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Thread: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

  1. #31


    Whenever I got into debt, it was because my army was too large. I dont know what your circumstances are, but I found war to be a good solution (ironicly).

    What ends up happening is that as troops are killed off, their maintenance cost lessen. You brobably knew that, but I find the added bonus of confiscated flourins especially enticing.

  2. #32
    Member Member ah_dut's Avatar
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    clown killer, i should have mentioned that, but it seemed a bit obvious and not really particularly related to my type of economics guide

  3. #33

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Good guide there.. but I think I missed something. Does anyone have info on how the Acumen of a Governor affect the income of a province?? I have not found it anywhere.. just wondering how much a 3 acumen increases, vs a 4 or a five. I have been just building and disbanding peasants in order to get high acumen leaders.

    Also does any province structure affect the acumen of a leader you build?? Would be interesting if lets say Cathedrals increase Acumen (since Cathedrals and monasteries were the places of learning in the medieval world).

  4. #34

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Mayfield The Conqueror
    Good guide there.. but I think I missed something. Does anyone have info on how the Acumen of a Governor affect the income of a province?? I have not found it anywhere.. just wondering how much a 3 acumen increases, vs a 4 or a five. I have been just building and disbanding peasants in order to get high acumen leaders.

    Also does any province structure affect the acumen of a leader you build?? Would be interesting if lets say Cathedrals increase Acumen (since Cathedrals and monasteries were the places of learning in the medieval world).

    I believe each feather of acumen gives +10% to the province income, and each feather of acumen on the King gives +2% to all provinces income, IIRC.

  5. #35

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by HicRic
    I believe each feather of acumen gives +10% to the province income, and each feather of acumen on the King gives +2% to all provinces income, IIRC.
    And does the Chancellor or any of the other "office holders" of that ilk have any effect??

  6. #36
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    chancellery and other administrative buildings give titles that can be assigned to boost acumen or other stat of the title bearer and chamberlain title gives +2 acumen which is useful for a gov.

    I find 4 acu to be min. threshold for govs and in really rich provinces use exheirs who are usually really high acumen due to selective breeding and high influence king.

  7. #37

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens
    Zortianus, you can not trade with yourself. It is annoying and counterintuitive (why would they stop needing wool just because I've conquered them), but it is so all the same.
    You do trade with your own provinces after conquering them - you just don't get any import/export taxes anymore!

  8. #38
    Master of Puppets Member bretwalda's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Beronar
    You do trade with your own provinces after conquering them - you just don't get any import/export taxes anymore!
    Hence no state income, either, right? No florins in my coffers... ;)
    This space is for sale. Anybody wanting to advertise little blue pills, pumping body parts or financial services that cost you a fortune may do it here for a small fee instead of packing my mailbox. Thank you.
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  9. #39
    Tired Old Geek Member mfberg's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Hence no state income, either, right? No florins in my coffers... ;)
    True, however some provinces are very profitable just trading inside their own borders. (Edessa and Armenia can make over 100 a turn with a trader, more with bigger buildings)

    It is not complete until the overwieght female vocalizes.

    Pinky : Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
    Brain : The same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!

  10. #40
    Urban Cohort Fanatic Member Lanemerkel1's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    OK heres my deal I am the byzantines and I am building up a trading empire here are my coastal provinces and their uses:



    I am gonna use 20 years to make 110 GUNGALLEYS (22X20=440/4=110).
    to build the fleet Its gonna cost me 110000 Florins and after its built it'll cost me 110000 Florins every 20 Years to support it.(I am NOT counting the support cost of the ones before they are finished being built) so that'll give me 2 gungalleys per sea in the game (40 seas in the game so 40/110=2.75 I'll just make it 2. 3 in some of the seas espeicialy the eastern med and the english channel.) I also have 46 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS up for grabs and 50 generals with 5 or above acumen. I also am buliding up trade in the landlocked province of syria (pretty much moving the stuff in syria to antioch and then exporting it) then I'll make cathedrals in every province (I found it brings in cash maybe through offering...) anyway then i used cheats (yes i cheat a little) to build 3 mines and complexes in every province however I'll probabaly on the next campaign not cheat (at least not cheat as much) I still will probably use .worksundays. but that'll be it. so i am wondering how much i'll make a year i guess i'll have to wait until the fleets done. then after the fleet is done i'll build another 110 ships to put 4 in every sea so I can protect my trade. so it'll cost me 40 years and 440000 Florins to get this trade empire up any suggestions besides not cheating?

    Quote Originally Posted by strike for the south
    If I werent playing games Id be killing small anamils at a higher rate than I am now

  11. #41
    Urban Cohort Fanatic Member Lanemerkel1's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition


    Quote Originally Posted by strike for the south
    If I werent playing games Id be killing small anamils at a higher rate than I am now

  12. #42
    Member Member mcv's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    What's the effect of bigger merchant buildings? As far as I can tell, they give a very small boost to trade. Is that really worth it? With a large sea trade network, that small boost can still amount to a decent sum, but by that time, you don't really need it anymore. It seems to me that bigger merchants are a waste of time. Anyone disagree?


