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Thread: The Library

  1. #1
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Blog Entries

    Lightbulb The Library

    The door to the Mead Hall swings open as your eyes peer within. The dim lights above sway as another crash of thunder overtakes your hearing. It's almost as dark as night inside as you take a few steps in. A slow and near, eerie creaking causes you to turn in alarm, a hand upon the hilt of your sword. Your eyes watch as the door to the Mead hall closes itself, a cold metallic latching that sends a chill down your spine. As you look upon the old wood of the aged door you notice a letter hanging on the back. Hung upon the ancient oak by a number of sharpened hairpins is a piece of parchment. There is writing in a black ink that says "Welcome to the Mead Hall", followed by "Resident Assistant Moderator" and five names in different handwritings. They read “frogbeastegg”, “Monk”, “The Shadow One”, “Ludens” and “Monk” again. All names but “Ludens” have been crossed-out. Someone has also tried to wipe the word “Assistant” away. It appears the leadership has gone through some changes.

    You turn and put yourself at ease; it appears that the Hall is rather empty this time of day. Many tables are scattered around the hall as a few patrons sit and drink, telling their own stories to any who would listen. As you begin walking you spy a bulletin board on one of the walls; not much seems to be going on so you pay it no heed. As you reach the bar there doesn't seem to be anyone working; you glance to your right and see one of the corners of the hall nearly overcome by stacks of books. A single table sits there with a chair against the wall. Above the table there's a simple wooden sign saying "Froggy's book corner"; the letters etched into its surface. You're not sure what to make of it as you look to the other corner where a man dressed in the garb of a Japanese peasant-soldier is leaning against the counter, an ancient matchlock gun propped up besides him. He does not notice you, apparently caught up in explaining the importance of correct punctuation to a glazed-eyed storyteller. Nearby a mountain of crumpled papers lay around a table. Countless more pages lie on the floor and hang on the wall by assorted knives and pens. Who could even sit in such disarray? You spy a hooded figure asleep at the table, his head in his arms. It's most likely the Monk, after all he's said to walk around with a hood over his head. Why no one really knows. In the gloom beyond the Monk, you see a deserted table, an ancient tome lying open upon it. You are about to turn back to the bar when one of the book's pages moves. You can just make out a hooded figure, a shadow, delicately raising and turning the page, before it fades out of view again.

    You pat the bar and a voice calls out from a door that had escaped your eye before. "Yeah, yeah!" it calls in frustration and disappointment. "I'll be right there!" Soon afterward a man steps out and into the room, walks over to the bar and grabs a glass. Before you can even tell him what you want he begins cleaning it out and tending to his own business. You watch him curiously before he finally says, "Well, ya gonna order something or just stand there all day?" His response draws a slight smile from you. You take a deep breath and look around you, responding, "Sure. Wine will do." He opens a green bottle and pours a scarlet liquid into the glass. You ask curiously, "So, what stories are good here?"

    The bartender smiles as he looks at you. He nods over to a door, hidden by a shadow. "The Library's through there," he says as he sits the bottle down.

    This thread is created for the purpose of posting links to all the stories in the Mead Hall. I have also rounded up the art posts and literary discussion in this forum. I have tried to get everything right but I am only human, so if you find an error please inform me through PM. Keep in mind that I only update this monthly, so don’t panic if your story doesn’t appear immediately. This thread and the above piece of prose are the initiative of Monk, but due to his recent break from moderating I am now in charge of updating them.

    • 1. Art
    • 2. Screenshot Threads
    • 3. Play-by-E-mail Campaigns
    • 4. After-Action Campaign Reports
    • 5. Interactive History
    • 6. .Org Story Contests
    • 7. Collaborated Story Threads
    • 8. Stories and Poems (organized by author)
    • 9. Literary Discussion

    Note: due to software and server changes some of the older stories are displayed incorrectly, resulting in strange signs and missing punctuation.

    Last updated: 19 July 2007


    Image Hosting

    .Org Image Hosting

    1. Art:


    Title: Pagan Wallpaper
    A wallpaper that has a pagan feel.

    2. Screenshot Threads

    The .Org Screenshot Thread

    Seasonal Screenshots
    Screenshots with a winter theme by frogbeastegg and Ludens.

    Listing of Shogun Screenshots Threads compiled by Drisos

    Org Screenshot Contest

    Best battle scene S:TW
    Screenshots by frogbeastegg, Gregoshi, Ithaskar Fëarindel and MizuKokami

    Best battle scene M:TW
    Screenshots by Aymar de Bois Mauri, Brutal DLX, frogbeastegg, MizuKokami, Monk, Nigel, Sjakihata and The_Emperor

    Most scenic screen S:TW
    Screenshots by Brutal DLX, frogbeastegg and Ithaskar Fëarindel

    Most scenic screen M:TW
    Screenshots by –Amon–, Brutal DLX, hellenes, Louis de la Ferte Ste Colombe, Monk, Nigel, Sjakihata and The_Emperor

    Sieges and mods
    Screenshots by Aymar de Bois Mauri, Duke John and Lord of Storms

    3. Play-by-E-Mail Campaigns (organized by start date)

    The Glorious Reigns of the Kings of England (completed)
    First PBM of the throne room, featuring the English in M:TW and played by Herodotus, ShadesWolf, Ryttare, Chilling, Alrowan, econ21, HopAlongBunny, KukriKhan and Sprucemoose. Single page length (compiled by Demon of Light).

    The Glorious Reigns of the Kings of Poland (completed)
    Leading the Polish to glory in the second M:TW PMB are Shand994, KukriKhan, LeeJackson, econ21, Doge Enrico II, Chilling, Alrowan, Herodotus and Aleborg. Single page length (compiled by Demon of Light).

    The Almohad Khaliphate (I) (completed)
    Spreading the Islam over the Medieval world in M:TW 1.1 are Chaoslord, Monk, Cazbol, RisingSun, Apache, o_loompah and econ21. Eight page length.

    The Almohad Khaliphate (II) (completed)
    Another PBM featuring the Almohads, this time on M:TW 2.0. Participants: Sinan, Monk, Maniac, Mount Suribachi, econ21, Alrowan, Demon of Light and The_Emperor. Single page length (compiled by econ21).

    Emperor of Byzantium (completed)
    Restoring the Roman Empire on M:TW 2.0. Played by Demon of Light, Mount Suribachi, The_Emperor, Yoko Kono, MiniKiller, Casca, The Wizard and econ21. Seven page length.

    The Chronicle of the Holy Roman Empire (completed)
    Restoring Roman Empire from a slightly different angle (also in M:TW 2.0) are Cazbol, KukriKhan, Demon of Light, The Witch-King, Econ21, The_Emperor, sprucemoose and oaty. Single page length (compiled by Ludens).

    The Kingdom of Aragon (abandoned)
    An attempt at leading Aragon to glory in M:TW 2.0. Participants: LadyAnn, Drucius, Mount Suribachi, The_Emperor, econ21, Chimpyang and Tricky Lady. Five page length.

    Fury of the Northmen (completed)
    Controlling the Viking faction of VI are The_Emperor, Dîn-Heru, Monk, Kristaps and DrHaphazard. Three page length.

    Glory of the Tzars! (completed)
    Defending Europe from the Tartars and then taking it for the Tzars: a Russian M:TW (2.0 or 2.01) PBM by The_Emperor, Monk, Revenant69, Kristaps, Drucius, Maelstrom and Ironside. Six page length.

    The Small Faction Campaign (abandoned)
    Postal services, Swiss shepparding sticks and the development of banking: an attempt at creating an multiplayer PBM for M:TW. Participants: Cazbol, Louis de la Ferte Ste Colombe, ShadesWolf and Sinan. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Rise of the Turkish Sultans (abandoned)
    Responsible for the Rise of the Turks in M:TW 2.0 are The_Emperor, Revenant69, SeljukSinan, Monk, Econ21, Hellenes and Sinan. Six page length.

    Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition (completed)
    Title says it all. A Spanish PBM for M:TW 2.0, unfortunately containing only one write-up. Participants: Revenant69, The_Emperor, Hellenes and Monk. Three page length.

    The Holy Roman Empire (abandoned)
    First PBM for M:TW 2.01, unfortunately abandoned quite early, by dessa14 and Bevan of Hertfordshire. Two page length.

    Are you Hungary for Conquest? (completed)
    Leading Hungary to glory in M:TW 2.01 are The_Emperor, hellenes, Cheetah, Dessa, Drucius, Paxx and fruitfly. Four page length.

    The Saxon Kings (abandoned)
    Saxon campaign for VI 2.01, cut short by an unwinnable position. Participants: by econ21, Major^3, Nigel and The_Emperor. Two page length.

    The Glorious French Empire (completed)
    Hunting for French Glorious Achievements in M:TW 2.01 are Revenant69, Mount Suribachi, Major^3, Drucius, The_Emperor, fruitfly, TC27, econ21, insolent1, thrashaholic and AfgonyDuck. Eight page length.

    The Glorious Masters of Italy (abandoned)
    A PBM for M:TW 2.01 made interesting by the house rules that restrict Italian expansion. Very good write-ups, despite the fact that it was never completed. Participants: The_Emperor, econ21, Revenant69, Monk, Mysterium, Aleksandr Nevsky and Ellesthyan. Five page length.

    The Glorious Achievements of Poland (abandoned)
    More glory hunting, this time with the Polish in M:TW 1.1. Participants: Chimpyang, Eastside Character, o_loompha, Buka and Oneleupi. Six page length.

    Who Wants to be the King of Sicily? (abandoned)
    A M:TW Sicilian PBM that sadly had to be abandoned due to technical issues. Only participant: Katank. Two page length.

    Behold the Mighty Armies of… the Welsh? (completed)
    Short Welsh campaign in VI by The_Emperor, Mysterium and econ21. Two page length.

