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Thread: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member Kas's Avatar
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    We are bussy collecting as much information as possible to write the epic history of our beloved community and clans. This can't be done without the help of the clans and individual community members, so we made a questionnaire and send it to most clans already. If your clan didn't receive a questionnaire...please copy and paste it yourself and return it to me when you finished it.

    Each clan...big or small...old or new...dead or alive will be listed in time. All have or had their part in history and deserve to be mentioned.

    We will start with the "alive and kicking" clans.

    There might be a price available for the best/most complete history returned to us (more details asap)

    On behalf of the TotalRome staff:
    Muneyoshi & Kas
    On Steam: Kas

    JoJoSan, can you forgive me?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member Kas's Avatar
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    The website started a project to record the history of the Total War community and clans. Muneyoshi and Kas try to gather as much information as possible. We would be grateful if you fill this form and provide us with whatever additional information you can think of.
    If you have any questions or remarks...feel free to contact us.

    Thanks for your help

    Muneyoshi & Kas


    Name of your clan:

    Founded (date):

    Website (adress):


    Leadership: (democracy, counsil, clanleader, other):

    Clanleader Counsil members (current):

    Clanleader(s) Counsil members (previous):


    Clanmembers (active):

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member:

    (copy/paste more if needed)


    Inactive and previous clanmembers

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?:
    More about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?:
    More about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?:
    More about this member:

    When joined:
    Rank or special task(s):
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?:
    More about this member:

    (copy/paste more if needed)


    Clan history

    Please tell us about the history of your clan, whatever you can think of:

    (events, wars, alliances, achievements, disasters, brave deeds, treason, awards, charming/touching/nice things, and whatever you can think of)

    ***We know this is not easy...more info can be added later on***


    Goals, philosophy, values:


    Any ideas that might help us with this project?


    Contact person (e-mail / MSN adress if possible):


    Please email this questionnaire to Kas

    On Steam: Kas

    JoJoSan, can you forgive me?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member Kas's Avatar
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    Sticky plz
    On Steam: Kas

    JoJoSan, can you forgive me?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Senior Member ElmarkOFear's Avatar
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    Nice project Kas. :) Do you plan on placing this info on a website, in a forum, or something else? I have lived thru most of the history of the Total War clan scene. Lots of colorful characters have come and gone.
    I have seen the future of TW MP and it is XBox Live!

  5. #5
    Member Member Muneyoshi's Avatar
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    Muneyoshi is now the person to get in contact if you have any information. It will be up on Total Rome when finished.

  6. #6
    Hand Bacon Member ShadeHonestus's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    oooooo good idea

    "There is a true glory and a true honor; the glory in duty done and the honor in the integrity of principle."

    "The truth is this; the march of Providence so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often only see the ebb of the advancing wave. It is history which teaches us to hope."

  7. #7
    Guardian of the Fleet Senior Member Shahed's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    And ? the project finished yet ?
    If you remember me from M:TW days add me on Steam, do mention your org name.

  8. #8
    Member Member WarPriest's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    WooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooo! How is this project coming along? and greetings to all the Ancient Farts.
    By our ways we are known, but only truely by our Order are we Tenki.

  9. #9
    This comment is witty! Senior Member LittleGrizzly's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    WarPriest and ShadeHonestus theres 2 names i haven't seen in a while

    how is the project coming along be finished soon i hope. Cant wait to read it!
    In remembrance of our great Admin Tosa Inu, A tireless worker with the patience of a saint. As long as I live I will not forget you. Thank you for everything!

  10. #10
    Clan Takiyama Member Sp00n's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Being from the UK Grizzly and having recently watched Fahrenheit 911 if Michael Moore gets it shown before the election on cable Bush cant possibly win.

    One enemy is too many a hundred friends too few.

    AggonySpoon, MizuSpoon, EuroSpoon, Linkspoon Li

  11. #11

    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    bit off topic, but as it happens wrong...
    On Multi Player, rik_lionheart, play me sometime!

  12. #12

    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    The Silent Assassins are still doin the form, project looks good

  13. #13
    Member Member Muneyoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    I am still working on it, albeit slowly. Kas leaving was a bit of a hit as now its simply me, I have a good bit of info on clans but not definative yet and nothing written up extensively.

