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Thread: Top ten of games

  1. #1
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Talking Top ten of games

    1: Shogun: Total War

    (a long, long distance between STW and the rest! )

    2: Halo I (for the Xbox)
    3: Age Of Empires II
    4: Anno 1602
    5: c&c (that version with tesla coiles and flame towers )
    6: Worms Armageddon
    7: Cossacks: The Art of War
    8: Gangsters 2
    9: Settlers IV
    10: Fate of the Dragon
    Last edited by Drisos; 04-19-2005 at 14:08.
    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member econ21's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    It's hard to answer this because there's a tendency to judge games on their replayablility when perhaps the relevant criterion is how good they were before you had burnt out on playing them. I'm also going to cheat by combining sequels with originals. However, here's my list:

    1. Fallout 2 - something about the freedom, scale and atmosphere in that game just bowls me over.
    2. Baldurs Gate 1/2: like Fallout 2, with swords and sorcery but a smidgeon less bite.
    3. Panzer General 1/2: the first game combines epic historical operations with very accessible gameplay; the second is smaller scale but has a better balanced campaign.
    4. Medieval Total War: provides the best mix of challenge and variety of the three TW games.
    5. Vampire: Bloodlines: jaw-dropping graphics/characters and incredible immersion.
    6. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1/2: better than any Star Wars movie (even Empire Strikes Back).
    7. Jagged Alliance 2: perfect turn-based tactical combat with engaging strategic layer and character.
    8. System Shock 2: more like a book or a film, I can't get the story of this one out of my head - provides the most vivid experience of all the games on this list.
    9. X-Com 1: very good tactical combat, oozes atmosphere and decent strategic layer.
    10. Imperialism 2: minimises micromanagement, makes challenging economic game and decent AI.

  3. #3
    Junior Patron Member dessa14's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    that list is dead wrong.

    Half-life (includes mods)
    Age of empires
    Cossacks back to war
    Shogun total war
    Medieval Total War
    Europa Universalis two
    Baldurs Gate 2
    Simcity 4
    Again this list is chosen on replayability
    only baldurs gate is playable only once
    Last edited by dessa14; 04-18-2005 at 11:07.
    "It is not the well-being of individuals that makes cities great, but the well-being of the community"- Niccolò Machiavelli.

  4. #4
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by dessa14
    that list is dead wrong.
    do you mean mine??
    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  5. #5
    Floating through the net... Member King Edward's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1. MTW VI
    2. Xcom 1
    3. Warcraft 3 FT
    4. FM 2005
    5.Neverwinter Nights
    6.Hearts of Iron 2
    7. KOTOR 1
    8. RTW
    9. WH40k Dawn of War
    10. Darwinia

    Thats just a list form the games i own and i imagine if i hade to make another in a month or so it would change depending on what mood i was in at the time.
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  6. #6
    Member Member Boohugh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1. MTW VI
    2. Championship Manager 01/02
    3. Trackmania
    4. Red Alert
    5. Operation Flashpoint
    6. Caesar 2
    7. Hearts of Iron 2
    8. Civilisation 2 and 3
    9. KOTOR 1
    10. Black Hawk Down

    This is an approximate order. I included Hearts of Iron 2 because I've been playing it a lot and it has the potential to be one of my favourite games.

  7. #7
    Lord of the House Flies Member Al Khalifah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1. Command & Conquer - the original and best. I liked Dune II but C&C was just brilliant. I can still remember every mission for both sides in full detail and could probably tell you every crate location too (I played this game a lot). The first time you faced an obelisk of light you knew true fear, even now that charging up sound sends shivers down my spine. The FMVs and digital music were just the icing on the cake. The first game I ever played multi-player on a PC with a null modem and every single battle was like a game of chess. My favorite game ever.
    2. Half-Life - scary and awesome, like a film even though there were no characters. The ending sucked but who cares. If you played it, then you'll remember the first time you faced the grunts, the first time a headcrab bit your face in a vent shaft, the first time you got chopped into bits by falling into a fan... I must've spent/wasted hours playing Team Fortress online and I liked Counter-Strike too until the cheaters took over.
    3. Deus Ex - one of the finest stories ever in a game, a real adult thriller. The roll-playing elements made it excellent and the way that most missions had at least three possible ways of winning was really fresh. Also 3 different possible endings depending on your political leanings (not including the secret dance level). I really liked the way that you could fail certain objectives too, without the game just stopping for no reason, although the grief you got on returning to base made you desperate not to fail. The characters really come to life in this one and I don't think I've ever played it through without finding something new.
    4. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - if anyone has completed every mission in this game I want to shake their hand. This game was HUGE and yo could complete it by only doing about 5% of the missions. Fantastic story, excellent character development and I loved the way that you would feel like you were there and it was real even though it had a big fantasy setting. Completely non-linear too, the best bits (if you had a good enough graphics card) were when you left the track and found yourself looking over a gorgeous valley in spring (yes it had seasons) or a seething caldera.
    5. Shogun: Total War - I wouldn't be posting here if it wasn't for this game. Changed the world of strategy games forever and spawned Medieval and Rome. A faltless epic.
    6. Caesar II - would it be a little cheeky to suggest this game pre-empted Shogun's concept by quite a few years? I loved the fantastic mix between Sim City style city building and real-time battles.
    7. Mafia - guest director Martin Scorsese? The best story in any game ever, this is a film in so many ways - the characters developed brilliantly throughout the story and even the city itself advanced and grew as the game went on. Perhaps the gameplay wasn't the best ever but the story made me just want to keep playing on. As for the ending... perfection.
    8. Civilisation II - need I say more?
    9. Age of Empires - once the Rise of Rome expansion was realeased this game just exploded into the greatest build 'em up and smash 'em down strategy game ever. The historical aspect of the game made R:TW look like an Encyclopedia but no one cared. Still hugely popular on the zone today.
    10. Championship Manager 98 - this game stole several months of my life that I want back. I don't know why its good and I can't explain why I kept playing it, but it must be something special to keep my attention as long as this game did.
    Cowardice is to run from the fear;
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  8. #8
    Weird Organism Senior Member Drisos's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Top ten of games

