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Thread: Pics & History of your Empire

  1. #1
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Pics & History of your Empire

    Hi guys I wanted to make this thread for everyone to show pics of their empire and a brief history of it. Just thought this would be something intresting for us to read. I'll start off with mine.

    Faction: The Spanish
    Starting at: Early Period
    No cheats, except for the see entire map cheat, I just like to see the whole map.

    History: I started off being a small friendly empire, once I bordered my empire at Aragon, and the neighboring province (Neverea i think) I started building up my army for the crusades. I sent 2 succesful crusades to Palestine and Tripoli. The settlements were pretty good there until the mid 1300s.

    The Egyptians had humoungous armies and took over palestine and tripoli, but only after me winning the battles 5 times in a row, in the 6th battle Palestine finally fell.

    I expanted into Europe when I lost my settlements in the east. I reached as far as Ile De France, and into Rome. But my forces weren't strong enough to stand against the allience between Germany the Byzantines and the Pepacy. So I pulled back to aragon, and now I'm there waiting for the year 1453 to hopefully win.

    Last edited by PittBull260; 05-01-2005 at 20:18.

  2. #2
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Hey man.... Can I ask you a question??? Have you installed a mod because I cannot recognize that shield(the one with the red cross, think it's a crusader type thing).... Hey, I'm gonna post my stuff soon...
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  3. #3
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    Hey man.... Can I ask you a question??? Have you installed a mod because I cannot recognize that shield(the one with the red cross, think it's a crusader type thing).... Hey, I'm gonna post my stuff soon...
    yea man it's the XL mod, the best mod ever :)

  4. #4
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Well I finished my campaign, here is the territory

    the results:
    I have won but only because the main and big empires fell into civil war many times each, which allowed me to expand my empire into central Europe.

  5. #5
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    Hey man.... Can I ask you a question??? Have you installed a mod because I cannot recognize that shield(the one with the red cross, think it's a crusader type thing).... Hey, I'm gonna post my stuff soon...
    so where is it bro? I'd really like to see other people's empires

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    I've been playing this game for quite a while now. I started off as the welsh and conquerred Britain in viking invasion, then started a new game as the English in the european map in the early medieval period.

    So far I've conquerred, in this order, Navarre, Wales, France, Aragon, Castille, the rest of Spain, western Germany, kicked the almohads out of Iberia except for granada, central and northern germany, morroco and granada, crusaded through scandinavia and denmark conquerring each province just after my crusade leaves before finally joining my invasion army up with the crusade and moving through poland to attack khazar, driven out of khazar by the byzantines and settled for conquerring chernigov and some neighouring provinces, lost provence to a sneak attack by the italians, retaliated killing the italian king causing a civil war, took advantage of the civil war taking northern italy, corsica and sardinia, crusaded to egypt succesfully wiping out the almohads, invaded poland sending the ex crusaders in russia to invade lithuania and help deter the byzantines, crusaded to syria and closed off the middle east by securing syria and attacking tripoli fro mthe sea with my conventional army.

    It's 1182 and I've reached this far on expert mode. I start a new save game everytime a king dies so I could post some screenies here of my progress. I haven't saved any images of major battles though..

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Bit blotchy because of bmp to jpg conversion, but you can see my progress just fine.

    I decided to go for 100%, will I make it before the mongols appear? I don't think so, not unless the byzantines go into a civil war and I have a number of stunning victories against the hoardes of novgorods and russians that still exist.

  8. #8
    Ice stink there for a ham. Member Mystery Science Torture 3000 Champion, Mini Putt 3 Champion, Super Hacky Sack Champion, Pencak Champion, Sperm Wars Champion, Monkey Diving Champion Yoyoma1910's Avatar
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    Yarr me matey. I be livin on the high seas.

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Sorry mate, it's not there.

    My kingdom for a .

  9. #9
    Member Member Productivity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Playing as the Sicilians. Shot taken in 1305 (I think). I'm currently in a war with the Spanish, the two armies facing each other down in Morroco and Cordoba could be interesting when they collide.

    The mongols have just won a war with the poles, due to killing the polish king with no heirs, hence the rebel regions in the baltic areas.

    Aside from that, it is really down to me and the Spanish, teh Byzantines aren't really a threat, I'll deal with them once I'm finished with the Spanish.

    Incidentally, GA points are really hard to acheive with the Sicillians.

