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Thread: Online History Resources

  1. #121
    A very, very Senior Member Adrian II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Quote Originally Posted by Ser Clegane
    Who would have thought that your 5000th post would be auf Berlinerisch
    Heh, my friend, it is about time you Germans get used to the fact that people love and admire your country again. And Berlin in particular.
    But I guess I am starting hijack your thread here...
    I couldn't think of a better man to hijack my thread...
    The bloody trouble is we are only alive when we’re half dead trying to get a paragraph right. - Paul Scott

  2. #122
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Since we're on the German path, any internet sites about the Holy Roman Empire military organisation?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  3. #123
    Tovenaar Senior Member The Wizard's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Incredibly in-depth source on the Late Byzantine Empire (after 1204). Covers politics, culture, economy and society. A true gem
    "It ain't where you're from / it's where you're at."

    Eric B. & Rakim, I Know You Got Soul

  4. #124
    A very, very Senior Member Adrian II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Quote Originally Posted by Baba Ga'on
    Incredibly in-depth source on the Late Byzantine Empire (after 1204). Covers politics, culture, economy and society. A true gem
    Great, it's in!

    Thank you, Brother Baba Ga'on.
    The bloody trouble is we are only alive when we’re half dead trying to get a paragraph right. - Paul Scott

  5. #125

    Default Re: Online History Resources

    A good first contact site for the thirty years war. It covers the basic events and has an excellent map of germeny.

    A good summary of war in the 16th and early 17th century. Covers arms tactics and battles.
    When it occurs to a man that nature does not regard him as important and that she feels she would not maim the universe by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temple, and he hates deeply the fact that there are no bricks and no temples
    -Stephen Crane

  6. #126
    A very, very Senior Member Adrian II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Quote Originally Posted by Destroyer of Hope
    A good first contact site for the thirty years war. It covers the basic events and has an excellent map of germeny.

    A good summary of war in the 16th and early 17th century. Covers arms tactics and battles.

    The second one is already up there, brother Destroyer of Hope.

    The first one is nice indeed, but I will not refer to it directly. It is part of a list of links provided on this site which I have just incorporated into the sticky.

    I am in the midst of an update/reshuffle of the whole thing, so keep those suggestions coming!
    The bloody trouble is we are only alive when we’re half dead trying to get a paragraph right. - Paul Scott

  7. #127

    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Anyone have any good sites for south Asian history in the first millenium?

    Also, here is a link to a good site for history.
    Ultimate Excellence Lies

    Not In Winning

    Every Battle

    But In Defeating the Enemy

    Without Ever Fighting

  8. #128
    Auspicious Interceptor Member YellowMelon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    I don't know why, but I cannot access the first page of this thread...have tried a number of times.

    Internet History Sourcebooks

    Some contents include:

    Primary Documents (translated)
    List of films
    Law Texts

    Anyways, for the best primary source archive on the net, go to:

    Ancient History
    Medieval History Sourcebook
    Early Modern

    There are also smaller sourcebooks listed at

    # Internet African History Sourcebook
    # Internet East Asian History Sourcebook
    # Internet Global History Sourcebook
    # Internet Indian History Sourcebook
    # Internet Islamic History Sourcebook
    # Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
    # Internet History of Science Sourcebook
    # Internet Women's History Sourcebook

  9. #129
    Nur-ad-Din Forum Administrator TosaInu's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Default Re: Online History Resources


    The topic is working again. We should move the content over to That script seems faster in handling lists like this.

    It's using about the same bb code, so it's mostly a matter of copy and paste. There are a few exceptions like fontsize, when you use 1, make it 10 or so. Smileys need the full url in img tags.

    I'll clean it up a bit and then hand it over to Adrian II.
    Ja mata


  10. #130
    boy of DESTINY Senior Member Big_John's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Default Re: Online History Resources

    thanks Tosa!!!
    now i'm here, and history is vindicated.

  11. #131
    A very, very Senior Member Adrian II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Thank you, brother TosaInu, for your help and your kind clarifications by PM. I trust that this will become a working thread again.

    And thank you, ever faithful brother John, for your PM and suggestions.

