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Thread: Top ten of games

  1. #91
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Templar Knight
    not in any order:

    Anno 1602
    Hey, the first one I hear mentioning this game, It was my first game ever, I loved it just like I love STW now!
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  2. #92
    zombologist Senior Member doc_bean's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Murmandamus
    Total Annihilation
    I had completely forgotten about that one ! One of the few RTS games I enjoyed post-Warcraft 2, I never did understand what was so good about AoE.

    I have also forgotten probably the greatest game ever:

    Worms !

    Mastering the bazooka was a goal in my life.
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  3. #93
    Lord of the House Flies Member Al Khalifah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander the Pretty Good
    Another brilliant RTS game, with some parallels to CC2. I loved the whole Civil War setting, videos of reanactments, the little things like being able to play bugle calls. And this is not to mention the wonderful game - very challenging (the AI can be wicked, and I was very poor). Sadly, I lost the original CD, and the Sid Meier's Civil War Collection (Gettysburg + Anteitem) doesn't work on my computer.
    One of my favorite games Sid Meier's Gettysburg. It didn't really have much ambition, but boy did it do what it did well. The definitive single battle simulator, the full day scenarios (play the entire 1st day and 2nd day of Gettysburg all in one go!) are the best battle missions I think I've ever played. You really have to think about what you're doing and the consequences of success and failure are big - unlike in the fight the battle mode where you could force a units surrender one scenario and have it fighting you again the next.

    Firaxis recently released a windows xp patch to allow you to play the game on an XP box. If this is your problem I suggest you look for this patch, when I tried it just took a quick Google. How good is that for customer support???

    Quote Originally Posted by screwtype
    BTW, I notice you mentioned Deus Ex as one of your favourites, but I don't think anyone has put Deus Ex 2 into their top ten. It was a much awaited game but doesn't appear to have created much excitement. Was it a disappointing sequel?
    It was an okay game, but a bit poor as a sequel to Deus Ex. The story was quite good but the gameplay wasn't quite so original and the RPG element was almost completely removed from the game. Its kind of like The Phantom Menace compared to A New Hope.
    Cowardice is to run from the fear;
    Bravery is not to never feel the fear.
    Bravery is to be terrified as hell;
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  4. #94

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    a nother top 10 games :)
    ( classics....)

    Dizzy (c64)
    Grand larceny (c64)
    sphynx adventure "text based" (acorn)
    donkey cong country 1 (snes)
    Super bomber man 3 or 4 i forget which (snes)
    buble boble (Nes)
    super mario kart (snes)
    trak and feild 2 (nes)
    Moon patroll (atari 2600)
    Chrono triger (SneS)

    They all were the best "In my oppinion" when they were being played by me Years ago :)

  5. #95
    Member Member Productivity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Dune II - It started the whole RTS genre. Yes it was difficult to use, one dimensional (tank rush (although just about every RTS fell prey to that one)), but it was revolutionary compared to it's contemporaries, and provided hours of fun.

    Deus Ex - Brilliant combination of RPG elements with a first person shooter, many threads to get to one place, well balanced.

    Daggerfall - Just epic. Morrowind is small in most ways compared to Daggerfall. Again, hours of fun. Dungeons that were actually dungeons (it would take weeks to get out of some of them).

    Quake III - Pure fun FPS, and the point at which graphics became good looking, rather than degrees of ugliness. Still fun to play today, with plenty of mods.

    Total Annihilation – If Dune II started RTS games, this hit the peak of them. Picture this, you are trying to assault a enemy held beach with one pass up into the hills behind it. Amphibious tanks crawl out of the water, gunships go over the top to suppress light defences, battleships are hanging slightly back pounding the enemy plasma batteries, and the cruisers move in to try and sweep the beach of enemy units. As the tanks come out of the water the defences automatically pop up from their bunker and start shooting, a stray shell from a battleship or cruiser sails over the beach and onto a solar panel, causing it to close up to protect itself from damage. As the tanks crawl out of the water they are destroyed, creating shelter from fire behind their wreckage. Meanwhile the enemy starts to airlift in reinforcements onto the beach, watch as the VTOL transports flare their engines to come to a stop over the beach, then watch as they struggle to get altitude and speed while moving out of there.

    I could go on, but it was just a really well thought out game, which was beautiful, and in terms of 3D RTS games still has the best implementation of terrain I’ve seen.

    Mafia – Atmosphere, a bit’s already been said about it, so I won’t go to much further.

    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield – This may be the wrong choice, because I haven’t played any of the RS games, but it goes in anyway. One of the few games that ever made me care about the lives of the characters who I was playing. It seemed to get the error distribution right, sometimes the opposition would make a dumb move, but at other times they would do something brilliant. Great fun, and always a challenge.

    System Shock 2 – Combine Mafia and Deus Ex and you get this. Brilliant.