    Command and conquer, that one i forgot in the list!

    I made my top 10 in few seconds, so it isn't exactly correct.
    - Chu - Gi - Makoto - Rei - Jin - Yu - Meiyo -

  9. #9
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1. Daggerfall
    2. Operation Flashpoint
    3. Thief Gold
    4. Thief 2
    5. Thief 3 (see a pattern?)
    6. Neverwinter Nights
    7. C&C Generals: Zero Hour
    8. Ultima 7.5
    9. Ultima 6
    10. Alpha Centauri

    Honorable mentions:

    Fallout 1 & 2
    Stronghold (the 1991 SSI version)
    Castle of the Winds (if you know what this is, you win the internet)
    Baldur's Gate II
    Dark Age of Camelot

  10. #10
    Toh-GAH-koo-reh Member Togakure's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    These aren't what I think are the top 10 games; they're the ten games I've enjoyed the most:

    1) Shogun Total War, WE/MI - My favorite computer game of all time
    2) Soul Calibur (the original for SEGA Dreamcast; Voldo freakmaster!)
    3) Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls
    4) System Shock II
    5) Medieval Total War/Viking Invasion
    6) Master of Orion II
    7) Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II
    8) Alpha Centauri + expansion (especially my DUNE mod for it!)
    9) Planescape Torment
    0) Quake (music by NiN just freakin' ROCKS)

    Runners Up:
    - Half Life
    - Halo (for X-Box)
    - Homeworld
    - Metal Gear Solid II (for PS2)
    - SFC II Orion Pirates
    - Starcraft/Broodwar
    - C&C/C&C Red Alert


    EDIT: crap, forgot Alpha Centauri, which I thoroughly enjoyed
    EDIT2: poop, forgot Masters of Orion II, which needs to be on the list
    Last edited by Togakure; 04-18-2005 at 18:59.
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    misc kanryodo

  11. #11

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Shogun Tw.
    Delta force 2
    Aces high 2
    Empire Earth
    Age of empires/morrowind ( i like both)
    splinter cell
    Doom 3
    half life 2
    Theif 2/Rome TW (but i think I prefer Theif)

    All on the pc
    Last edited by Shambles; 04-18-2005 at 16:46.

  12. #12
    Nur-ad-Din Forum Administrator TosaInu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    I'm afraid it will just be an endless list of games I enjoyed. There's one title though that stands above all, because of the great game itself and the fine people surrounding it.

    -1 STW & STW WE/MI.

    -2 Too many contenders.
    Ja mata


  13. #13
    Ultimate Member tibilicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time
    2: MTW VI:
    3:CIV 3 play the world
    5:C&C Red alert
    6:Gta series
    7:C&C tiberian sun
    8:Legend of zelda Majoras mask
    9:Civ 3
    10: dont really have a 10 aany other desent game really

    As you can see quite a lot are consel games as i only got into PC games through Civ 3 and the fact my PS2 broke.

    "A lamb goes to the slaughter but a man, he knows when to walk away."

  14. #14
    The Anger Shaman of the .Org Senior Member Voigtkampf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Wohoo, I love this re-emerging thread!

    Now, let’s see…

    In no particular order, here it comes:

    1. Fallout 2
    2. Master of Orion 2
    3. Shogun TW
    4. TIE Fighter
    5. Medieval TW
    6. Call of Duty
    7. Starcraft
    8. Silent Hunter 3 (new addition!)
    9. Star Wars: The Jedi Academy
    10. World of Warcraft (omg I got hooked!)

