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Thread: Silmarillion:Total War

  1. #1
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    Upon the good advice of Gregoshi, I hereby declare the creation of this Silmarillion:Total War topic.

    Now, where to begin?
    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  2. #2
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    Wow, 1/13/2004,00:00, that sure was auspiscious

    So begins the great Mod.

    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  3. #3
    Master of the Horse Senior Member Pindar's Avatar
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    I have always thought the First Age was by far the best setting for any type of Tolkein game. It out shines all others in scope, grandeur, and possibility to confront the true Dark Lord and his vast hosts.

    "We are lovers of beauty without extravagance and of learning without loss of vigor." -Thucydides

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  4. #4
    Member caspian's Avatar
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    It could have some of the most wicked factions ever.
    The Eldar (Elves):
    Noldor(aggressive and noble)
    divided between the houses of Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin
    Teleri (defensive but powerful when roused)
    Dark Elves (secretive and friends with the dwarves)
    Vanyar (most powerful and are Valar-like)
    I forgot the names of the ship-builders

    The Edain (Men):
    House of Bëor
    House of Hador
    House of Haleth

    also the Numernorians could come later and be like the Mongols, advance weapons, superior units but would be 'cursed/weakened' when their island vanishes

    Durin’s Folk
    Dwarves of Belegost
    Dwarves of Nogrod

    Race of Morgoth
    Fortress of Angband
    Stronghold of Utumno
    could gain 'elvish' units when they capture a province since Morgoth usually enslaved elves rather than execute them

    Also the Valar could come and wreak havoc on the Map and after a turn all the factions and their provinces would be messed up and a new set of enemies would appear.

  5. #5
    Member Member Sun Tzui's Avatar
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    Great mod in the works

    When do you think we can our hands on it?
    In war, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.
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  6. #6


    With the success of the movies, I suspect LOTR is considered much more sexy to do. But I agree Silmarillion is suited for large scale warfare.

  7. #7
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Duerfian @ Jan. 13 2004,19:39)]With the success of the movies, I suspect LOTR is considered much more sexy to do. But I agree Silmarillion is suited for large scale warfare.
    They are already working on a LOTR mod. You can see some screenshots in the Mead Hall (Story / PBM forum).
    Playable factions so far include the Rohirrim and Isengard.
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  8. #8
    Social leper Member Suppiluliumas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (caspian @ Jan. 13 2004,03:55)]It could have some of the most wicked factions ever.
    The Eldar (Elves):
    Noldor(aggressive and noble)
    divided between the houses of Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin
    Teleri (defensive but powerful when roused)
    Dark Elves (secretive and friends with the dwarves)
    Vanyar (most powerful and are Valar-like)
    I forgot the names of the ship-builders

    The Edain (Men):
    House of Bëor
    House of Hador
    House of Haleth

    also the Numernorians could come later and be like the Mongols, advance weapons, superior units but would be 'cursed/weakened' when their island vanishes

    Durin’s Folk
    Dwarves of Belegost
    Dwarves of Nogrod

    Race of Morgoth
    Fortress of Angband
    Stronghold of Utumno
    could gain 'elvish' units when they capture a province since Morgoth usually enslaved elves rather than execute them

    Also the Valar could come and wreak havoc on the Map and after a turn all the factions and their provinces would be messed up and a new set of enemies would appear.
    I think those factions could be whittled down a little bit. The Teleri are the ship builders, but they could be left out because they never returned to Middle Earth. The Vanyar also, needn't be a faction since they only returned to Middle Earth along with the Valar. As for the Dark Elves, they could be mercs available to the Sinda faction, because they never were a defined kingdom after Denethor was killed.

    The three houses of men would be fine also, but I would make the Easterlings part of the Morgoth faction, or mercs. The Numenoreans would be out of place since they appeared later and were actually an amalgamation of the three houses of men.

    Nogrod and Belegost would be fine too, but the house of Durin weren't in the picture at the time.

    Also, Morgoth's faction should probably be unified, rather than split.

    It really would be difficult to solve the game balance issues and still preserve consitency with the Silmarillion.
    "Beer - Abraham Lincoln didn't kill the Germans so you could drink grapefruit juice on America's birthday."


