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Thread: Franks (BI faction)

  1. #151

    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    I took a somewhat different method,seeing the Bungundri and Lombards wanted to go to war with me I happily obliged them,by sending my faction leader on a spree to take there cities,accompanied by numerous Golden band Mercs,Sarmatian cav archers and a unit of levy spearmen,just for the ability to weaken the enemy with jav fire. After a few hairy battles with 2 opoosing faction bodyguards fortunatley one of them was stupid enough to chase my horse archers around the map,while I dealt with the rest of his army, I am finally laying siege to the final lombard city. Just hoping the horde that comes when it falls doesn't go for one of my cities,but harrass the WRE instead and does my capital ever make a profit? so far it's around -2000 in the hole and going futher into debt with every turn..

  2. #152
    Member Member Agent Miles's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Since this is Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion, it just made sense to me that my Franks should become a barbarian horde, invade Rome and well, make total war. As such, the Franks became a horde on turn two after I had wrecked and sold everything worth anything in their homeland.

    The horde units gave me enough for four stacks, each with a family member. Two of the stacks got mostly horde swordsmen and archers for taking settlements and the other two stacks got the horde spearmen and cavalry for support. I then split these into two groups each with a stack for siege and support.

    I crossed the Rhine and besieged the WRE settlement to the immediate west. Two stacks make the siege easy to auto-calc, as you have overwhelming numbers, so the losses were minor. While the first group built siege equipment the other group went south with the spy as scout. I sacked the first settlement and continued to sack my way into Italy, plundering Arles, Massilia and Mediolanum as well. Next, I built forts at the three bridges and one bottleneck leading into Italy south and west of Mediolanum and destroyed any WRE forces wandering around. The forts were manned with non-horde units, so that these garrisons would not be disbanded. Finally I set up my attacks and in one turn occupied Ravenna and exterminated Rome and Tarentum.

    I quickly built a non-horde army and took Syracuse, Carthage and Caralis and retook Mediolanum and Massilia. I added a few more forts at bridges and bottlenecks which gave me a rich, secure base of operations that supports several strong field armies. Each army consists of a general, six spearman, two sword herbanns, six hunters, four Noble cavalry and an Onager, all with silver weapons and armor and three or more levels of experience. So equipped, all of the units performed adequately.

    As a side note, I made Caralis Christian so that I could build Paladins there. This takes about a dozen turns and a good sized garrison. By the time the necessary buildings are done the population is Christian. This doesn’t interfere with the rest of my Pagan Empire since it is on an island.

    The Goths arrived, but cannot negotiate my outer perimeter of forts (I destroyed the one stack that did). I’ve taken Lepsis Magna and will conquer the Berbers. I can then take Spain and the three target provinces in Gaul that I need for victory. This strategy avoids conflict with the other hordes that wander around northern Europa.
    Last edited by Agent Miles; 12-22-2011 at 19:36.
    Sometimes good people must kill bad people to protect the rest of the people.

  3. #153
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Alemanni aren't worth going after, one more target for Romans, can't really retrain units, not in good money spot.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
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    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  4. #154
    Think different! Member Matteo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    May I have some help with this faction? I've four settlements at this moment: the capital, Vicus Francorum, and Campus Frisius, Campus Chattium, Campus Burgundiorum. Why the hell the capital always goes down economically? When I had just Vicus, along with Chattium, it started to go down, then I took Frisius and finances went positive, then, after 4-5 turns, down again. So I took Burgundiorum and everything OK.

    I've built economic structures, no way... furthermore, Chattium and Frisius are always in revolt. I've made them revolt and then annihilated all the population, within 6-7 turns they've already the red face.

  5. #155
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    WRE is Christian, Franks are pagan. That is a problem. Try for one or the other religion, put pagan family members in pagan towns and Christians in Christian towns. I don't attack Rome right away, I go after the Saxons, and I don't like to go for the rebels to the east, though I usually do. Fight either WRE or WRER, one or the other.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  6. #156
    Think different! Member Matteo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Hi Vincent, you came here too, thanks a lot.

    That problem has been almost fixed, as I converted to Christianity. Listen, now that my whole empire has passed to Christianity, why when I accept new family members they're still pagan?

  7. #157
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Those rebels who refuse to convert? You could always reject the pagan ones. I guess you would have to look at what percentage of the population of that region where he is is pagan vs Christian. Christianity may be more dominant, but there may still be pagans around. I usually end up with more Pagan. I guess I can control that with churches and such, best done after exterminating. If I don't exterminate, I go with what is predominant. Christianity is nice because with the Franks, you get the Paladin. Also, as I am a Christian, I would prefer that my empire is Christian, even if it is just a game.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  8. #158
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    So I am starting into BI again. Went with the Franks. Do I attack WRE right off the bat? I think so, because they attack you quickly anyway, even though they like to ally at the start. It seems like you are supposed to go after the two rebel towns to the east, but I don't think that is a good idea. Money being the problem.

    Or do you attack those towns, and fortify your first town? I think if it is strong Rome will not bother you. Your units can handle theirs on the wall, once you get the Heerbann. Of course, if they have many Comitatenses, you will need lots of Heerbann, since their main infantry unit is an excellent sword unit.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  9. #159
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Butler View Post
    So I am starting into BI again. Went with the Franks. Do I attack WRE right off the bat? I think so, because they attack you quickly anyway, even though they like to ally at the start. It seems like you are supposed to go after the two rebel towns to the east, but I don't think that is a good idea. Money being the problem.

