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Thread: Making a new campaign map.

  1. #301
    Wimpy of the Sore Ass Member WImPyTjeH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    with what program do i open TGA file because i can't open it with any editor i have

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    Burns: I still have a hard time figuring out what the heck his name is or means...
    Apoc: Yes, I have wondered that, as well. A Google search brought up:
    Wimpy Tjeh: The great Belgian warrior, most famous for dropping his pants at the Battle of Someplaceinbelgumandnotinthenetherlands, and shouting to the Roman archers: 'Here's a target for jeh!' Also known as Wimpy of the Sore Ass.

  2. #302
    Wimpy of the Sore Ass Member WImPyTjeH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    nevermind, i found it

    thanks for tut ;)

    Proud supporter of The Fourth Age: Total War
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    Burns: I still have a hard time figuring out what the heck his name is or means...
    Apoc: Yes, I have wondered that, as well. A Google search brought up:
    Wimpy Tjeh: The great Belgian warrior, most famous for dropping his pants at the Battle of Someplaceinbelgumandnotinthenetherlands, and shouting to the Roman archers: 'Here's a target for jeh!' Also known as Wimpy of the Sore Ass.

  3. #303
    Wimpy of the Sore Ass Member WImPyTjeH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    another question, when i have to resize the .tga files, how do i size them double the size of the previous ones

    just paste my new map-regions in it and resize them from 255 * 156 to 510 * 312 ?

    or something else: what do you mean with: "add one pixel" ?

    Proud supporter of The Fourth Age: Total War
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    The Chamber of Records - The site dedicated to the Lore of J.R.R. Tolkien
    - The Hearts Of Men Find No Comfort In Peace ... -

    Burns: I still have a hard time figuring out what the heck his name is or means...
    Apoc: Yes, I have wondered that, as well. A Google search brought up:
    Wimpy Tjeh: The great Belgian warrior, most famous for dropping his pants at the Battle of Someplaceinbelgumandnotinthenetherlands, and shouting to the Roman archers: 'Here's a target for jeh!' Also known as Wimpy of the Sore Ass.

  4. #304

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    ok,but i want to add onlly one region to the map...only region,nothing other changes...

  5. #305
    Finder of Little Oddities Senior Member Makanyane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Try this tutorial its a bit old but looks like what you need:
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  6. #306
    Curse of Atlantis developer Member Neon twilight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    I've a problem porting my map on BI, it worked before on RTW without any problems but now it just return back to the menu and I don't know why...

    I've made these changes for the port.
    - Changed RTW faction names for BI (factions names/city creator/diplomacy)
    - Changed generals names for BI's
    - Added "options BI" line

    - Added religion (pagan 100) to every region
    - Changed faction/rebel faction names for BI's

    I've kept RTW regions names in descr_regions and descr_regions_and_settlement_name_lookup

    And also generated a map_height with HGT_converter
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  7. #307
    Member Member Csatadi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    How can I make a lake?
    I modified ground_types but it seems another change is needed.

  8. #308
    Finder of Little Oddities Senior Member Makanyane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    The important file to modify to get water is map_heights.tga. The area you want as lake has to be the blue (sea) colour in that. If you have a map_heights.hgt currently you will either need to delete or remake that depending on which version of game you are running.

    Please note that the lake will always appear at 'sea level' (equivalent of 0,0,0) in heights, so if you make one in an area much higher than that you'll have to adjust the heights around it or get unwanted very steep slopes down to it in the game!
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  9. #309
    Member Member Csatadi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    I do this to MTW2.
    Thanks! I will try it!
    What about the water surface file?

  10. #310
    Member Member Csatadi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Ok. Im ready.

    Edit: Successed! I have the lake!

  11. #311

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Minor thing. If a region is completely surrounded by cliffs (the yellow lines in map_features.tga) then the game won't let you place a settlement there. You have to have a break.

    (i'm guessing it is the cliff that stop rebels spawning in regions like that too.)
    It's not a map.

  12. #312

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    I probably missed because I didnt want to read through all the pages, but are you going to update the guide so it has the properties of the other maps? like froughness, trade routes etc.

    Other than that, great guide.

  13. #313
    Finder of Little Oddities Senior Member Makanyane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    I could be wrong but I don't think anyone every worked out what map_roughness and map_trade_routes actually do. You have to have them and they need to be the right size (or you get error message) but having plain black ones doesn't seem to make any difference.
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  14. #314

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    oh, well that makes it alot easier to make a new map.

  15. #315
    The Dark Knight Member wlesmana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    I thought map_trade_routes control the route the trade ships would follow from port to port? They don't seem to affect anything though and even ignores coastlines. So it's only used as graphical element, not gameplay.

  16. #316

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Ok, so maybe I bit off more than I could chew.

