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Thread: Campaign map

  1. #271
    Member Member Csatadi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by Germanicus91
    Some care has to be taken with the English place-names, since with the Domesday Book in 1086 some may have a different spelling to how the Saxons or Norsemen spelt them. Whether you can make a script for that (or whether it is even worth it for 13 years I don't know). But for historical accuracy it is the correct thing to do. Cheers!
    Only one place name is allowed. You can manually change some settlement names in BI if you want.
    We need only Saxon names.

  2. #272

    Default Re: Campaign map

    I'm working on the names now. It's gonna take a few days yet, some require quite a bit of research.

  3. #273

    Exclamation Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by Germanicus91
    I'm working on the names now. It's gonna take a few days yet, some require quite a bit of research.

    I need to know the modern province names and modern city/settlement names for the following before I can continue:

    43 Frisia - Traiectum (Frisians)
    54 Langobardia - Mediolanum (Lombards)
    55 Alemannia - Constantia
    56 Austrasia - Magantia
    60 Meissen – Albrechtsburg
    59 Billung Marca

    Some of the Scandinavian province names you propose are causing problems because they are not historical names or regions. In some cases I am having to propose postulated names. I'll come back to you on these.

    The Swedish names are a little less well researched than the others as I can't find my copy of Ortnamn i Sverige and I'm having to use other sources, including Google.

    Cheers, Germanicus91

  4. #274

    Default Re: Campaign map

    Mediolanum in italy is Milano, Milan in english. That name if want research.

  5. #275

    Default Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by palissa
    Mediolanum in italy is Milano, Milan in english. That name if want research.
    Thanks. I don't need to do Mediolanum then, even if the Lombards are a Germanic faction.

  6. #276

    Default Re: Campaign map

    Hi folks, here's what I've found out:

    43 Frisia (seems to be OK) - Traiectum = Utrecht (870: Uttrecht).
    55 Alamannia (OK) - Konstanz (980: Constantiae).
    56 Austrasia (too early for our time period - needs to be re-thought) - Magantia (Mainz). 800s/900s: Máginza.
    57 Saxonia (seems to be OK) - Bremon (858), Bremun (937).
    58 Transalbingia (seems to be no native equivalent) - Hamaburg (800s).
    59 Billung Marca (formed in 936 - can't verify your name) - Luniburc (956), Luneburg (965).
    60 Meissen (is a town in Sachsen) – Albrechtsburg is a castle in the centre of Meissen! These need to be re-thought.
    63 Bavaria (can't find a reliable native early form) - Salzburg (798: Salzburc).
    89 Sliaswich (850, name used by Franks/Saxons; older Middle Danish Slæswich) - Haithabu (name used by Scandinavians). Before 1200, when the term Sønderjylland came into use, the region seems to have simply been called Slesvig. Another possibility, but more doubtful historically: *Syndær-Iütland.
    92 West Seaxe (871, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) - Wincæstre (993, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle).
    93 Eást-Seaxe (893, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) - Lundenne (897, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) (Lundene, 959, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) (also: Lundenburg, 851, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle).
    94 Eást-Engle (e.g. 880, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) - Þéodford (870, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle).
    95 Mierce (853, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) - Snotengaham (868, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle).
    98 Norþhymbre (867, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) - Eferwic (1070, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) (also: Eoforwicceastre, 867/869 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle).
    108 Iütland (seems plausible) - Wiberg (1075).
    109 Sjælland (does not appear in Danish until 1231 Sialand; reasonable supposed older form: *Sialund) - 1018-1035 Roscel; Roschald (1075).
    110 Skåneland (modern term but I cannot come up with anything better - problematic as your region seems to cover parts of Götaland as well) - Uppåkra (Old Danish *Upp-akær; there's an Opager in Lolland, DK (1329: Upakeer) the Danes call the Uppåkra in Skåne Opager. Skåne was in Danish hands during our time period. Therefore recommend *Uppakær).
    112 *Swear-rike (constructed form; seems to be preferable over Svealand which did not appear until later and denoted the same area in central Sweden) - Bierkø (seems to be OK).
    113 Vestfold (also the Old Norse name) - Skíringssalr (Old Norse).
    114 (Old Norse) Agðir or Egðafylki - unattested but apparently Old Norse *Flikkarfjörðr.
    115 (Old Norse) Rogaland or Rygjafylki - Stafangr (Old Norse).
    116 Hörðaland or Hörðafylki - Bjorgvin (Old west Norwegian) or Bergvin (Old east Norwegian).
    117 Sygnafylki-*Mærr - Guli (Old Norse).
    118 Þróndheimr (Old Norse) - Niðaróss (Old Norse).
    153 Gotland - Paviken (name v. problematic "Namnet Paviken är av sent datum samt av okänt ursprung. I ett tidigare skede gick platsen under namnet Västergarnsviken.").