  14. #14
    Very Senior Member Gawain of Orkeny's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Wow I think I brought this up before and was told Kas was working on it. Good to see it happpeing. If I can be of any help et me know as MTW history is a favorite topic of mine. I doubt anyone has played as many games and hours as I have or knows as many players and clan history other than maybe Yuuki or Kas

    You better have a whole chapter on Elmo
    Fighting for Truth , Justice and the American way

  15. #15

    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    The community is not the community, if you understand.
    As for old clans, most are dead, missing or simply apathetic and hardly worth thinking about any more. The history would be nice I am sure but who will read it? This is not the place it used to be


  16. #16
    The Black Senior Member Papewaio's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    There are many more ghosts now that lurk the forums who once posted in jest and fun in the community. Write the history for those who where and those who will be.

    Our genes maybe in the basement but it does not stop us chosing our point of view from the top.
    Quote Originally Posted by Louis VI the Fat
    Pape for global overlord!!
    Quote Originally Posted by English assassin
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    The rest is either as average as advertised or, in the case of the missionary, disappointing.

  17. #17
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Great project.... Can't wait to find out how many clans are alive.... Especially MTW clans, because I'm not a member of any clan(well, tried to register with the Tiger clan, to be a full member, but I still have to fight with them...) and I'm curious which other MTW clans are left alive because Rome took all the glory and greatness of MTW....
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  18. #18
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Is this for STW too?

    I will soon be working on a new stw site. I thought about including old clans' info (and new clans) on it too.

    I think we might we able to help eachother!

    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  19. #19
    Member Member KafirChobee's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    This seems to have lost momentum. lahll is the one to give the entire history for the DreadMasters - once a formidable group of honorable and well groomed members of strategy (whose egos got in the way of its continuance). Still, it is a good project, and one that ought to be taken seriously. Even if individual members of the .org simply list the names of the clans they have belonged to from STW to the present.

    As I recall many of the STW clans dissolved into MTW clans - just by changing their name or titles. Some of the Kings grew weary of their original charter and went off to form new ones.

    I know, I joined the Dreads at the end of STW and beginning of MTW. A stubborn group (lahll, Wakibiki, Buntaro, Turin) were determined to continue the Dread name. Adding Checkmate, Bachus, Ham, Ghost (R.I.P.), myself, (and later )T1, and deMorte. Originally the idea was to limit our number to seven (or eight), but the expansion of other clans prompted some to desire further expansion. Also, that we change our method of rule - from all being equal, to a rotating council of 3 that would rule (changing every six months) and make decisions; the idea being that it would make decision making on certain issues "easier". During this time frame I was sanctioned for some tongue-in-cheek remarks I made to the RTK - about their cheating in a CWC competition (J/K). So, I withdrew for a few weeks .... by the time I returned the Dreads were going down the rabbit hole - leaving lahll and me to fend for ourselves.
    Since we don't openly recruit, and when we do warn the initiates that our process is a cautious one that takes time - though we do offer training during that period and access to our members room - those that have entered have either lost interest or been found wanting (not meeting all the criteria deem honorable). So, we remain. As more a Ronin clan than a true one, possibly, but we remain loyal to one another and expect anyone joining us to do the same.

    lahll, can list the original Dreads, I recall a few; Injin, Macajar, Ice (the renegades .... :)) - but recall egos got in the way then too. Is hard to hold great generals together when they are all equal to any task, but only believe in their own ability and ideas or concepts of rule. So, we remain a "No collar, no crown" clan - where all are equal upon their acceptance and wear the Dread name upon that passing ('til then they can wear the Master title).

    Note: In STW to gain the title "Dread" one had to go on a quest to defeat X# of foes and gain 139 (?) honor points in the ladders. All things change. During the MTW reign we changed it to winning 3 contested battles in CWB or CWC. Today, we have relaxed even that - to beat lahll and me (me be easy).

    Good luck in the endevour to gain a history of all the clans. Believe the Hattori are now the MokumKnights, and RTK has a few former Dreads (their King started the Dreads as I recall, too).
    To forgive bad deeds is Christian; to reward them is Republican. 'MC' Rove
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
    ]Clowns to the right of me, Jokers to the left ... here I am - stuck in the middle with you.

    Save the Whales. Collect the whole set of them.