    (in bold, the three all time favorites)

    I have played literally thousands of games, as I review games for a PC magazine, and I get something around… Well, 20-30 games per month, sometimes even more, a good share of them I return back without having time to install them at all. I have currently some dozen games I installed, played for an hour or two and put on hold.

    Last good thing I played was a remarkable RTS called Act of War, with stunning graphics and good game engine, reminiscent of the C&C beginnings. I played it and though I gave it high ratings, I cannot come around to play it any more… Just don’t have three or four hours to waste any more.

    Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.

    Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, The Water Book

  15. #15
    Senior Member Senior Member Ser Clegane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    My list (not necessarily in that order):

    1. Baldur's Gate 1+2
    2. KOTOR 1+2
    3. STW
    4. MTW
    5. HOMM 3
    6. Dungeonmaster
    7. Neverwinter Nights
    8. Tie Fighter
    9. Star Wars: Rebellion
    10. Fantasy General

    The last two might not be generally considred to be "top" games but for some reason I spent endless hours playing them (and unfortunately I cannot get FG to run under XP )

    that list is dead wrong.
    How can a personal top10 list be wrong?
    Last edited by Ser Clegane; 04-18-2005 at 18:49. Reason: I had to replace one game - how could I forget Tie Fighter???

  16. #16
    Nec Pluribus Impar Member SwordsMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1. KOTOR 1&2
    2. HOI2
    3. Victoria
    4. Max Payne 1&2
    5. Vampire Bloodlines
    6. MTW(VI)
    7. RTW (Yeah, what? dont look at me like that!...)
    8. Call of Duty
    9. MOH Pacific Assault
    10. Civilization III (+expansions)
    Managing perceptions goes hand in hand with managing expectations - Masamune

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  17. #17
    The Anger Shaman of the .Org Senior Member Voigtkampf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Ser Clegane
    9. Star Wars: Rebellion
    10. Fantasy General

    The last two might not be generally considred to be "top" games but for some reason I spent endless hours playing them (and unfortunately I cannot get FG to run under XP
    Indeed, Star Wars Rebellion was a great game for me as well; more because of the spirit of the game, than the quality of the game itself. I cannot believe no one was able to create a civilization type of game in Star Wars universe.

    I tried to reinstall it some year ago and was truly amazed how ugly that thing was! Was I playing it like mad few years earlier? Guess I was!

    Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.

    Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, The Water Book

  18. #18
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    I loved playing Tie Fighter (and similarly, X-Wing vs Tie Fighter online) and Rebellion. Naturally, I enjoy playing the Empire ^_^

  19. #19

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Is this any games? Console included? Console games are included in my list.

    10. Medal of Honor: Frontline
    9. The Sims
    8. Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
    7. NBA LIVE 2005
    6. Tony Hawks Series
    5. GTA III
    4. GTA: Vice City
    3. Final Fantasy VII
    2. GTA: San Andreas
    1. RTW

    This list took a while, good thread, requires some thinking

  20. #20
    Senior Member Senior Member Ser Clegane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by voigtkampf

    I tried to reinstall it some year ago and was truly amazed how ugly that thing was! Was I playing it like mad few years earlier? Guess I was!
    I actually gave it a try during the weekend - OMG, the tactical battle looked hideous

    Still, had the developers put more effort in the tactical battle and added some more resources for the strategy part, this would have been an all-time-classic.

  21. #21
    boy of DESTINY Senior Member Big_John's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    well, my ordering is kinda arbitrary. any of the top 5 could be switched around for one another. same for the bottom five.

    1. outlaws
    2. interstate '76
    3. half-life
    4. mtw (w/ medmod, specifically)
    5. starcraft

    6. operation flashpoint
    7. chronotrigger
    8. command & conquer
    9. gta: vice city
    10. civ 2

    edit: dropped morrowind for civ 2
    Last edited by Big_John; 04-18-2005 at 23:20.
    now i'm here, and history is vindicated.

  22. #22
    zombologist Senior Member doc_bean's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1. CastleVania: SOTN (too bad my ps broke...)
    2. MTW
    3. Snake
    4. Warcraft 2
    5. Doom
    6. Final fantasy 7
    7. Quake
    8. Warcraft 3
    9. Metal Gear Solid
    10. Civ 3
    Yes, Iraq is peaceful. Go to sleep now. - Adrian II

  23. #23

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Wow! More people who played Star Wars: Supremacy (as it was called in the UK). I thought I was all but alone in liking it. I preferred playing as the Empire too; I did finish a few Rebel campaigns but never found them to be as much fun.

    I couldn't do a top 10 list of my favourite games; there are too many of them, and all positions except number 1 are tied. Zelda: Ocarina of Time is my favourite game. It was simply stunning in every possible way. A revelation. A thing of beauty. A masterpiece.