    I can cite the list of academic books I used. I also used Wiki and Google.


  7. #277

    Default Re: Campaign map

    PS: c.1220: Gutland (Gotland). This is the first recorded mention I believe.

  8. #278
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Excellent job Germanicus!!!
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  9. #279
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Hello Guys! Im really glad to see this project alive and kicking again!
    Here are couple suggestions for the area map.I think that Northern Scandinavia and Finland needs some major changes.At the game start Novgorod held no power over Finland.Also in the North the Saami people lived on Northern Sweden and Norway and the Viking states didnt have the area which is in the current area map in the North.Im sorry its just quick photoshop lines.But the borderlines should be pretty Accurate.Becouse i see that you are using native language names for the provinces i suggest to name the Province of the Saami people to Lappi and the area controlled by Finns to Suomi.Here are the corrections:

    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  10. #280
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Thanks that's very good! As you probably could see that part of the map was a temporary solution so we could launch RTW and test the complete parts. Anyway, do you know which cities we could use for Saami and Suomi, and where to put them?

    It's possible to have one "terra incognita" province covering all areas that can't be conquered and don't have any city, so if you wan't find any city for Saami, we could make that part of "terra incognita", but it would be good if there could at least be a city for the Suomi province.
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  11. #281
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Il see what i can find.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  12. #282

    Exclamation Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by Germanicus91
    Hi folks, here's what I've found out:
    89 Sliaswich (850, name used by Franks/Saxons; older Middle Danish Slæswich) - Haithabu (name used by Scandinavians). Before 1200, when the term Sønderjylland came into use, the region seems to have simply been called Slesvig. Another possibility, but more doubtful historically: *Syndær-Iütland.
    Recommend therefore region = Slæswich, city = Haithabu.

  13. #283
    Member Member Csatadi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    I dont know on the present map were these corrected or not:

  14. #284
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    First of all, there are 2 Belgrads. The one in Romania, to avoid confusion, make it Alba Iulia.

    And second, I have to ask Legio about this. I don't know anything about this...
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  15. #285
    is not a senior Member Meneldil's Avatar
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    Default Re : Campaign map

    Hey guys, nice to see the mod isn't dead :)

    I'm still having internet issues, but here are a few points though :

    1 - Using names like
    and so on will screw up event scripting I think. That's precisely why I got rid of name with weird letters.

    2 - Austrasia isn't too early, since Austrasia as a political identity was created by the early Merovingians (it was then a separate frankish kingdom).

    3 - Uttrecht was most likely still called Traiectum back then, at least officially.

    4 - Billung Marca. This is obviously wrong, and would have to be changed. The march of the billungs was created way after 843 I think. Since I didn't know how to translate March of the Billungs in latin, I simply used Billung Marca as a placeholder :-P

  16. #286
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Meneldil!!!! YAHOOO!!!

    Thank God you're back. We really need you....
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  17. #287
    Member Member Csatadi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    First of all, there are 2 Belgrads. The one in Romania, to avoid confusion, make it Alba Iulia.

    And second, I have to ask Legio about this. I don't know anything about this...
    Im sure it cannot be Alba Iulia. The sources say it was Belgrad so it should be Belgrad.
    The Serb Belgrad can be Beligrad like on the map.

    I'm still having internet issues, but here are a few points though :

    1 - Using names like
    and so on will screw up event scripting I think. That's precisely why I got rid of name with weird letters.
    Our decision was using the native forms as long as possible. But I think nobody want to use greek, glagolitic or arabic letters.
    ð æ are really not so good because a lot of people dont know how to pronounce them. These letters arent resemble to the classic latin letters.
    ö, á, are less critical because ö appears in a lot of languages, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Hungarian etc. á can be pronounced like 'a' no matter what would be the correct pronunciation. In Hungarian there are an 'á' but I cannot be sure it is the same like á in Eást-Engle.

