Hello friends of the Org This is Jakster and I am here to tell you all about how the Carnifex Clan is recruiting Now, you may think that just because the forums came up a month ago that the clan is made up of noobs, that is most certainly not true. We all came from the same clan a short time ago, and many came from other clans before that. Simply put, the Carnifex Clan means business. Interested? Go to http://www.carnclan.bravehost.com/, click on "Join" and simply fill out the form.

If you don’t meet these credentials now (the following) then wait until you do to apply:
1) Must have VI
2) Good attitude/ sportsmanship
3) 2-3 week minimum playing time of the game previously
4) Must read the "Creeds" section (Currently not working)


Clan Officer (Global Moderator) of the Carnifex Clan
Registration Associate (Moderator of Recruitment)

Note: The "Creeds" section currently does not work, so when you send the form, be sure to add that fact in your form.

The Carnifex Clan
Site: http://www.carnclan.bravehost.com/
Forums: http://totalclan.suddenlaunch.com