    Or do you attack those towns, and fortify your first town? I think if it is strong Rome will not bother you. Your units can handle theirs on the wall, once you get the Heerbann. Of course, if they have many Comitatenses, you will need lots of Heerbann, since their main infantry unit is an excellent sword unit.
    So I figured out a little strategy. Put Campus Francii to very high taxes, and disband your peasants. Disbanding the peasants will put your population enough to upgrade your city. Try to get map info from WRE, they will offer an alliance; take it. Build a couple of archers and a cav unit, and go after Campus Chatii, and put it to very high taxes. Campus Frisii will put you at odds with Rome too quickly. Let Rome take it, then let it rebel and take out the WRER and crank the taxes up there too. Rome will not bother you as much, it seems. The Saxons are your next target.

    If you don't value alliances, you could go after Colonia Agrippina, I don't break alliances so I am going after the Saxons instead. My spy in Colonia Agrippina is not causing a rebellion. Because I know Rome will attack me at the drop of a hat if Campus Francii is weak, I have no problems undermining them, though I will not violate an alliance directly. Their city is upgraded enough to build good units, so I can retrain quickly and figure out my next target. I am surprised Rome has not attacked yet.

    I think the computer is giving the Saxons money. They have one settlement, yet were able to upgrade their town, to the level it has a Hundredmen Hall, despite having lots of family members. Well, not anymore. Four attacked Campus Chatii, three did not survive and the fourth fled like a frightened goat.

    The reason for cranking up the taxes is to compensate for all the family members you will get, it seems you get a lot in a short amount of time so your finances go south quickly.
    Last edited by Vincent Butler; 01-10-2018 at 22:07.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  10. #160
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    So an update. Got up to 50,000 denarii, am a bit lower now since Celts came across channel to attack Samarobriva. Eastern Empire is gone (Sassanids and Sarmatians), and in the same turn the ERER were wiped out, so no ERE anymore. Yes, I know that if the ERE gets wiped out, the ERER become the ERE, but both are destroyed. The WRE got wiped out, the Lombardi finished them off, and the WRER rebels are now the WRE. I wiped the Goths out, Ostrogoths popped up and were wiped out in the same turn. Romano British were wiped out by Celts, Slavs are still around, in, guess where?...Campus Iazyges! Where all hordes go, for some reason.

    Am about to cross the channel to deal with the Celts. Francisca Heerbann are awesome, those franciscas wipe out enemy formations. Also, the Paladin Bodyguards are virtually invincible. Are the Axe Heerbann's only advantage over the Sword Heerbann the lower upkeep? They cost the same, but the AH are 20 lower upkeep, and have I think it is 2 less defense. Is there any reason to field AH in addition to the SH, other than upkeep (and to mix up my units a little bit)?
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  11. #161
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Franks (BI faction)

    If I recall correctly, axes get the armour-piercing attribute, which halves the effect of enemy armour.
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  12. #162
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    If I recall correctly, axes get the armour-piercing attribute, which halves the effect of enemy armour.
    I thought it might be that, but I checked the export_descr_unit file, and the axes of the Axe Heerbann do not get the ap attribute. The thrown Franciscas of the Francisca Heerbann are ap, as are the Chosen Axemen of the Saxons and Alemanni. It looks like the same with regular RTW, the hand axes (Germania/Scythia axemen, Desert Axemen) are not ap, but the two-handed axes and axe-armed cavalry are.

    Unless someone informs me about any advantage, right now I am fielding more Sword Heerbann where I am likely to face better units (against Rome or hordes), and Axe Heerbann where I will face worse units or deeper in my territories where I am less likely to come under attack. AH are still plenty good enough to handle most things thrown at them anyway. Against units like Steppe Horde Chosen Warriors or Comitatenses or such units, I want the extra defense of the SH.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

  13. #163
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Butler View Post
    I thought it might be that, but I checked the export_descr_unit file, and the axes of the Axe Heerbann do not get the ap attribute. The thrown Franciscas of the Francisca Heerbann are ap, as are the Chosen Axemen of the Saxons and Alemanni. It looks like the same with regular RTW, the hand axes (Germania/Scythia axemen, Desert Axemen) are not ap, but the two-handed axes and axe-armed cavalry are.
    Oh, right. Guess I was thinking of M:TW. If that's the case, then there is indeed no advantage to Axe Heerbann.
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  14. #164
    Requin Member Vincent Butler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Franks (BI faction)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    Oh, right. Guess I was thinking of M:TW. If that's the case, then there is indeed no advantage to Axe Heerbann.
    I guess if you want cheaper upkeep, and aren't worried about the two-defense differential. That difference of 20 upkeep can add up, as your empire grows. Of course, as your empire grows, money should be less of a concern.

    So my campaign went south; fortunately I had two save points, and one was at a point where I was still doing fairly well. I use two save points because I have had campaigns where the file got corrupted and I could not open them again. So it is not great, but better. Instead of going after the Celts like I did (who had attacked me but then keep asking for a ceasefire, which I take because I am not going after them right now and need the money), I went after the Lombardi in Augusta Treverorum.

    The Vandals are annoying, they have Spain, so they have numerous large armies. I need Burdigala, but am rebuilding my army to go after it. Arles, where my army is stationed, keeps coming under siege, so it is taking a while to reform the army.

    So far, my eastern border is secure, though the Sassanids are getting closer. Not looking forward to that, but at least my infantry is much better than theirs, and most fighting will be done in the cities, so on walls. Yeah, I'm winning those fights.

    So overall, I like my strategy. It is a good base strategy, the finer points need to be worked out.
    Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Psalm 144:1

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    -Henry V by William Shakespeare

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