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Thread: Diplomacy - An Initial Guide

  1. #121
    Research Fiend Technical Administrator Tetris Champion, Summer Games Champion, Snakeman Champion, Ms Pacman Champion therother's Avatar
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    Default Re: Diplomacy - An Initial Guide

    Link restored: Tamur sent me the latest copy and I've attached it to the OP.
    Nullius addictus iurare in uerba magistri -- Quintus Horatius Flaccus

    History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there -- George Santayana

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  2. #122
    Axebitten Modder Senior Member Dol Guldur's Avatar
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    Default Re: Diplomacy - An Initial Guide

    therother, are you still active??? Wow. Good to see :)

    Thought this thread might be complemented with a very comprehensive guide that was put together by a FATW fan with aid from a member of the dev team, which focuses on lesser-known features...
    "One of the most sophisticated Total War mods ever developed..."

  3. #123
    Research Fiend Technical Administrator Tetris Champion, Summer Games Champion, Snakeman Champion, Ms Pacman Champion therother's Avatar
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    Default Re: Diplomacy - An Initial Guide

    Yup, I'm still haunting these hallowed halls, making sure all the lights stay on.

    Thanks for the link, looks interesting.
    Nullius addictus iurare in uerba magistri -- Quintus Horatius Flaccus

    History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there -- George Santayana

  4. #124
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Diplomacy - An Initial Guide

    I know this thread is old, but I decided to comment for those who aren't still sure about this, or those who don't bother reading the older posts. I have noticed the comments about bribes, and what happens to the armies. The export_descr_unit file tells what units are options for which factions. If the individual unit is listed as belonging to your faction, you can get that unit, even if it is mercenary. Case in point, Macedon and Illyrian Mercenaries. If Illyrian mercs are in an army Macedon bribes, Macedon will get those mercs. This is based on my experience, and my understanding of the export_descr_unit file.
    If you can train the unit, you get it as well, such as has been mentioned bribing Militia Hoplites. Also, I believe you can go into custom battle to see what mercs you can give your army, and it will correspond to what you can keep on a bribe. Not 100% sure on that, but about 99.5% sure. I know I did bribe and keep rebel Hastati after the Marius changes.
    If somebody knows if I am wrong about something, please correct me, as this is only based on observation and my interpretation of a file.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

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