    I'll comb through the links and ad, scrap or restore asap.
    The bloody trouble is we are only alive when we’re half dead trying to get a paragraph right. - Paul Scott

  12. #132
    Member Member Decker's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    This place called Mars... do you know of it?

    Default Re: Online History Resources

    I'm not sure if this has been posted before but it's a neat little site. Doesn't have as many battles as I've wished but it is a cool site to look at:
    British Battles
    "No one said it was gonna be easy! If it was, everyone would do it..that's who you know who really wants it."

    All us men suffer in equal parts, it's our lot in life, and no man goes without a broken heart or a lost love. Like holding your dog as he takes his last breath and dies in your arms, it's a rite of passage. Unavoidable. And honestly, I can't imagine life without that depth of feeling.-Bierut

  13. #133
    Member Member Decker's Avatar
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    This place called Mars... do you know of it?

    Default Re: Online History Resources

    This site has a HUGE list of websites covering military history. Tho quite a few of the websites do not work there is a more to choose from. WWI and WWII are mainly covered but there is a wide variety in here for just about everyone.
    Military History Websites
    "No one said it was gonna be easy! If it was, everyone would do it..that's who you know who really wants it."

    All us men suffer in equal parts, it's our lot in life, and no man goes without a broken heart or a lost love. Like holding your dog as he takes his last breath and dies in your arms, it's a rite of passage. Unavoidable. And honestly, I can't imagine life without that depth of feeling.-Bierut

  14. #134
    A very, very Senior Member Adrian II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    My responsibility for this sticky was taken over by brother Geoffrey S in July last year. I was very glad to have found such a worthy and enthusiastic sucessor.

    Geoffrey S was supposed to be given some key or code that allowed him to access the sticky. Somehow I don't think this happened. I suppose it should still be done if Geoffrey still feels like it - better late than never.
    The bloody trouble is we are only alive when we’re half dead trying to get a paragraph right. - Paul Scott

  15. #135
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Western Front Association

    Has a number of articles about lesser known aspects of the war, such as Arthur Solly-Flood and his role in producing training programmes for the British Army. Brief articles, but interesting introductions that catch one's interest.

  16. #136
    U14 Footballer Member G. Septimus's Avatar
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    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Online History Resources


    Big Romani Fan
    Die Manschaaft
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Der Rekordmeister

  17. #137
    A very, very Senior Member Adrian II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    For your informaton, brothers and sisters, this isn't my sticky anymore. Hasn't been since June of 2008 when I handed over the keys to someone else, or rather tried to hand them over. I don't know what went wrong. If someone thinks he or she wants to take over and clean it up, I suppose they should contact TosaInu.
    The bloody trouble is we are only alive when we’re half dead trying to get a paragraph right. - Paul Scott

  18. #138
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Black Boomerang, by Sefton Delmer, head of Britain's black propaganda departmnt in WW2. Also some related articles.

  19. #139
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online History Resources

    Don't know how long it will last, but the whole series of "The First World War", first shown on UK's Channel 4, is available for view here.

  20. #140

    Member thankful for this post:

  21. #141
    Member Member Nowake's Avatar
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    Mar 2003

    Default Re: Illustrations and organisations of 16th and 17th century soldiers

    I suppose that's one way to make an entrance
    Welcome to the .Org druzhina!

  22. #142

  23. #143

  24. #144

  25. #145

  26. #146

    Default Italians Soldiers

    Italian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers

    A detail of a 9th Century North Italian guard with mail leg armour from:
    'Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea', Northern Italy, c.825 AD
    10th century Lombards in chainmail hauberk with round shield and spear.
    Full image from Exultet Beneventano Ms. Vat. Lat. 9820
    Horsemen in The Life of St Alessio in the Church of San Clemente, Rome, Italy, 11th Century
    from The Life of St Alessio in the Church of San Clemente, Rome, Italy, 11th Century

    Lombard knights in an early 11th Century De rerum naturis
    12th century Arabic & Frankish costume in the Painted Wooden Ceiling of the Palatine Chapel
    Sicilians & Germans in the Liber ad honorem Augusti {or Carmen de motibus Siculis, (Poem on the Sicilian revolt)} by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197
    Guillaume de Durford at Santissima Annunziata Church, Florence, c.1289
    A man-at-arms on the late 13th century Seal of the Guild of St George of Ferrara
    Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early 14th Century
    Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the mid to late 14th Century
    Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early to mid 15th Century
    Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the mid to late 15th Century
    A 1506 print of the Battle of Fornovo 1495

    Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early 16th Century
    Renaissance Italians by George Gush
    The 1859 Italian War-Operations Of War by Luigi Casali.

