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Thread: Italy: Total War small mod

  1. #1
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Italy: Total War small mod

    Hi to everyone and greetings!
    First, i want to express my appreciations for this fantastic site and to the many modders for their work so on.
    I'd like to signal i small mod i personally made, featuring medieval Italy with a nice new strategic map, shields, flags, factions, but no new units models.. maybe i'll work out this part later.

    If you'd like to have a look, you'll find it here:

    I'd like to have some feedback if you can, both positive and negative.
    Try it out!


    -----------------edit by drone-----------------
    I think this mod is under one of the following links

    MTW Italian Mod
    Italy TW Max MTW/VI
    Italy TW Max MTW
    Last edited by drone; 02-09-2016 at 03:50. Reason: updated links

  2. #2
    Fidei Defensor Member metatron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Looks pretty cool!
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  3. #3
    warning- plot loss in progress Senior Member barocca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    it does look pretty good

    downloading now, have to re-install Medieval before i can play it


    The winds that blows -
    ask them, which leaf on the tree
    will be next to go.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Nice stuff :)

    The eager masses need screenshots

  5. #5
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Impressive...I've played great mods so I can say it's impressive... But still, a big minus for not having Crusades and Jihads.....
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  6. #6
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Good work, especially the new campaign map

    I don't think that the crusades or jihads are useful for the mod.

    I will certainly try this mod, because I like more detailed and exotic ones

    Anyway you seems to be well informed when it comes to italian history, so maybe you could propose some heroes for italian factions of our Pike & Musket TW (both editions) ? These factions are:
    Milan, Florence, Genoa and Venice + Hospitallier knights and the Pope.

    I am especially interested in adding some famous/infamous (your choice) assassins and spies.

    In close future I am going to prepare a new campaign map for the MTW 2nd edition ( the one for RTW is ready) so if you believe you can help with this either I would be also grateful.

    Finally I still need italian names for some units we have (none of us speaks Italian ) - we are using names in NATIONAL languages e.g. Polish, Swedish, Irish, Georgian, Russian etc and lack of names in Italian (or French and Turkish) is a serious disadvantage.

    If you are interested somehow - I believe I can give more than one interesting opportunity - please post in our sub-forum or PM me.

  7. #7
    Member Member Iustinus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    I've been hoping for a mod and map of Italy to come out!
    The map is beautiful, will (eventually) there be an expansion for Viking Invasion?
    Also, the names of the Rebels appear to be messed up, in Arabic, Turkish, French and stuff. But I think this can be easily fixed.
    Otherwise, nice mod!
    Viva i Comaschi!
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  8. #8
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Thanks for interest!
    And, to..

    Pericles: Screenshots are available on the web page the link redirect to. Have a look (if not already done)! :)

    Edyzmedieval: I have disabled Crusades and Jihads because they are not particularly related with warfare in medieval italy. Apart from some expeditions against the heretic cults (albigenses, catars) i really think the Crusades don't fit much to the general setting. In particular, the only muslim faction are the Saracen Pirates and they own only a region at starting (tunisia), so they would be the main target for many and many Crusades from different factions, messing up the game in this way.

    Cegorach1: Your proposal interest me.. i'd like to help you in some way, if i can. Regarding the names, there's no problem (apart from HOW MUCH names you need); for italian names of units, it's quite simple.

    Iustinus: Well, i actually don't own the expansion "viking invasion" for MTW. So, until i get it, there will be obviously no compatibility to it. But maybe it works in the same way? If someone can try it with VI, let me now how it works. About the names, the mess is mainly caused because i haven't translated all the lines in names.txt (just because was a long and boring work); if you like, translate them (for Arabic, Turks, Russian.. but not French, as they are needed for the Anjou-Napoli faction) and send the file to me, and i'll include it in the mod.

    Good play

  9. #9
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Cegorach1: Your proposal interest me.. i'd like to help you in some way, if i can. Regarding the names, there's no problem (apart from HOW MUCH names you need); for italian names of units, it's quite simple.

    For now please check some threads in our subforum - there is a unit list as well.

    I will ask you for some stuff later using a PM - expect it on Saturday

  10. #10
    Philosophically Inclined Member CountMRVHS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Looks great!

    I have VI, however... so I can't play this mod? That would be a shame, the map looks great.

    BTW, any tips on how you made that map? ... we're looking for some help on a Crusader States mod


  11. #11
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Hi, i'm working on a little modification to fit the mod for VI too (i bought it).
    I'll post it as soon as i can.. . F.