  10. #10
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    dgb, that's a very sweet empire you got there man!, the war between u and the spanish look very intresting, I'd like to see how your war turns out, it'd be cool to show the results of about 10 years in your empires feature

  11. #11
    Member Member TheWingedVictory's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Yes, I had a Spanish Empire too. Mine stretched from (meaning conquered those territories and a little beyond that too) the British Isles, Scandinavia, Denmark, Holy Roman Empire, France, Genoa, Corsica, Egypt, more isles, northern Africa, and more. It was pretty sweet, it looked like an extended Western Roman Empire. It was during the high period where the only civ left in map were the byzantines and Egyptians. You'll catch up easily cuz Spanish are usually easy. However I was dumb enough to delete the campaign cuz I got bored of it. But how do you do that glorious achievement window and homland thingy?
    "Do not weep, do not announce my death. Beat the drum, blow the trumpet, wave the flag for advance. We are still fighting. Finish the enemy to the last one." - Admiral Yi Sun-shin

  12. #12
    Member Member TheWingedVictory's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    plus, my comp is messed up so I can't even play mtw anymore. I wish I could see the glories of my empire once again....
    Build some navy that stretch all over western Europe. Spain will be flowing with money, and soon you'll be unlimited in the matter of money.
    "Do not weep, do not announce my death. Beat the drum, blow the trumpet, wave the flag for advance. We are still fighting. Finish the enemy to the last one." - Admiral Yi Sun-shin

  13. #13
    Member Member TheWingedVictory's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    and spread inquisitors and bishops for all ur regions and states, so in the case other nation conquers ur territory, the 100%zeal level make sures that they rebel and gives u back the control. And try avoiding wars with muslim nations unless u have a real lucky advantagious circumstances. They NEVER quit attacking if u go to war with them unless u get out of Africa.
    "Do not weep, do not announce my death. Beat the drum, blow the trumpet, wave the flag for advance. We are still fighting. Finish the enemy to the last one." - Admiral Yi Sun-shin

  14. #14
    Member Member TheWingedVictory's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    This is my re-creation of what it looked like.
    awwww, the glory....
    I'm not showing off, since most of you conquered the whole map probably, but this is the biggest I have ever gotten. But I'm not sure about the steppes region cuz I scarcely went there to explore. (oh, and i remember now that I did conquer Italian peninsula).
    "Do not weep, do not announce my death. Beat the drum, blow the trumpet, wave the flag for advance. We are still fighting. Finish the enemy to the last one." - Admiral Yi Sun-shin

  15. #15
    Member Member Productivity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWingedVictory
    and spread inquisitors and bishops for all ur regions and states, so in the case other nation conquers ur territory, the 100%zeal level make sures that they rebel and gives u back the control. And try avoiding wars with muslim nations unless u have a real lucky advantagious circumstances. They NEVER quit attacking if u go to war with them unless u get out of Africa.
    Look at my GA screen. You see any islamic factions there?

    Re. how do you get the screen up, are you playing in conquest or glorious acheivments mode?

  16. #16
    Member Member TheWingedVictory's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    ohhh, so it's about conquest or glorious achievement mode bfore u start the campaign! ty for informing me that. Unfortuanately, my stupid comp can't run mtw anymore...
    "Do not weep, do not announce my death. Beat the drum, blow the trumpet, wave the flag for advance. We are still fighting. Finish the enemy to the last one." - Admiral Yi Sun-shin

  17. #17
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    for those of you who dont know how to take screenshots and make them small files (less than 100kb)
    this is how
    while playing the game, position your camera to where u want to take the screen shot, then press and hold ALT+PrtScrSysRq(upper right part of keyboard) then close the game (or minimize it) then open up PAINT on the start menu, go to EDIT, click PASTE and voloa u got the pic, when u save it, make sure you save it as a JPEG file, then go to and make an account load your pics there, and then just post them right here :)

    I really wanna see how other people's empires are, then maybe we cna share strategies on how to get rich, and be with peace with everybody(cause i always get attacked) etc.


  18. #18
    Member Member Productivity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Also you may need to resize them down. If I posted mine as is it would be huge (plays the campaign map at 1600x1200).