    Larger scale paintings with more detail:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    St. Martin Renounces His Weapons by Simone Martini, 1312-17
    A Battle from a Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César, 2nd quarter of the 14th century
    Guidoriccio da Fogliano, condottiere, by Simone Martini, 1328
    Victory of the Sienese Troops at Val di Chiana in 1363 by Lippo Vanni
    The Battle of Clavigo, by Altichiero da Zevio, 1376-79
    . Detail of The Battle of Clavigo, by Altichiero da Zevio, 1376-79
    St. Benedict discovers the shield bearer of Totila, King of the Goths, attempting to pass himself as the king, by Spinello Aretino, 1387
    Soldiers with large shields - mozaic in the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily
    A Naval Battle by Spinello Aretino, Palazzo Pubblico in Siena, 1406-7
    The leader of the victorious Florentine condottieri, Niccolo Mauruzi da Tolentino - the rout of Sanromano 1432 by Paolo Uccello
    2nd painting from The rout of Sanromano 1432 by Paolo Uccello
    3rd painting from The rout of Sanromano 1432 by Paolo Uccello
    On The Way To Calvary by Fra Angelico, 1438-1445
    Filippo Scolari by Andrea del Castagno, 1455
    The condottiere Farinata degli Uberti in a mural by Andrea del Castagno in the refectory in Sant Apollonia In Florence, c1455.
    The taking of Pisa - unknown Florentine master of the 1460s: detail of left
    The battle of Anghiari - unknown Florentine master of the 1460s
    Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes by Piero della Francesca, ca. 1466
    Conversion of St. Paul by Luca Signorelli, ca. 1470
    Federigo de Montefeltro by Della Francesca c.1470
    Fresco in the Chapel of San Fiorenzo by Bastia di Mondovi, 1472
    Another fresco in the Chapel of San Fiorenzo by Bastia di Mondovi, 1472
    Miracle of St Bernard by Perugino, 1473
    The Betrayal - Detail of Last Supper by Cosimo Rosselli, 1481-82, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City
    Delivery of the keys by Pietro Perugino, 1481-1483 & detail of soldiers in middle left
    Martyrdom of St Ursula by Hans Memling, 1489
    Life of St Ursula by Hans Memling 1490-93
    The fight between the Bonacotsi and Gonzaga in the Piazza Sordello in Mantua, 1494
    St George by Carpaccio, c.1500. The saint is shown as a fully equipped Venetian man-at-arms, though without a helmet
    Young Knight in a Landscape, 1510 by Vittore Carpaccio
    Portrait Of A Florentine In Armour c.1510 attributed to Francesco Granacci
    The siege of Padua 1521 by Niccolò degli Agostini

    Drawings and notes based on the above, by Ian Heath:
    72 & 73 Italian Infantrymen, 14th Century
    77 Italian Man-At-Arms c.1455
    78 Italian Pikeman
    79 Italian Crossbowman
    82 Italian Musician