  9. #9
    Member Member Dillinger's Avatar
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    Game balance is going to be a huge problem, as the only reason Morgoth was defeated was because of an alliance, and, see as how alliances count for next to nothing in M:TW, it would be insanely hard to beat him. You would have to seriously diminish his power in order to make it playable.

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  10. #10
    Member caspian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Dillinger @ Jan. 13 2004,18:50)]the only reason Morgoth was defeated was because of an alliance
    Actually Morgoth was always defeated by the Valar. The Noldor defeated his armies but they didnt take Angband(?), they just surrounded it.

    An idea would be to have Ulmo be like the pope (but of lesser influence and only to Elves), since he's the only Valar that took time with the affairs of Middle-Earth.

    But how to involve Gothmog and his Balrogs (kinda like a giant Kensai unit) or Glaurung and his Dragons (they fly right? and dwarves should have a higher defense for them).

    Will this mod wait for Rome:TotalWar's new engine?

  11. #11
    Provost Senior Member Nelson's Avatar
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    Glaurung did not have wings. Ancalagon was the first winged dragon.
    Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.

  12. #12
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (caspian @ Jan. 13 2004,21:59)]But how to involve Gothmog and his Balrogs (kinda like a giant Kensai unit) or Glaurung and his Dragons (they fly right? and dwarves should have a higher defense for them).

    Will this mod wait for Rome:TotalWar's new engine?
    I had thought of starting a Silmarillion TW mod project for some time, but due to a number of problems i decided against it. Some being what you have said here.

    Another big reason for me deciding against a first age of LOTR mod was the simple fact that i didn't think MTW's buildings (farms and churches) would fit into the the period. For example, Gondolin (the hidden city) was told to be completly white with high white walls and such, and little wood shacks just didn't look right imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Stronghold of Utumno
    if memory serves, Utummno was destroyed after the first war with Morgoth. By the Time the Noldor had returned to Middle-earth the dark lord only had Angband in The Iron Mountains.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]also the Numernorians could come later and be like the Mongols, advance weapons, superior units but would be 'cursed/weakened' when their island vanishes
    IIRC they did not lose their Island until the second age, and that was for the fact that they had been corrupted by Sauron and ticked into making war upon Valinor. Elendil and Isildur fled to ME and founded Arnor and Gondor for that reason. It depends on when this mod is set, First age or Second, if that feature should be included.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]An idea would be to have Ulmo be like the pope (but of lesser influence and only to Elves), since he's the only Valar that took time with the affairs of Middle-Earth
    That might work, maybe give him a single province (say the Island of Balar). That may keep the Elves in line for a while and allow them to ally against Morgoth.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]The Noldor defeated his armies but they didnt take Angband(?), they just surrounded it.
    The Noldor elves could never defeat him alone, and the Valar knew this from the begenning. As Angband was to fortified to actually enter, they laied seige to it but thatfailed as many times the siege was attacked and eventually broken.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Dwarves
    Durin’s Folk
    Dwarves of Belegost
    Dwarves of Nogrod
    Durin's folk can not be included, For Durin the Deathless built his halls in Kazad-dum, far from Beleriand. True the Dwarves spoke of it often and how it's wealth was great, but it was only a name to the elves for they never ventured there in this age.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Noldor(aggressive and noble)
    divided between the houses of Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin
    Two factions would be insanly hard to implement, one being the Elves of Narogthrond, and the other is the Elves of Gondolin.

    Narogthrond laid long hidden from Morgoth, but they conducted a secret war against him, using hit and run tactics and ambushes to decimate any army sent down into Talath Dirnen. It was not until they built a brige across the river Narog and made open war upon Morgoth did he actually find the city, and after their defeat at the battle of Tumhalad (sp?) the city was sacked.

    Gondolin was another special case, it was in the encircling mountains and its skies were guarded by the King of the Eagles who lived nearby. It is said there were seven gates that guarded the only pass into Gondolin, and passed them was a narrow valley. However eventually Morgoth sacked and destroyed Gondolin, this is where Glorfindel fought the Balrog.

    Hope this information has helped, good idea though . If this mod is made it will be the best imho.

  13. #13
    Member caspian's Avatar
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    How about using 'Crusades' against Morgoth. Its like a big allied army right?

