Quote Originally Posted by Calgacus
...My question is how, with an infantry base of militia hoplites/ levy or phalanx pikemen, can I deal with armies composed of hoplites/armoured hoplites? Even pinning them with infantry and then charging cavalry into their rear doesn't provide a particularly clean solution (it is Greek cavalry though, so I probably shouldn't be surprised) and even worse, it is nearly impossible to hold them at bridges (usually rather a good way of defending an area with few troops) because they are largely impervious to arrows from the front and flanks, and will simply walk through any number of pikemen or militia hoplites. Even the Silver Shield pikes only seem to hold them up for a limited time.

I'm really not looking forward to the post-Marian Romans showing up...
Pin with Phalanx, flank with Elephants... even Spartans lose formation and subsequantly die if flanked by Elephants.