Quote Originally Posted by Kraxis
I can't believe that CA would have left the individual tracking.
That means every single soldier gets tracked as per his experience (and other factors of course). Thus in battle a unit will advance in XP when more than half the unit has XP1 and the rest XP0. So obviously it will take a considerable time before the unit reaches XP2 as they only get to XP at 69 kills (which in turn is about half the men). And if CA has kept the double system as previously (for every level up they need to kill double over as many as they did before), then getting to XP2 in a battle is night impossible.

And it was XP1 for one kill in STW and MTW. Then 2 for 2, then 4 for 3, then 8 for 4 and so on. That is why knights could rake up very high XP. But remember that some units only counted half or a quarter of normal ones, such as Peasants.
Thanks for the info and correction Kraxis.
I've not been playing S:TW and M:TW for ages and have gotten slipshod over details.
I will try to recontinue testing some time later as I am pretty tied up at the moment. Would very much appreciate it if someone could pick up testing and continue to post data. I was wondering if switching over to arcade mode might enable easier testing as we then get unlimited ammo (which would make it easier to get really high kills for archer units). Of course we need to make sure that leveling/XP follows the same general scheme, when in arcade mode.