    The Spanish Reign (abandoned)
    The first in a long line of abandoned PBM’s. M:TW 1.1. Participants: nightcrawlerblue, Tricky Lady, Chimpyang and afrit. Four page length.

    The Glorious Might of Egypt (abandoned)
    Despite being abandoned, this campaign was quite close to the finish. M:TW 2.01. Played by econ21, Drucius, The Wizard, Chimpyang, AggonyDuck, Herodotes and Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Four page length

    King of Sicily (abandoned)
    Another attempt at a Sicilian M:TW 2.01 PBM by Demon of Light, RisingSun, Chimpyang, econ21, Tricky Lady and Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Three page length.

    Sultan El Cid (abandoned)
    Egyptian featuring El Cid as Sultan. Did not take off, unfortunately. Only participant: Demon of Light. Single page length.

    A Concise History of England (abandoned)
    English PBM for M:TW 2.01 by Chimpyang, ThijsP, alman9898, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, Tricky Lady, mercian billman, YAKOBU and Rufus. Five page length.

    Outremer (abandoned)
    A PBM featuring the Crusader States in BKB’s Supermedieval mod that faltered after the first reign. Only participant: the Blind King of Bohemia. Single page length.

    Poland (abandoned)
    Yet another M:TW 2.01 PBM that did not make it beyond the first reign. Only participant: Chimpyang. Single page length.

    Sweden (abandoned)
    Featuring Sweden in the Napoleonic mod for M:TW. Did not get past the first reign. Only participant: dessa14. Single page length.

    Chronicle of the French Dynasty (abandoned)
    M:TW French PBM. Participants: Chimpyang, econ21, lonewolf371 and afrit. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Rise of a Spanish Empire (abandoned)
    M:TW Spanish PBM by Xiahou Liao, Yakobu, Tricky Lady, The_Emperor and ThijsP. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Spartans (abandoned)
    A PBM of the Spartans in the Hellenic: TW mod for M:TW. Only participant: mercian billman. Single page length.

    The Dutch (abandoned)
    Another Napoleonic PBM by dessa14 and mercian billman. Single page length.

    The Scipii part I and Part II (abandoned)
    The first PBM for R:TW (1.0 or 1.1), unfortunately abandoned. Participants: Tricky Lady, YAKOBU, Big King Sanctaphrax and Chimpyang. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Rise of the Brutii (abandoned)
    The second R:TW (1.0 or 1.1) PBM. Did not take off, unfortunately. Only participant: afrit. Single page length.

    King of Gaul (abandoned)
    Another R:TW (1.0 or 1.1) PBM that did not take off. Only participant: King Yngvar. Single page length.

    Cry Havoc and let loose the Julii (abandoned)
    A PBM for the Rome: Total Realism 3.1 modification for R:TW. Only participants: warlordmb. Single page length.

    Blood, Gold and Desert Sun: A Tale of Carthage (abandoned)
    A PBM for R:TW 1.0 or 1.1 by SwordsMaster and econ21. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Tales of the Julii Part I and Part II (abandoned)
    R:TW 1.0 or 1.1 PBM by The_Emperor, Chimpyang, King Yngvar, econ21 and Piko. Only one write-up. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Chronicles of the German Tribes (completed)
    The first R:TW PBM that achieved victory, and also the first to make use of the R:TW 1.2 patch. Participants by Tricky Lady, Quietus, econ21, Swordsmaster, Yakobu and Craterus. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Gauls (abandoned)
    Another R:TW 1.2 PBM that did not make it beyond the first reign. Only participant: Katank. Two page length.

    Germania Homelands (abandoned)
    Maintaining the German homeland in R:TW 1.2 by YAKOBU and Tricky Lady. Single page length.

    The Eastern Roman Empire (completed)
    The first PBM for BI, containing some excellent write-ups. Participants: Dutch_guy, TinCow, econ 21. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Rise of the Alemanni (completed)
    Leading the Alemanni to world domination in BI 1.6 are econ 21, TinCow, Dutch_guy and Zomby_Woof. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Re-unification (completed)
    An epic attempt at reunifying the Roman Empire in R:TW BI 1.6. Excellent write-ups by econ 21, Mount Suribachi, TinCow and Dutch_guy. Two page length (write-up thread).

    Heirs of Alexander (abandoned)
    Leading the Seleucids in the footsteps of their famous founder in R:TW 1.5 are: Zomby_Woof, Monarch, RabidGibbon, econ 21, Braden, Gaulgath, Glaucus and Severous. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Horns of the Bull (abandoned)
    Fighting off Rome in R:TW 1.5 are Braden, YAKOBU, TinCow and Severous. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Will of the Senate (completed)
    A new kind of PBM with Rome: Total Realism Platinum Edition, in which a council (the Senate) holds elections and decides who will play and what he must do. Initially, the campaign progressed through the first consul’s reports, but later a rift occurred and civil war broke out, leading to the Civil War stories, the Battle of Ancyra and the Battle for Rome threads. For more information, view FAQ and the post-mortem. Other related threads are battle reports, senate deliberations part I, part II, part III and part IV, the Senate Library and the Mausoleum.

    The Vandals (abandoned)
    Vandalism in BI 1.6 by Zimfan, GeneralHankerchief and econ21. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Ascent of the Julii (abandoned)
    R:TW 1.5 PBM by Caius Flaminius, Zimfan and Severous. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Holy Roman Empire (completed)
    The first M2:TW PBM, modelled on the Will of the Senate. The rules can be found here. The PBM has threads for the Imperial Council (Diet) and the Imperial orders as well as an archive.

    Wine and Women (completed)
    A Thracian R:TW 1.5 PBM by Orb, Vuk and Severous. Single page length (write-up thread).

    England – one kingdom – 3 players (abandoned)
    A M2:TW PBM by cassiusdio and two others. Single page length.

    Conquest of Rome – Kings of Parthia (abandoned)
    Going against Rome in R:TW 1.5 PBM. Only participant: Vuk. Single page length (write-up thread).

    King of the Romans (in progress)
    The successor to the M2:TW Holy Roman Empire PBM. This PBM has separate threads for stories, battle reports and chancellor reports. There is also a thread for the Kingdom of Outremer and the history of the HRE. Decisions are made in the Imperial Diet and stored in the Imperial Library.

    Rise of the Gallic Confederacy (abandoned)
    Making Gaul the only barbarians in the world in R:TW 1.5. Features chieftain and battle report threads. Single page length (write-up thread).

    The Republic of Genua (abandoned)
    Power through trade in M:TW. This PBM has separate threads for stories, battle reports and chancellor reports. Decisions are made in the Parliament and stored in the Library.

    Magna Carta (in progress)
    Leading the English to glory in M2:TW. This PBM has separate threads for stories and battle reports, as well as an unused Library.

    Time to Kill (abandoned)
    Unstarted R:TW German PBM. Single page length (write-up thread).

    Eye of the Eagle (abandoned)
    M2:TW English PBM with a good set-up but abandoned quite quickly after the start. Has rules and parliament threads.

    Reconquista (in progress)
    Spanish M2:TW with a council and reign and battle report threads.

    If you want to participate in a running PBM or revive an abandoned one, search the Throne Room for the organisational thread of that PBM to see whether there is space or where you can find the save game.

    4. After-Action Campaign Reports (organized by start date)

    Shogun: Total War

    War stories by Maltz
    Several very long AAR’s, told more so through screenshots than words.

    Swift as the Wind by Nowake
    Takeda campaign AAR, written as the memoirs of a Takeda-retainer. Single page length.

    How fast are you?
    Shimazu-challenge played by Barocca, TosaInu and Sasaki Kojiro. Two page length.

    Takeda versus everyone else by Mori Zennousha
    The Takeda against all odds. Single page length.

    Oda by p_nutter and NodachiSam
    Two Oda AARs. Single page length.

    Takeda 1530 by Drisos
    Unfinished AAR of the Takeda clan. Two page length.

    A Shogun Puzzle with the Uesugi by TogakureOjonin
    An Uesugi challenge. Drisos, R’as al Ghul, Sasaki Kojiro and TogakureOjonin participated. Single page length.

    Tokugawa 1580 by TogakureOjonin
    A well-written AAR about an attempt to equal the exploits of Ieyasu. Single page length.

    Takeda by Sasaki Kojiro
    An AAR focusing on the tactical aspects of the Takeda clan. Did not progress far, unfortunately. Single page length.

    Oda 1530 by Sasaki Kojiro
    Again, an AAR focusing on the tactical aspects, also didn’t progress far. Single page length.

    Uesugi 1530 by Drisos
    Unfinished AAR of the Uesugi clan. Single page length.

    Oda 1550 by Dexter
    Unfinished AAR of the Oda clan. Single page length.

    Takeda by Sasaki Kojiro
    Unfinished AAR, containing replays of the battles. Single page length.

    Shimazu 1530 by Sasaki Kojiro
    Unfinished AAR of the Shimazu, with links to the replays of the battles. Single page length.

    Medieval: Total War

    Pictures and History of your empire
    The main M:TW AAR thread. Thirty-nine page length.

    ME:TW Battle Report By Duke John
    A single battle AAR with the Middle-Earth mod. Single page length.

    Letters from Ole in Croatia by Grond
    The amusing correspondence of a M:TW spy. The full story is unfortunately spread out though Grond’s game-related posts. Two page length.

    The Cumans by Banquo’s Ghost
    An attempt to bring the Cumans to glory in the XL mod. Two page length.

    Ericssons’ toil: A Danes story by ZainDustin
    Unfinished AAR with the Danes. Two page length.

    The Conquests of the Holy Roman Empire by frederic
    Unfinished HRE AAR. Single page length.

    The French Campaign by Tony Furze
    Unfinished French AAR for M:TW XL mod that did not get beyond the opening. Single page length.

