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Thread: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

  1. #1

    Red face Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    The Unit list of the Al Moravides:
    the general:
    1-the lamtuna
    heavy spearmen,spear and sword,attack strong,excellent, Stamina: good.
    with simple shield
    2-the black guard:
    heavy cavalry (royal bodyguard),Attack: good, Charge: very good, Deffence: very good,moral excellent,Attack: good, Charge: very good, Deffense: good, Weapon: spear, curved sword
    3-al moravide horsmen:X:
    medium cavalry,A: good, C: very good, D: good, Weapons: spear, curved sword,Moral: good
    Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan
    4-al moravide warrior:X
    swordman unit,A: good, C: strong, D: average, W: sword,moral very good
    Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan.
    5-al moravide spearmen:X
    heavy spearmen,A: good, C: good, D: very good, W: spear, sword
    Mo: good, Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan.
    6-berber infantry:
    7-Rumat al-soudan: X:
    Bowmen infantry, A: weak, C: average, M: good, D: weak, W:bow, short sword, H: leather, Ar: no, S: oval, Mo: average.
    8-cammel drummer:extra drummer, scare all enemy units.
    9-Andalucians Auxilaries:
    light infantry, N: 120, A: average, C: average, D: good, W: spear, sword, H: leather, Ar: leather, Mo: average You can use as levies.
    10-al moravide camel raiders:X:
    bonus againt horses,can rout heavy cavalry,they will probably the most powerfull camel in the game.armed with spear and oval shield.
    11-Andalucians cavalry:X:
    medium cavalry,A: good, C: very good, D: good, W: spear, curved sword,
    Mo: good.
    12-Arab light cavalry:
    light missile cavalry, N: 40, A: average, C: good, M: average, D: average, W: arab bow, curved sword, H: leather, Ar: leather, Mo: good.
    13-Berber cavalry:X palissa will add the horse
    missile cavalry, N: 60, A: average, C: good, M: excellent, D: average/weak, W: javelin, sabre, H: no, Ar: no/leather, S: oval or bilobed, Mo: good, St: excellent. Co: average.
    14-rumat al siniya:X :
    15-al moravide javelineman:X:
    al moravide javelineman:X:javelineman W:javeline and sword Mo: good, Religious boost morale when combat christian or pagan

    The Unit list of Al Andalus:
    1-Arab noble cavalry:
    2-Arab light cavalry:
    3-Andalusian cavalry:X
    4-Berber cavalry: X:
    6-Mamaliks (slave professional warriors):
    9-Muyahids (jihad warriors):
    10-Rigal (andalusian line infantry):
    11-Rabita (frontier levy troops):
    12-Rumat al-sinniya:X
    13-Mawaly heavy cavalry:
    Fatimide (1/1)
    1-Muslim urban militia X

    i think that equipement and all you want is in this link:,i posted al ready the unit list and equipement etc... if it's another things i will do it ,or if you want i will chage this,but this thread is only a unit progress list.
    Last edited by almazor; 04-04-2006 at 21:10.

  2. #2
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides


    Please add equipment to them if you can.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    i didn't understand you (what equipment)?

  4. #4
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    Armaments, etc i belive.

    Ya Misr!

  5. #5

    Default Re : Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    we need the comment of legio and edyzmedieval?which unit need to be change?

  6. #6
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    yes, i agree - could you list what weapons all units have? For example something like this for all units:
    saxon cavalry - spear and javelins, weak charge, weak attack, medium morale
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  7. #7

    Default Re : Re: Re : Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    we have finished the almoravides we need comment of legio and edyzmedieval and critics?

  8. #8
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides


    Ya Misr!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    Now i need some pic for andalusian.

    I have jsut that osprey plate with 3 andalusian images.
    Have an iberian cavalry and that site with those 4-5 small images.

    I need a list like almoravides, with weaponry and everything :)

  10. #10
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    Quote Originally Posted by almazor
    we have finished the almoravides we need comment of legio and edyzmedieval and critics?
    I think everything looks good. Sorry for not replying earlier, I clicked the link so it got selected as read but then I must have closed the window so I thought I had read your post but hadn't Anyway I think it looks good
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  11. #11
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Fortress of the Mountains

    Default Re: Progress unit lists for al andalus and al moravides

    Yeah, it looks good. No problems.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?


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