    Better to have your enemys in the tent pissin' out, than have them outside the tent pissin' in. LBJ

    He who laughs last thinks slowest.

  20. #20
    Very Senior Member Gawain of Orkeny's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    During this time frame I was sanctioned for some tongue-in-cheek remarks I made to the RTK - about their cheating in a CWC competition (J/K)
    You indeed many a funny tongue in cheek remarks in our forums and I for one really enjoyed them. But dont try to tell me the deal about CWC was tongue in cheek or that you were J/K. It was probably one of the greatest battles in CWC history and you ruined it. Thats why your own clan sanctioned you. Many of yu may not know it but RTK was started by the same people who started the Dread Masters. When MTW was coming out they told the org that they were disbanding the Dreads but some of them decided that they would not give up the name and continued to use it. This caused a rift between the two clans and especially between Kafir and Elrich our current king who was one of the oringinal Dreads. Our King before Elrich was the founder of the Masters.
    Fighting for Truth , Justice and the American way

  21. #21

    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    You dont know the half of it...

  22. #22

    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project



  23. #23
    Chief Sniffer Senior Member ichi's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    (uses best race track announcer voice)

    and they're off!
    Stay Calm, Be Alert, Think Clearly, Act Decisively


  24. #24
    Very Senior Member Gawain of Orkeny's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    You dont know the half of it...
    Was that addressed to me? Because I know lots more but may have said too much already.

    Just in case any of you dont know Hasty was RTK Goedfrey and Ugly Goat was Master T. We sure had some great and memorable battles.
    Fighting for Truth , Justice and the American way

  25. #25
    Senior Member Senior Member Elrich of Gaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Would Tosa still have the front page notice of the official letter sent him by the DreadMaster Emissary about the Disbanning of the Clan.?

    It would be nice to see it again and review it.

    The clan Leader, Boromir agreed along with Star to bring the noblest of clans to an end. It's time had come and there was nothing else to prove. If one was to exit.... then exit while heads could still be held high.
    With MTW just around the next month, a new clan was in it's early stages of development and it grew to what it is today.... none other than the RTK.
    "Wake from death and return to life..."

  26. #26
    Member Member KafirChobee's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Hmmmmmmmm, what a surprise. That I would post an honorable notice on a history of a clan, and be attacked by the RTK. RTK, as still being the RottenTokenKnits (or Kittens or is that Kipperstannerishasswipingdips?).

    I was sincere in my attempt to give a history. I know how the first downfall of the Dreads began, and I know how the second failed also (even though we did manage to win the first CWC by defeating the RTK, and would have won the second had the RTJ shown honor by being able to field a full company - which they were not,; though Bachus and Ham took it upon themselves to excuse it ...etc, etc, etc). That the RTK is still vengeful about a notice given them so long ago, proves I was right - even in my tounge-in-cheek remarks. It also shows that they still misunderstand what honor is, or the meaning of it. Mores the pity. Mores the shame, really. But, then what can one expect from such a mediocre group?

    Look forward to chasing you around the fields of MTW-vi, RTW still sucks ...imo (is just another group all to move, and point - not at all complicated - not when newbs walk in and beat the "experts").

    Again, this is a good project and i do hope someone actually does something with it. There have been many notable clans, many with honor and some without. A history might be interesting, especially the part about who was who and why they changed. Me, I'm to old and ornery to change my ways - and still chase most around the imaginary battlefields of TW. But, I admit, I do miss the days of STW.

    Last word, I know that lahll still speaks fondly of Elrich, amazed he finds it unnecessary to reciprocate. Then again, it must be something about that mind set one attains upon becoming an RTK - who knows (y'all send your new members specail water to drink?)
    To forgive bad deeds is Christian; to reward them is Republican. 'MC' Rove
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
    ]Clowns to the right of me, Jokers to the left ... here I am - stuck in the middle with you.

    Save the Whales. Collect the whole set of them.

    Better to have your enemys in the tent pissin' out, than have them outside the tent pissin' in. LBJ

    He who laughs last thinks slowest.

  27. #27
    Senior Member Senior Member Elrich of Gaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    "RTK, as still being the RottenTokenKnits (or Kittens or is that Kipperstannerishasswipingdips?)."


    Somethings never change..... that's ok Kafir, we understand and we forgive you...
    "Wake from death and return to life..."

