away when the Mongols raided us that night. What do you mean my friend? And how in hell did you get dressed up as a Mongol?

    Suleyman's eyes softened, deep in his heart he'd known that the General wouldn't have him killed by an assassin, that was the cowards way, if the old man ever wanted rid of the prince he would do it himself. Taking a breath, Suleyman related the events of that night, starting with Malik kidnapping him from this very tent and taking him to that nightmarish copse of trees, to the Mongols interrupting that perverse man and to his death by Suleyman's hand. He ended with the Armenian cavalrymen saving his life and that he could remember no more, he awoke on the muddy ground this morning and prayed to Allah for thanksgiving.

    The old man chuckled at the end of the story, Son, you awoke three days ago on that muddy field, then passed out again. You've been sleeping here ever since, the Alims didn't think you'd survive your coma. Perhaps Allah had trouble making up his mind if he wanted you in Paradise, messing things up yet It looks like he is going to wait a while The general broke into laughter and slowly it infected the prince. He'd had very little to laugh about lately, it felt good.

    For a while the two men laughed together, then the general filled the prince in on what had happend and what was happening now. The Mongols hadn't launched a full attack, just a raid meant to sow fear into the hearts of the Turks. Fortunatly the Turks managed to beat away the Mongols on one side of the camp rather quickly, they then managed to get a few companies of Armenian cavalry out of the gate on that side and drive them around to hit the Mongols on one flank. Meanwhile Turkish spearmen marched around to the other flank. The Armenians hit first and wreaked so much havok on that side of the enemy that the site of spearmen marching quickly to attack the other flank caused the enemy general to decide that the raid had served it's purpose and the Mongol's faded back in to the night as quickly as they'd come out of it. The next day, Turkish outriders had found the bodies of most of their sentries dead out in their far positions. Somehow the Mongols had managed to creep up and kill them before they'd been able to raise the alarm. Just the one that saved Suleyman's life by shouting the warning had survived -- he'd been off s**ting in some bushes when the Mongols had killed his fellow watchmen.

    Now, Gazi said, his dark eyes glinting with eagerness. My men have seen that the Mongol is not a ghost or a phantom. They can be killed The men are hungry for blood

    The Mongols, the general explained, had been sighted by Turkish scouts about 20 miles to the east. They'd set fire to two more hamlets after raiding them for food and other supplies. But it appeared that they were running out of provisions. Even if they sacked every village from here to Armenia there wouldn't be enough food to sustain an army of fifteen thousand men and their horses for very long.

    I think they're through with their raiding,' Gazi went on. They're ready for the deciding battle. Right now my men are taking down camp and making ready to march to meet these barbarian raiders. He didn't mention that when he'd seen their dead bodies that they looked surprisingly like native Turks, though some had eyes that were slanted. Your armor is over there, the general pointed to a corner and Suleyman saw his captured Mongol battle dress and sword. They'd been cleaned it looked. Wear it, you've earned it.

    Two days later, marching through mud and rain, the Turks cleared the forest they'd been nervously marching through and finally spotted the Mongol army, already in formation and perched on the side of a small hill a mile or so off.

    'The will of Allah be with us today,' Suleyman heard Gazi say quietly to himself. 'For we will most certainly need it

    que up the tense music annnnnnd CUT

    to be continued
    Liberties are not given, they are taken. Aldous Huxley

    Then we are living in a place abandoned by God, I said, disheartened.
    Have you found any places where God would have felt at home? William asked me, looking down from his great height.
    -- The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

  7. #67
    Kanto Kanrei Member Marshal Murat's Avatar
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    Eye of the Hurricane (FL)