    Civilization – Set the benchmark for empire building, a mark that has only been bettered by Sid himself. Nobody else has managed to do as well in a decade.

    Heavy Gear 2 – Squad based mech game. Pretty weak in single player, it really shined at LANs with multiplayer, where you could customise your squad to an incredible degree, and were forced to work together.

    Honourable mentions go to

    Starsiege: Tribes
    Heroes of Might and Magic 2
    Championship Manger (probably 01/02, took the CM3 series to it’s peak)
    Alpha Centauri (would have gone in but for Civ)
    TIE Fighter
    Ghost Recon

  6. #96
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Mechwarrior II

  7. #97
    Senior Member Senior Member Kraellin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    i dont think i played mechwarrior ii, but i played iii and iv. iv was quite good. i played iii online, but the hackers were rampant and it was quite disappointing. iv played online was pretty good. if i remember correctly, iv had the cheat buster software, preventing as least the novice hackers from making a mess of things. i also liked the campaign in iv and still play a bit now and then. the modding of mechs was much better in iv also and with the expansion packs, even more so. a 100 ton mech with jets, now that's getting ugly :)

    i also just started a new thread in here dealing with old dos mode games. i just installed Empire, one of those games i listed in my top ten, onto my win98 machine. it took a bit to get it installed and running, but actually wasnt too hard. i was quite surprised i could get it working, but it did run and run smootly.

    check it out here:

    i played tha game for hours and hours :)


  8. #98

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by dgb
    Total Annihilation – If Dune II started RTS games, this hit the peak of them. Picture this, you are trying to assault a enemy held beach with one pass up into the hills behind it. Amphibious tanks crawl out of the water, gunships go over the top to suppress light defences, battleships are hanging slightly back pounding the enemy plasma batteries, and the cruisers move in to try and sweep the beach of enemy units. As the tanks come out of the water the defences automatically pop up from their bunker and start shooting, a stray shell from a battleship or cruiser sails over the beach and onto a solar panel, causing it to close up to protect itself from damage. As the tanks crawl out of the water they are destroyed, creating shelter from fire behind their wreckage. Meanwhile the enemy starts to airlift in reinforcements onto the beach, watch as the VTOL transports flare their engines to come to a stop over the beach, then watch as they struggle to get altitude and speed while moving out of there.
    That sounds cool. I'm not usually into RTS games, but I might have to see if I can pick this one up as a budget title.

  9. #99
    Junior Patron Member dessa14's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1: Pirates
    2: sonic the hedgehog 1,2 or 3
    3: Final fantasy 3/6
    4: Desert Strike
    5: Street Rod (c64 original one)
    6: Train escape to normandy i think its called (the c64 one)
    8: Legend of Zelda (a Link to the Past)
    9: Spy vs Spy (remember on the old casettes)
    10: Pac Man

    "It is not the well-being of individuals that makes cities great, but the well-being of the community"- Niccolò Machiavelli.

  10. #100

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Total Annihilation won rave reviews by everyone who played it, but other than that, no one even heard about it, kind of like a Warcraft 1 thing.

    Mechwarrior II came free with my old Celeron years ago. It kept crashing and I could never get it to work, until I realized that I needed to change my settings to 256 colours! I'd be doomed to illegal operation errors if I tried it now. The game was a blast, though (not pun intended).

  11. #101
    zombologist Senior Member doc_bean's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Didn't Total annihilation come about about the same time as AoE ?

    I've always wondered why AoE was the more succesful game, and yet, people still play it to this day.
    Yes, Iraq is peaceful. Go to sleep now. - Adrian II

  12. #102

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    I prefered Aoe to total anialhation (was a bit to much lic the c&c games for me !i dont like C&C)

    as for mech warrior 2 I would hav enterrd that But there were many other great games that i thought of 1st,
    There were A lot of games i didnt get to mntion

    Like alone in the dark seriese,
    Mech warior as you stated above
    And a whole host of other games,

    Games are cool :)

  13. #103
    Member Member Productivity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Shambles
    I prefered Aoe to total anialhation (was a bit to much lic the c&c games for me !i dont like C&C)
    Just curious as to why you thought it was like C&C. Bar the fact that they are both RTS games and both are futuristic, I'm struggling to think of similarities.

  14. #104
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Cool sig. Shambles, where'd you get it?

    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  15. #105
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Total Annihilation was great. I just happened to had a fast computer and the carnage was a sight to behold, my favorite traditional RTS

  16. #106
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Top ten of games

    I mostly don't like RTS games, but I do like Sudden Strike and Command and Conquer.
    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  17. #107
    Von Uber Member Butcher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Total Annihlation had one unique thing going for it: Unexhaustable resources, as long as you could keep your production up and keep it going, you never ran out.
    I remember a few four player games that went on for half a day or so, racking up 10,000 kills a side and still no sight of victory.
    Of course, it's even better with the expansion pack, Core Contingency.
    Also, I am sure that the fast your CPU, the harder the A.I was..
    - I'm sorry, but giving everyone an equal part when they're not clearly equal is what again, class?

