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Thread: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat (Mount and Blade)

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  1. #1
    Arena Senior Member Crazed Rabbit's Avatar
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    Default Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat (Mount and Blade)

    Ever wish you could actually get in on the sword-swingin' action on Medieval and crack some skulls? Well now you can!

    The game is Mount and Blade, at, and its a realistic combat/rpg game with loads of different weapons and armor. You can even ride down peasantry as a lance couchin' knight!

    The demo of the beta is only 35 mbs and the full game only costs $12 (though its in beta currently.)

    While content is limited, and the battles are very small by total war standards, the fighting is still fun.

    EDIT: Check out page 9 for a small mod I made, HRE and French surcoats for the tournament grouds!

    EDIT2: A screenshot, just to spice things up;

    Crazed Rabbit
    Last edited by Crazed Rabbit; 02-10-2006 at 21:38.
    Ja Mata, Tosa.

    The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail; its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storm may enter; the rain may enter; but the King of England cannot enter – all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement! - William Pitt the Elder

  2. #2
    Member Member Efrem's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazed Rabbit
    Ever wish you could actually get in on the sword-swingin' action on Medieval and crack some skulls? Well now you can!

    The game is Mount and Blade, at, and its a realistic combat/rpg game with loads of different weapons and armor. You can even ride down peasantry as a lance couchin' knight!

    The demo of the beta is only 35 mbs and the full game only costs $12 (though its in beta currently.)

    While content is limited, and the battles are very small by total war standards, the fighting is still fun.

    Crazed Rabbit

    Thank you for the link mate...

    This is freakin awesome. I may well get the full game.
    Viva La Rasa!!!

  3. #3
    Senior member Senior Member Dutch_guy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Downloading it now , looks great.
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  4. #4
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Downloaded it, played it, bought it.

    Now before anyone else does this... It is far from done! Only one city is anywhere near finished. And it has a feeling of unfinishedness about it all the time.

    But the good stuff is this.

    You absolutely want to use a shield! Without it you become a pincushion for archers, javelineers and even rockthrowers. At the same time you want to have a ranged weapon yourself. I chose a crossbow, and man, it can really dish out damage. If you are good you can snipe people for a good range, and headshots do significant damage. But reloading is fairly long (compared to a bow), but then again you can aim for as long as you want without decreasing accuracy (with the bow you get tired). You can even shoot it from horseback, though not reload it then (but you can with a bow).
    Arrows, bolts and javelins all stick to their target, when I was hit by two javelins it looked rather silly with me running around with two large sticks in me, but it looks great when a shield has been filled with arrows or bolts or you findt one of your headshot targets with a bolt sticking out of his eye.

    I used to hate the monted combat, but now that I have gotten hold of a good spear it it great fun. If you get the horse up to speed you can run down infantry with a couched lance attack. If you are good it is instant impalement and one less enemy to worry about. But in any case he is dropped to the ground. In this position you have to use the horse for aiming, but beware that slopes will slow you down and it is hard to maneuver the horse when it is running fast. Also horses come in various types, some certainly better than others.
    Also if you switch your lance for sword and shield on horseback, you are still a very dangerous foe, running at enemies and swinging at them will knock them down unless they block your swing. So cavalry is very strong against infantry, but as soon as teh infantry manages to halt the cavalry they are cut to pieces. GREAT!!!! You can't even run down two men right after each other with the couched lance, you need a few seconds to reposition the lance.
    If you kill a mounted enemy but not his horse you can take the horse and thus become monted. Very effective if his horse is better than yours or you have lost yours in battle.
    Beware that men on horses can swist in the saddle quite far and reach almost everyone who is attacking him, but from the rear he is helpless, but sadly when you kill a mounted enemy from the ground you often kill the horse too.

    I learned the hard way that you most certainly don't want to fight a melee against superior numbers. Being a hero I thought I could take on large groups of lousy enemies. WRONG! When they gang up on you they will hit you all the time, and each hit interrupts your attacks, so you can't hit back enough. Protecting yourself with the shield is about the only possible action while retreating. But eventually they will break the shield and then you are in deep trouble.
    So you need to hire local soldiers, they are for the most part lousy fighters and will get ripped to pieces by anything better than pirates. But if they manage to do some damage and survive (there is chance that they will just get knocked out if they get 'killed') they will advance to new levels. If you even maange to get just a few Men-at-arms or knights your have a most powerful mounted force on your side.