    In my opinion, the trick here is to get something started, any further details to make the Mod Beleriand-accurate would have to follow. Once some initial progress is evident, the Mod would take shape faster from then on. Is Avarin going to develop this? Im mod-illiterate but I can learn, moslty Im an artist/graphics so I can help in that area.

  14. #14
    Member Member Maedhros's Avatar
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    Alliances would be much easier to make, and the elves would only break them with each other to fight over the Silmarils.

    The elves could beat Morgoth and often did. Years after all the fire and death the elves drove the orcs back, and held Morgoth in a virtual siege again.

    I think the factions would compose:

    Fingolfins house
    including his sons and nephews

    7 sons of Feanor led by Maedhros

    and the Sindar under Thingel
    I think Cirdan and the kingless elves of Ossiriand, and some of those in Nevrast (before the founding of Gondolin) were part of his overall kingdom.

    The humans shouldn't be a faction because they were made to answer to the Elves. Their arrival should make new units available to the elven factions hosting them.

    Ulmo was not supposed to interfere directly in the affairs of the elves. Maybe make his presence known through random events. The creation of heroes, or events like sudden floods stopping the enemy from fording rivers or fog allowing routing troops to escape the enemy.

    I think the heroes and main characters could be represented as Kensai like troops with various skills and attributes. The balrog and various dragon types might be represented as single unit troop types.
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  15. #15
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    Yes, the accursed silmarils, but Feanor was the bloody one.

    Part of me can't bear the thought of pitting two eldalie factions against eachother, I think what I will try to do is to have region-specific troop types for special elvish units. but only one faction of Elves. The Valar will exist as an independent faction in Valinor, with godly king names, and quenya elvish general names and high elf units. Since Thingol prohibited the use of quenya, most of the names for the single elf-faction will be sindarin, however individual quenya names of import will be included in the list.

    Other factions: certainly Angband, Naugrim, Edain, Swarthy Men(easterlings?), There is some space then for two more factions, ether they will die in the first year or be rendered irrelevant or whatever best suggestion is, The men, dwarves, and elves will be considered free peoples, and subjected to the guidance of Valinor, yes crusades will be modded into campaigns for the silmarils. And Morgoth will get to use his jihad-trick, it won't be called a jihad of course.


    Human factions weak at the start and east of ered luin.

    Eldalie will start with some advanced troops.

    Morgoth, will have plentiful and cheap slaves, but also stout and powerful units. Very low maintenance costs on the legions of Orcs, Goblins, Wargs and Trolls, will try to create individual balrog generals, need help on this one.

    This will be a mod suited to Viking Invasion.

    Religious Conversions
    Islam----> Swarthy men and Angband.
    Catholic->Elf and Valar,Dwarves and Human

    Some of you know better than me, please help, I am happy to be corrected at any time

    I will try to make new skins for the walls and buildings, more appropriate to the time and place of this mod.

    There is a foretaste available in the downloads section of this website, The ORG has been gracious enough to allow me to post Two new unit files, Orc10, and Goblin10, there are install instructions in the files, The orcs will be used as medium infantry in the mod, the goblins are being reworked now. Orc10 is still in the recently uploaded files but is the better of the two.

    I am accepting all recruits to the project, if anyone wants tasks, we have a plenty.

    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  16. #16
    Member caspian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Part of me can't bear the thought of pitting two eldalie factions against each other
    But isn't Fëanor's Oath one of the tragedies of The Silmarillon? When the Noldor made war against other Elves at Alqualondë, Doriath and Mouths of Sirion? Also when they defied Eönwë and the Valar. Hope you include two or more factions of the Eldar so we can see Elves against Elves. I agree with Maedhros' division of the Eldar.
    Sons of Feanor, House of Fingolfin, Sindar (Elu Thingol) and maybe the Dark Elves as mercs or Rebel factions.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Other factions: certainly Angband, Naugrim, Edain, Swarthy Men(easterlings?), There is some space then for two more factions,
    How about having another faction led by Sauron? Didnt he had a small 'kingdom' when he took Minas Tirith / Tol Sirion , with werewolves as his primary force?