    - Communism!

    - That's right. And I didn't tap all those Morse code messages to the Allies 'til my shoes filled with blood to just roll out the welcome mat for the Reds.

  18. #108
    zombologist Senior Member doc_bean's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Butcher
    Total Annihlation had one unique thing going for it: Unexhaustable resources, as long as you could keep your production up and keep it going, you never ran out.
    I remember a few four player games that went on for half a day or so, racking up 10,000 kills a side and still no sight of victory.
    Of course, it's even better with the expansion pack, Core Contingency.
    Also, I am sure that the fast your CPU, the harder the A.I was..
    I don't think the expansion pack ever got released over here, I looked everywhere for it !
    Yes, Iraq is peaceful. Go to sleep now. - Adrian II

  19. #109
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    My list, in order that is.

    Tie Fighter Gold: Hehe... I have noticed that others have mentione Tie Fighter but none have mentioned it as Gold. It is absolutely immense, 105 (if I'm not mistaken, but it is more than 100) main missions, some 30 other missions (to get various badges for your locker). Lots and lots of crafts and ships, the only one missing is the Super Star Destroyer.
    Since I have never played Tie Fighter without Gold I don't know where it ends (with the Emperor granting that medal I guess?). But I just loved the storyline of Zaarin going rogue and you having to battle him alongside Thrawn for technology. There is even a bit of psychology in the game as Thrawn sees through him and lays an elaborate plan to trap him using cloak technology.
    But who can't love the Tie Interceptor? So maneuverable and powerful, yet so fragile, keep away from Escort Shuttles! I more or less destroyed my Mouseman mouse as I flew using the mouse but it was all worth it as with the mouse you had superior maneuverability to the keyboard or joystick.

    MTW: Needs little explaination.

    System Shock 2: GAH!!!! Scary and immersive, an almost perfectly sculpted storyline.

    AvP: GAH!!! Again! A breakthrough in that it was now possible to play an FPS with a purely melee character, and not feel like a hulk. Sounds great, lighting great, fights great (especially as Alien and Marine). Just great!

    C&C: The initial game was so lovely, I can still hear the Mechanial Man in my head at times. Toxic resources, big vehicles, cool enemies. Ahhh... In time this was ruined though.

    STW: Needs little explaination as well, it has less gameplay but lots more feel than MTW. So I guess it is a personal thing.

    Call of Duty: I'm not much of a FPS player really (and I have AvP and SS2 on the list... great), but this one really had me going. If only it had been perfected a bit more, such as adding a German campaign for one, it would have topped my list.

    Operation Flashpoint, the whole series: A great game in all. Play a single soldier or become a tank commander, even take control of an attack helicopter. It is so damn great. How I loved the missions in Red Hammer where you drove a tank or flew a helicopter.

    the Quest games: Humour... Intrigue... plots... There was everything, something for every soul. Police Quest for the serious person, Space Quest for the half insane comedy addict and Kings Quest for the real quest addict (with its own large dose of humour). They did deteriorate in Police Quest... Sad thing really.

    Dark Sun: Shattered Lands: The original party-RPG. Good gameplay with a good storyline (escaping gladiators that forges an alliance of villages against the city), extensive world and plenty of abilities for playstyles (though brute forces does grant you an advantage).

    And lots more I have liked, such as Baldurs Gate 2 with expansions.
    Last edited by Kraxis; 04-28-2005 at 23:18.
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  20. #110
    Member Member Thoros of Myr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    well it's more than 10, sorry. Not all the games I've thoroughly enjoyed over the years but most of the important ones.

    Close Combat 2 & 3
    Asheron's Call (the only MMO I really enjoyed, can't stand MMO's now though)
    C&C (made me forever addicted to strategy games)
    Mechwarrior 2 (& ghost bears legacy, & mercenaries, spent countless night playing these with buddies, even bought one of the very first 3d acceleration cards just for the special Mechwarrior 2 enhanced version lol.)
    Operation Flashpoint (with all the mods it's the definitive realistic combat experiance)
    Icewind Dale II (love the atmosphere, simplicity and customization, much more replayable than the BG series IMHO)
    Total Annihlation (graphics and detail blew my mind when it first came out)
    Richard Burns Rally
    Falcon 4.0 (the only flight sim that ever made me feel like I was really flying)
    Doom II
    Pro Evolution Soccer 3/ Winning Eleven 7 International
    Final Fantasy Tactics
    Final Fantasy VI
    Legend of Zelda original/LTTP /OOT (tie, can't chose just one :D)
    Chrono Trigger
    Perfect Dark (bought it on release day, was everything goldeneye was but better, the 4mb expansion card helped the graphics too)
    Eternal Darkness
    Metroid original
    F-Zero original

    there you have it...probably forgetting a few.
    Last edited by Thoros of Myr; 04-28-2005 at 22:34.