    Last Lord of the North by CountMRVHS
    The heroic last stand of the Northumbrians. Single page length.

    Rome: Total War

    R:TW story I: Carthage by Maltz
    Or “How to Rush Rome”. Single page length.

    R:TW story II: Numidia by Maltz
    An AAR on how to take full benefit of the broken diplomacy. Single page length.

    R:TW story III: Armenian cavalry versus the Roman Senate by Maltz
    A single battle AAR that demonstrates the power of horse archers. Single page length.

    R:TW story IV: The Last Republican by Maltz
    A single battle AAR about the Roman civil war. Single page length.

    The Rome Diaries by RabidGibbon
    Unfinished but long R:TR-based AAR. Single page length.

    Diadoch of Pyrrhos by Reenk Roink
    An unfinished campaign as Epirus with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    March of the Getai by pezhetairoi
    Unfinished Getai (Thracian) campaign with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    Epeirote, conqueror or conquered by Ragabash
    An attempt to undo the Pyrrhic victories with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Unfinished. Single page length.

    A Baktrian conquest by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Unfinished Baktrian campaign with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    The Waste Land by Obelics/Artaserse
    The hilarious, if not very subtle, adventures of the Parni (Partian) tribe in the Europa Barbarorum mod. This story is not updated on our forum anymore, so the link leads to the Total Realism forum. Unfinished. Twenty-three page length.

    Forgotten Chronicle by O’ETAIPOS
    Unfinished Makedonian campaign written as an ancient chronicle. Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    The Republica by Megalos
    Unfinished SPQR campaign with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    Melech al Z'Sar - To Rule Over This Land by Comrade Alexeo
    Excellent but unfortunately unfinished Karthadastim (Carthagian) AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    S.P.Q.R. by M. Cornelius Marcellus
    Another illustrated and well-written AAR, featuring the Roman Republic in R:TR, also unfinished. Three page length.

    Pontus: The Story of a Kingdom by Rex_Pelasgorum
    Unfinished Pontic AAR on Terra Expugnandae 5.1. Single page length.

    Beasts and Battles by Orb
    Unfinished Gaul 1.5 campaign. Single page length.

    The Great Wolf of the North by Discokull
    Very good but sadly unfinished Casse (Briton) AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Three page length.

    Rome: Where Eagles Dare by Zaknafien
    Excellent but unfortunately unfinihsed AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    Wolves on the Border by Discokull
    Unfinished Getai (Thracian) AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    The Trading Republic of Kart-Hadast by Discokull
    Unfinished Europa Barbaroum AAR, featuring Carthage. Single page length.

    Barbarossa82’s Armenian AAR by Barbarossa82
    Well-done Armenian AAR for R:TW 1.5. Four page length.

    The Last Stand of the Spartan League by La Hormiga
    Well-written single-battle AAR. Single page length.

    From Steppes to Sand by holybandit
    Unfinished AAR with the R:TR Samaritians. Single page length.

    Syracuse by Thurnor
    Playing Syracuse in the Roma Surrectum mod. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Sweboz battle by Zero1
    Single-battle AAR with the Sweboz (Germans) in the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    Rule of the Avern by Aenos
    Unfinished Averni (Gaul) AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Two page length.

    Magna Germania by Justicar
    Unfinished AAR with the Sweboz (Germans) in the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    An Extreme Comeback by Warluster
    Unfinished AAR. Single page length.

    The World According to Koinon by Quirinus Kuhlmann
    A very humorous but sadly unfinished progression AAR for Europa Barbarorum. Five page length.

    A bit of EB-inspired fiction by Zaknafien
    Not really an AAR, but inspired by the Europa Barbarorum mod. Well written but unfortunately unfinished story about mercenaries on the Scythian plains. Single page length.

    The heroic sacrifice of the Black Sea Greeks by Numahr
    Single-battle AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    Dragonmir of Gondor by Rex_Pelasgorum
    An unfinished Lord of the Rings-mod AAR. Single page length.

    A Cremonidean War Story by Teleklos Archelaou
    Another good but unfinished Europa Barbarorum AAR, about the Greeks. Single page length.

    Legend of the Brutii by SSJVegetaTrunks
    Unfinished R:TW 1.5 AAR. Single page length.

    Defensive Frank Campaign by Severous
    BI 1.6 AAR. Single page length.

    The Getai, a struggle for unity and freedom by Aenos
    Another Thracian Europa barbarorum campaign. Unfinished. Single page length.

    A Golden Palm by Orb
    Unfinished Carthaginian AAR for Europa Barbarorum. Single page length.

    Touched by Fate by Vorian
    Unfinished AAR for Macedon in Europa Barbarorum. Single page length.

    Great Generals by César Victor
    A R:TW 1.5 Julii AAR in the form of a memoirs. Unfinished. Single page length.

    The Sage of the Tribus Verres by General-Winter
    Leading the Gauls to glory in R:TW 1.5. Unfinished. Single page length.

    “Civil war and Survival” by KamikazeHunter
    Europa Barbarorum campaign featuring the Aedui (Gauls) that did not get beyond the first chapter. Single page length.

    Rise of the Romani by Mamba
    Another unfinished Europa Barbarorum campaign. Single page length.

    Sweboz: a threat from the North by Zim45
    Unfinished Europa Barbarorum campaign with the Germans. Single page length.

    History of the Getai by Xtiaan72
    Interesting but unfortunately unfinished Thracian campaign with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Two page length.

    Chronicle of Laurentiu by Rex_Pelasgorum
    Unfinished chronicle style AAR for the Eastern Roman Empire in the Invasio Barbarorum Flaggelum Dei mod. Single page length.

    The battle for Segestica by Kugutsu
    The desperate defence of Segestica in the Europa Barbarorum mod. Single page length.

    Blôðisôjan âb Wintraz by Justiciar
    Another German campaign with Europa Barbarorum. Also unfinished. Single page length.

    Kingdom by the Lonely Sea by Orb
    Interesting but unfortunately abandoned campaign with Pontus in the Europa Barbarorum mod, written in the form of a play. Single page length.

    3rd Legion – Roma’s Bulls by Count Arach
    Another well-written but abandoned Roman campaign in the Europa Barbarorum mod. Eleven page length.

    The Conquest of Hellas by abou
    Seleucid AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Contains only the opening. Single page length.

    The Rise of Rome – A Julii AAR by ilikethisgame5
    R:TW 1.5 AAR. Unfinished. Single page length.

    The Hounds of Molossia/The Molossian Empire by Lord Gruffles
    Unfinished Epirote campaign with Europa Barbarorum. Single page length.

    Carthage challenge by Xtiaan72
    Challenge for the Carthaginians in Europa Barbarorum. Single page length.

    The History Channel Presents by Wonderland
    … A Greek campaign with Europa Barbarorum. Funny take on AARs, but unfortunately unfinished. Two page length.

    The Horsemen of the Holy Mountain by KtotheC
    Illustrated unfinished Europa Barbarorum Armenian AAR. Single page length.

    Dreams of Empire by Zim
    Gallic AAR with the Europa Barbarorum mod. Unfinished. Two page length.

    In the year 258 BCE by Suraknar
    Chronicle-like Greek AAR with Europa Barbarorum. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Battle for the Silk Road by Sheep
    Unfinished Baktrian AAR with Europa Barbarorum. Two page length.

    Velvet Coat of Kings by Orb
    Well-written, quasi-historical Lusitanian campaign with Europa Barbarorum. Apparently unfinished. Single page length.

    The Serpent Shield by Morte66
    Well-written, but unfinished EB Thracian campaign. Two page length.

    Saka AAR by vonsch
    Long, well-written and unfinished nomad campaign in Europa Barbarorum. Two page length.

    How the Pavo family changed the World by MarcusAureliusAntoninus
    Long, detailed Roman AAR in Europa Barbarorum. Two page length.

    Fruit of the Vine by bdac
    Single-battle AAR with the Macedonians in Europa Barbarorum. Single page length.

    Invasion from the east by deadmeat36
    Nomad AAR for EB, again unfinished. Two page length.

    Wolves of Zalmoxis by Laevex
    Well-done but unfinished Thracian campaign for EB. Single page length.

    The Rise of Rome by IvIajoi2n
    EB AAR with (surprise!) Rome. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Terror from the Desert by EasternScourge
    Or perhaps: Terror in the Desert. Saba AAR in EB. Two page length.

    Rise from the Desert by deadmeat36
    Or: Through Egypt as a levy unit in EB. Work-in-progress. Two page length.

    Eight Obols a Day by Teleklos Archelaou
    Or playing the battle with a single unit. EB, unfinished. Single page length.

    Achieving the Pax Romana by Chirurgeon
    Detailed but unfinished AAR in EB. Single page length.

    Rise of the Romani by Saeon
    Yet another EB Roman AAR. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The wise and the dumb by ilikethisgame5
    A Greek AAR with R:TW 1.5. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Puniceus Paludamentum by Chirurgeon
    Detailed Roman campaign with the EB modification. Work-in-progress. Six page length.

    Riders of the holy mountain by Karo
    Armenian EB campaign. Work-in-progress. Two page length.

    Carthage – City of Dreams by Andronicus of Macedon
    A quite good Carthagian R:TR campaign. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Glorious Migration of the Scythians by IceWolf
    What it says on the tin. R:TW 1.5. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Ptolemaioi AAR by Griever14206
    What it says on the tin. Europa Barbarorum. Work-in-progress. Two page length.

    One Man and One Legion by by jove!
    The rise of Scipio in the EB mod. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Tales from the Shepherd Empire by Shylence
    A Lusotanian AAR in the EB mod. Work-in-progress. Two page length.