  17. #17
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    The elves should be devided as such:

    ---Noldor (includes Fingolfin, Finrafin, And Finrond's house)

    Fingolfin: Hithrim, Mithrim

    Fingon: Dol-Lomin

    Turgon: Gondolin

    Finrond: Narogthrond, along with most of western beleriand

    Orodreth: Tol Sirion (Minas Tirith)

    Cirdan: Coastal provinces beyond Finrond's realm

    Angrond, Aegnor: Dorthonion

    ---Sons of Fëanor

    Celegorm, Curufin: Himland

    Meadhros: The Himring

    Amrod, Amras: Estolad

    Caranthir: Thargelion

    Maglor: Maglor's gap

    ---Sindar Elves

    Thingel: Doriath (surrouned by the girdle of Mellan)

    ---Green elves



    Dwarves of Nogrod

    Dwarves of Belegost

    ---The Dark Lord

    Morgoth: Angband

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]How about having another faction led by Sauron? Didnt he had a small 'kingdom' when he took Minas Tirith / Tol Sirion , with werewolves as his primary force?
    IIRC that did not happen untill after the siege of Angband was broken late in the first age, i could be wrong.

  18. #18
    Flying Dutchman Member Ellesthyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Part of me can't bear the thought of pitting two eldalie factions against eachother, I think what I will try to do is to have region-specific troop types for special elvish units. but only one faction of Elves.
    >> Are you really sure you want that? The sons of Feanor DID actually attack the other elves, you know. And Doriath and Ossiriand really have to be seperate, if only rebel factions. Falar really deserves his own faction, because it will probably represent the only sea-faring faction in the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]The Valar will exist as an independent faction in Valinor, with godly king names, and quenya elvish general names and high elf units.
    >> Valar? Are you gonna use them as the pope? I thought you were talking about Ulmo... Anyway, the Valar really shouldnt be able to interfere in the affairs of Middle Earth, if only as an event.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Since Thingol prohibited the use of quenya, most of the names for the single elf-faction will be sindarin, however individual quenya names of import will be included in the list.
    >> Falar, Doriath and Ossiriand should have sindarin names. The Noldor quenyan names.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Other factions: certainly Angband, Naugrim, Edain, Swarthy Men(easterlings?), There is some space then for two more factions, ether they will die in the first year or be rendered irrelevant or whatever best suggestion is, The men, dwarves, and elves will be considered free peoples, and subjected to the guidance of Valinor, yes crusades will be modded into campaigns for the silmarils. And Morgoth will get to use his jihad-trick, it won't be called a jihad of course.
    >> Interesting, although I'd like to say that only the noldorian elves should be able to crusade. The dwarves, humans and sindarins did help, sure, but they did not organise one.

    >> If I were you, I would take different starting times: Before humans, after humans, after the disastrious battle of the sudden fire, and the Second Era.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Human factions weak at the start and east of ered luin.
    >> Make the Haldarin rebels, and give the houses of Beorn and Galdor their own factions.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Eldalie will start with some advanced troops.
    >> keeps in the Falar, a Castle as Nargothrond, Menegroth, the Dwarf cities, a Keep as the tower of the Syrion, Himling, the city of Thargelion, a Fortress for Angband, a Citadel for Gondolin, and a Fort for every other significant place.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Morgoth, will have plentiful and cheap slaves, but also stout and powerful units. Very low maintenance costs on the legions of Orcs, Goblins, Wargs and Trolls, will try to create individual balrog generals, need help on this one.
    >> Ok... Balrogs would be very cool indeed All units in the army (except balrogs and higher spirits) should have very low morale.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]Religious Conversions
    Islam----> Swarthy men and Angband.
    Catholic->Elf and Valar,Dwarves and Human
    >> I suggest to let the religions tell of wich race the inhabitans are:
    Orthodox = elves
    Catholic = good humans
    Islam = Morgoth stuff (Orcs, evil humans, etc.)
    Pagan = bad humans (Easterlings)

    >> The elves may revolt when under a human lord, and vice versa. It sounds right to me

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Citaat[/b] ]There is a foretaste available in the downloads section of this website, The ORG has been gracious enough to allow me to post Two new unit files, Orc10, and Goblin10, there are install instructions in the files, The orcs will be used as medium infantry in the mod, the goblins are being reworked now. Orc10 is still in the recently uploaded files but is the better of the two.
    >> Are they with Orc&Goblin graphics? You might want to ask the Lordz if they could help you, and maybe even share some graphs with you...