  19. #19
    Master of Puppets Member bretwalda's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    I would suggest to press F2 which takes screenshots and places them in the TGAs directory. This way you dont have to alt+tab out of the game and the screenies will be stored. You can use irfanview to view, resize and convert the pix and you can use the above method to post them. Good luck!
    This space is for sale. Anybody wanting to advertise little blue pills, pumping body parts or financial services that cost you a fortune may do it here for a small fee instead of packing my mailbox. Thank you.
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  20. #20
    Guardian of Scotland Member Sir William Wallace's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    how do you guys get pictures of your maps and GA's on here?
    Last edited by Sir William Wallace; 05-09-2005 at 22:08.
    Formerly Maximus Aurelius

  21. #21
    Master of Puppets Member bretwalda's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    I upload the pix to a free webspace and link them.

    This space is for sale. Anybody wanting to advertise little blue pills, pumping body parts or financial services that cost you a fortune may do it here for a small fee instead of packing my mailbox. Thank you.
    Awright, here is the all_can_crusade_mod. This is v2.

  22. #22
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by Maximus Aurelius
    how do you guys get pictures of your maps and GA's on here?
    go here make an account real quick, then upload pics on there, then when u want to post them you'll see the icons above the text that you're writing, click on the icon that will say "insert image" after you keep your curser on it for 2 secs then copy the link from your image and paste in there :)

  23. #23
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    so dgb hows your war with the spanish going?

  24. #24
    Member Member Productivity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by PittBull260
    so dgb hows your war with the spanish going?
    It is on hold unti my war with a calculus assignment is over.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    You can just make it out.

    Forgive me if I sound nerdy, but I've been playing this for months. I haven't played it much since I last posted here though.


    Economic situation.

    All Iberian provinces except Valencia and portugal are getting a lot of money for development. The spanish steel provinces are my balls, I train troops in France and England, send them to specialist provinces which build armourers, master weaponmakers and valour bonuses, then send them to spain to get their attack bonus. Currently my specialist provinces are upgrading to fortress and my training grounds are preparing for when I reach the high medieval period, in 1205. I am training feudal seargants and archers with a +1 valour bonus from master spear and bow makers, they also get a +3 armour bonus and just recently a +2 attack bonus. So my feudal seargants are the equivalent of men at arms -1 defense and +1 armour, I think.

    I'm sufferring a lot from corruption due to my very high tax level in all subjugated provinces. Some of my high acumen generals have been corrupt and I've had to strip them of their titles send them off as auxillaries into my war zones. I used to only give titles to generals with an acumen of 4, but I've reduced that to 3 because you still get more money. I have a lot of money, but I intend to spend it all as money unspent is money wasted. My navy just about covers every coastal square there is, except around Ireland and Greece with about 1 ship on every square, so if one is destroyed by a storm I could face a lot of trouble. I don't waste time building economic buildings in provinces I use to build military technological buildings.

    Political situation.

    I'm at peace with the Sicilians, Papacy and Men of Novgorod. I'm at war with everyone else. The super powers are the Byzantines and myself and a distant 3rd and 4th the Poles and Hungarians with strong regional powers. The pope has threatenned to excommunicate me if I attack the Hungarians and the Hungarians are allied with the Byzantines. The Germans will be wiped out in 5 years at most.

    Religious situation.

    Catholicism is winning out due to my efforts. A combination of invasions spearheaded by crusades and supported by my navy and conventional forces has allowed me to conquer the Baltic, north Africa and the middle east. I upgrade to keep and build a church in provinces which are not catholic, if I have money to spare.

    Social situation.

    There are many small peasant revolts in landlocked portions of europe. A few have occurred in Anjou and Scotland, Anjou being a province I am developping to train chivalric knights in. Unrest is curiously low in the remains of the Egyptian and Almohad empires, I sometimes leave them empty, there were a few revolts there and an Almohad revival a few years ago, but they consisted entirely of archers, napalm throwers and peasants.

    Military situation.

    I train all of the 4 basic early medieval units to the most advanced degree my country can allow. Archers, Feudal Seargants, Men at Arms and Knights. I am also training Viking Huscarles in Scandinavia and Denmark and Catapults in Ile de France. When desperate I put some of my annual income into training auxillaries, especially spearmen, slav warriors and steppe cavalry.

    The navy is paramount to my military, which explains why there is a gaping hole in central europe and why I've managed to conquer the middle east. I spy on enemy forces using diplomats and bishops and mix and match my newly trained elite troops to counter enemy forces, then send them in. Around 50% of my battles and around 80% of my attacks take place along the coast. My navy has recently destroyed the Byzantine navy in the Black sea and there is no longer a risk of the Byzantines forcing me to spread my troops across the entire coast of the black sea to prevent some large army splitting my territory up.

