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Thread: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

  1. #1
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Belgrade, Serbia

    Default BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack
    Version 3.36
    Compiled by player1

    v1.5 patch for Rome: Total War,
    or v1.6 patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack


    This is compilation of fixes to various bugs that can be found in Rome: Total War and its expansion pack Barbarian Invasion. Many of the fixes were not originally my ideas, but ideas of other members from gaming community that I compiled in one unofficial patch. Since unofficial, it is in no way associated with Creative Assembly, Activision or SEGA.

    Download link:

    Bonus downloads (work with all 3.x versions):
    -German language files, made by FoDeL
    -Spanish language files, made by SeKhTeM

    Install instructions:

    Just run installers included in the archives. But don't forget to specify correct Rome - Total War folder.
    Note that you need both parts if having Barbarian Invasion expansion. Othwerwise, only part1 is enough.

    List of fixes for Barbarian Invasion Campaign

    Changes in descr_model_battle.txt file only:

    -Fixed Mercenary Bucellarii unit model, so it will fire crossbow properly
    -Fixed animations for Steppe Nobles, Noble Warriors and Mounted Nobles, so they don't use swords as spears
    -Swapped Alan and Sarmatian Noble Cavalry weapons so they would match their unit cards and attack animation
    -Added a workaround for misplaced axes for some of the lower detail Chosen Axemen models
    -Added a workaround for model corruption that Imperial German Bodyguards have when looked from distance (two big extensions from right arm)
    -Added a workaround for model corruption that Sughdian Warriors (and its mercenary version) have at distance
    -Added a workaround for an issue when shield appears on Sassanid Desert Archers at distance
    -Added a workaround for model corruption that Catholic Priests have at distance (a hole in their body when looked from the rear)
    -Added a workaround for an issue when Arian Priests and Arian Mounted Priests get their crosses extended at distance
    -Fixed Orthodosx Priest oversized crosses
    -Fixed Praeventores model, so it has no arms or anything else missing anymore
    -Fixed shoulder armor of Roman Centurions, so it's visible on shoulder, not arms
    -Multiple fixes to Chosen Warlord bodyguards model (corrupt right hand and "invisibility" on medium distance)
    -Fixed model corruption that Paladin and Paladin Bodyguard units have on their left side of the chest
    -Fixed model corruption that Camel Raiders and Mercenary Camel Raiders have in lower detail model on their upper side of the chest
    -Fixed model corruption that Steppe Swordsmen have near neck in one of the lower detail models
    -Fixed a problem with Scholae Palatinae and Armored Camel Mercenary units when lower detail model would be used in place of higher level model
    -Fixed color of Alemanni Chosen Axemen, so it matches colors of its unit card
    -Fixed color of British Legionaries, to match other Romano British units
    -Fixed color of Lombardi officers so they don't look like Vandals
    -Fixed color of Rebel controlled Moorish Raiders and Equites Auxilia, so they are actually white, not green
    -Fixed barding for mercenary horses to be green, not white
    -Fixed barding for mercenary camels to match rider color
    -Changed wrong textures on Chosen Archers, so they don't get garbled anymore
    -Changed wrong model for barbarian female civilians, so that looking cities in battle view, for barbarian factions, would not show just male population

    Changes in descr_model_battle.txt file, with fixed textures:

    -Fixed a problem when first solider in the group would be missing transparency info for his textures (units affected: Hun General, WRE Imperial German Bodyguard, Pictish Crossbowmen, Chosen Archers)
    -Several fixes for Imperial Bodyguard unit regarding its shield for WRE faction and weapons for WRE Rebels faction (but with use of some compromises)
    -Mostly fixed textures on maces for Clibinarii Immortals
    -Fixed faces of WRE Rebel Auxilia Palatina, so they won't be in constant shadow
    -Fixed garbled model for Lombardi onager crew and wardog handlers
    -Made Slavs use correct model for Steppe Swordsmen, not a Warlord one
    -Fixed a bug when Slav Steppe Raiders had no proper textures on their swords
    -Fixed a problem when Bosphoran Infantry would carry both spear and sword in its hand
    -Removed shield form unit model of Sarmatian and Roxolani Alan Noble Cavalry, since unit stats show no shield available for this unit
    -Removed the blackness that Burgundian Lancers had below waist on their armor for Alemanni faction
    -Fixed the problem when Equites Catafractarii riders had part of their body, near the saddle, invisible
    -Removed artifacts near shields for Burgundian Lancer, Scholae Palatinae, Hunnic Heavy Cavalry, Tribal Cavalry, Sword Heerbann, Chosen Swordsmen, Levy Spearmen, Spear Warband, Pictish Spearmen, Steppe Spearmen, Steppe Swordsmen and Saxon Keel units
    -Removed artifacts near shields for barbarian generals and officers
    -Removed black lines on faces of ERE Comitatensis (including First Cohorts)
    -Fixed helmet corruption near the face of WRE Rebel and ERE Rebel Plumbatarii
    -Fixed Sarmatian Virgin Cavalry shields and helmets
    -Fixed hollow spears for Goth Lancers, Steppe Lancers, Merc Vandal Lancers and Steppe Warriors
    -Fixed hollow weapons for Eastern Peasants
    -Fixed misplaced rear side of the Limitanei, Berber Lancer and Berber Camel Raider shields
    -Fixed misplaced front side of Frank Levy Spearman, Francisca Heerbann, Slav Steppe Spearmen and Slav Steppe Lancer shields
    -Fixed flag at the rear side of Scotti Chariots, so it's Celtic and not Briton
    -Fixed color of Alemanni Chosen Archer, so it matches faction colors
    -Fixed color of Pictish Spearmen, so it matches color of other Celtic units
    -Fixed color of ERE Rebel standard bearers (was too blue)
    -Fixed color of Burgundii, Roxolani and Rebel officers so they don't look like Vandals

    Changes in both descr_model_strat.txt and descr_character.txt file:

    -Made Burgundii use correct barbarian general model for their generals and captains (new textures added)

    Changes in descr_model_strat.txt file:

    -Fixed the bug when Berber generals used black sword on strategic map (fixed textures added)
    -Changed wrong textures that Burgundii and Lombadri generals used on strategic map (fixed textures added)

    Changes in descr_sounds_units_fire.txt
    and descr_sounds_weapons.txt file:

    -Fixed missile attack sounds for Celtic and Sassanid slingers, so it doesn't sound like bow fire
    -Fixed the bug which made projectiles of various siege equipment have no sound (units affected: Onager, Heavy Onager, Ballistas, Repeating Ballistas, Carriage Ballistas)

    Changes in export_descr_sounds_stratmap_voice.txt
    and export_descr_sounds_units_battle_events.txt files:

    -Fixed voices for campaign map and battle events for Hun faction, so they'll be barbaric like all other voices they use (units in battle, general speech), and not Arabic

    Changes in export_descr_sounds_units_voice.txt file:

    -Added missing voices for Scorpion unit
    -Removed "Yes, Imperator!" confirmation from Catholic Priests and Mercenary Bucellarii, since these units can also be used by non-imperial factions

    Changes in export_descr_unit.txt file:

    -Added missing cantabrian circle ability for Mercenary Sarmatian Archers, since Sarmatian Armoured Archers, as well as all other horse archer units, already have it
    -Added warcry ability that was missing from Hun Steppe Swordsmen, considering that they are identical to Vandal Steppe Swordsmen that also have warcry

    Changes in export_descr_buildings.txt file:

