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Thread: Age of Warlords - Total War

  1. #1
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Age of Warlords - Total War

    I am pleased to now fully reveal my new project, Age of Warlords - Total War. It will feature a brand new map, recreated lovingly in the style of Medieval, and including for the first time in a Medieval - Total War mod Greenland and parts of North America!

    There will be two periods. They will be:

    Angevin Ascendancy (starts 1153)

    Algonquin Tribes
    Dorset Eskimo
    Kingdom of the Isles
    Kingdom of Gwynedd
    Kingdom of Deheubarth
    Kingdom of Ulster (Northern Ui Neills)
    Kingdom of Connaught
    County of Hainaut

    Trial by Battle and Fire (starts 1337)

    Kingdom of the Isles
    Skraeling Tribes
    Kingdom of Ulster
    Earldom of Desmond

    Expect many new things, including:

    * A host of new units, a good deal from the Super Mod plus a hell of a lot more besides
    * New unit graphics, including new BIFs from the Skraeling units
    * New graphics for factions, flags and shields and such
    * New portraits, including Indian ones
    * Possibly new agents and boats
    * New campaign map pieces
    * New names
    * New battlemaps
    * New heroes

    Again, I'm sorry but GA mode is not possible.

    Expect a release in September.

    Here's some pics to whet the appetite:

    As you can clearly see, this is still a work in progress. Everything is far from final at this stage.
    Last edited by The Blind King of Bohemia; 07-21-2005 at 18:04.

  2. #2
    Member Member Duke Dick's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    looking good BKB, i'm actually really surpised that no-one has posted yet, as this looks like breaking the M:TW mod mold.
    "You know me, Marge. I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals fa-laming!" -Homer

  3. #3
    Member Member Iustinus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Hey BKB,
    can you post a screenshot of the Skraelings when you get the chance?
    Looks like an AWESOME mod. Let me know if you still need me to do maps. Is there a way to make specific maps for specific provinces? I think the HTW team had trouble with that- I'm pretty sure the campaign just uses random land maps that go with the description in the startpos file.
    Awen ha ni?

  4. #4
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Yes Iustinius you are indeed integral to my plans so I'd appreciate your help. I'm pretty sure you can do specific castle maps for some reason, though don't quote me on that. If we get rid of desert textures we may be able to get them for American only using the region attributes section though no?

    I'll send you a PM with more info. Your work on the Arthur mod was amazing BTW, love those new sounds.

  5. #5
    Member Member Crusader4thepeople's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    This mod is awesome, BKB this is one of a kind, as rather then a changed map if MTW or a "close up" map (like in VI) but a completely new map created in the style of MTW. The new factions sound great, especially the Eskimos, cant wait to see those

  6. #6
    Member Member Iustinus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Thanks BKB!
    There is one problem with using the desert graphics- weather is hardcoded (from my experience) so you get sandstorms, the men tire more quickly, there is no snow, rain, or fog and somehow even if you make a map thickly forested, most of the trees don't show.
    This really sucks because most mods don't need the desert maps and you get two landscapes that would be great to change, but they can't be changed fully!
    And unfortunately, Lush and Temperate use the same backdrops and ground textures, just different trees, so if you mod one you are modding the other. This only leaves Arid as an option for modding landscapes, unless you have a Mediterranean based mod (and the only Mediterranean parts of this mod that I can see on the map are for the most part not Arid.) I think I know what you are talking about with the castle maps.
    If you want to do seperate bird sounds for North American maps, I've got that set, you only need to choose the landscape we can turn North american.
    Awen ha ni?

  7. #7
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Thanks Iustinius I'm sure we could use arid. It'd be a dreadful shame not to have some new stuff for America so we're gonna have to at least give it a try anyway.

  8. #8
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    There's a lot to work BKB.... Just think, the Channel Island have their specialty: Bulgarian Brigands

    Just joking, good job BKB!!!!
    Can't wait for it....
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Excellent work!

    Looking forward to this puppy...

  10. #10
    Don't worry, I don't exist Member King of Atlantis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    BKB you are great !

  11. #11

    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Ayay - Skraeling unit's.

    Just an idea... Couldn't you make the desert sand whiter, and the sandstorms whiter? You then get snow with snowstorms?

    Then you give the appropriate unit's the desert bonus, and call it snowbonus.
    Regular unit's wold tire in heavy snow as well as in a desert, so that woldn't be a problem..


    Age of vikings and fanatics: Total War

  12. #12
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    A friend kindly made a site about the mod. You can check it out here:

    Warlords web site

    It features some new pics that I sent him and will be good for new info as things progress.
    Last edited by The Blind King of Bohemia; 07-15-2005 at 13:22.

  13. #13
    Member Member Duke Dick's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Thats a pretty neat site BKB, and some good pics and information as well.