    I tried creating my own personalized map after reading the tutorial at the start of this thread. And, well, I can't get past the 'choose faction' portion of the screen. I am a newbie at all this moding stuff and from what I'm reading, this CTD right after choosing a faction is more than likely due to a problem in one of the maps right?

    Because I created a short cut as suggested by Myddral early on in this thread. But when it CTD I get now error message. I deleted the map.rwm file and a new one has not been created after any of the crashes.

    I have gone through all the Targa maps with a fine tooth comb, looking in all the the different color channels and squinting my eyes two inches from the monitor, and I can't find any stray pixels.

    I checked the sizing and that all seems to be correct. I checked and rechecked that the region colors on the map_regions.tga all match up in the descr_regions folder. I double checked all my spelling to make sure the regions names agree every where. I placed a black dot with a true 0,0,0 in each region.

    For map_heights, I made the water 0,0,255 and all the land 1,1,1. I just used this same file map_roughness.

    For map_climates, I used 237,20,91 Fertile Temperate Grassland - Dark Pink for the land and 236,0,140 Mediterranean - Pink for my water just to have some variety with testing.

    For map_ground_types I used 96,160,64 Fertile Medium for all the land and 196,0,0 Shallow sea for all the water.

    I used just a black screen for map_trade_routes

    Now, I didn't change radar_map1 or radar_map2, do these need to match the new land mass in the other maps? Also, I can't tell if I am exceeding the 24% water limit. Right now I am just too fried to go changing all the maps to test this. But its the only other thing I can think of, so I'll attack that tomorrow and see if it solves my problem.

    I'm sort of at the end of my knowledge here and am at a loss. Any suggestions or advice would be well recieved. Thanks.

  17. #317

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    So, of course, right after I send my post, I find where the error messages are hid. This is what it says:

    Texture Load Error!: Textures\_land_default.tga.

    Anyone know what that means?

  18. #318

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    NVM I solved many of my mistakes. Just started over and got it to work, now to make changes in little steps.

  19. #319
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Do i have to mod all the files to make a new mine map?

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  20. #320

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Does it matter what colors you use on the regions map?

  21. #321
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Yes.You have to know the colors

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  22. #322

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caius Flaminius
    Yes.You have to know the colors
    Meaning what colors I assign to what province? or a specified list of what colors are permissable?

    The first is pretty clear, the second is what I'm wondering... if the game will recognize province of any color, so long as they're each different.

  23. #323
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Meaning what colors I assign to what province

    Names, secret names
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  24. #324

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    It doesnt really matter what colour it is, just try to stay away from anything blue, that resembles what the actual water looks like. Apart from that, any colour is good, but never use the same colour for two different provinces, or else you will get a CTD.

    Cheers ,

    ps. I think I stole that cheers thing from someone.

  25. #325
    Ossie The 1st Member Ossie The Great's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Hi does anyone have a guide or know how to make a whole new map so i could make one around india or something

  26. #326
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Quote Originally Posted by oscarreeve
    Hi does anyone have a guide or know how to make a whole new map so i could make one around india or something
    Check the BHD method

    Names, secret names
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  27. #327

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    defenses (notice that CA can’t spell defences)

    American spelling:)

  28. #328
    Ossie The 1st Member Ossie The Great's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caius Flaminius
    Check the BHD method

  29. #329

    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    So, I was able to make most of the changes in the strat text file but whenever I made a change to the map tga's it would CTD. It drove me bonkers.

    Finally I pulled the map.rmw file out of the Base folder and it loaded no problem. Just thought I would share in case anyone else is banging their heads against the desk wondering why your map wont work.

  30. #330
    Notepad user Member Red Spot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making a new campaign map.

    Hiya guys,

    Have modded my game so much you can hardly even recognize it, mostly thanks to the info found here, but now I stumbed upon something I really cant get my head around ...

    I'd like a bigger map so I made the vanilla map 4 times as big by basicly mirroring the original map, been working on it for 2 weeks and no matter what I did I couldnt get it to actually run, I could however get it to make a map.rwm file ...

    decided after I found out that I made too many errors that I'd be better of with a new map that I could start testing from a basic level, so I made a map thats ~180% the size of the vanilla map, all tga's are in order, it even generates a "corrected_regions.tga" map, but no map.rwm ..

    according to me these maps are all fine and everthing else is in order except for the descr_strat file but thats unimportant for forming a map.rwm file (afaik)

    I packed up the map based on the last files (regions corrected according the corrected version) and included just about anything I think might make a diff.
    would someone with some good mapmaking exp. please have a look at it, hoping I just forgat something, as I'm really in the dark here ..
    (and at the brink of abonding mapmaking all together, as when I make a small quick and dirty map it works from the start, but a map I inversted 2 weeks on only causes problems .....)

    Thanks in advance

    ps;I want to use this as the imperial camp., but on failure I also check out the map in a provincial camp. just to be on the safe side ...


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