    -Added +1 experience bonus to Vandal Steppe Warriors trained in Royal Stables, since otherwise Royal Stables would have no benefit over Warlord's Stables
    -Changed experience bonus British Legionaries gain in Urban Barracks from +1 to +2, since otherwise Urban Barracks would have no benefit over Army Barracks
    -Made Bucellarii, Ballistae and Repeating Ballistae recruitable by Romano Britons in campaign, since they are already available for them in custom battles
    -Removed law bonus from Mithras shrines, since otherwise Mithras temples have no real advantage over shrines (exempt pagan conversion bonus)
    -Changed happiness bonus for Sacred Circles of Tyz and Morrigan from 10% to 15%, since these are only Sacred Circles that miss happiness advantage compared to Sacred Groves (making them underpowered)
    -Fixed the bug when Hun, Nomad and Sassanid factions can't benefit from conquered higher level health buildings

    Changes in export_descr_ancillaries.txt file:

    -Fixed bonuses for Bodyguard, Charioteer and Elder Senator retinue members, so they'll actually give bonus/penalty to Influence and not only affect public order
    -Fixed trigger for Drinking Companion retinue member, so it can be gained at both Tavern and Bardic Circle like all other drinking related ancillaries and not just in Tavern
    -Fixed Sassanid Turncoat ancillary, so it actually gives command bonus against Sassanids
    -Fixed the bug when same governor could have both Sol Invictus and Mithras Priest in his retinue, due to a typo in ancillary exclusion list
    -Fixed triggers for Navigator and Pilot ancillaries, so they can be gained by admirals
    -Fixed Son of Chinglu title, so it can be awarded to 3 generals as intended

    Changes in export_descr_character_traits.txt file:

    -Added anti-traits to some traits to prevent weird or impossible combinations
    -Several anti-traits that worked in one direction fixed to work in both directions
    -Added the workaround for a bug when gaining an anti-trait would reset trait value to 0 (instead of reducing it for value of anti-trait)
    -Increased point awards in birth and adoption triggers for traits that need more then one point to get first level of the trait, so it's actually possible to gain those traits at character generation (expect more vices and virtues from new family members)
    -Removed anti-traits for Intelligent line of traits, since characters shouldn't be able to lose intelligence over time
    -Removed the trigger for gaining IndecisiveAttacker group of traits when ending turn in enemy zone of control, since trigger does not work as intended (it can fire even when you can't attack the enemy, or when you are besieging)
    -Fixed a problem when IndecisiveAttacker traits could be gained if general withdraws when attacked by superior force (not indecisive, but smart)
    -Added partial workaround for a problem when auto-calculated siege battles would never give siege related traits to generals (one of four triggers fixed)
    -Fixed bonuses for Sobriety like of traits, so they'll actually give penalty to Influence as intended and not only affect public order
    -Fixed trigger for Logistical skill, so it can be gained by generals that move a lot
    -Fixed trigger for BadTaxman line of traits, so it won't be awarded in situations when tax policy is best as it could be
    -Made impossible for Roman leaders to gain points in Disloyal line of traits, since they can't rebel anyway
    -Removed Roman culture requirement from trigger for refusing bribes, so that non-Romans can benefit from resisting bribes (by gaining levels in Upright line of traits that increase bribe resistance)
    -Introduced two new birth triggers to make it possible that Intelligent and Genius characters could be born
    -Fixed Good/BadConspirator line of traits, so they can be gained by assassins
    -Corrected sabotage triggers, so that they make more sense
    -Fixed several agent creation triggers related to religious believes


    -Added description for 3rd level barracks for Berber faction (export_buildings.txt)
    -Changed Berber cultural designation from Carthaginian to Berber, so formerly Berber controlled cities won't report Carthaginian culture (expanded_bi.txt)
    -Fixed battle advisor icon for Berber faction, so it has correct eastern advisor and not Roman one (added correctly named battlemap.tga)
    -Fixed the bug when some soldiers would die when exiting medium siege towers (descr_engines.txt)

    List of fixes for Imperial Campaign

    Changes in descr_model_battle.txt file:

    -Fixed shoulder armor for Legionary and Praetorian Cavalry (fixed models added)
    -Fixed Velite Gladiator shoulder armor
    -Fixed the wrong color of Spanish generals by giving them proper texture

    Changes in export_descr_unit.txt file:

    -Added warcry ability to Thracian Bastarnae, since Mercenary Bastarnae already have it

    Changes in export_descr_buildings.txt file:

    -Added +1 experience bonus to Greek Cavalry trained in Greek Elite Cavalry Stables, since it makes no sense to build Elite Cavalry Stables just to get Incendiary Pigs
    -Made Slingers available from Practice Range in place of Archers for Numidian faction, since otherwise when you get Slingers at Archery Range they are already obsolete
    -Made Onagers recruitable by Spaniards in campaign, since they are already available for them in custom battles
    -Added law bonus to academy-type buildings like it's done in Barbarian Invasion expansion and was intended in 1.5 patch
    -Fixed the bug when Awesome Temple of Epona and Pantheon would show up in building browser for Gauls and Spaniards

    Changes in export_descr_ancillaries.txt file:

    -Fixed the issue with Numidian and Spanish governors not gaining priests as their retinue members
    -Fixed the bug when Judge retinue member could get doubled
    -Fixed triggers for gaining Heroic Saviour and Shieldbearer retinue members
    -Fixed Roman Turncoat ancillary, so it actually gives command bonus against Romans
    -Fixed the trigger for Navigator ancillary, so it can be gained by admirals
    -Fixed the trigger for Poisoner ancillary, so it can be gained by assassins

    Changes in both export_descr_character_traits.txt and export_VnVs.txt files:

    -Parts of Energetic line of traits tweaked, so they won't get worse at higher levels
    -To prevent drop in morale bonus when becoming Legendary Hero, this trait gets its morale bonus increased from +2 to +4 (to same level as National Hero) and also gets a +1 bonus to Command when attacking (like same trait in Barbarian Invasion expansion)

    Changes in export_descr_character_traits.txt file only:

    -Added anti-traits to some traits to prevent weird or impossible combinations
    -Several anti-traits that worked in one direction fixed to work in both directions
    -Added the workaround for a bug when gaining an anti-trait would reset trait value to 0 (instead of reducing it for value of anti-trait)
    -Increased point awards in birth and adoption triggers for traits that need more then one point to get first level of the trait, so it's actually possible to gain those traits at character generation (expect more vices and virtues from new family members)
    -Changed crushing victory condition in triggers for GoodRiskyAttacker/Defender line of traits to clear or better, since winning difficult battles with just clear victory is great accomplishment on its own
    -Removed the trigger for gaining IndecisiveAttacker group of traits when ending turn in enemy zone of control, since trigger does not work as intended (it can fire even when you can't attack the enemy, or when you are besieging)
    -Fixed trigger for Logistical skill, so it can be gained by generals that move a lot
    -Smoothtalker changed to be diplomat trait, since its effects deal with bribing
    -Fixed trigger for BadTaxman line of traits, so it won't be awarded in situations when tax policy is best as it could be
    -Fixed problems with Senate Office triggers, which could result in losing some senate titles
    -Implemented new triggers for Warlord, Siege and Ambusher traits from Barbarian Invasion expansion, in order to make it possible to improve these traits in imperial campaign
    -Introduced two new birth triggers to make it possible that Intelligent and Genius characters could be born


    -Added hotfix to formation for light cavalry armies, to prevent generals getting placed at same tile as other infantry (descr_formations_ai.txt)
    -Added missing unit info card for Spanish Onagers (carthaginian_onagers_info.tga)
    -Fixed the bug when some soldiers would die when exiting medium siege towers (descr_engines.txt)
    -Fixed the bug when two of senate family members had Greek names and looks (descr_regions.txt)
    -Fixed the bug when all Italian provinces spawned rebels of Greek culture (descr_regions.txt)
    -Fixed an issue when game would crash at 237BC and several other dates (historic_events.txt)
    Last edited by player1; 11-24-2020 at 17:14.
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