    I am Dead. I hope it was Enough. by Odysseus
    Battle-focuses Briton AAR in the EB mod. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Biographies of the Roman Leaders by Warluster
    Roman AAR in the EB mod. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Out of the Steppe, Into the Fire by theycallmetighty
    A Saka AAR with EB. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Sage of Agathon by Owen the Might
    The story of a young Macedonian, in the EB mod. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Idiot AAR by Xehh II
    A Greek game. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Empire by kemozz
    More Romans in EB. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    A forest of frameas by The Vicious Monkey
    A German EB AAR. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Sons of Gaul by SkaMan402
    Guess... EB. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Luck of Pyrrhus by americancaesar
    Starting epirote campaign in the EB mod. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Senatus Populus Que Lusotanna by Slim_Ghost
    A Lusotanian senate game. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Medieval 2: Total War

    Feats of Men ~ Interesting Times by Wizzie
    The main M2:TW AAR thread. Single page length.

    Vignette I – England by Beefeater
    A very well-written AAR that focuses mainly on gaming aspects. Single page length.

    Vignette II – France by Beefeater
    Another excellent AAR in the same style as Beefeater’s previous one. Two page length.

    Vignette III – Holy Roman Empire by Beefeater
    Never change a winning formula. Beefeater reviews the HRE. Four page length.

    A Portugese Story ~ the Rise to Glory by Nutranurse
    Unfinished, character driven Portugese Danish AAR. Single page length.

    The Blood Axe by IronMonkey
    A nicely illustrated but unfinished Danish AAR. Single page length.

    Growls in the Forest: A Russsian Campaign History by General Zhukov
    A good, illustrated Unfinished AAR. Single page length.

    A Sicilian Story ~ Rise to Glory by Nutranurse
    Interesting but unfinished character-driven AAR. Two page length.

    It began in Paris by Patriarch of Constantinople
    Unfinished, heavily illustrated French AAR. Single page length.

    The Mighty Lions of Islam: Empire of the Turks by IronMonkey
    Nice, illustrated but unfinished AAR. Two page length.

    Venetian Empire by Warluster
    Unfinished AAR. Single page length.

    The Gran Duke’s bear, a story of Novgorod by Patriarch of Constantinople
    Illustration-heavy but unfortunately unfinished AAR. Single page length.

    A New Age for Men: An English Tale by Sir Boo
    Dairy-based English AAR. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Dances with Wolves by kublikhan3
    Well-written chronicle of an Egyptian campaign. Single page length.

    Rebel Wars! Part I and []Part II[/URL] by juliusczr
    Unfinished English AAR. Single page length.

    Italian Portugal by Pevergreen
    Very short, unfinished AAR. Single page length.

    Disaster at Ivernis by Dead Knight of the Living
    Detailed English battle report. Single page length.

    Kingdom of Spain by Paxdax
    Very brief Spanish AAR. Single page length.

    England: Fleecing the Sheep of the World by Dairuka
    Well-written, animated English AAR. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Rise to Power: The Polish Destiny by Snite
    Unfinished Polish AAR. Single page length.

    The Legacy of the Venetian Empire by Xiahou Ping
    Well-written but unfinished Venetian AAR. Single page length.

    Voltaire’s Folly by MonWarH
    Very good but again unfinished HRE AAR in the style of a chronicle. Single page length.

    March of the Penguins by KubliKhan3
    Peasants only! Spanish AAR. Single page length.

    Who is Barnaby Longe? by Yunus Dogus
    Intriguing but unfortunately unfinished AAR featuring… eh… Barnaby Longe! Single page length.

    Polish Campaign by ThornIs
    Guess… Unfinished. Single page length.

    Pray for Timurids by kiekko
    A battle report of the Moors vs. the Timurids. Single page length.

    Battle for Dublin by Marshal Murat
    Prologue to a battle report. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Tides of Portugal by Warluster
    Guess again. Unfinished. Single page length.

    A Lion in the Holy Land by econ21
    A very detailed but unfinished English AAR. Single page length.

    A Return to the Old Golds by Skott
    Abandoned Denmark AAR. Single page length.

    The Strange Tale of Val Bona by Cecil XIX
    The story of a man, in the Spanish reconquista. Single page length.

    The Destiny of Egypt by Quickening
    Unfinished Egyptian AAR. Single page length.

    The Lion and the Castle by Ignoramus
    Unfinished Spanish progression AAR. Single page length.

    MacDidz by Didz
    Amusing and well-written Scottish AAR, work-in-progress. Four page length.

    The Viking Migration by Ramses II CP
    Guess... work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Comnenian Restoration by OverKnight
    Restoring Byzantium. work-in-progress. Two page length.

    Titles England by Northnovas
    A character-driven English AAR, work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Deus lo Vult: France’s Musketeers by Warluster
    An AAR with the DLV modification, based on the adventures of a group of units. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Selvo Dynasty by kublikhan3
    Promising Venetian AAR. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Not all AARs are listed here, as most of them are posted in the Mead Hall and are therefore considered a story. Have a look in the story-section of the Library for more S:TW, M:TW, R:TW and M2:TW-inspired material.

    5. Interactive History (organized by start-date)

    Antiochus' Dilemma by Kraxis (completed)
    An attempt to avert the decline of the Seleucid Empire from the perspective of Antiochus the Great. Four page length.

    Michael's Crucible by Vykke (abandoned)
    Set in Byzantium, 1067, this Interactive History tries to alter the course of the disastrous reign of Michael VII Ducas. Seven page length.

    Manstein's Woes by Kraxis (completed)
    Replaying the battle of Kursk from the German perspective. Eleven page length.

    Officer’s Honour by Franconicus (completed)
    An alternate version of “Manstein’s Woes”, in which Manstein fights a different enemy. Eleven page length.

    The Anarchy of King Stephen by King Henry V (abandoned)
    Set in England, in the time when God and his Angels slept. Eight page length.

    The Thirty Years War by Destroyer of Hope (abandoned)
    An attempt to avert the end of the Holy Roman Empire. Three page length.

    1829 by Mr White (abandoned)
    An alternative type of Interactive History that pits forum members against each other at the time of the Belgian war of independence. Three page length.

    Duel of the Sea by Kraxis (completed)
    Another variant of Interactive History, in which the .Org’s Chapter House commands the German Hochseeflotte against the Royal Navy led by members of an unknown forum. Set at the end of WWI, after the Battle of Jutland. Thirty-one page length.

    The Rise of Brian Boru by QwertyMIDX (abandoned)
    Set in Ireland, 976 AD. Two page length.

    Red Flood by Franconicus (completed)
    Starting as a minor officer in the Luftwaffe of 1940, this interactive history gives the players the chance to climb up and change history. Thirty-seven page length.

    17th Century by LegioXXXUlpiaVictrix (abandoned)
    Set just after the defeat of the Armada, this interactive history pits the participants against each other as they try to raise their nation to glory. Fifty page length.

    The Second Dacian War by Rex_Pelasgorum (abandoned)
    Playing as Decebalus, the participants try to hold of the Roman Empire. Two page length.

    The Anglo-Zulu war by GiantMonkeyMan (abandoned)
    Defeating the Zulus in 1879. Two page length.

    Arnhem, September 1944 by Stig (abandoned)
    Re-fighting the disastrous Allied airborne assault in the last year of the Second World War. Two page length.

    Atlantis Reborn by Marshal Murat (abandoned)
    Alternative history focusing on submarine warfare. Single page length.

    WW1 by Warluster (abandoned)
    A multiplayer interactive, where members take on the part of the major powers of World War One. Tenty page length.

    Napoleonic Interactive by Warluster (abandoned)
    A MP interactive that did not take off. Single page length.

    Polynesia by Marshal Murat (abandoned)
    A traditional interactive history featuring Polynesian warfare. Single page length.

    War in the Middle East by Marshal Murat (abandoned)
    An “interactive future” set in a future Iraq civil war. Single page length.

    Australian Infantryman by Warluster (abandoned)
    Innovative interactive history, replaying Gallipoli in WWI from the perspective of a footsoldier. Two page length.

    Middle Ages by Patriarch of Constantinople (abandoned)
    A multiplayer interactive history set, surprisingly, in the middle ages. Eight page length.

    15th Century by Warluster (abandoned)
    Another multiplayer interactive, this time at the end of the middle ages. Three page length.

    Medieval RPG by Warluster (abandoned)
    A RPG in the interactive history forum. Single page length.

    Thirteenth Century by Kal ‘Motep(abandoned)
    More medieval interactive MP. Four page length.

    Roma by Patriarch of Constantinople (abandoned)
    A Classical MP interactive. Five page length.

    The Land of Arnamar by Kal ‘Motep (abandoned)
    MP interactive set in a fantasy world. Two page length.

    A Call to Arms by Warluster (abandoned)
    Joining the first crusade as a minor German nobleman. Single page length.

    Hammers of War by Warluster (abandoned)
    Interactive history based on the HRE campaign of M2:TW. Single page length.

    Hades Theatre of War by Marshal Murat (abandoned)
    SF interactive. Single page length.

    Dawn of Red by Warluster (abandoned)
    Gangster interactive. Single page length.

    Civil War of Carthage, 480 B.C. by Marshal Murat (abandoned)
    Taking control of Carthage. Single page length.

    Let Dixie ring Throughout the Land by Destroyer of Hope (abandoned)
    Finally, an interactive history featuring the American Civil War. Single page length.

    Pro Patria, over troubled waters… by Oleander Arlens (abandoned)
    A somewhat unusual interactive history that revolves around discussions of contemporary military equipment. Involves several thread in the Monastery (not the Chapter House). Single page length.

    Napoleonic by CountArach (abandoned)
    Guess... Five page length.

    Germany, 1100 by seignthelas (in progress)
    Allowing the players to take on the role of Nobles of the HRE. Single page length.

    NATO – Wasaw Pact conflict by Tran (in progress)
    The cold war get’s hot, but not nuclear. Five page length.