  28. #28
    Wait, what? Member Aelwyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    Quote Originally Posted by KafirChobee
    That the RTK is still vengeful about a notice given them so long ago, proves I was right - even in my tounge-in-cheek remarks. It also shows that they still misunderstand what honor is, or the meaning of it. Mores the pity. Mores the shame, really. But, then what can one expect from such a mediocre group?

    Then again, it must be something about that mind set one attains upon becoming an RTK - who knows (y'all send your new members specail water to drink?)
    Upon my entrance into the RTK I was given no such water, but do remember spitting some out in disgust at a few posts placed in our forums by members of other clans who felt the need to hold a grudge where one was not necessary. Eh well. There's definitely something to be said about winning and losing with good nature, and some people just will never find that...being the virtue that it is. I suppose thats why some say silence is golden.


    I hope this project comes to a head at some point. It would be interesting to read the history before I came into the TW scene...somewhere around May of 2002 or so iirc.


    Elrich would be much better at many of these questions, but I will endeavor to help as best I can.


    Name of your clan: Round Table Knights (RTK)

    Founded (date): unsure, early 2002 I believe

    Website (adress):


    Leadership: (democracy, counsil, clanleader, other): Hierarchy or sorts.

    We have a King - Elrich
    Below him a few Realm Advisors - Agravain and Lional
    Then Head Knight - Antoine
    Knights - Pellinore, Dagonet, Kay, Galahad, and myself
    Head Knights Apprentice - Ghazan
    Knights Apprentice - Charlemagne (whom is also Emissary), Leonidas, Mercurius, Saladin, Tor
    Head Squire - Dinas
    Squires - Constantine, Flintoff
    About Gawain...he is an RTK, definitely. But his status is a bit hazy atm, so I am not sure exactly where to place him. His most recent status was Knight, but he sort of unfortunately got lost in the shuffle from transition to RTW from MTW. But he is still active, and still a valued member of the clan.

    We also have a recruit system known as the Pages - whom are not really full RTK members, but you must first be a Page before you can become an RTK

    Clanleader Counsil members (current): Listed in Hierarchy


    Clanmembers (active): I will list when they joined as when their RTK names were registered, which is really the only way I can do it as one person.

    Name: Elrich
    When joined: March 12, 2002
    Rank or special task(s): King. Takes care of the Realm pretty much
    Previous clan(s): Dreads, unsure before then. He can come fill in this section
    Previous name(s):
    More info about this member: He's an autocrat. j/k Good guy. Met him in real life. Can't hold his whiskey. Very good at managing a large and diverse group of people. Not afraid to speak his mind.

    Name: Agravain
    When joined: February 4, 2004
    Rank or special task(s): Realm Advisor
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s): Page Pox (iirc)
    More info about this member: IMO one of the well respected members of the TW community. He has been involved in organizing many tournaments, and was definitely one of RTKs best Emissaries before moving on to bigger and better quarters in the castle.

    Name: Lional
    When joined: December 27, 2002
    Rank or special task(s): Realm Advisor
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s): Cheetah, from right here at the ORG
    More info about this member: Somewhat soft spoken, but extremely formidable opponent. I don't believe there is a single member of RTK past or present that hasn't learned something from him. He is very good at analyzing replays, and creating successful strategies.

    Name: Antoine
    When joined: February 17, 2004
    Rank or special task(s): Head Knight, Master At Arms
    Previous clan(s): SPQR
    Previous name(s): SPQR_BlackFlag
    More info about this member: French...through no fault of his own. He may not always be able to speak his mind so all can understand him, but many times its not even necessary. By the time he gets the words out, he's already done the work himself. Always fun to listen to on Teamspeak or Ventrillo. Downright scary with a Pontic army.

    Name: Pellinore
    When joined: November 18, 2004
    Rank or special task(s): Knight
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s): Thern
    More info about this member: Pellinore has always seemed rather quiet to me. Maybe this isn't so, but it could be that he is very quiet about his accomplishments. Always a good ally to have on your side. I usually seem to be on the other end of the battle line from him, yet some of his units always seem to find their way behind some of my enemies' units before I have a chance to attack them myself.