    >> Good luck I hope you'll get a lot of people to help you, as it's quite an ambitious plan. ;)

    -- Ellesthyan

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    (Or, as the Prussians interpretated it:
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    Österreich über alles!

  19. #19
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    Yes,they are original graphics. It is not final currently, and so if you disagree with the direction the mod is taking make your input known. But remember firstly, that modders spend 100's of hours trying to make a new creation without pay.

    To sucessfully duplicate every sociopolitical dynamic in the Silmarillion is impossible.

    We are trying to duplicate the world in the first age of middle earth. But we are also interested in making a new creation, unit graphics for example, aren't borrowed from LOTR movies, Howe, Weta, or Games Workshop. Lastly, I thank all of your constructive inputs, you can believe the good advice will be heeded, if not put to use in the mod.


    {P.S. 1/22/2004 Edited my original post because I'm getting lots of good help and great people to work with. and I sounded like an ass.)

    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  20. #20
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    avarin, is there a similar topic in the Dungeon - Alchemist lab forum? If not, I think at this time it would be a good idea to move this topic there. There is no need to copy it yourself as I can move this whole topic to that forum.

    This space intentionally left blank

  21. #21
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    I'm sorry I may have contradicted myself, I will take a certain amount of advice to heart, but it will be impossible to please everyone all of the time. Once a substantial amount of modding has been done, I'm sure some of you will be able to fine-tune the mod to suit your own tastes.

    I may not be the best to answer campaign-game mechanics type of questions, can't tell you who is though, sorry maybe you? If you have some skill in modding and making campaign-map graphics, or campaign-game text files? I can look up the divisions of the elves in the first age too, I have the atlas of middle earth etc, so if Cirdan's (Lirdan's? sic.) elves don't make it in as a separate kingdom you will have to forgive me, even creating one new faction is an arduous task but it can be done, so forgive me for not wanting 30.

    Right now my concern is new and unique unit graphics. because each new unit takes me about a week to make, they will be carefully planned to contribute to game balance as well as accuracy.
    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  22. #22
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    Yes please Gregoshi.

    Thank you
    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  23. #23
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Moving this to the Land of Mods, i.e., the Alchemist lab forum. I'll be keeping my eye on this one...
    This space intentionally left blank

  24. #24
    Father of the EB Isle Member Aymar de Bois Mauri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Orodreth: Tol Sirion (Minas Tirith)
    Minas Tirith (1st Age) yes, but different from Minas Tirith (3th Age), aka Minas Anor.

    Is that what you're saying, Monk?

  25. #25
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Aymar de Bois Mauri @ Jan. 17 2004,19:49)]
    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]Orodreth: Tol Sirion (Minas Tirith)
    Minas Tirith (1st Age) yes, but different from Minas Tirith (3th Age), aka Minas Anor.

    Is that what you're saying, Monk?
    Indeed Aymar

    The Tower of Minas Tirith built in the first age to guard the pass between the Encircling mountains and the Ered Wethrin, also along the banks of the river Sirion. If memory serves Orodreth held the pass with a sizable force. Of course after the siege of Angband was broken, Morgoth was quick to order his finest Luitenant, Sauron, to take the tower with the use of werewolves. The tower fell and became an outpost of the Dark Lord, and iirc it wasn't retaken by the Noldor.

    Some Tolkien researchers argue that the City of Minas Tirith in Gondor was named after the tower built by the elves thousands of years before. But when it coems down to it, it is only simple speculation.

    As for Orodreth, he ruled in Narogthrond after Finrond was lost in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. But when Túrin Turambar was brought there, he convinced the elven lord to build a Bridge over the river and make open war upon Morgoth. With the building of the Bridge Morgoth found the city that had laid hidden from him and he sent an army out under Glaurung with the hope of sacking the city in one fell swoop.

    Orodreth responded by leading an army north from Narogthrond, with him Túrin travelled as well and met the forces of the Dark lord at Tumhalad. It was the last desprete defense of the city, and it failed, for Orodreth was slain and the Army from Angband broke through the Noldor lines and routed the survivors. Túrin escaped alive only to bear witness to the sack of the city Narogthrond.

    If you ever need information on the first age
    avarin, i would be happy to give it.