    Other games right up at the top of the scale include STW, TIE fighter (the CD edition which had speech and both add-ons included), X-wing (again the CD edition with both add-ons included), X-wing alliance, thief 1 and 2, system shock 2, KOTOR 1, the Monkey Island trilogy, Sam and Max hit the road, day of the tentacle, Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, Pharaoh, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2, Planescape Torment (even though I never did get to finish it because the game always dropped to sub 1FPS when I reached undersigil), Alpha Centauri, Kingdom Hearts, no one lives forever 1 and 2 ... mostly PC or PC+console titles. I have played and loved many games console games, but somehow for the most part they have not quite burned their way into my memory quite so well.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  24. #24
    Robot Unicorn Member Kekvit Irae's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg
    Wow! More people who played Star Wars: Supremacy (as it was called in the UK). I thought I was all but alone in liking it. I preferred playing as the Empire too; I did finish a few Rebel campaigns but never found them to be as much fun.
    I love that game. This thread made me reinstall it and play it again. Ahh the memories of blitzkrieging with five SSDs and a Death Star...

    thief 1 and 2
    Somehow, I knew you would name these. I think it was the username that first tipped me off

  25. #25
    Pining for the glory days... Member lancelot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by kekvitirae
    I loved playing Tie Fighter (and similarly, X-Wing vs Tie Fighter online) and Rebellion. Naturally, I enjoy playing the Empire ^_^
    Girl after my own heart...
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    "Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such." Homer Simpson

  26. #26
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1.Half-life 1+2(pc)
    2.Shogun: Total war(pc)
    3.Rise of Nations(pc)
    4.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time(n64) - one word: wow
    5.Final fantasy 7(ps) - best out of those i played which are 7-10
    6.Call of duty(pc)
    7.KOTOR 1(pc) - 2 was way too buggy for my taste. any game that i have to roll back my video card driver just to play does not score very high imho
    8.Homeworld series(pc)
    9.Unreal Tournament(pc) - the original. its because of that game that i have my .org name
    10. Diablo 2(pc) - makes the list because it was the first pc game i ever got and actually enjoyed.

    honorable mentions:

    -Operation Flashpoint(pc)
    -Medieval:Total War(VI)(pc)
    -Metal Gear Solid(ps)
    -Warhammer 40k: dawn of war(pc) - what can i say? i'm a wh40k fan
    Last edited by Monk; 04-18-2005 at 23:15.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Top ten of games

    Quote Originally Posted by Al Khalifah
    Elders Scrolls Morrowind- if anyone has completed every mission in this game I want to shake their hand. This game was HUGE and yo could complete it by only doing about 5% of the missions. Fantastic story, excellent character development and I loved the way that you would feel like you were there and it was real even though it had a big fantasy setting. Completely non-linear too, the best bits (if you had a good enough graphics card) were when you left the track and found yourself looking over a gorgeous valley in spring (yes it had seasons) or a seething caldera.

    Lol I did quit well for a while,
    Then spent 8 months of my life Building My own vilage and shiping lanes, More missions, New charicters and Making mods
    Lol I think Its impossible to end the game lol,


  28. #28
    Urwendur Ûrîbêl Senior Member Mouzafphaerre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    1 or 2: Sea Dogs
    2 or 1: MTW with VI + patch
    3 to 10: Others

    Ja mata Tosa Inu-sama, Hore Tore, Adrian II, Sigurd, Fragony

    Mouzafphaerre is known elsewhere as Urwendil/Urwendur/Kibilturg...

  29. #29
    Very Senior Member Gawain of Orkeny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    I only play one game. MTW VI. Nothing eslse is worth my time

    Yes Ive tried many of the games on those lists but I still only play MTW VI. The rest sit in a box.

    And I might add it had the finest gaming community Ive ever seen. My hats are off to all of you who made it such a hilight of my gaming experiences. I will never forget the heyday of VI and of the clans and warriors who made up this world. It is a very sad thing for me to wittness such a stillf fine and outstanding game dying a slow and agonizing death. Im sure many of you older players felt the same about the demise of STW. But at least there was much more in common between STW and MTW than there is between MTW and RTW.

    To all those I have met on the field of battle

    Come to VI while you can and join me in our final battles.
    Last edited by Gawain of Orkeny; 04-19-2005 at 01:46.
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  30. #30
    Tree Killer Senior Member Beirut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top ten of games

    What? No flightsim heads around here?

    IL2-Sturmovik-Forgotten Battles+Pacific Fighters series
    MS Combat Flight Sim 1
    Janes WWII Fighters
    Falcon 3 & 4
    MS Flight Simulator series
    Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon series, Splinter Cell series
    Unto each good man a good dog

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