  2. #2
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, and unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Mod compatibility

    Common combinations:

    1) Some mod, plus trait and ancillary fixes
    Should work with almost all mods that don't modify trait and ancillary system

    Bug-Fixer files used are:
    -export_descr_ancillaries.txt (installed to data or bi\data subfolder)
    -export_descr_character_traits.txt (installed to data or bi\data subfolder)
    -export_VnVs.txt (installed to data\text subfolder)

    Just install Bug-Fixer in some dummy folder, then take those trait files and put them in appropriate folders.

    2) Bug-Fixer, plus some of AI formations mod
    This should work as long as you install formation mods after installing Bug-Fixer

    3) Bug-Fixer, plus some of "all factions" mods
    Should work fine, since Bug-Fixer does not modify files these mods use

    4) Bug-Fixer, plus some other mini-mod
    The main thing to watch here is to see does that mod modify any of the files that Bug-Fixer uses. If not, then they should be able to work together. If it's just several files then they could be made compatible manually.

    For example, a mini-mod that disables recruitment of peasants in campaign modifies export_descr_buildings.txt file. So, you can just use that file and lose some of the fixes Bug-Fixer does to building files or you could manually search for differences and then make combination of both files.

    5) Bug-Fixer, plus some total conversion mod
    Really, don't even try. Those mods modify so many files that pretty much impossible to combine them with Bug-Fixer. At best case, if such mod doesn't modify traits and ancillary system, those fixes could be used (look point number 1).
    Last edited by player1; 04-14-2006 at 11:25.
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

  3. #3
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Ahh nice... One can only hope this is noticed by CA. A dedicated bug-seeker like you is a valuable asset.
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  4. #4
    Ricardus Insanusaum Member Bob the Insane's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    nice work...

  5. #5
    Barbarian of the north Member Magraev's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Excellent news, but I'd sure like a tweak of those traits too
    Nope - no sig what so ever.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Senior Member econ21's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Great work, player1. Thanks for sharing it!

  7. #7
    Member Member gmjapan's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    I gotta say Player1 that I am in awe of your oustanding contribution to the community once again!

    I used your BUG-FIXER for RTW1.2 and I'll use it for BI. Its a patch for all the annoying stuff, some little, some big, that impact the game but we never get any official updates for.

    And even a section at the end on compatibility for other updates people might have used since BIs release! (Handy since I have an unlock factions one).

    Quality speaks for itself.

  8. #8
    Bland Assassin Member Zatoichi's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Thanks player1! You are a credit to the org!

  9. #9
    Senior Member Senior Member Jambo's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Excellent stuff and I agree with the method of keeping this to perceived "bug fixes" rather than introducing personal preferences and modifications. Here's hoping you will eventually decide to do an update VnVs for the 1.3 Imperial Campaign.

    =MizuDoc Otomo=

  10. #10

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Thats a very good patch. Thanks.

  11. #11
    Member Member Sleepy's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Excellent work player1

  12. #12
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Wonderful, my neighbour

    I'm really surprised....How come CA didn't make you an offer to join?!

    But have you offered yourself to join CA?!
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

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  13. #13
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by edyzmedieval
    But have you offered yourself to join CA?!
    Probably because I would have to be in England.
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

  14. #14

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambo
    Excellent stuff and I agree with the method of keeping this to perceived "bug fixes" rather than introducing personal preferences and modifications.
    So the German spear warband has 9 attack on their secondary weapon? That's what they had in RTW v1.2.

    _________Designed to match Original STW gameplay.

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  15. #15
    Cellular Microbiologist Member SpencerH's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by player1
    Probably because I would have to be in England.

    and it'd be hard to play civ
    E Tenebris Lux
    Just one old soldiers opinion.
    We need MP games without the oversimplifications required for 'good' AI.