    I remember a massive battle I had against some 30 steppe bandits. My mission was to protect a caravan. It had only a few mounted warriors and a big group of rabble protecting it. My group on the other hand was a small strong force of professional warriors. As you can guess steppe bandits have lots of cavalry, and plenty of horse archers. The battle was long and very hard, bodies were strewn everywhere. I had been sitting on a hill sniping the enemy infantry (cavalry is too fast for proper sniping), but when I ran out of bolts (only have 21) I ran to my inventory and grabbed my spear, mounted my horse and began to charge every enemy I could find. That couched lance really helped a lot. I finally ran down the last horse archer by gaining on him on his blind side (horse archers only have a free attack to their left, the right is obstructed by the bow).
    The result was that of the 24 caravan people only 9 survived, of my 9 warriors only 5 survived (of which three of us always get knocked out if we get 'killed'), but we managed to capture 4 bandits.
    Capturing enemies is done by using blunt weapons, but they are not as good in reach or power as swords for instance. Captured enemies can then be sold into slavery at a few places. Lovely!
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  5. #5
    Member Member Thoros of Myr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Quote Originally Posted by Efrem
    Thank you for the link mate...

    This is freakin awesome. I may well get the full game.
    My thoughts exactly. Great find! Thanks Crazed Rabbit

  6. #6
    Senior Member Senior Member econ21's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Wow, Kraxis, that's a pretty enticing recommendation. Downloading now... What's the "campaign" or "quest" system like, that glues together the combats?

  7. #7
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Hmmm. I've played a couple hours so far. The combat is excellant, though I am unskilled. I need more money to get better weapons. That seems to be the hard part.

    The towns and things feel unfinished, but that (hopefully) will be corrected when it's finished. And for $11, I might just try it.

    Here is a review I found online.

    Another review with some screens.

    The official page.

    Multiplayer combat would be amazing, I suspect. Though I doubt it will happen.

  8. #8
    Member Member Thoros of Myr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander the Pretty Good

    Multiplayer combat would be amazing, I suspect. Though I doubt it will happen.

    No kidding. I could see a zillion clans and tournaments popping up if MP was added. A fully realized jousting arena with this combat would be pure gold!
    Full battles of 16-32-48 people would be a sight to behold and 1 on 1 combat would be very intense!

  9. #9
    Scruffy Looking Nerf Herder Member Steppe Merc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    This looks very good. I will certaintly investage this when it comes out.

    Can you be a horse archer? Please... please...

    "But if you should fall you fall alone,
    If you should stand then who's to guide you?
    If I knew the way I would take you home."
    Grateful Dead, "Ripple"

  10. #10
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Quote Originally Posted by Steppe Merc
    Can you be a horse archer?
    Yes, you can.
    Played it the whole day, going to buy it ASAP(not sure about money right now).
    This is almost what I always wanted.

    "Topic is tired and needs a nap." - Tosa Inu

  11. #11
    Evil Sadist Member discovery1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    GoreBag: Oh, Prole, you're a nerd's wet dream.

  12. #12
    Member Member Efrem's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    I'm playing as a merchant and loving it!!

    Hell I got to Level 4 and 6000 denars without EVER swinging a sword or any other weapon for that matter.
    Viva La Rasa!!!

  13. #13
    Barbarian of the north Member Magraev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    I'm going to download this puppy today - sounds grreat.

    eh - is there some way to edit/cheat?
    Nope - no sig what so ever.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Damn, this game sounds GREAT!!! I am going to download and buy but... how big is the file and is it only available online?
    When the going gets tough, the tough shit their pants

  15. #15

    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Played this to level 6 last night and considering it is written by a husband and wife and started as a hobby it is a very nice game and I will be paying for the full version tonight.

    My impressions so far.

    The class you pick at the beginning reflects the equipment you start the game with, I chose hunter and started with a horse, an axe and a bow. I believe the priest doesn't have a horse in the beginning so you would need to earn enough to buy one as they are a pretty vital bit of equipment.

    After you've done the training be sure to enter the arena, if you bet on yourself and win you double your money but you can only bet a maximum of 200d a time.

    I didn't bother buying weapons or armour before I left town, when you win battles you will pick these up from the battlefield though it might make your first few battles harder.