  18. #288

    Exclamation Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by Csatadi
    Im sure it cannot be Alba Iulia. The sources say it was Belgrad so it should be Belgrad.
    The Serb Belgrad can be Beligrad like on the map.

    Our decision was using the native forms as long as possible. But I think nobody want to use greek, glagolitic or arabic letters.
    ð æ are really not so good because a lot of people dont know how to pronounce them. These letters arent resemble to the classic latin letters.
    ö, á, are less critical because ö appears in a lot of languages, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Hungarian etc. á can be pronounced like 'a' no matter what would be the correct pronunciation. In Hungarian there are an 'á' but I cannot be sure it is the same like á in Eást-Engle.
    ð can be substitued with "th".

    á in Old English/Anglo-Saxon merely represents a long vowel, not a special sound.

    I think it's important you use the original spellings where possible. It's up to users to learn to pronounce those languages if they want to. I can't pronounce Latin, but it doesn't stop me enjoying and playing RTW ;-)

  19. #289

    Default Re: Campaign map

    Number of province at your map
    Province name at your map-historic province name
    Capital name at your map-hitoric capital name
    rebels name
    teach tree at beginning
    mercenary units
    special building (or wonder) if there is.

    Badajoz - Xenxir
    BadajozI - Batalyaws
    muslims 78%- christian 20%- pagan 2%
    wheat, fruits, tin
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Barracks. Land clearance. Road.
    Rabita. Rumat Al-Sinniya
    Médium fertility

    Balinsiyah - Al-Xarq
    BalinsiyahI - Balansiyah
    muslims 93% - christian 6% - pagan 1%
    wheat, vegetables, fruit, wood, rice, sugar cane, vineyard, wine, paper, slaves
    Large town. Governor´s villa. Wooden palisade. Market. Port. Communal farming. paved roads. chapel.
    Rabita. Rumat Al-sinniya
    Excellent harvest

    Castile - Castella
    Burgos - Burgorum
    christians 85% - pagan 12%- muslims 3%
    wheat, wood, goats, sheep, wool, vineyard, wine, iron
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Barracks. Land clearance. shrine
    Pastores. Vilanii equites. Vascones tribus
    Low fertility

    Gallicia - Gallecia
    SantiagoDeCompostela - Campus Stellae
    christians 70% - pagan 30%
    wheat, corn, goats, cows.
    Large town. Governor´s villa. Wooden palisade. Market. Port. Communal farming. roads. chapel.
    Special building (If you are talking about “wonder”) Burial Sanctuary of Saint James.
    Pastores. Vilanii equites. Asturianii montanii
    Medium fertility

    Gharnatah - Elvira
    GharnatahI - Gharnatah
    muslims 79% - christian 20% - pagan 1%
    olive, fruits, sugar cane, vineyard, wine, linen, silk, marbre, tiles, slaves
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Land clearance. Roads. shrine
    Rabita. Rumat Al-Sinniya.
    Medium fertility

    Ishbiliya - Ishbiliya
    IshbiliyaI - Ishbiliya
    muslims 93% - christian 7%
    wheat, goats, fruit, cotton, iron, slaves.
    Large town. Governor´s villa. Wooden wall. Market. Port. Communal farming. roads. chapel.
    Rabita. Rumat Al-Sinniya. Arab light cavalry
    High fertility

    Leon - Legio
    Oviedo - Ovietum
    christian 90%- pagan 7% - muslims 3%
    wheat, goats, wood, vineyard, wine, silver.
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Barracks. Land clearance. shrine
    Pastores, vilanii equites, asturianii montanii
    Low fertility

    Murcia - Todmir
    MurciaI - Mursiya
    muslim 92% - christian 7% - pagan 1%
    wheat, olive, vegetables, fruits, sugar cane, silo, silver, marbre
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Trader. Land clearance. Roads. shrine
    Rabita. Rumat Al-sinniya
    Excellent harvest