    Im not quite an artist but here it goes
    My goodness, these plad kilts clash with my polka dot armor, I can't belive this screeches the general from his tent, and he strides out, his clan tartan truly clashing with a blue and brown polka dot armor. I wanted to show my wife, I have a true fashion sense, I mean really roars the general as he walks though the camp. Whispering and laughing the soldiers point at him. A message from the lord Henrico, asking if you have any eyes yells a man from the camp, and the general storms off. Walking behind him we find Cedric and Atheralds sons Chester and Norberrt. I can't belive my tailor made my kilt sky blue he grumbles to Norberrt. Well its better than the kings replies a annoyed Norberrt. Well as my mom said, my father was totally unatractive in the sky blue uniform, the only thing was that he was in a fierce battle against the Vikings replies a mopeing Chester. I thought your father made remarks on the battle and sat on his butt all though the battle laughs aloud Norberrt. Walking up, Lord Gregory stifles a laugh, and in a trying serious tone he orders we are to battle in a few hours so get your weapons. Hearing him under his breath Chester sworn he could have heard him say why am I stuck with color blind fashion idiots Three hours later the whole army is assembled outside a small town. A messenger rides up to the general, who is now trembling with anger. the messenger declares to him The Lord of Henrico of England asks for a truce, and to take you to a tailors in Paris to get some fashionable clothes. Snickering, they stop when the general gives them a cold stare. Waving the messenger away he declares to the troops since you think my clothes are so funny, i'll give some to you and he has them all put on polka dot shirts over their armor, totally clashing with thier clan tartans. Well at least we look alot better then the other troops whispers Norberrt to Chester, who looks disgrundled. I bet right now, the enemy thinks we are an army of cross dressers replies Chester. Suddenly a horn blows and from across the field three lines of English troops march to attack the Scotsmen. Yelling and screaming, the scotmen charge, yelling warcries. As they approach, the English soldiers break down in laughter, laying on the ground rolling in glee at the scots in plad and polka dots. As the knights approach they also break down in laughter, some falling off thier horses. Looking at thier clothes, they walk away in disgrace, not ever drawing thier swords.....
    Ok its not a masterpiece but it works
    also i never ment to hurt the feelings of any scotsmen, or any others that might be offended by this passage.

    "Nietzsche is dead" - God

    "I agree, although I support China I support anyone discovering things for Science and humanity." - lenin96

    Re: Pursuit of happiness
    Have you just been dumped?

    I ask because it's usually something like that which causes outbursts like this, needless to say I dissagree completely.

  8. #68
    Kanto Kanrei Member Marshal Murat's Avatar
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    Eye of the Hurricane (FL)


    Ok last post a little quirky
    Emperor Unknown
    Acending a throne in the Hagia Sophia, a prince walks to be coronated. Only surrounded by his most trusted guards, in the dead of night is a secret ceremony. A few minutes later the prince is now Emperor Leothodius. Motioning to his guards they rush out the door. Walking out, he discards the regalia. Doning a messangers cloak he rides to his half fathers palace. Climbing to the chamber he sees him fast asleep. Drawing a Bulgarian knife, he stabs his half father in the heart. Withdrawing into the knight. Emperor Reamus of Greece has been killed announces a noble from his horse Prince Leothodius is now Emperor Marching to the chamber the prince cries aloud Oh my father and the prince draws the knife. Look all the world what Bulgaria has done. Storming out, he mounts his horse. I am takeing my army to destroy these rebellious foes. Riding out to the barracks he summons his men. Showing a guard the scroll all the army assembles. I ask you to follow me and crush the Bulgarian ursurpers and he is met with a roar of jubilation. Riding out he attracts followers.
    three weeks later.
    Riding his horse among the Greek rebels, Emperor Leothodius spears on in the chest and draws his bow and arrow. Shooting as fast as he can, he sends many Greeks to Hades. Blood splatters his regalia, and arrows lodge in his armor. Surgeing forward in a vain attempt, his lancers try to help. Suddenly, a spearmen knocks him off his horse, crashing to the ground. The voices grow fainter as he sits on the ground, the stench of blood everywhere....
    "Nietzsche is dead" - God

    "I agree, although I support China I support anyone discovering things for Science and humanity." - lenin96

    Re: Pursuit of happiness
    Have you just been dumped?

    I ask because it's usually something like that which causes outbursts like this, needless to say I dissagree completely.

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