    Does this mean the site will be the main source for information; or will it be a sort of additional content site, with the main crux being posted here on the org, but the site would go into more detail?
    "You know me, Marge. I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals fa-laming!" -Homer

  14. #14
    Member Member Iustinus's Avatar
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    Default Sandstorms

    The mod is really looking great.
    On sandstorms, unless someone knows how to mod weather, I think the sandstorms are unmoddable. While I can make a white, snowy landscape, it would look strange when suddenly reddish dust starts flying through the air....
    I went on the new Age of Warlords website and saw a screenshot from what appeared to be an unfinished mod, the Ottoman Invasion. Even unfinished, does anyone know whether there is a place to download this?
    BKB, I'm getting started on maps for Iceland, Greenland, and North America- Iceland will be basically devoid of trees.
    Awen ha ni?

  15. #15
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    I went on the new Age of Warlords website and saw a screenshot from what appeared to be an unfinished mod, the Ottoman Invasion. Even unfinished, does anyone know whether there is a place to download this?
    I'm afraid it was never released - just a small personal project really.

    Wow you're getting started already fantastic. I'm sure anything you produce will be great.

  16. #16
    Member Member Duke Dick's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sandstorms

    Quote Originally Posted by Iustinus
    I went on the new Age of Warlords website and saw a screenshot from what appeared to be an unfinished mod, the Ottoman Invasion. Even unfinished, does anyone know whether there is a place to download this?
    I purposefully added that in to tease you guys, BKB is a very ambitious modder.
    "You know me, Marge. I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals fa-laming!" -Homer

  17. #17
    warning- plot loss in progress Senior Member barocca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by Iustinus
    Is there a way to make specific maps for specific provinces? I think the HTW team had trouble with that- I'm pretty sure the campaign just uses random land maps that go with the description in the startpos file.

    now you are going to have to bear with me on this, it has been 2 years since i researched this stuff, so i am running on faded memory cells,
    edit - checked and missed SIX type ones!! - i have never used the types, so this should be EASY now!!!

    this is the gist of how the map system works

    there are terrain types that can be declared as borders,

    these can be put into four terrain categories,
    and castles (a special case - more on castles later)

    terrain categories

    ==type one==


    ==type two==
    Inland, Coastal

    ==type three==

    ==type four==
    DESERT, Steppes

    type one - 160 variants
    type two are modifiers, a map must be of type one, and must be either Inland or Coastal UNLESS it is desert or steppe
    (HAVE NOT tested what happens if a map is NEITHER coastal or hilly - may be more options IF excluding coastal/hilly WORKS)
    type three is an additional option
    type four are an old design - no longer can be activated in startpos scripts

    when i made Shog Mod beta 5 i found several "type mixes" that the dev's had ALLOWED for in hardcode, but had NOT ACTUALLY used when making MTW.
    SO it may be possible to mix and match the combo's a lot more than (thus far) seems to be the case.

    SO how many maps??
    not sure BUT
    using the SIXTEEN type one declarations, plus giving each it's coatal or inland gives us 34 maps right away
    then ANOTHER 34 if we give each a river
    so thats 64 distinct maps before we look any further

    at this time it looks like that may be it,
    i am looking at wether we can use more modifyers,
    but thus far no joy

    SO WHAT ABOUT "PlainsInlandRiver01, PlainsInlandRiver02 etc etc???
    they are just mapgroups, so you dont fight the same map for the same province,

    CA's original plan was to be able to set the map subdirectory,
    but it looks like that was not implimented,

    CA also planned for a "mapgroup", but that does not appear to have been implemented

    NOW I AM FAIRLY CERTAIN MTW DOES NOT CARE if borders dont "match" backwards and forwards

    just because province one to province two if hilly to flat, that does not mean province two to province one needs to be flat to hilly!!!

    so if we make all the borders ENTERING a province the same and make ONLY ONE map of that type, then we will always fight battle ENTERING that province on the same map
    rebellions dont use border maps,
    that means we cannot make ALL battles in a province on the same map, but all engagements between enemies, sure, we can do that.


    these are something special, and so many mods DONT understand them,
    SOME you can predfine, by giving names in startpos - so you can fight specific castles,
    but wether you use terrain or name
    they are ALL LINKED to the tech tree!!!
    the number at the end are VERY important

    three main types,
    (((have not tested coastal/inland/desert/steppe/mountain)))

    2 of the 3 numbers at the end are linked to the tech tree

    maximum the Tech Tree/Map will accept is 7 and 1, being 7 castles and 1 upgrade,
    but you can exchange less castle for more upgrades
    (IE: you can have 5 castles, with three upgrades,)
    MAYBE you can have more upgrades, but IF i remember rightly the total of Castles Plus Upgrades must be eight OR LESSl
    ---this requires testing, my memory IS vague on upgrades, but maximum castles is DEFINATLEY seven---

    First number is randomiser (can have 01,02, ad infinitum)
    ([i]First number can also be "set" in SetCastleNumGroups::,
    the plan was for the game to limit itself to the "set" number and ignore the rest, i cannot recall if that actually works or not)

    Second number is Tech Level
    Third number is Upgrade Level

    second and third number must match tech tree possibilities, else you will get the default "lumpy map"

    you will ALSO get the default "lumpy map" if you use a terrain border crossing that the devs did not make a map for!

    so we can definately make 64 unique province maps FOR "MEETING BATTLES",
    but not for rebellions,

    how many province you have BKB??