  12. #12
    Philosophically Inclined Member CountMRVHS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod


    I'll definitely be trying this one if I can figure it out. Never installed someone else's mod before!

  13. #13
    Luigi D. Member Celtic_Winter's Avatar
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    if I tell you, i'll have to kill you!

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    I am Italian and I must tell you that this is an amazing little project you have made. Grazie camerada! however, I have a few questions. I haven't played yet but does this work with viking invasion? I sure hope so.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Well I tried the mod and really liked it. :)
    The mod reminds me of STW, because my campaign is quite packed with action and even with my 10 provs, I'm still at a disadvantage compared to some other factions.
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  15. #15
    Member Member william the bastard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    I tried it. Nice work indeed!!
    Well.. Can you tell how make a map like yours? i am really interested to make my own one.
    Sorry for my French

  16. #16
    Member Member uksiu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    @ Fader It

    It's a pleasure to play your mod!!!
    Very refreshing experience - challenge for long time even when you play strong faction! Excellent work! And this map - sweeeet, dude!

    I've tried 4 factions: Milan, Venice, Aragon (Sicily) and Anjou (Naples). I like Napoli most - ressurections of Papacy is a difficult problem and slow down the progress, and fleets of Genoa, Venice and Pisa are dangerous, Tuscany could be aggressive, Siena fights very well...

    Many Thanks for this mod!
    Best Regards

  17. #17
    Philosophically Inclined Member CountMRVHS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Just curious -- are you all playing it with VI expansion, or regular MTW?

  18. #18
    Member Member uksiu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    I think it's impossible to install this mod on VI.
    Tried it

    It's sad that Fader It hadn't VI to put Italian Mod on the latest version of MTW, but this mod is still very interesting and I like it.

  19. #19
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Hi friends!
    I'm really glad for the whole interest the I:TW mod has created.. that's a nice satisfaction, providing that i created the mod just for my personal leisure.
    I got a copy of VI and now i'm working to convert I:TW to the expansion.
    I think i'll also add some music and sounds, and maybe some small modifications to the GUI.
    Have a nice play... Fader

  20. #20
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    When is it gonna be ready?!

    I'm damn eager to see the mod for VI
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  21. #21
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    I'm working on it.. glad to see someone is waiting yet!
    I should finish the change within days.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Fader_it
    Hi friends!
    I'm really glad for the whole interest the I:TW mod has created.. that's a nice satisfaction, providing that i created the mod just for my personal leisure.
    I got a copy of VI and now i'm working to convert I:TW to the expansion.
    I think i'll also add some music and sounds, and maybe some small modifications to the GUI.
    Have a nice play... Fader
    I'm looking forward to seeing the changes

  23. #23

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Me too. This is a great Mod and I can't wait to see what changes are made.

  24. #24
    Member Member dimitrios the samian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Great Work Fader ,,, I have just come from your website ,, I am looking forward to playing your new improved VI version as well ...

  25. #25
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Hi there!
    I need a little help from anyone of you, playing to a copy of MTW (VI) in english.
    Someone should zip his Loc/Eng directory and send it to me, as i have an italian version of Viking Invasion and so i don't have this directory...
    It's a really small amount of work and i'll be really grateful anyone can do this for me.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Do you still need this? If so, what is the address to send it to mate?

  27. #27
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Farfarer, yes, i still need it. I'll send you a PM.

  28. #28
    Fun engineer Member Fader_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Hi everyone. Thanks to Farfarer, i've finished the translation of the Loc files. Within a couple of days i should end the descriptions for the three eras of the improved Mod.. yes, now you will choose through Middle Age, Early Renaissance and a very nice bonus Scenario (designed on the idea of "what if..?"). I worked a bit on interface and frontend backgrounds, and now you can play Savoia dukes and Siena factions (maybe even the Pope, but i'm not sure if this will mess up the game or not..). I'll post soon again.

    My Hospitallers, charge!!!

  29. #29
    Member Member william the bastard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Happy to read these news.

    But i just notice now that your site's link doesn't work
    Sorry for my French

  30. #30

    Default Re: Italy: Total War small mod

    Great news that the Mod will have different eras. Can you give us an idea about dates for the different periods Fader It? Is Middle Age the 1265 scenario, and Early Renaissance 15th century? How about the what if? What if Manuel Comnenus had been successful in reconquering the south for Byzantium in the 12th century? What if Mongols had carried on into Italy in the 13th? What if Turks had enlarged their conquest from Otranto in the 15th? Lots of possibilities so I wonder which alternative history you have chosen.

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