    Don't leave town without some backup, you'll die. You can hire help from the tavern, which I believe is the building in front of where you start (just walk up to it and press f to enter). In here you can hire a henchman, Mendin or something like that (Could be Fu Manchu as far as I know, my memory isn't the best), he is the the first guy on the right of the 4 people you see when entering and will want a set of padded armour before he joins you (the armour can be bought from the merchant outside). You should also see the tavern keeper to hire some townsmen, he is behind the pillar just past the 4 people, these are pretty poor to begin with but they do upgrade as they gain experience so get yourself 5 or so of them.

    In the other door is the merchant and as stated before you can make quite a bit of money by selling him salt form the salt mine to the north. He will also give out quests which are escorting merchant caravans, these are easy money and experience.

    After this you are just about ready to leave town and this is where the game really begins. From here there are three main options, trading, quests and hunting down bands of bandits. The quests are pretty much as stated earlier, if there are different types I haven't found them yet, trading is as it sounds ou buy low in one town and sell high in another, and then there's my favourite, hunting. The map screen is similar to Pirates of the Carribean, except on land, where if you roam around the map you will see other groups of people, how far depends on your spotting skill. These groups are either neutral, friendly or aggresive, a good tip is to find a group that has been attacked by river pirates and then pitch in, this has the advantage of you having allies in the fight against the pirates and makes the fight much easier.

    This is the very basics of the game, I'm at work so I can't type any more , if I get time I might go into combat later

  16. #16
    boy of DESTINY Senior Member Big_John's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    you can capture soldiers by knocking them unconscious instead of killing them. to knock them out, use blunt weapons like rocks, maces, hammers and clubs. the jousting lance also works for that, as does simply trampling an enemy with your horse. some troops tend to use blunt weapons too (manhunters, for example). you'll need some skill in "prisoner management" (i think it's called) to get many prisoners at once.

    the extra horses thing works, to some degree (i haven't figured out the full extent of it yet). also, carrying priconers with you slows you down.
    now i'm here, and history is vindicated.

  17. #17
    boy of DESTINY Senior Member Big_John's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    well, yeah, it's essentially a battle engine right now, with barely anything on top of it. once a story is added, it'll be a better game. hopefully fleshed-out economic, political (diplomatic), and army management (e.g. morale, booty distribution, etc) systems can be added in the future.

    while very good, the battle engine certainly needs some work too.
    now i'm here, and history is vindicated.

  18. #18
    Member Member Efrem's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Yeah, I wish I had more control over my soldiers.
    Viva La Rasa!!!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Yah, I had a very similar experience in there. The devs seem ok and the game is great (haven't tried any 7xx patches, gonna be hoocked with Civ4 for a long time so no M&B for me) but the community is awful. When I pointed out some game problems, I had people attacking me out of the blue. When I (politely, as always) asked why the huge delay after the 634 patch, I had several hate-mails, vulgar attacks and the likes. Others got banned just for saying that they paid money for the game and they expect something more than just the barebone battles.

    The worst gaming community I ever seen in my life, I might say. Too bad about a game with great potential.

    Does the 7.04 adds any storyline-content at all? I mean, it's fun the first 4-5 times to run around doing the same boring quests and slaughtering everybody, but it gets extremely boring after a while.
    When the going gets tough, the tough shit their pants

  20. #20
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Rosa I saw you, and what you did was not that nice... You basically said that you had a right to demand the devs to speed up from the .634. No wonder people got angry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosacrux
    Now, I believe not only the OP post is 100% on spot, but I'd be rather more blunt in my approach.

    This delay - 5 whole bloody months!!!! Nobody delays a meager update for 5 months past due time - is not only enormous, it shows complete disrepect to their CUSTOMERS - if you haven't noticed, most of us have payed the 11 euros to get this game. Nice as it is, we'd expect what we have been promised so long ago: a fecking update.

    No update is coming, though. Seems the devs either overestimated their abilities or are abandoning this game (or didn't find a fitting publisher to finance the project further...? I thought that's why WE have financed them though...).

    I am waiting for a complete explaination. As a CUSTOMER I am waiting for a "why" there are no updates on this game for so long and "why" the devs are ignoring those who protest, while their fanboys roam around spurring rubish like "hey, what do you want, you paid 1/3 of the prize, you got 1/3 of the game, feck off".

    BTW If someone directs such a provocative reply at me, I'll become really rude.
    And the only part I can find where you actually point what you dislike you got two replies (topic "I'll chase you to the end of the world"), neither of which are in any way negative, in fact they agree.
    I do not say that it is all nice and rosy over there, the tone can be very harsh, especially if you repeat some qustion just asked a few days ago or something. But in general people are nice, and the moderators are not that brutal. I have followe a few cases and it is quite simply because this game is very easy to hack, so for a time there was plenty anf plenty of topics about that, and in the ned the moderators got tired of it issuing a warning that they should not post in said treads at all as it just kept them at the top (in case the moderators were asleep or simply not present), if people still posted they would get banned. Fair enough I say as long as it is only done is such desperate cases.

