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Thread: Future Total War ideas...

  1. #1
    Kurp Member YanTraken's Avatar
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    Default Future Total War ideas...

    I propose to make here some kind of box of our wishes concernig Total War games.Let me be the first:)
    -RTW and M2TW is almost perfect,but I have some idease to make some improfements:

    -End with several TW games.There is only One(for example"Total War-Centuries)where at the begining player choses in which period he wants to play.

    -maby in the future Total War Group will make a game where campaign map will look normal(like in RTW)but when the battle starts player could scrool (using mouse or some button)down and down until battle map appears and normal commanding is avaiable:).As You can see there would be no more battle map loading!Of course You`ll need some zilion MB of Ram memory and graphic card from XXII make this transition work smothly and fine.

    -Banners,buntings,flags,cloth elements,hats/helmets feathers etc.can move when the wind blows(different strength of wind can be shown in a game).Flag is carried by a flag barrer(not by the last standing soldier),who walks close to the commander and the drummer/musicans.

    -injured troop who still can walk can retreat from the battle field alone,those who can`t walk would be carried by one or two friendly units from the same formation(two helpers could concern only commanders/high rank troops).This way player will be able to use them again after treatment.Maby adding an option"help injured/do not halp injured"before the battle is a good idea.

    That`s all-for now:)
    The favourite activity of the Poles in their free time is to fight beeing outnumbered:)
    [Ensiferum,Children of Bodom,TopGear]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    100 000 Troops (Maximum limit ofcourse other wise 35 k vs 50k battles are fine) :D Im crazy!!! But anyway thats the ways I want it.

    There is already a game called War and Peace where you play just like Civilization but with Total war style armies running around the map.

    It was not that well made and graphics sucked:

    + 0 realism There is a new game but I forgot the name it is similiar and more realistic.

    Anyway more troops is what I want mainly. make it at least 80 000

  3. #3
    Kurp Member YanTraken's Avatar
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    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    You`re right!But sometimes I afraid when assemble 80.000 troops how can I command this "band of brothers"-I think a clever AI would be a nice support.
    -and as always,graphic should be at the highest avaiable level(something like in Serious Sam 2!!!)
    -history realism=no bull sh...
    The favourite activity of the Poles in their free time is to fight beeing outnumbered:)
    [Ensiferum,Children of Bodom,TopGear]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    Ah I see so because no one really made it does not mean its imposibble, the main problem I think is the hardware.

    I mean instead of commanding 80 units you will command 1000 units with one click just use your imaginations. (AND IMAGINE A FAR ZOOMED OUT CAMERA!)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...


    What do you think about sea battles ?

    I want them I want them!!!

  6. #6
    Kurp Member YanTraken's Avatar
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    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    Ehmm...I don`t specially like them but I agree that RTW team should add them into their future games.If not as a part of a game to avoid making game to big (in megabytes) so maby as a internet big patch that will make avaiable such a play:).Honestly I don`t know why they didn`t make sea battles yet!Maby in M2TW they`ll fix it:)
    I know that sea battles are in "Imperial Glory"and they look impressive!,but the game is bumed!!!Battle map is rather OK(units are a bit better than in TWVI or NTW),but campaign map and options avaiable there are some kind of strange stupidity or laziness:(
    The favourite activity of the Poles in their free time is to fight beeing outnumbered:)
    [Ensiferum,Children of Bodom,TopGear]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    I am imagining if Total war continues on like age of series or 2-3 games later we will have Ambitious Assaults. On the otherhand I am fine without Sea Battles for a while...

    I haven't played Imperial Glory yet btw...

    War and Peace was quite fun...

  8. #8
    Kurp Member YanTraken's Avatar
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    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    War and Peace???This game when we play in napoleon`s times,having cities and developing them??Well IN MY opinion this game sucks like hell-if we talking abaut the same game:)
    Inal the Great-if You like playing sea battles You should try Imperial Glory.As I wrote before-"land"gameplay is pathetic but I played one sea battle and I was surprised-it was pretty good! :)
    The favourite activity of the Poles in their free time is to fight beeing outnumbered:)
    [Ensiferum,Children of Bodom,TopGear]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    Actually I should have writen quite fun at start. Well I think I am going to buy it today or tomorrow than (I am an elite gamer )

  10. #10
    Kurp Member YanTraken's Avatar
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    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    But what game You want to buy?If "Imprial Glory"I absolutely advise against!Maby there aren`t many similar games but amount of slipups is catastrophic:(
    After one hour of playing this game will grip Your soul rather giving a good fun.
    The favourite activity of the Poles in their free time is to fight beeing outnumbered:)
    [Ensiferum,Children of Bodom,TopGear]

  11. #11
    Kurp Member YanTraken's Avatar
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    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    -Single units (like sharpshooters) or formations can use fallen trees,rock sets,buildings as some kind of shelter,that will give them advantage of defence and accurate fire.
    -dead boddies lain on the battlefield untill it end`s(requires hardware from outer space:)
    -units left trails on sand and snow
    -when player wants to make beach landing computer with his nearest army can try to stop him at the beach.Before the battle player from his ships deploys army at the beach in front of enemy.When ready-the battle begins.
    Last edited by YanTraken; 02-21-2006 at 23:48.
    The favourite activity of the Poles in their free time is to fight beeing outnumbered:)
    [Ensiferum,Children of Bodom,TopGear]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    how about when it comes to battles you have three options...1)quick resolve , 2)command army in battle or 3)play as soldier in army.
    Then if you choose to fight on foot then you can pick one of the regiments to fight in an each time you are killed you automatically transfer to another body and keep on fighting.

  13. #13
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Future Total War ideas...

    Hello Matsui24, welcome to the .Org. I am afraid you've resurrected a long-dead thread in a very quiet part of the forums; but feel free to participate on other parts of the board.
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