    The New World Interactive by Warluster (in progress)
    Pitting players as the colonian powers in the new world. Single page length.

    Sengoku Jidai by Kagemusha (in progress)
    Refighting the Japanese middle ages as the daimyo’s. Five page length.

    The Land of Arnamor by Kal ‘Motep (starting up)
    Another MP interactive history in a fantasy world. Single page length.

    Battle of Wilson’s Creek by CountArach (starting up)
    An American civil war battle. Three page length.

    6. .Org story contests

    The first writing contest (closed).
    Stories contributed by: Chimpyang, DemonArchangel, Dimeolas, Kaiser of Arabia, Kraellin, KukriKhan (sample story), Monk (contest winner), nightcrawlerblue, Papewaio and The_Emperor (runner-up). Prizes contributed by Dimeolas.

    The second writing contest (closed)
    Stories contributed by: Aenarion, Alexander the Pretty Good (contest winner), aw89, Azi Tohak, Copperhaired Berserker!, dessa14, Big_John, BobTheTerrible, edyzmedieval, Geoffrey S, Hayduke, ian_of_smeg16, ichi, Ja'chyra, kagemusha, King of Atlantis, Kings Archer, King Henry V, LeftEyeNine, LeoninKhan (The Stranger), Ludens, master of the puppets, Monk (runner-up), Nevyn, RabidGibbon, shifty157, The Shadow One, The Stranger and voigtkampf. Prizes contributed by Kukrikhan and Dimeolas.

    The .Org Mystery Writing Competition (closed)
    Stories contributed by: Aenarion, Beirut, Bopa the Magyar, Bouchious, Cowhead418 and Ludens.

    The third writing contest (closed).
    Stories contributed by: Aenarion, AndresTheCunning, Banquo’s Ghost, Big_John, Dol Guldur, Don Corleone (contest winner), Edyzmedieval, Eclectic (runner-up), Franconicus, Grimsta, Kagemusha, King_Numero, LegioXXXUlpiaVictrix, matteus the inbred, Stephen Assen and The Stranger. The prize was contributed by Dimeolas.

    Heresy! Spring writing contest (closed).
    Stories contributed by: Agent Miles, Beirut, Crazed Rabbit, Franconicus, Snite (contest winner), Stephen Assen and Warmaster Horus.

    7. Collaborated story threads

    Exactly how bad are you?
    Embarrassing failures by antek, Balamir, bighairyman, Brutal DLX, Celtlan, Crash, DemonArchangel, Derfel Cadam, Erik Blackbeard, frogbeastegg, ham&bacon, hrvojej, ichi, insolent1, Ituralde Lord_PH, Maelstrom, Magraev, Mamushi, Mega Dux Bob, Monk, Mount Suribachi, NinjaX, Old Bald Guy, o_loompah, Pablo Sanchez, Portuguese Rebel, Sam Adams, Satyr, ShadesWolf, ShaiHulud, swifticus, The_Emperor, TheRookiee, Vacuity, Vlad The Impaler and Vladimir. Three page length.

    The Warrior Hold
    The roots of the Mead Hall. Contributions by Balamir, bighairyman, DemonArchangel, Dîn-Heru, frogbeastegg, hrvojej, JohnCee, karmastray, Lord_PH, Marshal Murat, Mechstra, Monk, Lehesu, The_Emperor. Three page length.

    Tales of Foolish Kings...
    Collapsing empires by Monk, Mount Suribachi, pyhhricvictory, Quokka, The_Emperor and Vanya. Single page length.

    Napoleonic Battle
    Napoleonic battle reports by dessa14, Lord Uxbridge, Marshal Murat and TheSilverKnight. Single page length.

    The Battle Collection
    Heroic battles by Chimpyang, The_Emperor and TheSilverKnight. Single page length.

    Tales around a fire built of corpses
    Circular story that did not get far beyond conception. Contributions by AntiochusIII, master of the puppets and Uesugi Kenshin. Single page length.

    By Gertgregoor, (Lion_)Pariya, littlelostboy, L’zard, master of the puppets, RabidGibbon, The Stranger, wonderland, Wakizashi and x-dANGEr. Two page length.

    Multiple author story
    A story in which each author contributes one paragraph during his turn. Contributions by Bopa the Magyar, Destroyer of Hope, Franconicus, GiantMonkeyMan, Kagemusha, Kraxis, LegioXXXUlpiaVictrix, SwordsMaster and Zomby_Woof. Three page length.

    By Big_John, Crazed Rabbit, Eclectic and Silver Rusher. Single page length.

    Kingdom of Poetry (Frontroom)
    By Kääpäkorven Konsuli, Orb and The Stranger. Single page length.

    Write a Story…
    Story game by Marshal Murat and Orb. Single page length.

    The story game
    A game in which each participants adds one sentence per turn to the story. Participants: AndresTheCunning, Franconicus, Hepcat, Ichigo, Julian the apostate, Kal ‘Motep, Marius Dynamite, MSB, Sanders619, Shaka_Khan, Specialist290 and Stephen Asen. Two page length.

    Another Story game
    Identical to the previous one. Particpants: AndresTheCunning, Beefeater, GaintMonkeyMan, Julian the apostate, Kal ‘Motep, Marius Dynamite, MSB, Sanders619, Shaka_Khan, Specialist290, Stephen Asen. Two page length.

    Story game No. 3
    An another one. Participants: Aemilianus the Younger, Craterus, Crazed Rabbit, Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca, Ichigo, Kal ‘Motep, Omanes Alexandrapolites, Patriarch of Constantinople, Tiberius of the Drake. Single page length.

    8. Stories and poems (organised by Author)


    Aby Zakariyya’s Campaign by A.Saturnus
    Unfinished story consisting of two letters. Single page length.

    The Memoirs of Quintus Augustus by AdamtheGreat
    Story of an R:TW character. Single page length.

    A Fox in the Desert by Agent Miles
    The name is Miles. Agent Miles. Work-in-progress comedy. Three page length.

    A Fox on the Run by Agent Miles
    The independent prequel to A Fox in the Desert. Possibly unfinished. Single page length.

    Frodo the nine fingers by Agent Miles
    Short but amusing sequel to LOTR. Single page length.

    Untitled by Alexanderofmacedon
    A love poem. Single page length.

    Short Stories by Alexander the Pretty Good
    Three short stories in various settings, all three good. Single page length.

    Ransom by Alexander the Pretty Good
    In medieval warfare, failure is costly. Single page length.

    Defense of Urianopolis by Alexius II Loukas
    Unfinished story about mercenaries in Byzantine service. Single page length.

    The Second Coming by Anselm
    Unfinished, stopped after the prologue. Single page length.

    A Soldier's Prayer by Anselm
    Short story about a medieval battle from the point of view of a longbow man. Single page length.

    The Last Hoplite by Anselm
    Short story of a desperate fight, with the perspective alternating between the commander and a soldier. R:TW based. Single page length.

    Glory of Allah by AntiTank
    A work-in-progress Muslim story. Single page length.

    The Night of Alexandria by AntiochusIII
    Unfinished but interesting novel-like story about Hellenistic politics. Sadly, it breaks off just when the plot starts rolling. Two page length.

    Speech by AntiochusIII
    Based on the introduction of the Eastern factions in R:TW. Probably unfinished. Single page length.

    An Adolescent’s Journal by AntiochusIII
    Abandoned journal. Interesting opening, then switches to a confession. Single page length.

    AqConsul's Stories by AqConsul
    Short stories on various subjects. Single page length.

    The Sicilian Empire by Ashen
    Possibly unfinished but isn't affected by it. M:TW campaign write-up. Single page length.

    Shakespeares Kingdom of Heaven Script by AtorianPaladin
    A short comedy about a scene of "Kingdom of Heaven". Single page length.

    Fitzjohn by Axeknight
    Unfinished tale of a medieval Duke. Well-written, but stops halfway through the plot. Two page length.

    The Defeat of Toulose by Balamir
    M:TW-battle report. Single page length.

    A Winter’s Tale by Banquo's Ghost
    Excellent rendering of the original Celtic myth of Tristan and Isolde. Unfinished, but well worth a read. Two page length.

    Stories in Six Words by Beefeater
    Inspired on Hemmingway. Single page length.

    Detail – A Dominions III Vignette by Beefeater
    Short story set in a magical antiquity. Technically an AAR, but did not fit into the AAR section. Single page length.

    My First for the Hall by Beirut
    A short story about... a dog? Single page length.

    Beirut's First Short Story Thread by Beirut
    Excellent short stories. Single page length.

    Beirut Second Short Story Thread by Beirut
    Again, very good short stories. Single page length.

    In His Hands by Beirut
    Fine short story. Single page length.

    The BHC Unit by {BHC}KingWarman888
    Unfinished story about a fantasy battle. Single page length.

    Black Hawk Down by {BHC}KingWarman888
    Guess... Unfinished. Single page length.

    The Test by Big_John
    Short but good dialogue-based story. Single page length.

    Open Land by Big_John
    Romance in the setting sun. Single page length.

    The Thief by Bijo
    A story about crime and punishment. Single page length.

    The Chronicles of the Ages: The Great War by Bopa the Magyar
    Long, R:TW-based story. Single page length.

    He, She, I by Bouchious
    A very good horror story. Apparently unfinished, but you wouldn't notice it. Single page length.

    Unnamed by Byzantophile
    Preview of an alternative history featuring a restored Byzantine Empire. Single page length.

    History of the Insignificantine Empire and The Great Goat Wars by Caravel
    Or “Why hasn’t my faction been included in M2:TW?!”. Single page length.

    First War by caspian
    Short, possibly unfinished story on the nature and the origin of the first war. Single page length.

    My First Story by ceasar010
    Unfinished. Single page length.

    Clash of Nations by ceasar010
    Fantasy. Single page length.