    Inactive and previous clanmembers

    Name: Rodney
    When joined: Another founding member, same time as Elrich
    Rank or special task(s): Realm Advisor
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?: Retired
    More about this member:

    Name: Gareth
    When joined: wayyyy back
    Rank or special task(s): Realm Advisor
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?: erm, same as Hasty. So basically chose Retirement
    More about this member: He has kids about my age, and its wrong to talk ill about your elders, so.... j/k. Great guy, very good and reliable ally. He would have a tendency to move slow, but that didn't mean once he moved it wouldn't be decisive. Somewhat softspoken in the lobby and in game, but man have I seen some posts from him....mostly about myself. Maybe, I have a bad memory.

    Name: Goedfrey
    When joined: Help me out here Hasty
    Rank or special task(s): Knight
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?: eh, sorta. UglyandHasty now, so not really a clan.
    More about this member: Goed had a wonderful temper. He was always one of my favorite people to side with. Would occasionally, and rather quietly, take over a game and be the deciding factor, before the other side even knew it. Like Elrich, he was never afraid to speak his mind. Those French Canadians....

    Name: Lamorak
    When joined: stupid ezboard hack...can't find out. will endeavor to do so
    Rank or special task(s): Knight
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?: Retired
    More about this member: One of our best ever imo. Lam was great at sending help to his teammates while still being able to take on, and even take out his opponents army with depleted numbers. Very quick and decisive. As many of you may also know, he was very good with IT concerns. One of the reasons he became Assistant to Kraellin here at the ORG.

    Name: Paul
    When joined: unsure, before me
    Rank or special task(s): Head Knight
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s):
    Joined another clan?: Retired
    More about this member: Paul may be among our most famous members. His skill was practically unparalleled in the ranks of RTKs, possibly matched by only Palamedes and Lional. I beat him a lot in the desert though. Many may remember him from the Kocmoc 1v1 tournament. He beat everyone he 'faced', but was knocked out on a technicality...he missed his match because Paul and GMT didn't really get along. He was one of the major factors in my decision to pursue joining RTK, and was the one who trained me.

    Name: Palamedes
    When joined: December 1, 2003
    Rank or special task(s): Realm Advisor
    Previous clan(s):
    Previous name(s): Ueaititi (no one but Pala himself will ever spell that right)
    Joined another clan?: Actually, founded another clan, which you can find here.
    More about this member: I thought at first Pala was a spy, because his skill developed so quickly. He was very inquisitive from the beginning, but quickly went from asking questions to answering them. His play style in MTW was extremely hard to imitate, and I suspect not many people would have the skill to do so. Part of the major push of the RTK towards competitive tourney play, he elevated our ability as a clan to be able to take on and defeat even the most skilled and experienced teams. He left RTK on the best of terms, and will always be an asset to our clan. aww....

    Thats all I can take for the moment. Will update this sometime soon.

    Last edited by Aelwyn; 09-13-2005 at 03:25.

  29. #29
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    I still love this idea... Muneyoshi are you still working?

    I like visiting old forums and have found several... I have a big list of links to stw clans...

    some are missing:

    Tenki (Shingi)
    Deadly Shingen
    No fear

    there were much clans of which I don't have a link.. but I'm afraid they lost their webspace and there is no evidence of their existence left... the stw clans that died after the server was shut down or earlier or because MTW came or because of one sad event which I shall not mention...

    Times come and times go - But the fun, friendship and honour we had in stw lasts forever... (yes I'm very emotional about this.. not crying yet)

    I love all of you
    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  30. #30
    Fear is the Mind Killer Member cromwell's Avatar
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    Default Re: TotalWar Community and Clan History Project

    To go along with the Clan historys,
    I would like to propose a call out to all the old vets, for replays from STW/MTW/RTW times. I think we should gather as many of these replays as possible. This is TW history slowly evaporating away. We should it least be able to go back and watch "famous" TW players in their glory days. Maybe we convert them to play in a media player. Especially STW/MI since I was never able to get that to run stably on WinXP. I think we should include mods as well.

    I know there are a few replays here at the ORG you can dload, but I think we should really push to gather a large amount of replays.

    I will not fear
    Fear is the mindkiller,
    Fear is the little death
    That brings total Oblivion
    I will permit my fear to pass
    Over me and through me
    And where it has gone
    I will turn the inner eye
    Nothing will be there
    Only I will remain.

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