  16. #16
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Actually it's 5/4 (attack/charge) now, since with 1.3, not even Spartans have secondary weapon of same force as spears (they have 16/4 spears and 12/3 swords).

    So I think I reverese engieneer what I would call "correct" value.
    (all secondary phalanx weapons got nerfed with 1.3 unit balance tweaks)
    Last edited by player1; 10-12-2005 at 13:04.
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

  17. #17
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by SpencerH
    and it'd be hard to play civ
    Yes Civ4 is coming.
    Maybe it will need a new Patch Suggestion mod?
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

  18. #18

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by player1
    Actually it's 5/4 (attack/charge) now, since with 1.3, not even Spartans have secondary weapon of same force as spears (they have 16/4 spears and 12/3 swords).

    So I think I reverese engieneer what I would call "correct" value.
    (all secondary phalanx weapons got nerfed with 1.3 unit balance tweaks)
    Well I think the removal of secondary weapon for German spear warband is correct since that's how Gaul spear warband are set up, and the mistake was giving them phalanx formation. It's a mistake that goes all the way back to RTW v1.0.

    _________Designed to match Original STW gameplay.

    Beta 8 + Beta 8.1 patch + New Maps + Sound add-on + Castles 2

  19. #19
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by Puzz3D
    Well I think the removal of secondary weapon for German spear warband is correct since that's how Gaul spear warband are set up, and the mistake was giving them phalanx formation. It's a mistake that goes all the way back to RTW v1.0.
    Well we can agree to disagree.
    They are called Spear Warbands, while Gaul unit is just Warband (with spears). They also have sword skeleton for seconday weapon.

    On the other hand, maybe they were supposed to be "shield wall" with BI?
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

  20. #20
    Magister Vitae Senior Member Kraxis's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    No, since shield wall isn't compatible with RTW then that can't be it. I would agree that shield wall would be the best compromise, but sadly it isn't possible.
    You may not care about war, but war cares about you!

  21. #21

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraxis
    No, since shield wall isn't compatible with RTW then that can't be it. I would agree that shield wall would be the best compromise, but sadly it isn't possible.
    I see. Well, nice job player1 on the bug fixer, and for including an easy way to go back to the original files.

    _________Designed to match Original STW gameplay.

    Beta 8 + Beta 8.1 patch + New Maps + Sound add-on + Castles 2

  22. #22

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    I see that the Roxolani, Burgandii and the Lombardi are also now playable. Excellent.

  23. #23
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by Puzz3D
    Well I think the removal of secondary weapon for German spear warband is correct since that's how Gaul spear warband are set up, and the mistake was giving them phalanx formation. It's a mistake that goes all the way back to RTW v1.0.
    Not even remotely possible. First of all, it's WAY to expensive for such a unit, the only thing justifying it is the phalanx.
    And it's pretty obvious that CA want them to have the phalanx. I know, the Germans didn't historically use the phalanx formation, of course. But I don't think that's what's it's representing. Instead I believe it simply represents the shield wall and/or the hedgehog. CA didn't have the time to make a whole bunch of formations before shipping(like they have got now), and so had to compromise and make 1 which would be applied to all the defensive formations.

    well, that's my view anyway...
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  24. #24

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore
    Not even remotely possible. First of all, it's WAY to expensive for such a unit, the only thing justifying it is the phalanx.
    And it's pretty obvious that CA want them to have the phalanx.
    Granted CA wanted them to have the phalanx before v1.3, but we all know phalanx didn't work properly. Now the claim is that the unit is too strong. I think someone forgot to remove the phalanx ability when they took away the secondary weapon. Why should this unit nerf in close combat? It's not as though they are trained to fight in true phalanx, and are therefore less skilled when fighting with swords. In the versions before v1.3, they weren't less skilled. Since the phalanx has been fixed in v1.3, maybe it's too good now to be used to simulate a shield wall (a simulation which to me is unconvincing anyway if that's what its intent was). The player who claimed they were unbeatable had his two units that frontally charged beaten by them which didn't happen before v1.3. Doesn't the issue lay there with their frontal performance?