    My Macro strategies consist of my blitzing into easily defended clinch points, such as Greece and Constantinople, or Cordoba or Navarre. This is not happenning in Eastern Europe. I have had to donate a large amount of my forces to defending the long borders in Europe as there is usually no point in raiding provinces I can't keep as I will eventually conquer the provinces and utilise the building there.

    For battles I mix and match and I never fight a battle I cannot win and I aim to reduce casualties. I often deal with rebels by placing a unit of Feudal Seargants and Archers on top of a hill, mowing them down and winning the battle with 0 casualties. My larger battles are based around a line of Feudal Seargants with archers in front which move forward to pin enemy forces whilst my knights surround the melee and charge into the enemy's vital troops and generals. I gain the most casualties when assaulting castles I am considerring massing together auxillaries and laying siege to castles instead of assaulting them as I usually do. During an Assault I just knock down the stone walls with my catapults and run my infantry over in a dispersed formation, then close formation and watch the hell for a minute or 2 until there is one enemy lieutenant left who takes another 60 seconds to kill whilst the rest of my troops are cut down by archer fire. I take the keep first of course so less of them get mowed down.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Sorry about my grammar.. I was just slapping down key points like I do before an essay and didn't bother with eloquence.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Well I decided to finally give the Byzantines a go in Glorius Acheivement mode. Things started off swimmingly well in Early with all the points for Homelands I could get but they tailed off in High when they all dissapear bar three. That's when I noticed the French and Polish were becoming close competitors in the points.The only way I could solve it was to push north past my northern border of Greece and Constantinople. . . At first I just went on a pillage and raid mission but I evenually ended up keeping the lands and have now pushed up as far as Greater Poland, Austria and Bohemia.

    I accidently put the Poles into dissolution through killing off their heirs. . . but then I had the dreaded re-emergence which got swiftly put down and now they survive in Estonia and Livonia. I also annihillated the Pope in the hope that when he comes back he would reappear in the French provinces (after I had given them up), but nooooooooo they reappear in Naples, which I have held for the entire game! I think his time die again will be soon. . .

    But the main reason I posted was because I had the most insane battle last night (well this morning really ), led by my heir no less who I have been trying to school up since he was born with a paltry 2 Dread and 0 Stars. I will let the screens speak for themselves. 3 Hours Long, and they still hadn't finished bringing on the troops by the end!!!

    The pre-battle info

    "Ummm. . . Constantinople, we have a problem. . . "

    The final scenes


    Prince Manuel, heir to the throne

    I couldn't believe it. . . 10,000 men in a regular battle, not a re-emergence or the Horde!!! I nearly lost it in the first wave aswell I stayed back and held my ground with the basic infantry line and firepower support. Not a good idea, The Chivalric seargeants took all I had and I only managed to wangle it by getting the Hors Archers (of all the troops ) to do some rear charges. For the next waves I took the battle to them with my Cavalry reinforcements, as you can see alot of fertiliser for Polish lands. ^^

    Oh yeah I am playing on the XL mod atm. Loving it too.

  28. #28
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    very nice BAD, that is an awesome battle you've won man, pretty crazy

    keep us updated on your progress

  29. #29
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    In my own little world....but it's okay, they know me there.

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Yes, very cool Bad. I love it when a general gets the "Skilled Last Stand" trait. Congratulations are in order!
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  30. #30
    Bosna Member PittBull260's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    well here's the progress on my new campaign as the Sicilians on the XL mod

    Faction:The Sicilians
    Starting at:High period
    Current Year:1281
    NO cheats except for the one that lets you see the whole map

    I started out just making farms and other money making upgrades. I build up a nice Navy, and took over the Serbs, I was allied with the Pepacy Venitians and pretty much all my neighboring countries.

    When I conquered Bulgaria from the Bulgarians, the Hungarians and the Venitians double teamed me and took Serbia from me. They also attacked Bulgaria but I succesfully defended it.

    So i left bulgaria becasue it is too far away from the center of the empire, and took back Serbia with a large force. There I stayed for a while until I had a large enough force to go into Greece and Constantinope, who the Venitians control. So I took over those 2 provinces to make good money off of it.

    The pope excommunicates me so I take over Rome and The Papal states, get in peace with the Venitians and left the Pope to keep Genoa (so that he doenst re-appear with a huge army). And here I am now, pretty much waiting for the ALhomads to come with their huge low-tech armies, hopefully I will succesfully defend my empire from them :)

    The points

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