    Navarra - Navarra
    Pamplona - Pompaelo
    Navarres, vascones
    christian 75% - pagan 20% - muslims 5%
    wheat, furs, Wood, goats, sheep, wool, iron
    Rebels (navarrese)
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Barracks.
    Vascones tribus
    Low fertility

    Qurtubah - Kambania
    QurtubahI - Qurtubah
    muslim 92% - christian 8%
    wheat, olive, goats, fruits, vineyard, wine, silver, mercury, lead, silk textiles, jewels, glass, slaves
    Minor city. Governor´s palace. Stone wall. Legion barracks. Forum. Blacksmith. Port. Crop rotation. Paved roads. Academy. Church.
    Rabita. Rumat Al-Sinniya. Arab light cavalry
    High fertility

    Sarakusta - Arth
    SarakustaI - Sarakusta
    muslim 85% - christian 15%
    wheat, vineyard, wine, linen textiles, furs, tiles.
    Rebel (sarakustians)
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Barracks.Land clearance. Roads. shrine
    Rabita. Rumat al-sinniya
    Medium fertility

    Spanish_Mark - Hispaniorum Marca
    Barcelona - Barcino
    christian 86% - pagan 7% - muslim 7%
    wheat, vineyard, wine, goats, sheep, wood, wool.
    West Frankish empire
    Town. Governor´s house. Wooden palisade. Barracks. Land clearance. Shrine
    Low fertility

    Tolaitola - Axerrat
    TolaitolaI - Tolaitolah
    toledanus (christians)
    christian 55% - muslim 45%
    wheat, fruits, gold mines.
    Al-Andalus or rebels (toledanus). Were a rebellion years 835-837 and 853.
    Large town. Governor´s villa. Wooden wall. Market. Land clearance. roads. Shrine.
    Rabita. Rumat Al-sinniya

    I think Septimania were most commonly knowed at that times as "Gothia" or "Occitania"
    Province you named as "Vasconia" is better named IMO as "Gasconia"
    You have forgott Balearic Islands! :(

  20. #290
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Fortress of the Mountains

    Default Re: Campaign map

    Unfortunately, Meneldil won't be working for us any more.

    Germanicus, can you take care of the map coding?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  21. #291

    Exclamation Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    Unfortunately, Meneldil won't be working for us any more.

    Germanicus, can you take care of the map coding?
    Hi edyz,

    Thanks for your message/request. I will be happy to help. However, please bear in mind the following:

    - I have no experience in programming or map-making
    - the only modding of RTW I have done is fiddle with some unit stats text files
    - I will need to become familiar with any software/methods used to do the coding.

    Please give me full details of what you want me to do (in PM if you like), and how I can do it, and then I will do my best :-)

    Cheers, Germanicus91

  22. #292
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Well, I want you to learn from the Scriptorium the basics of map making.
    Can you learn and complete our map?
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  23. #293

    Angry Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    Well, I want you to learn from the Scriptorium the basics of map making.
    Can you learn and complete our map?
    OK, edyz, I'll give it a try. I should warn you though I don't have an artistic bone in my body...
    I'll get familiar with the map-making procedure and then report back to you, so you can tell me what to do. Best is if you can find a partner for me to work with.

    Cheers, Germanicus

  24. #294
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by Germanicus91
    OK, edyz, I'll give it a try. I should warn you though I don't have an artistic bone in my body...
    I'll get familiar with the map-making procedure and then report back to you, so you can tell me what to do. Best is if you can find a partner for me to work with.

    Cheers, Germanicus
    I'm not an artistic bone either, but the way the guys made the graphic part of the RTW map, guess they don't have either. The map_regions.tga looks like it was made by a drunken monkey.

    Read carefully Myrddraal's tutorial and you'll have no problems.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  25. #295

    Exclamation Re: Campaign map

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    I'm not an artistic bone either, but the way the guys made the graphic part of the RTW map, guess they don't have either. The map_regions.tga looks like it was made by a drunken monkey.

    Read carefully Myrddraal's tutorial and you'll have no problems.
    Hi edyz,

    Just to let you know that I'm offline now for some days (holiday). I'll try to make some progress learning the map making when I get back. Things have been dead busy in recent weeks.

    Cheers, Germanicus91

  26. #296
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign map

    Ok man. Have fun.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

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