    But from that to the hell that is presented here there is a very very long way.
    Last edited by Kraxis; 11-22-2005 at 17:12.
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    Posting a single message out of context is not really productive Kraxis... you should post also the previous ton of fanboy messages (all in the same context: "you paid 1/3 of a game, you got that, now [blip] off" and similar stuff) to which I was responding. Otherwise, you are just misleading people.

    Also, I had one guy PM me with a message "eat [muck] and drop dead", while another said that I should "adjust" with the general "devs are flawless, wait forever for an update" spirit, or else I should "get the [blip] out of there".

    Don't tell me if I am overeacting, you hadn't had people telling you "eat [muck] and drop dead" because you are claiming your rights.

    Last edited by frogbeastegg; 11-23-2005 at 11:25.
    When the going gets tough, the tough shit their pants

  22. #22
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    I was following the thread, and the forum in general and it was clear that the .700 was a major update.
    And prior to that post the people were just saying that it is a beta and such is the case... There was a SINGLE post that said... You know what, instead of arguing with you I think it is better for the public to see for themselves, then they can draw their own conclusions.
    Thread in question.

    And trust me, the .org when it was the age of that forum was not a pleasant place to be at if you weren't an MPer. You got belittled and bacially driven out of town if you didn't play MP, and the words weren't laid out in a nicest form either.
    Forums tend to mature over time as the older people (forumgoers) tire of such antics.

    Personally I did complain about the lack of an update too, but I got 0 hatemails... could it be that I didn't provoke the others? And as you see yet others complained too but I still see them there.

    As I said it isn't a forum that is on a high verbal horse (just invented that expression ).
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  23. #23
    |LGA.3rd|General Clausewitz Member Kaiser of Arabia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweet Realistic Medieval Combat

    So, I DLed and bought it a few days ago.

    Question: Does there seem to be a problem with the edges of the map/rocks, they seem blue on my game.

    Why do you hate Freedom?
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  24. #24
    Resident Pessimist Member Dooz's Avatar
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    Default Mount & Blade

    Most likely everyone here should enjoy this game. Check out the site for all the details.

    In the meantime, here is what happens to annoying soldiers who won't stop talking.

  25. #25
    Philologist Senior Member ajaxfetish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mount & Blade

    Probably belongs in the arena?


    "I do not yet know how chivalry will fare in these calamitous times of ours." --- Don Quixote
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  26. #26

  27. #27
    ! Member Deus Ex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mount & Blade

    I just found this game the other day, thanks to this thread. All I can say is...


    Played the demo, bought the game (beta - $14US) - AMAZING. I cannot wait for the game to be fleshed out some more. Really awesome personal combat - just great fun.

    Highly recomennd folks take a gander at it. Well worth a couple minutes to check it out. IMHO of course :-)


    [edit - it would be nice to keep this thread here - as I would not have found the game otherwise, and I am sure there are others who do not read ALL the forums... just a thought]
    Last edited by Deus Ex; 12-10-2005 at 20:59.

  28. #28
    Resident Pessimist Member Dooz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mount & Blade

    (That's why I put it here ).

    You should check out the Mod section in the forums. The Last Days mod (Lord Of The Rings) is a wonderful one, still in progress but a lot to it already making it fully enjoyable.

    There's also a great Wild West Mod, Medieval Mod and Roman Mod in progress, among others.

  29. #29

    Default Mount & Blade and Waterloo Mod

    Hi all,

    Just a shout to everyone, there's a great new action/adventure style game in development. It's being made by a small team of programmers, and has a HUGE modding community (being extemely moddable). It is currently in its 0.751 version, and the developers of the game are releasing new versions of the game as they're making it.

    I'm personally a member of the Waterloo Mod Team, we're developing a Napoleonic Wars era mod for Mount & Blade. For more information go here:

    Mount and Blade:
    Waterloo Mod:

    cheers all!
    Last edited by dark_shadow89; 05-08-2006 at 08:26.

  30. #30
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mount & Blade and Waterloo Mod

    Dark Shadow,

    There's a 500 reply thread here. How the heck have you missed it?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


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