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Thread: Pest control

  1. #1
    Member Member LostDaimyo's Avatar
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    hi guys,

    anyone have good idea how to do a "pest" control over an enemy's army which consist of 4~6 CA, and have ton of reinforcement coming in later ?

    This AI's CA is just like some freaking pest, running around while most of the other units had rout, just to wait long enough to let the re-inforcement enter the field.

    YC is good for them, but you just can't have 4~6 YC in each of your army ?

    Any suggestion ?

  2. #2
    Member Member Anssi Hakkinen's Avatar
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    Quote YC is good for them, but you just can't have 4~6 YC in each of your army ?[/QUOTE]Actually... why not? If you can afford it strategically, it's very possible. It isn't as if they were useless against other units either (unless the enemy army consists entirely of YS). In any case, YC, preferably used from the flanks or rear, are the only sure-shot antidote to CA on "skirmish." Early in one game, where I had a wholly foot army, I had to chase six (!!!) puny CA all over the map. As it was a river province, I was finally able to corner them against the map edge and the river, with 300 "exhausted" WMs on one side and my reserve YS on the other side, but it extended the battle to three times what it should have been.

    Afterthought: it's possible to defeat 4-6 CA with maybe half their number of YC, *if* you can attack from the correct direction so that the YC will bind them into close combat long enough for other units to arrive. But this is in no way a tactic that's guaranteed to work.

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  3. #3

    Default Re: Pest control

    Hello LostDaimyo!

    You've already stated the most obvious solution. If you've scouted the enemy army then you can easily prepare for the encounter by bringing an army comp that best counters the opposing army comp. This isn't a perfect solution though because the A.I. makes it's moves after the player. This means that the army you've scouted can change it's comp during the end turn and thereby ruining your perfect plan. I prefer to bring balanced armies in my campaigns, then I'll just adapt to each situation as it happens.

    For starters I always play with the battle timer on. This means that when I'm on defense I can simply let the enemy come to me. If the A.I. doesn't want to charge it's six CA's into my spear wall that's sitting inside a forest on top of a hill then that's fine by me, I'll simply time them out for a win.

    Things can get a little tricky though on offence. In the situation where you've described where the enemy has a ton of reinforcements and I'm the attacker I'm already going into the battle knowing that I'll lose the first one just because I'll get timed out. There simply won't be enough time on the game clock to beat multiple waves of reinforcements. I can beat two, three, maybe even four if the map is small but eventually I'll get timed out. That's okay, I'll simply attack again during the next turn. "Losing" battles in this way is okay as long as the kill ratio is in your favor and/or you have a strong economy.

    This means that those annoying "pests" of CA will get slowly whittled down over the course of two, three or four battles. They'll come into range of my archers, I'll shoot them until I run out of arrows or they run away. Maybe I kill a general, maybe I don't. It doesn't matter. As long as I'm playing with the game timer on these problems rarely become actual issues.

    If I do actually need to chase down a unit or two that won't engage with my "victorious" force then I'll simply keep my formation wide, spread my lines thin and cast a wide net using a center group and a left flank and a right flank to corner a kill/route off any leftovers.

    If you think that playing with the game timer on is cheap or unrealistic then just keep in mind that armies in real life typically don't fight at night time ! I think of the game timer as a day clock. The bottom line is that the reinforcement system in this game is pretty crappy and being forced to attack when you're the defender but the A.I. refuses to attack you is also crappy. So avoid the crappy parts of the game I say! I hope this has helped

  4. #4
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pest control

    ...armies in real life typically don't fight at night time

    Pay attention to Russian tactics on the Eastern Front during WW2:

    But in fairness, you did say "typically" and not never...

    And nevermind that a 21 year old thread gets resurrected by a completely off-the-wall post....
    High Plains Drifter

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pest control

    Quote Originally Posted by ReluctantSamurai View Post

    Pay attention to Russian tactics on the Eastern Front during WW2:

    But in fairness, you did say "typically" and not never...

    And nevermind that a 21 year old thread gets resurrected by a completely off-the-wall post....
    omg goddammit I forgot to check the date....

    I spent time from my life to write that reply...ugh

  6. #6
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pest control

    I wasn't referring to off-the-wall being your post, which was a perfectly reasonable reply to LostDaimyo (who seems to have gotten truly lost after just 4 posts...), but to the post just before yours by migerda3, who seems to have forgotten that this is a forum about TW games and not entomology....
    High Plains Drifter

  7. #7
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Pest control

    Quote Originally Posted by ReluctantSamurai View Post
    I wasn't referring to off-the-wall being your post, which was a perfectly reasonable reply to LostDaimyo (who seems to have gotten truly lost after just 4 posts...), but to the post just before yours by migerda3, who seems to have forgotten that this is a forum about TW games and not entomology....
    It's just a random spambot - I've zapped it. Unfortunately, it now appears as if Khan of the Steppe has resurrected the thread. Sorry about that .

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pest control

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    It's just a random spambot - I've zapped it. Unfortunately, it now appears as if Khan of the Steppe has resurrected the thread. Sorry about that .
    lol no worries

  9. #9
    Member Member Xantan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pest control

    Just consider these posts as time capsules, something written 21 years ago on the interwebz is still very visible.


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