    Last edited by barocca; 07-17-2005 at 01:34.
    The winds that blows -
    ask them, which leaf on the tree
    will be next to go.

  18. #18
    warning- plot loss in progress Senior Member barocca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sandstorms

    Quote Originally Posted by Iustinus
    BKB, I'm getting started on maps for Iceland, Greenland, and North America- Iceland will be basically devoid of trees.
    i think arid is used for steppe maps - not sure,
    so you could possibly use arid tileset for iceland
    (replace the arid tiles with "winter" tiles from lush folder)
    requires testing

    The winds that blows -
    ask them, which leaf on the tree
    will be next to go.

  19. #19
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Thanks for the help Barocca.

    how many province you have BKB??
    107, the maximum amount.

    So must arid go then? I was looking at Spain and according to the map those areas would be quite arid. If so I might leave the attributes and borders until we're clear on this.

    So what determines the architecture used? For the Indian factions I was going to use the Viking Invasion style wooden settlements is this possible? In region attributes in the startpos you can designate the type of architecture used on the map. Could Islamic double for the Indian ones if we make the correct maps?
    Last edited by The Blind King of Bohemia; 07-16-2005 at 14:09.

  20. #20
    Member Member Iustinus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Hey Barocca, BkB and everyone,
    I have modified basically all the tile sets in the game (as well as many sky graphics) and have found that the desert environments- both rock desert and sand desert, are basically impossible to mod- yes you change the trees and tiles, but since most of the tiles somehow become treeless you have very treeless mods. And, I have no idea how you would stop the sandstorms or edit them to look like snow.
    Arid seems to contain the same number of trees as lush. The difference is that there is no seperate winter tiles and trees for arid, and during the winter you get mixed precipitation. Weather seems to be unmoddabe- you can change the weather file but after a game everything you modified is changed right back.
    So, for a North American map, you wouldn't need anything different then lush (or temperate) the only problem is, if you want to get into details, bird sounds would need a completely seperate landscape.
    For a night mod, I have found through many tests that Arid works best.
    I have to go,
    Awen ha ni?

  21. #21
    warning- plot loss in progress Senior Member barocca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    we may be limited to type one with coast/inland/river/no-river modifers only

    still testing

    trying to get the game to look in the vikings maps folder first

    at this moment i am unable to get tell the game which folder to look in
    perhaps the viking expansion allows that

    for medieval campaigns it goes to the map folder

    VI campaigns - not sure, it uses the vi-castle maps ok,

    more testing to be done

    NOTE - i have edited post number 17 with all we know so far
    Last edited by barocca; 07-17-2005 at 01:41.
    The winds that blows -
    ask them, which leaf on the tree
    will be next to go.

  22. #22
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Can people give me a hand with something?

    I'm looking for suitable American Indian portraits and have found a few so far, but nowhere near enough. What I really need is artwork rather than real photos. Something in the vein of this, with these types of Indians also:

    I zoom in and cut and they look pretty good. Here's one I've done so far:

    Last edited by The Blind King of Bohemia; 07-17-2005 at 22:11.

  23. #23

  24. #24
    Member Member Iustinus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Hey BKB
    Ha, those paintings are based on reenactors I know, Robert Griffing is a great artist. Just look up Robert Griffing in google image search, and you'll get many, many good pictures- though they are 18th century. (However, the red paint and roach can pass for most precontact woodland indians.) The links to pictures were nice but too modern or western.
    If you want original early 17th century paintings and sketches I can find you some, but most look funny and you cannot compare them to the quality of Griffing for a mod.
    Awen ha ni?

  25. #25
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    I have just found a site with loads of his work and they look great i have to say

  26. #26

    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    That is truely awesome! I cant wait till it comes out!
    All Hail BKB!!!

  27. #27

    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    omg, i seriously am drooling at the site of your new mod!
    Good luck and i will look forward to testing it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. #28
    warning- plot loss in progress Senior Member barocca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    how many land regions BKB?
    The winds that blows -
    ask them, which leaf on the tree
    will be next to go.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Just one question. Are Algonquian tribes "stereotype indians" or historical eastern algonquians that lived there that time(Micmacs for example)?

    "Here's a few sites:

    Search by database:"

    Those sites are reaaallly bad and unhistorical btw.
    Last edited by Aldaceleb; 07-18-2005 at 05:57.
    New World:Total War

  30. #30
    Boondock Saint Senior Member The Blind King of Bohemia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Age of Warlords - Total War

    Aldaceleb, I know you had the Beothuks, Micmacs, Naskapi-Montagnais, etc. inhabiting this region, but it would be impossible to do these all as factions. They will basically go under Algonquin as a united banner for the North-Eastern tribes. Their units will reflect the various tribes that come under the bracket.

    107 Barocca, the max amount.

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