    The Hunnic Invasions by ceasar010
    Unfinished, fictional story. Single page length.

    Untitled by chris
    Short but good story of a battle from the perspective of a Roman soldier. Single page length.

    The Colossal Empire by Copperhaired Berserker!
    R:TW based. Single page length.

    The Life of Brutus by Copperhaired Berserker!
    R:TW based. Single page length.

    Men of Honour by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Loosely based on WWII. Single page length.

    Twins of Triumph by Copperhaired Berserker!
    R:TW based. Single page length.

    The Battle of Hastings by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Guess what it’s about... Single page length.

    The war for Freedom by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Unfinished story in futuristic setting. Single page length.

    The adventure of The Anti-Jamster! Crusade by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Based on the campaign against Jamster! Single page length.

    The Band that Played by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Inspired by U2’s vertigo tour. Single page length.

    The Spartans by Copperhaired Berserker!
    Unfinished. Inspired by Spartan: Total Warrior. Single page length.

    The Blitz by Copperhaired Berserker!
    A poem on madness of war. Single page length.

    Untitled by Copperhead
    Story set in Saxon Northumbria. Long opening, but not continued beyond it. Single page length.

    The Battle of Maldon by CrackedAxe
    Based on the epic Saxon poem of the same subject; author's own version in the form of a short story. Single page length.

    Intervention by CrackedAxe
    Unfinished SF-story that did not get beyond the opening. Single page length.

    Untitled by CrackedAxe
    Short, SF battle-story in the “Legions of the Silver Shield”-thread. Single page length.

    The Damned Crusader by CrackedAxe
    Short story about battle and punishment. Single page length.

    An End To It by CrackedAxe
    Good short story, probably WWI based. Single page length.

    Until Winter Ends by CrackedAxe
    Interesting WWII-based short story. Single page length.

    The Sacred Band by CrackedAxe
    Battle, romance, and the last stand of the Sacred Band. Single page length.

    The Master Horseman by Craterus
    Unfinished R:TW-campaign story. Single page length.

    Alexan-Duros by Cronos Impera
    Intriguing story in a Hellenic setting, unfortunately abandoned right after the star. Single page length.

    My book by dark11
    Unfinished story on depression. Single page length.

    Mongolroktonos by DemonArchangel
    Unfinished story (actually only the opening) about the Byzantine Empire. Single page length.

    The Kensai that could(n't) by Demonarchangel
    Poem on S:TW. Single page length.

    A Medieval Haiku by DemonArchangel
    Poem on M:TW. Single page length.

    Counterstrike by DemonArchangel
    Unfinished, did not get beyond the opening. Single page length.

    D.C. by DemonArchangel
    Unfinished but very good conspiracy comedy. Single page length.

    A Quick Story by DemonArchangel
    Venting about CA. Single page length.

    Fat Satire by DemonArchangel
    Comedy about overweight. Single page length.

    In other News by DemonArchangel
    His own words: "A poem about the media in all its ultra-negative glory." Single page length.

    Reflections by DemonArchangel
    Cynical stream-of-consciousness writing. Single page length.

    Bad Emo Poetry by DemonArchangel
    Poem about (rather than by) an emo. Single page length.

    The Throne of Kings by Desiderata
    Unfinished M:TW campaign write-up. Single page length.

    National Pride by Dessa14
    Unfinished, only the opening. Single page length.

    Escape from saint Hellenes by Destroyer of Hope
    Escape from disaster. Short story. Single page length.

    Blood and Iron by Destroyer of Hope
    The story of a Nation’s rise to greatness. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Punishment of the Lord by Dîn-Heru
    Short story about death. Single page length.

    Through the eyes of a U.S. Marine by Divinus Arma
    The experiences of a marine in Afghanistan. Apparently unfinished. Single page length.

    Any Night in Suburbia by Divinus Arma
    A short horror-story. Single page length.

    Addie Historical High by Divinus Arma
    The intriguing but unfortunately unfinished story of a persecuted teacher. Single page length.

    In Dafur by Divinus Arma
    Real-life horrors. Single page length.

    Fire by doc_bean
    Unfinished story of… the chosen one . Single page length.

    Forsaken by Dramicus
    Short, dark, but good. Single page length.

    Deus Absentis by Dramicus
    Unfinished, dark SF-story. Did not progress beyond opening. Single page length.


    Teutonic Knights by edyzmedieval
    Unfinished story based on a mod for M:TW. Single page length.

    Fall of Constantinople by edyzmedieval
    Work-in-progress story about the final years of the Byzantine Empire. Five page length.

    Paladins of the Royal Castle by edyzmedieval
    Unfinished, did not get further than the opening. Single page length.

    The Barrengarry by Efrem Da King
    Comic “historical” detective story. Single page length.

    The Ballad of Alemaro by ElGascon
    Very long poem, but well worth a read. Single page length.

    Pride of Lions by FlyyGemini08
    Unfinished but interesting opening of a tale of political intrigue. Single page length.

    The Long Way by Franconicus
    A well-written tale of the Germanic migrations. Three page length.

    War Stories by Franconicus
    Various very good war stories set in the first and second world wars. Single page length.

    Last Victory by Franconicus
    An alternative version of matteus the inbred’s Shock in the Morning, in the same thread. Single page length.

    Froggy's Latest Stories by froggbeastegg
    Humorous stories on the Vices & Virtues from M:TW. Single page length.

    Jedi Therapy by frogbeastegg
    Comedy on the ending of “Knights of the Old Republic”. Single page length.

    Blood Red Hand: Dukes of Ulster by frogbeastegg
    Unfinished, but otherwise very good story based on Crusader Kings. Eight page length.

    Dragon's Tears by frogbeastegg
    Short but powerful story, based on Crusader Kings. Single page length

    The Machiavellian Adventures of Princess Eleanor by frogbeastegg
    Excellent story of a distressing damsel and her tin man. Longest story of the Mead Hall and still in progress. Twenty-five pages length.
    Associated stories: The Festive Adventures of Princess Eleanor and The Frog was Challenged. Please keep in mind that these two were written as comic sideline or addition to an earlier version of “The Machiavellian Adventures of Princess Eleanor”, so neither characters nor events are related to the current tale.

    The New Alexandros by General_BT2
    Unfinished story about a R:TR campaign. Single page length.

    Untitled by GaintMonkeyMan
    An interrogation. Single page length.

    Untitled by GaintMonkeyMan
    Fragments of a post-apocalyptic tale. Single page length.

    A Vietnam Story by GaintMonkeyMan
    Title says it all. Unfinished. Single page length.

    A cop in jail by Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca
    Unfinished police story. Single page length.

    When you must fight by Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca
    The defence of Sparta against the Romans. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Help, I don’t have a life! by Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca
    Outline of a story involving a stolen life. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Greek Phalanx's Storyboard by Greek Phalanx
    Various potential stories by Greek Phalanx of the .Com.

    The Fate of the Archangel by Greek Phalanx
    Unfinished fantasy tale of unknown (to me) inspiration. Single page length.

    The Trondforge Assault: Fortis Imperator Oris: Chpt. 16 by Greek Phalanx
    Very long but unfinished SF-tale. Single page length.

    Lux Mundi: The Light of the World. Chpt I by Greek Phalanx
    Unfinished story about the Third Crusade. Single page length.

    Lights out by Halffast
    Online post-apocalyptic novel. Six hundred and eleven pages length.

    The Origins of The Kingdom of Smeg by ian_of_smeg16
    Unfinished story risen from the Baktria-Bartix confusion, but relation to EB or TW unclear. Single page length.

    Paradise by ian_of_smeg16
    Unfinished story on an unusual school trip, sadly it breaks off right after the introduction. Single page length.

    Shimazu Ichi by Ichi
    Based off a character in the S:TW mod for M:TW. Single page length.

    The life of a soldier by Innocentius
    The reality of warfare in the 17th century. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Comedy Sketches by JimBob
    Three comedy sketches. Single page length.

    We few, We happy few, We band of brothers by Jacque Schtrapp
    M:TW battle report of a heroic defence. Single page length.

    The camp by Julian the apostate
    A very gripping but unfinished description of life in a German WWII prisoner camp. Single page length.

    Short Stories by Kagemusha
    Various short stories on the Sengoku Jidai and the First World War. Two page length.

    A Civil War Tale by Kaiser of Arabia
    Unfinished but interesting tale on the American Civil War. Single page length.

    The Tower by Kaiser of Arabia
    A short, well-done story. Single page length.

    Leo III the Syrian by kataphraktoi
    Very good story based (according to the author) on the true fictional story of a Dark Age mod for MTW. The updates are far between unfortunately. Seven page length.

    The Wandering “Jew” by kataphraktoi
    Unfinished, consist solely of philosophical opening. Single page length.

    The Revolution by Kal ‘Motep
    Unfinished story of a minute man in the American War of Independence. Single page length.

    The Gold of Byzantium by King Henry V
    Unfinished story about a Saxon in Byzantine service. Single page length.

    The Story of Atlantis by King of Atlantis
    Advertisement for the Atlantis-mod for R:TW. Single page length.

    Eternal Glory by Kommodus
    Good M:TW-based story that looks back upon a long war. Single page length.

    Byzantine Story by Krakra
    Unfinished, M:TW-based campaign write-up. Also contains the opening for another unfinished story. Single page length.

    Krast's Desert Episode by Krasturak (with addition by Vanya)
    Comedy. Single page length.

    Earliest Roman Historian by Kraxis
    Very good, quasi-historical R:TW story, though it ends a bit abruptly. Two page length.

    The Dark Day by Kraxis
    Short but good story about the battle of Heraclea from the perspective of a Roman soldier. Single page length.

    The Wandering Commander: Asinius Commodus by littlelostboy
    Battle, romance and intrigue. Unfinished story of an R:TW character. Two page length.

