I am becoming intersted in this Iran Nuclear Program Crap. I think Iran already has a Bad name, so the Minute they tryo doing this, we got to label iran as "oh my god,they going to make weapons!!!!!!!!"

not really. how do you really know that? But Again, you can't Trust Iran to the Sense that,THey Raided our U.S Embrassy,they got sudicdie bombers from their conutry going to Iraq (?) and crap. I read in my Magainze I get every 2 weeks that Iran Preseident said if the U.S or the Brits attack them, they will send, 40,000 trained Sudice Bombers to US and British Tagerts. My God,they will blow us to Hell if you think about it. 40,000 people blowing themselves up isn't like 9/11,with just 20 or so Hi-Jackers and taking over 4 plans, and 3 out of the 4 made it, expect for Flight 93 (go Flight 93!)

but I think

get out the H bomb
if we attack Iran,just bomb them with the H Bomb and some other minor nukes,that should handle it..