What types of controls do you use during battle? Whats your main problem?

Currently I only use

1. Grouping (no ctrl+num). I select the groups by clicking on the screen. Usually I have 5 groups.
2. Alt+left drag to position units/groups
3. Alt+rotate unit/group to change facing
4. Mouse to navigate

My major problem with controls are

1. Going to the unit/group fast enough after clicking, to issue command.
2. Tried using way-point but I have problem going back to the unit after it reaches end point. So it stay idling.
3. Units stay idle in heat of battle. These usually happen when I select a group and alt+click at a spot just in front of the enemy group. While they are on the move, I will select the individual units in the group their target unit. Thing is, at times, I'm not fast enough, and one will stop after reaching location, and I've not select its target (and it get shot at by missile).

tootee the goldfish