    Zethnaeron by lonewolf371
    Unfinished, medieval tale. Single page length.

    Adras the Immortal by Louis de la Ferte Ste Colombe
    Humorous, M:TW-based challenge revolving around the 56-year bug. Single page length.

    A Winter's Tale by Ludens
    S:TW battle report. Single page length.

    The War Against Alexander the Great by Ludens
    A "what if" about Alexander's war against Persia. Two page length.

    Interrogation by Ludens
    An interrogation (obviously ). Single page length.

    Marshal Claim to Kingdom by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished, based on... the Org? Single page length.

    Roman Civil War by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished, loosely based on R:TW, stops shortly after the opening. Single page length.

    Mars’ son by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished, R:TW-based. Did not progress beyond the opening. Single page length.

    War of the Laurels by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished SF story. Contains nothing but the opening. Single page length.

    War of the Heavens: First Lunar War by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished, based on the “War of the Heavens” modification for R:TW, stops shortly after the opening. Single page length.

    Chains to the Sky by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished SF-story, stops shortly after the opening. Single page length.

    Battle of Florida by Marshal Murat
    Description of a battle in the near future. Apparently unfinished. Single page length.

    Battle of Tins Mill by Marshal Murat
    An apparently unfinished account of an historical battle, in the same thread as “Battle of Florida”. Single page length.

    Castles of Okira by Marshal Murat
    Story set feudal Japan. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Battle of Oculus Septimus by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished Halo-based fiction. Single page length.

    Battle of Floodfords by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished tale of the Crimean war. Single page length.

    Dem Humies get Uzz, bozz by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished Warhammer 40,000 tale. Single page length.

    The Secret Prometheus by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished story about an Alien invasion. Single page length.

    Vinland Jarl by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished story about a Viking raid on America. Single page length.

    Alexander of Greece by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished tale of mercenaries in Italy with a well-written start. Single page length.

    The Wolves of Tarhalle by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished tale of a Celtic warrior. Single page length.

    Thunder of Cairo by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished WWII story in the War Stories thread. Single page length.

    Mercenaries of Africa by Marshal Murat
    An interesting but unfinished story set in the Boer War. Single page length.

    The Northwest Winds by Marshal Murat
    And unfinished tale set in an alternative history. Single page length.

    Fall of Riga by Marshal Murat
    Well-written but unfinished story set in Eastern Europe of the 17th century. Single page length.

    Battle for Culpa’s Soul by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished Dawn of War story. Single page length.

    “Berlin Lotus” by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished story inspired by Battlefield 2142. Single page length.

    The Last Creator by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished SF with an intriguing opening. Single page length.

    Alexandre of Geneva by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished story of an Italian mercenary commander. Single page length.

    In Somalia – Mogadishu Warrior by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished story of mercenaries in Africa. Single page length.

    Fingers of Orion by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished SF police story. Single page length.

    Battle for Bremen by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished SF story based on the Hades Theatre of War interactive. Single page length.

    Towering Rock by Marshal Murat
    Story of an Indian trial. Intriguing setting, but does not progress beyond opening. Single page length.

    Atoll Highlanders by Marshal Murat
    Unfinished WWII story in an alternative universe. Single page length.

    War in Lebanon by Marshal Murat
    Inspired on the Yom Kippur war. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Valencia Defence by Marshal Murat
    Work-in-progress of a futuristic BF2142 war. Single page length.

    The Kingdom of Heaven by master of the puppets
    Description of a warrior’s afterlife, followed by the tale of a Viking’s heroic death. The story unfortunately stops when the hero is on his way to the afterlife. Single page length.

    Legions of the Silver Shield by master of the puppets
    Unfinished SF story. Single page length.

    Gang War by master of the puppets
    Unfinished story combining ancient and modern fighting. Single page length.

    Noon of the Dead by master of the puppets
    Unfinished story, based on... well, that’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Single page length.

    Hooked Claw and Bloodstained Tooth by master of the puppets
    Short story about dinosaurs. Single page length.

    Dark-One by master of the puppets
    Short story of vengeance. Single page length.

    The Chapel by matteus the inbred
    Short horror story. Single page length.

    Lancers by matteus the inbred
    Description of a heroic encounter during the Reconquista. Single page length.

    Last Stand by matteus the inbred
    The proverbial last stand, in the same thread as “Lancers”. Single page length.

    Shock in the Morning by matteus the inbred
    Story based on the American Civil War. Single page length.

    The Fallen by MILITARYMAN
    Poem. Single page length.

    A Crusader Prayer by MILITARYMAN
    Poem. Single page length.

    The Monsters from the Sea! by MILITARYMAN
    Poem. Single page length.

    The Tale of Young William by Monk
    A good M:TW based story about a desperate defence. Single page length.

    The Four Crowns and the Four Rings by Monk
    Excellent, epic story of the struggle against the Mongols. Based on MedMod for M:TW. Two page length.

    The Masters of the World by Monk
    Epic story loosely based on M:TW. Two page length.

    Warriors We Are by Monk.
    Powerful description of defeat. Single page length.

    An Empty Paradise by Monk
    Unfinished but good M:TW-campaign write-up. Single page length.

    Frozen in Agony by Monk
    Excellent, short M:TW-based story. Single page length.

    The Stand at Dun Ailline by Monk
    Excellent, MTW-VI based story. Single page length

    The Second Dark Age by Monk
    A good story based on Nationstates RP. Four page length.

    In the Glare of the Sun by Monk
    Unfinished story inspired by Warhammer 40,000. Single page length.

    The Recollections of Corporal Bowlby by Mount Suribachi
    Very good story based on the Twilight 2000 RPG. The title is apparently taken from “The recollections of rifleman Bowlby”. Single page length.

    The Wolfpack: A Scipii Campaign by Mysterium
    Unfinished story about the future of gaming. Single page length.


    The Coming of a Great Man by Nevyn
    Short R:TW-battle write-up. Single page length.

    Twilight by Nevyn
    Unfinished, but interesting tale of darkness. Single page length.

    Lord of the Rings: The Third rise by nightcrawlerblue
    Unfinished rendering of LotR in modern times. Link takes you to the site where the story is found.

    The Spanish Horse-Kings by nightcrawlerblue
    Unfinished M:TW-based story. Single page length.

    When Blood Falls by nightcrawlerblue
    Unfinished, contains a link at the bottom of the thread to nightcrawlerblue’s site. Single page length.

    Failed Regicide by Oaty
    A rather strange outcome to a diplomatic request in a M2:TW campaign. Single page length.

    A History of England - 1087 by octavian
    Unfinished M:TW-based story. Single page length.

    The Forgotten Faction by Old Codger
    Unfinished Alpha Centauri fan fiction. See link in first post.

    Normanus by Orb
    Unfinished story based on the life of Robert Guiscard. Single page length.

    Kingdom of Poetry by Orb
    Three poems on various subjects. Single page length.

    Yom Kippur by Orb
    Well-written tale of the Yom Kippur war. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Falling from the Treetops by Orb
    Song lyrics. Single page length.

    South-East London Blues by Orb
    A powerful, short tale of life in South-East London. Single page length.

    Fall of Constantinople by Patriarch of Constantinople
    Short story of the final battle of Constantinople. Single page length.

    Alecander, not the normal Athenian by Patriarch of Constantinople
    An unfinished comedy set in the Peloponnesian and Alexandrian wars. Single page length.

    The Aftermath by Patriarch of Constantinople
    Unfinished slapstick comedy about the end of the Byzantine empire. Single page length.

    The Sound of Guns in the air by Patriarch of Constantinople
    Greek heroism in WWI. Single page length.

    Driven by Vengeance by pezhetairoi
    Unfinished, Scythian R:TW-based story. Single page length.

    The Fashionable Dacian by Quietus
    Interesting R:TW-related story with illustrations. Single page length.

    The Sons of Antiochus by RabidGibbon
    Based on a dismal R:TW campaign. Single page length.

    One Last Chance by RabidGibbon
    Unfinished, SF story with an interesting set-up, but does not progress far. Single page length.

    Diary of a Diplomat by rebelscum
    The very entertaining story of an Egyptian diplomat caught in R:TW’s idiotic diplomacy model. Single page length.

    Compilation of Poetry by Rythmic
    Various poems. Single page length.

    For Those Lost by Rythmic
    A Poem for the deceased. Single page length.

    Rythmic’s Poetry by Rythmic
    More poetry. Single page length.

    Defasui by Rythmic
    A poem about the emptiness of modern life. Single page length.

    Chronicle of the Northumbrians by Rufus
    A well-done roll-of-kings of a M:TW-VI campaign. Single page length.

    Rise of the Holy Roman Empire by Rufus
    Unfinished tale of political intrigue. Single page length.

    Britiannia Resurgent by Rufus
    Unfinished, but interesting campaign write-up of M:TW-VI. Single page length.

    Pax Infinitum by Sapi
    Short story about war and protest. Single page length.

    Untitled by Sapi
    Action and inaction in politics. Single page length.

    Pro Patria Mori by Sarnaen
    Unfinished and short, but well-written M:TW battle report. Single page length.

    The reign of King John I of England by Shadeswolf
    Illustrated, M:TW-character based story. Single page length.

    Birth of a Nation by ShadesWolf
    Unfinished Victoria after-action-report. Single page length.

    A Lyrical Poem of Musical Preportion by Shambles
    A poem on peace and strife. Single page length.

    Without a Word by shifty157
    Unique in the Mead Hall: a suicide-story. Very interesting, but please do not try this at home. Single page length.

    Oh Sightles Ones by shifty157
    A very interesting sermon based, according to the author, on Jonathan Edwards' famous 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God'. Single page length.

    Leviathan by shifty157
    A very descriptive story of a storm. Single page length.

