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  1. #1
    Guest RageMonsta's Avatar


    Where is it?

    Has Monsta missed it?

    Will it be done?

    Why are we still waiting for an official warning about the access issue of admin to the patrons of this boards passwords.

    Each forum should have something 'pinned' to remind the unaware that more eyes than their own can see their pass words.

    Now Monsta knows you can remove him from these forums or delete/remove/close his instead of the message coming from Monsta in his ever so 'well mannered' tone will you please do something..

    I doubt the masses will even be interested in 'Tera Gate' so you need not worry about people actually questioning the admin and any trust issues.

    Thank you...(is Magyars 'nice' therapy catching?).

  2. #2


    our Khan is working on it, there is a lot of buzzing around teh Khans ger. Perhaps go over there and spent a night with some nice Hungarian beauties.

    Furthermore i saw the female therapist smile when she left our Khan...
    quote:I gallop messages around, dont track me I can bring war as well


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