  21. #111
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    I see lots of people including STW, and not MTW or RTW, but much of them I never see in Sword dojo, how about it guys?
    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  22. #112
    Yorkist Senior Member NagatsukaShumi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    10-Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (PS2)
    9-Rome : Total War (PC)
    8-Shogun : Total War (PC)
    7-Cossacks : Anthology (PC)
    6-Onimusha (PS2)
    5-Onimusha 3 (PS2)
    4-Onimusha 2 : Samurai's Destiny (PS2)
    3-Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater (PS2)
    2-Metal Gear Solid : Solid Snake (PS1)
    1-Football Manager 2005 (PC)
    RIP TosaInu
    Ja Mata

  23. #113
    Member Member AFM984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    2-Streets of rage 3
    I stil remmebre me & my brother playing it a lot back in 94 I think
    3-Winning eleven 4-8
    Endless hours of playing this game with my friends over a span of 7 years & still continuing, this game is extremly popular in the arabian peninsula :)
    4-C&C: zero hour
    Extremly incredible online
    5-MTW: VI
    Do I need to explain........
    6-GTA: 3, vice city, san andreas
    No amount explaining will be enough
    7-Max payne
    TOP ACTION!!!!!
    8-True lies
    On sega mega drive, good action for the time
    The battles are just enough for me
    10-Driver 2
    I still remmeber the missions

  24. #114
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by drisos
    I see lots of people including STW, and not MTW or RTW, but much of them I never see in Sword dojo, how about it guys?
    Maybe because that feel never leaves you, but that certain aspects might not be up to date. So to not be let down people will remember the experience fondly but not risk it getting tainted.
    And there might of course be a few tag-alongs...
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  25. #115

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraxis
    Tie Fighter Gold: Hehe... I have noticed that others have mentione Tie Fighter but none have mentioned it as Gold. It is absolutely immense, 105 (if I'm not mistaken, but it is more than 100) main missions, some 30 other missions (to get various badges for your locker). Lots and lots of crafts and ships, the only one missing is the Super Star Destroyer.
    Since I have never played Tie Fighter without Gold I don't know where it ends (with the Emperor granting that medal I guess?). But I just loved the storyline of Zaarin going rogue and you having to battle him alongside Thrawn for technology. There is even a bit of psychology in the game as Thrawn sees through him and lays an elaborate plan to trap him using cloak technology.
    But who can't love the Tie Interceptor? So maneuverable and powerful, yet so fragile, keep away from Escort Shuttles! I more or less destroyed my Mouseman mouse as I flew using the mouse but it was all worth it as with the mouse you had superior maneuverability to the keyboard or joystick.
    I have not heard of TIE gold; only the normal version, the seperate add-ons, and the CD collecter's edition. There was also a remake make of the game using the x-wing versus TIE fighter engine; the collecter's series.

    The original game ended with you saving the Emperor and him giving you the fancy medal; then each add-on was 2 campaigns, IIRC.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  26. #116
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Aha... It could have been Collectors Edition... I don't remember now. But I do remember the game being at least 12 campaigns long, 6 until the Emperor gave the medal and another 6 where you hunted Zaarin for the most part, or rather defended against his attacks.

    The collectors series? Ohhh... That would be nice, I would love to go on another killingspree, I mean a pilot that bags what amounts to the entire rebel fleet plus a couple of Imperial fleets all with fighters, he is serious.
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  27. #117
    woudloper Member viermaaldomi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Here's my top 10 (series) list:
    1.Total War series
    2.Mortal Kombat series
    3.Virtua Tennis series
    4.Myth series
    5.Age of Empires series
    6.Donkey Kong Country series
    7.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 & 2
    8.Nightmare Creatures
    9.Onimusha series
    10.FIFA series
    "Gold , Frankenstein and Grrr!"

    Richard Richard

  28. #118

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by viermaaldomi View Post
    Here's my top 10 (series) list:
    1.Total War series
    2.Mortal Kombat series
    3.Virtua Tennis series
    4.Myth series
    5.Age of Empires series
    6.Donkey Kong Country series
    7.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 & 2
    8.Nightmare Creatures
    9.Onimusha series
    10.FIFA series
    If you're looking for a great game to sink your teeth into, I highly recommend Zombies Retreat. It's a fantastic mix of survival, strategy, and exploration with a compelling storyline and engaging gameplay. The graphics have a charming, retro feel, and the game is filled with interesting characters and quests that keep you hooked. It's perfect for those who enjoy a good zombie apocalypse scenario with a bit of a twist. Give it a shot – you won't be disappointed!

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