    Saint Joan by shifty157
    A view from the pyre. Single page length.

    Ragnarok by Sigurd Fafnesbane
    Unfinished, but Interesting Warhammer 40.000 based story. Single page length

    Don’t explore, CONQUER! by Silver Rusher
    Unfinished R:TW-based story. Abandoned quite quickly. Single page length

    Jerod’s Task! by Snite
    Intriguing opening, but abandoned after that. Single page length

    The Farmer’s War by Snite
    Unfinished story about Medieval politics. Single page length

    The Warning by Sociopsychoactive
    Unfinished M:TW-based story. Did not progress far beyond the opening. Single page length.

    A little speech by Somebody Else
    Well-written speech imitating the style of a well-known orator. Single page length.

    Byzantine intrigues: The Struggle for Power by Stephen Asen
    The personal and political life of Nicephorus Doukas, the leprous governor of Morea. Work-in-progress. Two page length.

    Byzantine story by SwordsMaster
    Unfinished story that never got beyond the opening. Single page length.

    The men of the Tsar by SwordsMaster
    Unfinished story about political intrigue, stopped directly after the opening. Single page length.

    A man’s hat by SwordsMaster
    A very intriguing detective story, unfortunately unfinished. Two page length.

    Patricians by SwordsMaster
    Short story about drunkenness and marriage. Single page length.

    Untitled by SwordsMaster
    A short, poem-like story about heaven, but not as we know it. Single page length.

    Nothing right by SwordsMaster
    Short story with no apparent theme (to me at least). Single page length.

    Trapped by SwordsMaster
    A short, well-written story of humans under pressure. Single page length.

    My friend the killer by SwordsMaster
    A memory; short but interesting nonetheless. Single page length.

    Blood on my knuckles by SwordsMaster
    A confession. Single page length.

    Nightshift by SwordsMaster
    In the early hours of the morning. Single page length.

    Short Musing by SwordsMaster
    A decision. Single page length.

    Racetrack by SwordsMaster
    Story with an intriguing start, but sadly unfinished. Single page length.

    The Life of Amulius Brutus by Tamur
    R:TW character-biography. Single page length.

    The Trial of King Edward by The_Emperor
    Short M:TW-based story. Single page length.

    History by The Shadow One
    Inspiration from the first .org writing contest in the Mead Hall. Single page length.

    Egyptian Campaign Story by The Silent Assasin
    Unfinished M:TW campaign write-up. Single page length.

    The story of Skull Bridge by The Stranger
    Probably unfinished, R:TW-based. Single page length.

    The Battle For Rotterdam by The Stranger
    Unfinished tale of a R:TW migration. Single page length.

    The Last Empire by The Stranger
    An outline for a story with a few fragments further in the thread. Single page length.

    The Sarmatian knights by The Stranger
    Unfinished, R:TW based story. Single page length.

    To the Last Bunker by The Stranger
    Unfinished. Single page length.

    Secret Air Service by The Stranger
    Unfinished WWIII story. Single page length.

    The Stranger’s Journey by The Stranger
    Short story of vengeance. Single page length.

    The Shores of Tamaro by The Stranger
    Unfinished fantasy story. Single page length.

    Kingdom of Love by The Stranger
    A love poem. Single page length.

    Eve of Battle by The Wizard
    A battle story based on Black & White. Single page length.

    The Great Story by The Wizard
    A very good, but unfortunately unfinished comedy based on Black & White. Single page length.

    Grey by The Wizard
    Again very good, but unfinished story based on Black & White II. Two page length.

    Untitled by The Wizard
    An exercise in description. Unfinished, but well written. Two page length.

    The Saga of Phillipe III by TheSilverKnight
    Possibly unfinished tale of royalty. Single page length.

    The Valois Dynasty by TheSilverKnight
    Unfinished story of political intrigue. Single page length.

    Florence by TheSilverKnight
    Unfinished but reads just fine without an ending. Single page length.

    Georgetown 1716 by TheSilverKnight
    Based on an “American Conquest: Fight Back” battle. Single page length.

    Red Shirts – Crimean War by Tiberius of the Drake
    The interesting story of two ordinary soldiers caught in the nineteenth century wars. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    The Fatimid Dynasty makes its mark by Tozama
    Unfinished M:TW-campaign write-up. Single page length.


    The Scipii and their deal with the Devil by Uesugi Kenshin
    Several short stories. Single page length.

    Short Tales by Uesugi Kenshin
    Various short stories. Three page length.

    Point of View by Uesugi Kenshin
    The same short story from two different viewpoints plus a third one. Single page length.

    Dorath of the Black Blade by Uesugi Kenshin
    Unfinished, based on D&D character. Single page length.

    First Poem by VAE VICTUS
    A poem of despair. Single page length.

    Battle of Manizkert by VindicatorS
    An illustrated version of the dramatic battle of Manizkert. Single page length.

    Sent into Exile by VindicatorS
    Illustrated, work-in-progress Byzantine story. Single page length.

    The Longest Year by voigtkampf
    Unfinished, M:TW-based tale. Two page length.

    Blood on Simulated blades by Wargamer Scott
    A vision on the future of gaming. Probably unfinished. Single page length.

    A warning to All by Wonderland
    A R:TW-based warning. Single page length.

    Rise to Glory by Wonderland
    Illustrated short story of the life of a R:TW soldier. Single page length.

    All luck gone! by warking
    Unfinished story of misfortune. Single page length.

    D-Day: a story of their efforts by warking
    Guess... Single page length.

    Relations in Strain by Warluster
    17th century Warfare in the Iberian Peninsula. Single page length.

    Village Murder: a WW1 tragic by Warluster
    Trench experience. Single page length.

    Musket Murder by Warluster
    A battle in 1407. Single page length.

    Sniper’s Tomb by Warluster
    Death of a Sniper in a future war in Iraq. Single page length.

    WW1 Relations in Strain by Warluster
    A preview of a WW1 story. Single page length.

    Salamis Defence by Warluster
    Battle of Salamis during WW2. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Kopian Wars by Warluster
    The unfinished history of Kopia. Single page length.

    Up the Beach, Over the Plains, Through the Streets by Warluster
    Unfinished D-Day story. Single page length.

    ’30s America – Old Diplomacy by Warluster
    Unfinished gangster story. Single page length.

    Lands of Glory – A Sad Struggle by Warluster
    Unfinished story about a fight in the desert. Single page length.

    Minds of Innocence by Warluster
    The unfinished story of a young boy caught up in war. Single page length.

    Red Fury – A new theory by Warluster
    Darkness is amongst us. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Protection of Democracy by Warluster
    Story of a Cold-War sabotage attempt. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Short stories by Warluster
    Two tales taking place in the late 15th century. Both apparently unfinished. Single page length.

    The Prussian Garde du Corps by Warluster
    The story of the Prussian elite. Work-in-progress. Single page length.

    Order of the White Lance by Xiahou Liao
    Unfinished fantasy-based story that never got beyond the opening. Single page length.

    Veni, Vidi, Veci by Zaknafien
    Ceasar’s legions against the Pontics. Unfinished. Single page length.

    Josephus, The Jewish Wars by Zaknafien
    The intriguing tale of the secret of Masada. Single page length.

    Shadows of the Past by Zaknafien
    Excellently written story of a Roman far away from home, but did not progress beyond the opening. Single page length.

    Sons of Mars by Zaknafien
    The well-written, but unfortunately story of an Etruscan in Roman service. Single page length.

    For the King! by zelda12
    Unfinished M:TW-campaign write-up. Single page length.

    Evil Deeds by zelda12
    Unfinished, contains only the opening. Single page length.

    Death in the Shadows by zelda12
    Unfinished but long story of an assassin. Single page in length.

    Poppy Fields of Flanders by zelda12
    Poetic story about WWI. Single page length.

    Tales of Ateralia by zelda12
    Unfinished, dark story that never progressed beyond the opening. Single page length.

    Darkness and Light by zelda12
    Reflections on life. Single page length.

    9. Literary discussion

    Music & Writing

    Which classic should I read first?

    Terry Prattchett’s Discworld series

    The Sharpe series of books

    froggy’s book corner

    Harry Turtledove

    What book are you reading?

    Your Favorite Historical Fiction Novels

    What book(s) are you reading now?

    Essential English Literature

    Bernard Cornwell’s Saxon Trilogy
    Last edited by Ludens; 07-21-2007 at 12:13. Reason: Update of 17 july
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

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  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Blog Entries

    Lightbulb Update 1/1/2006

    A small note to say that I have reorganized the library and included After-Action-Reports and Play-by-E-Mail campaigns. I also included a paragraph in the introduction for myself. The Shadow Ones introduction will be added when he has finished.

    I thought this justified a bump.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

  3. #3
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Blog Entries

    Lightbulb Update 9/7

    Another update to say that I have (finally) added all PBMs to the Library. I earlier included the Interactive Histories, but I forgot to make an update of that. The Shadow One still lacks an introduction, and as he has not contacted me again I shall have to try my own hand at making one for him.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

  4. #4
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Jan 2003

    Default "Mead Hall" has advanced to the Information Age.

    I thought this may deserve a bump.

    I was about to post a new Library thread, with a full list of updated stories, but i screwed up the transfer from my hd to the .org again, the format wasn't kept so I had to scrap it.

    The Library will return and will be split into two threads (one for a PBM archive and one for Mead Hall content) as it's grown to such a massive scale. No longer required, as the cause of the slow down apparently wasn't how large the thread was but how long it had been since a post had been in it.

    Anyway. I'll have it (re)posted (hopefully) within the next few days. But for now. I sleep!

    edit: Interesting, by posting in the library I musta bumped it up in the data, it no longer takes forever to load.

    Handy to know! Enjoy reduced load times until the new one arrives!
    Last edited by Monk; 04-04-2008 at 09:46.


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