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Thread: Distance to Capital Public Order penalties

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  1. #1
    Research Fiend Technical Administrator Tetris Champion, Summer Games Champion, Snakeman Champion, Ms Pacman Champion therother's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Default Investigation of Distance to Capital Public Order penalties

    Okay, new data:

    Some rules of thumb:
    • There is no penalty within 15 squares of your capital.
    • The penalty is always 80% over 86 squares away.
    • The penalty increases by ~1% per square.
    • So between 15-85 squares, take the number of squares, subtract 10, and round to the nearest 5. So 24 squares would be 24-10=14, so the penalty is 15%. There seems to a small aberration near the transitions though.

    There is an excellent tool from d0t for working out the optimum position for your capital in terms of this penalty: here, as well as a advanced version by Ravenous Bugblatter Beast, which allows you to set the maximum unrest that distance from capital is permitted to cause in each city when calculating the optimal capital.

    Alphabetical list of the coordinates of all settlements:

    Original post:
    Quote Originally Posted by therother
    Well, this will be of very little practical use to all but the most fastidious planner. This is the variation of % Public Order penalty with the straight-line distance from the capital.

    If anyone knows of a way to find the positions of the cities, I'd be grateful, as that'd allow me to easily get more points. It looks linear, but it could be a curve. The problem is that I have to find the local resources that match the city, compare the position with known landmarks (i.e. the Wonders) and then adjust for the position of the city. Which is extremely annoying! I would like to get data for all the cities at one capital position, then move it to various places and compare. But that's going to take a long time with the above method. I've done it with a few, and it works reasonably well.

    Anyway, barring anyone discovering the (x,y) coordinates of all the cities, or indeed finds a more practical use for this info, this is all I'm doing on the subject!
    Last edited by therother; 10-19-2005 at 22:49.
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