I got a new computer a little more then a week ago, and it runs on windows XP. I have installed shogun on it, and copied my old internet.cfg file into the main folder. (I sent it to my email before I shut down the old computer.)
I have configured my firewall to allow any contact with internet from shogun, and have windows firewall disabled. As you know, I'm behind a router. If you think that could anyhow make a problem, I have a solution to that - 8 metres of usb cable. We would only need to figure out how to establish connection when I plug it directly into the modem.

Your guesses are right, I cannot log in anymore. I have tried 'the enter trick' mentioned by gaijin, but I tried lots of times and I didn't get in once. The configuration is correct, because I always get past the connecting screen. I get stuck at 'logging in ...'.

For me, it is not an option to buy an old Windows98 computer, and I lost the old one. I will have to play shogun on this, or I can't play shogun. (for at least 1,5 years... )

Gaijin, the trick about the 'choice' program you mentioned, is that really something which would solve this for me? Seen the other active non-sticky thread here it seems that program is just to make bat-files work, but I don't see a connection with the logging in problem. 47Ronin Ishida tried this trick but it didn't help. I just installed choice as well, but shambles server is down atm so I can't try now.


The only 'recently mentioned' solution to this problem seems to install shogun on a fat32 drive. But I don't have several partitions. I would need cristal clear info about what happens when I do create partitions, and how I do so. Also what happens when I change into fat32, and how to do so.

Any other suggestions are more then welcome, as I am getting very pissed that you guys are playing and I must sit here and wait.. gah! I want to get back!