  13. #43
    Tired Old Geek Member mfberg's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    It depends on the trade income generated and the number of wars you plan. If you go to war with everyone else (ie cut off all your trading partners), then that extra 50 florins comes in handy sometimes. Personally I will build them when I have the money, but only after my troop/happiness buildings. I will build them sooner in provinces with 2 trade items, and immediately in provinces with 3 trade items.

    It is not complete until the overwieght female vocalizes.

    Pinky : Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
    Brain : The same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!

  14. #44
    Member Member Goatus Maximus's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Great post...very useful especially w/regard to King's acumen.

    On that note, does anyone have any stats for the bump that the Chancellor/Vizier gives to the economy? Or the Archbishop? I'm assuming the Archbishop gives a bump owing to the +2 acumen associated with the title.

  15. #45
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Goatus Maximus
    On that note, does anyone have any stats for the bump that the Chancellor/Vizier gives to the economy? Or the Archbishop? I'm assuming the Archbishop gives a bump owing to the +2 acumen associated with the title.
    Non-provincial titles do not influence the economy of your nation as a whole. They merely give extra accumen to the bearer, so they should go the the Lords of your richest provinces.

    Unfortunatly, I do not know the bonusses these titles give, except for the Viking era. These are:

    Royal Hall: +1 command
    Royal Mint: +2 loyalty, +2 acumen
    Court of Law: +2 loyalty, +2 dread
    Royal armoury: +2 loyalty, +2 command
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  16. #46

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    what I call an imperialist empire is an empire that does only conquers the provinces whichs has good trade goods.
    in order to know what are the provinces that are going to give you more earnings, go to /medieval - total war/campmap/startpos and open the txt campaign you're gonna play. Now create a new txt doc and past there the region trade goods, now, change each trade goods name by it costs so you know what is the real worth of the trade goods of that province so you can choose what provinces you can take (you should take just the 20-30 richest provinces because a 10 florins of trade good region will not give you more money than the money you'll earn by trade with that region with your other provinces, i mean, that you cant trade with your own provinces so all your other provinces will trade with all neutrall/allied provinces so if you conquer a poor province it wont give more money that by trade with it)
    at Napoleonic Total War i tried to play with the richest province, Prusia and playing just with it i reached 25000 florins each year and i was recruiting militias (50 man by 6 florins) so I could have a total of 208333 militia in just that province!!!! of course I like playing with no year limit and looking how another nations expands his power to figth mine

  17. #47

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Goatus Maximus
    Great post...very useful especially w/regard to King's acumen.

    On that note, does anyone have any stats for the bump that the Chancellor/Vizier gives to the economy? Or the Archbishop? I'm assuming the Archbishop gives a bump owing to the +2 acumen associated with the title.
    chancellor: +3 acumen
    archbishop: +2 acumen
    some governor titles give extra acumen too (rhodos, tripoli, crimea,... the governor of champaign gets +3acumen in 1150, it's one of those historical events)

  18. #48
    Member Member bhackney's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    QUOTING Ah_Dut's article that starts this thread:
    To get steward, your general king or whatever must be present in the province when an agricultural upgrade is being built and finished. To acquire, the trader virtue, the man must be present during the building of a mine and it’s finish.

    I must be missing something, here. I've tried and tried to get my King or a Governor one of these virtues, making sure they're in the province when the mine or farm starts building, stay all the way through, and even hang on for a turn after the building is complete. I've NEVER gotten either "steward" or "trader." Did the VI expansion (or its latest patch) mess this up? Or is it just me? [I KNOW I'm the target of SOME conspiracy out there, SOME where.]
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  19. #49
    Member Member ah_dut's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    I haven't played MTW in a while...but what I said holds my experiance and the seemingly gone Katank's. If you build loadsa farm upgrades, you get steward. Just build a salt mine with your prince/king/whatever then rip it down...rinse and repeat, building another mine. This should net you the neccesary virtue

  20. #50
    Member Member bhackney's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by ah_dut
    ...rinse and repeat, building another . . . This should net you the neccesary virtue
    So it's a persistence kinda thing?
    Just as there is but one god in heaven, so should there be but one ruler on earth -- Tamerlane

  21. #51
    Member Member ah_dut's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    iirc yes...

  22. #52
    Member Member travel zen's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    With the Russians, economics are nice and easy.

    Conquer the Danes and build a fleet that stretches down to Spain. Likewise build a fleet from Kiev to Italy. More than enough money.

  23. #53
    Member Member Kraggenmor's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Do more ships in a trade route = more Florins receieved by trade?

    If I set up a trade route with a port 4 'seas' away:

    Will that route make more money if I have 3 ships in every sea between my self and the trading port, than if I had only one?