    Illustrations of Italian Costume & Soldiers

  27. #147

    Default Re: Cuman and Hungarian Soldiers

    The Legend of Saint Ladislaus of Hungary - Pictures of Hungarian Knights & Cuman Cavalrymen:
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Fresco of the Velka Lomnica (Kakaslomnic) church, Slovakia, around 1317.
    . Cuman Mercenary c1300 by Angus McBride from Byzantine Armies 1118-1461 AD by Ian Heath, based on the fresco of the Saint Ladislaus legend in the Velka Lomnica church
    . Hungarian Knight, 13th century from Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300 by Ian Heath, based on the fresco of the Saint Ladislaus legend in the Velka Lomnica church
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Fresco of the Catholic church of Gelence (Ghelinïa), Románia, early 14th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Anjou Legendarium, Vatican Library, c.1330
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Fresco of the Türje church, western Hungary, middle of the 14th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Church of Maksa, Romania, middle of the 14th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Church of Székelydálya (Daia), Transylvania, 14th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Képes Krónika, 1360
    . Cuman, 12th-13th centuries from Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300 by Ian Heath, Based on the St. Ladislaus Legend in the Képes Krónika
    . Cuman Mercenary 14th Century from Byzantine Armies 1118-1461 AD by Ian Heath, based on the Képes Krónika
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Unitarian Church of Sepsikilyén (Chilieni), Transylvania, second half of the 14th century

    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Unitarian Church of Homoródkarácsonyfalva / Craeciunel / Krötschendorf, Romania, c.14th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in Andreaskirche, Liptovský Ondrej, Slovakia, 1370-1380
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Church of Rimavska Bana (Rimabánya), Slovakia, after 1375
    . Cuman warrior, 13th century by Angus McBride from Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC - AD 1300 by A.Karasulas, based on 'The Saint Ladislaus Legend' in the Church of Rimavska Bana, Slovakia
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Church of Bántornya (Turnišče), Slovenia, 1383
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in All Saints' Roman Catholic Church of Bijacovce (Szepesmindszent), Slovakia, the 2nd half of the 14th or 1st quarter of the 15th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Fresco of the Tereske church, northern Hungary, turn of the 14th-15th centuries
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Fresco of the Bibarcfalva (Biborteni) church, Romania, early 15th century
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Register of Hungarian Students in Vienna, 1453
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Póniky (Pónik) Roman Catholic Church, Slovakia, c.1478.
    The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Chronicle of Johannes de Thurocz (Thuróczy János), 1488

    mirror site:
    The Legend of Saint Ladislaus of Hungary - Pictures of Hungarian Knights & Cuman Cavalrymen:

    Illustrations of Hungarian Costume & Soldiers

  28. #148

    Lightbulb Swiss Soldiers by Urs Graf

    Urs Graf (born c. 1485 in Solothurn, Switzerland; possibly died before 13 October 1528) was a Swiss Renaissance goldsmith,
    painter and printmaker (of woodcuts, etchings and engravings), as well as a mercenary soldier.

    Prints of Swiss Soldiers by Urs Graf
    including larger pictures of:
    Standard Bearer of Schaffhausen
    Standard Bearer of Solothurn
    Standard Bearer of St Gallen
    Standard Bearer of Appenzell
    Standard Bearer of Zug
    Standard Bearer of Glarus
    Standard Bearer of Schwyz
    Standard Bearer of Unterwalden
    Standard Bearer of Fribourg
    Standard Bearer of Basel

    War wife with two children. Date: 1508
    Richtstätte . Date: 1513
    Man with a sundial.
    Battle of Marignano Date: 1521
    Four Fifers. Date: 1523
    Mercenary love c.1511
    Landsknecht. Date: 1513
    Pikeman. Date: 1514
    Pikeman (rear). Date: 1514
    Standard Bearer. Date: 1514
    Consiglio di guerra. Date: 1515
    Waffenrock. Date: 1516
    Swiss Mercenary and prostitute. Date: 1516
    Landsknecht and Devil. Date: 1516.
    Ensign with Boy at Wayside Cross. Date: 1516
    Standard bearer and prostitute. Date: 1516
    Man in coat and creature. Date: 1518
    Returning Landsknecht. Date: 1519
    Krieger im harnisch. Date: 1519
    Bearer of Julius Banner of Zug. Date: 1521
    The Bearer of the Banner of the Canton Glarus. Date: 1521
    Standard Bearer of Zurich. Date: 1521
    Swiss Mercenary. Date: 1523
    2 mercenaries & a woman with Death. Date: 1524
    Battle of the Lansquenets. Date: 1510-1530

    or MIRROR site:
    Prints of Swiss Soldiers by Urs Graf

    16th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Urs_Graf_th.jpg 
Views:	4641 
Size:	5.6 KB 
ID:	9021  

  29. #149

  30. #150

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