    Is taking away phalanx ability from the spear warband nerfing them more than giving them a nerfed secondary weapon? Gaul's spear warband who are weaker than germanian spear warband, have no secondary weapon and no phalanx ability are pretty effective, and quite good vs cavalry. I don't know the difference in cost, and I'm not at home to check it.

    _________Designed to match Original STW gameplay.

    Beta 8 + Beta 8.1 patch + New Maps + Sound add-on + Castles 2

  25. #25

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    I was hoping something like this would be coming. Thanks.

    It was remarkably fast too.
    Burn, piggies, burn.

  26. #26
    Praefectus Fabrum Senior Member Anime BlackJack Champion, Flash Poker Champion, Word Up Champion, Shape Game Champion, Snake Shooter Champion, Fishwater Challenge Champion, Rocket Racer MX Champion, Jukebox Hero Champion, My House Is Bigger Than Your House Champion, Funky Pong Champion, Cutie Quake Champion, Fling The Cow Champion, Tiger Punch Champion, Virus Champion, Solitaire Champion, Worm Race Champion, Rope Walker Champion, Penguin Pass Champion, Skate Park Champion, Watch Out Champion, Lawn Pac Champion, Weapons Of Mass Destruction Champion, Skate Boarder Champion, Lane Bowling Champion, Bugz Champion, Makai Grand Prix 2 Champion, White Van Man Champion, Parachute Panic Champion, BlackJack Champion, Stans Ski Jumping Champion, Smaugs Treasure Champion, Sofa Longjump Champion Seamus Fermanagh's Avatar
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    Latibulm mali regis in muris.

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Kudos, AGAIN, to P1.


    I hope Fishpants and others at CA consider hiring you -- even on a contract basis -- since you would enhance the value of their product and the willingness of others to buy new ones in the same line. You deserve more than just kudos for your efforts, and I am both surprised and grateful that you do not charge a fee.

    "The only way that has ever been discovered to have a lot of people cooperate together voluntarily is through the free market. And that's why it's so essential to preserving individual freedom.” -- Milton Friedman

    "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." -- H. L. Mencken

  27. #27
    Spindly Killer Fish Member ShellShock's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by player1
    Probably because I would have to be in England.
    As others have suggested, if I was CA I would sign you up for a closed BETA test of their next patch/game; I'm sure this could only be of benefit to everyone.

    You are a star.
    He does sit in gold, his eye red as 'twould burn Rome.

  28. #28

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Why shouldn't other factions be able to hold games in a Roman arena if they conquered it? Don't the other factions like games too? I can see them not being able to build it, but why can't they have some sport with an arena that's already there? Or am I misunderstanding this bug-fix?

  29. #29
    Senior Member Senior Member econ21's Avatar
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    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by ShellShock
    ... if I was CA I would sign you up for a closed BETA test of their next patch/game; ...
    Best idea I've heard for a long time. Seconded! (Or thirded).

  30. #30
    Bug Hunter Senior Member player1's Avatar
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    Belgrade, Serbia

    Default Re: BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for Barbarian Invasion expansion pack

    Quote Originally Posted by gardibolt
    Why shouldn't other factions be able to hold games in a Roman arena if they conquered it? Don't the other factions like games too? I can see them not being able to build it, but why can't they have some sport with an arena that's already there? Or am I misunderstanding this bug-fix?
    -gladiator games work the same way in BI campaign
    -hippodrome in circus maximumus races work the same way too (even in imeprial campaign)
    -original solution gave bugs first time game appread in city (THIS MESSAGE SHOULD NEVER APPEAR, BLA, BLA, BLA...)
    BUG-FIXER, an unofficial patch for both Rome: Total War and its expansion pack

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