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  24. #54
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    @Kraggenmor, more ships do not equal more income. However, having multiple ships in a key sea like the gulf of Cadiz will ensure that your trade routes don't all go to hell if a little storm occurs.

    Once I get access to deep water ships, I keep about 2-3 deep water ships in each sea zone to help maintain continuity of my trade routes which stretch the world.

    In MTW, once you establish a chain around about 1/4 of the seas, you are already financially well off. Once you get a ship in every sea zone, you are rich beyond belief.

    Note that in naval war times, more ships are needed. Usually, every one of my coastal provinces is capable of at least basic ship production.

  25. #55
    Senior Member Senior Member katank's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    @ bhackney, the kings get credit for everything that goes on in their empire. Governors only get credit for presence. Heirs get credit for being there upon completion.

    A bug allows heirs to keep their steward/trader virtues when they become king and get another set while king. Something like Great Trader and Magnificent Trader at the same time is great as it stacks. That's why I ship heirs around the map to attend all the completion ceremonies.

  26. #56

    Question Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Statistics are Everything!

    Can anyone help with the answers to some of these numerical-related questions?

    1. What effect does % damage have on performance of artillery, and does the number of crew present affect accuracy or reload times?

    2. How many successful "hits" does an assassin have to make before he gains a valour level?

    3. How do priests and alims gain valour? Mine always stay at 0!

    4. Often in battle the enemy AI general leaves the field before the battle begins (CHICKEN!). Does this act reduce enemy morale?

    5. How can you estimate the chances of success in a naval battle before committing to it?

    6. When ordering a new unit, can you predict or direct that the unit will be a general or basic type, and is there a way of generating generals with higher command ratings?

    7. Finally, when attacking from more than 1 province, how do you know which type of terrain the battle will be fought on ?

    Cheers guys & gals.

  27. #57
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Hello Evil Medieval, welcome to the Org.

    This is an economics thread, not a statistics one. These questions would be better placed in the M:TW forum of the Org, the Main Hall, or in the numerology thread at the forums. But because you are new, I will answer your questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    1. What effect does % damage have on performance of artillery, and does the number of crew present affect accuracy or reload times?
    Damage to siege weapons has no effect as far as I know, provided it stays below 100%. Siege weapons require a minimum number of crew to operate, if it falls below that they won't work. Bigger crews have no effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    2. How many successful "hits" does an assassin have to make before he gains a valour level?
    That depends on the nature and valour (or command ability) of the target and the valour of the assassin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    3. How do priests and alims gain valour? Mine always stay at 0!
    By causing religious revolts (or at least: being present when they happen). They are alike to spies in this matter. There are also a number of hero-priests that come with higher valour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    4. Often in battle the enemy AI general leaves the field before the battle begins (CHICKEN!). Does this act reduce enemy morale?
    Blast, I've forgotten. I think not, but I am not sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    5. How can you estimate the chances of success in a naval battle before committing to it?
    You can't, but usually the AI has a big edge, so make sure you have an overpowering stack led by a good admiral. BTW, the AI knows when you will attack its fleet and will often try to escape. The chance of escape is depended on the speeds of the attacking and escaping fleets. The speed of a fleet is equal to that of its slowest ship, so attacking a fast fleet with at least one slow ships doesn't work. There was a thread on this a few days ago in the Mail hall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    6. When ordering a new unit, can you predict or direct that the unit will be a general or basic type, and is there a way of generating generals with higher command ratings?
    Unit leaders with command stars will pop up occasionally if you have a high-influence king. The same applies to command ability for fleets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Medieval
    7. Finally, when attacking from more than 1 province, how do you know which type of terrain the battle will be fought on?
    I think it depends on the province from which the biggest stack attacked, but it might be the province from where the general attacked.

    I hope this answers your questions
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  28. #58

    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Okay, I know this is a stupid question, but how do I tell the ships to trade? I have built a large navy up, and I have some ports what do I do next?

  29. #59
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    Quote Originally Posted by laxnsailin
    Okay, I know this is a stupid question, but how do I tell the ships to trade? I have built a large navy up, and I have some ports what do I do next?
    You need an unbroken line of ships (unbroken as in: at least one ship of yours in each of the seas in between the trading provinces: use the V key to spot blockades by enemy ships) from a province with a port and a trader to a neutral or allied province with a port. Your own provinces do not generate trade revenue and neither will enemy provinces (keep in mind that the rebels are treated as one faction: take a rebel province and none of the rebels will trade with you until you get an auto cease-fire). You can check the profit made on the economics screen and on the info screen of the trader building. The info screen of the port will show import revenue: the amount of money you make by taxing tradeable goods of other factions.
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  30. #60
    Member Member John XVI's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW economics 101 condensed edition

    How long will the Plague affect the incomes? I mean : First I'm doing very well,and bam,the plague comes and income plummets.

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