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Thread: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

  1. #91

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    hi just about to finsh rome well i hope lol any news on mod yet cheers sounds intresting

  2. #92
    Member Member Werthead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Doesn't sound too hopeful at the moment. Check the 'We're Struggling' link at the bottom of the title page.
    A Game of Thrones: Total War - A mod for Medieval 2

  3. #93
    WoT fanatic Member 4th Dimension's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    What, where is that link?

  4. #94
    Significante Member Antagonist's Avatar
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    Post Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    From the Mod Discussion forum. I hope someone will be able to pick it up again.

    "Society is going down the drain, and it's everybody's fault but ours."

    Arthurian Total War Developer

  5. #95

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Hmm, these forums have been inactive for a looong time, just have to ask the obvious question, hate me for it if you wish....

    Did the mod die?

    I heard you were having problems, and since then, nothing, makes you wonder, you know?

  6. #96
    Member Member Werthead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    What, a week is a loooong time? :)

    It looks like the mod is on hold until further notice. The two main guys who were doing it didn't have any free time any more. Whether they get back to it in the future...who knows?

    A shame as this mod had a LOT of potential. It did highlight a perennial problem of the mod scene, that you need more than a couple of modellers/skinners if you want the project to proceed rapidly. I think this mod only had a couple. Hopefully the guys will come back to it a few months down the line.
    A Game of Thrones: Total War - A mod for Medieval 2

  7. #97

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Hmm, just a week?

    Damn, felt like longer :P

  8. #98
    Guest BHCWarman88's Avatar

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    yea,it sad.. I was really looking forward to it..

  9. #99
    Member Member Gazi Husrev-Beg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Link doesnt work...

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  10. #100

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Well, I am helping myrddral with some coding...

  11. #101

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    **twitches** good good coding is good. need mod need mod soon.

  12. #102

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Hey, was perusing the interweb, and i happened to come across this site. I have to say, anyone that is making an honest effort at incorporating WOT into a game, has my undying respect. Its something i would be more than happy to purchase, since so much effort is put into it.

    Here's to hoping that this thing winds up in the laps of us drooling fanatics!

  13. #103
    Emperor of Seanchan Member DragonR.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Ya man, go for it.

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  14. #104
    RaptorJesus Priest Member Sir Dinadan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Don't want to say this But is this dead?
    And if it is, can you release anything that can be scrapped up for M2TW?
    Last edited by Sir Dinadan; 11-19-2006 at 19:07.

  15. #105

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Well, I haven't been able to contact Myrddral for quite some time. Got about four factions, with some units in them (some with many, some with few). I am still waiting for anything from him, but what I have is not really worth releasing (and I wouldn't do it without his agree).

  16. #106

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums


    Anyone home?

    guess not... Sucks. I really want to play this mod...

    If anyone on the dev team still comes here, please, consider finishing this.. With some advertising, I think you could even get some cash from the project... I know I'd pay for it...

    I really, really want to play something like this..

    Please, think of the children!

  17. #107
    Asia ton Barbaron mapper Member Pharnakes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Dead, I'm sorry to say, been dead for nearly a year now.

    And money is ilegal.
    Asia ton Barbaron The new eastern mod for eb!

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    Yous ee gishes?

  18. #108
    The Ultimate Grand Inquisitor! Member UltraWar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    This modification is as dead as the author who wrote the books for the series this mod is based on, I'm afraid.

  19. #109

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Yes, as the last official member of the mod I posted the RIP thread a few months ago. But with a small demo of what I had managed to piece together from the scattered remains I could find on here, plus the models Myrddral sent me.

  20. #110

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    I just thought that I'd give a headsup that someone else is making a The Wheel of Time: Total War mod, except they plan to call it "White Tower: Total War"

    Apparently they plan to make a series of campaigns spanning the original War of the Shadow, the Trolloc Wars, the Rise of Artur Hawkwing, etc.
    They have the game mechanics's just the modelling and actual codig they seem to be stuck on.

    I believe they're planning to actually merge models from Shogun: Total War,
    Medieval 2: Total War, and the forthcoming Empires: Total War on the Rome-Total War: Barbarian Invasions platform(with the Trollocs or Aiel as hordes and Darkfriends and False Dragons as Rebels).

    I tried to saerch for a link, but I couldn't find the forum I originally saw it on-I just remember it had the paperback cover of Crown of Swords in it's skin...

    Anyway, good luck! I look forward to playing this mod when it's complete!

    Just as an a garrison script going to be involved in this mod? It would be very appropriate in the Borderlander provinces where every man and woman is expected to fight-so if a Borderlander province is ever besieged, it would make sense for the population within to arm itself, as seen in the Eye of the World.

    Once, again good luck!

  21. #111
    WoT fanatic Member 4th Dimension's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon el' Thror
    I just thought that I'd give a headsup that someone else is making a The Wheel of Time: Total War mod, except they plan to call it "White Tower: Total War"

    Apparently they plan to make a series of campaigns spanning the original War of the Shadow, the Trolloc Wars, the Rise of Artur Hawkwing, etc.
    They have the game mechanics's just the modelling and actual codig they seem to be stuck on.

    I believe they're planning to actually merge models from Shogun: Total War,
    Medieval 2: Total War, and the forthcoming Empires: Total War on the Rome-Total War: Barbarian Invasions platform(with the Trollocs or Aiel as hordes and Darkfriends and False Dragons as Rebels).

    I tried to saerch for a link, but I couldn't find the forum I originally saw it on-I just remember it had the paperback cover of Crown of Swords in it's skin...

    Anyway, good luck! I look forward to playing this mod when it's complete!

    Just as an a garrison script going to be involved in this mod? It would be very appropriate in the Borderlander provinces where every man and woman is expected to fight-so if a Borderlander province is ever besieged, it would make sense for the population within to arm itself, as seen in the Eye of the World.

    Once, again good luck!
    This mod is D-E-A-D

  22. #112

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Sorry to everyone who was looking forward to this... I know I was too... did quite a lot of writing for this (unit descriptions, traits, etc, etc). But life happens... I got married, joined the army, spent a year in training and am about to go to Iraq... But, I'll be checking this every so often to see if a person with modeling ability ever shows interest in it again... I'd be more than willing to finish the text-based portions
    Drink water.

  23. #113

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Hi im new the site and i love the book series, i wasn't sure if this mod was dead and i have been dying to download it but haven't found where i can actually download it, can someone please give me a link if possible? thanks

  24. #114
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Hello Kylar43, welcome to the .Org .

    I am afraid that the Wheel of Time project has been long abandoned. They never got to the stage where they released their work. You can find alternative mods in the RTW mod and hosted mod sections.
    Last edited by Ludens; 08-21-2011 at 13:14.
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  25. #115

    Default Re: Welcome to The Wheel of Time - Total War Forums

    Thanks for the quick reply! and it really is to bad that the mod didn't pull threw :(

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