  26. #26
    Member Member avarin's Avatar
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    Thank you Monk,
    You do know your stuff I will need your help before the end for sure. Sorry if I sounded rude before. The historical input is perfect for this thread.

    ...and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of their arms, for the host of the Valar were arrayed in forms young and fair and terrible, and the mountains rang beneath their feet.

    -Of the Voyage of Earendil.

  27. #27
    Flying Dutchman Member Ellesthyan's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Holland, Den Haag


    Ho ho, peace Avarin Im just giving you suggestions, how I would like to see the mod. Its your choice to implement any of them, and Im not saying your thoughts are bad, or impossible. I must say you should be answering a little less rude though I did not know you were already working on the unit graphics, so there is no reason to take offence... (even if I did know it is a silly reason)

    Im not a good modder (yet), mainly because Ive got this game only for 3 months... Im learning every day

    About the factions: I will stress once again the importance of 2 separate elven factions: the sons of Feanor and the sons of Fingolfin and Finarfin. The others can be made a rebel kingdom (doriath, Ossiriand) or added to the 2 factions (the falar, the grey elves outside Doriath). Only one elven faction will take the balance out of the game, as they will rule over Beleriand, Falar, and Himlith; probably 3/4 of your map
    There are several reasons to create these 2 factions besides balance:
    1) The sons of Feanor always helped eachother, but the other Noldor would not listen unless it would benefit them greatly.
    2) There was no big king of all the elves (only if you would add a land for Ingwe in Aman...), and the High king of the Noldor had only effective power in the lands of the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin.
    3) There were 3 battles were elves fought elves, and in every battle the sons of Feanor attacked

    Once again, Im not saying that you are doing a bad job, nor am I saying that your solution is necessarily wrong. However, I have found many reasons why at least 2 elven factions should exist... If its impossible to create another faction (what I doubt) than thats a bummer; but if you do not have the skill or time to do it you could ask help from BKB, he has created a load of factions in the Medieval campaign, and probably knows what has to be added to create a new faction.

    Good luck

    -- Ellesthyan

    Austria Est Imperare Orbi Universo
    Austria is destined to rule the world.

    (Or, as the Prussians interpretated it:
    Austria Erit In Orbe Ultima
    Austria will one day be lowest in the world.)

    Österreich über alles!

  28. #28


    Avarin, id love to get involved with this mod, i sent you a pm on metw a while ago. If your talking about changing buildings anytime now the first beta of wellington's mttm is coming out. this should allow people with medium knowledge to create totally new models and also edit maps. I personally cant wait to add new buildings to my middle earth maps.

    If there is anything you can think of to do on this map Id be happy to help(preferably boring low skill work that no one else wants to do) Just to take some of your workload, by the way GOOD WORK


  29. #29
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Word of advice for the Mod team, You're going to need atleast eight major factions (playable). This was discussed over at the ME:TW forums for a Third age LOTR mod, i sugest you do the following. (this is IMHO of course)

    1. Angband - Morgoth

    2. Beleghost - Dwarves

    3. Nogrod - Dwarves

    4. Doriath - Sindar under Thingol

    5. Sons Of Fëanor - Celegorm, Curufin, Maglor, Meadhros, Caranthir, Amrod, Amras. Together control most of East Beleriand.

    6. House of Fingolfin - Turgon in Gondolin, Fingolfin controling Hithrim and Mithrim. And Fingon ruling in Dol-Lomin

    7. Sons of Finarfin - Finrod, Orodreth, Angrond, Aegnor. They control most of the west and north.

    -I really wouldn't want to see the elves devided as such, but its an effective way of deviding the Noldor so that the game engine will work properly. If you could think of a different faction list, then go ahead.

    8. The last faction could be by your choice, if you would like Human factions could be added, but imho since this mod is called "Silmarillion:TW" it should focus on the Elves more, and THe GReen Elves of Ossiriand should atleast control their homeland. Maybe the Humans could be included as a minor faction however.

  30. #30


    i think men should definately be included as a major faction as they did play a major part in the events in the silmarillion(particularly the "good" men) This would ad a bit more variety and make the mod more interesting. The Easterlings could just be incorporated into Morgoth's forces though as he basically spoiled them by starting gossip and rumour from their beginning


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