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Thread: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

  1. #61

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Port problems in India and Japan:
    A province cannot have sea trade with a neighbouring province, neighbouring provinces do landtrade. If the Hokyo province would stretch to the sea and divide the Yuusen and Akagi provinces, Yuusen should be able to trade with Akagi. Same goes with the indian provinces.

    It would be helpful to add more, but smaller coastal provinces to prevent those "dead" ports and give the trade AI more possibilities to choose from - this also means some more cities to conquer.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    wonderful mod, thanks to all involved.

    Have played as every faction for a few years now, and the only bug that i have located that hasn't already been covered...


    The actual city of Krishnapur doesn't expand. even when it gets beyond 12000, you can't build the next government building.

    other than that it's all sprites and monks ;)

  3. #63

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    [QUOTE=moreb_benhk]I have a game running now for 20 odd years (maybe slightly less). As others have found, once the monk team was eliminated my endturn CTD problems have gone. I've had atleast 30 straight turns without a single crash........QUOTE]

    Hi, what faction do you play as and how do you mean by "the monk team was eliminated" and how do you do that??

  4. #64

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldrahan
    I made a fresh install of RTW, installed BI to patch it to 1.5, then followed the instructions. After that I installed the patch and Lucjan's fix file.

    Custom battles work okay, but when I try to run the campaign, the only factions listed as playable are three monk factions (IE, the factions corresponding to julii, brutii, scipii), and the CTD's when I try to use them. I get the feeling there's a very simple fix to this problem, but I can't figure it out for myself.
    what you need to do is un-install your RTW and re-install a clean version of RTW 1.0. download the 1.3 separate patch. do not use your BI to update to 1.3. After which then you patch to 1.5 also using the separate download patch. follow the instructions to BL installation. Make sure you rename the music.dat and put in the music folder if you're using the music addon or else the loading page for Blue Lotus will hang.
    It worked for me. Now I want to try out some member's suggestions to get rid of pirates and rebels to clear my CTD problems.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    I have yet to use White Knight's code snippets to fix any ctd's, but I've noticed that when I try to siege Huang Ping (it's below the lake on the northern edge of the map), I get a ctd.

    Also, as noted before, the city Krishnapur won't let you expand even if you've reached the 12,000 population limit.

    And aside from a few ctd's here and there, the game is great! Good work!

  6. #66

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Neumonic- I am playing as the Fuumiya (er... the northern Japanese faction). By the 'elimination' of the monk team, I'm talking about the message you get 'the monk faction has been eliminated, blah, blah' sometime in the campaign (ie- when the faction dies). I don't mean the 3 messages of dead monk factions you get at the start.

    Since the monks have been history, it's been plain sailing for myself really. No crashes at all. Now I'm into my 40th year nearly (60+ turns of crashfreeness).

    One thing that came to my attention recently that may or may not be intentional is the armor rating of those Khanate spearmen. They have 10 armor. This is miles higher than anything I have seen in the Japanese factions. Heck, my 'heavy' samurai have only 8 armor. Consequently, these 'basic' spearmen are an absolute pain to take down. They can take down a unit of samurai 1:1, are resilient to archer fire, will massacre horse. They even stand up to my heavy anti-infantry infantry for a reasonable period of time. I am wondering if this armor value is a mistake, giving such a super-tough, super cheap spear unit to a horse-type faction.

    That said, they are giving me some ripping battles, heroic victories with a kill ratio of 1.5:1 (my nice balanced, upgraded elite army versus stacks of these spearmen).

    I would suggest an armour value of maybe 4-6 would be more reasonable. Basic 'scum' spearmen should be reasonable easy pickings for solid infantry. And archers.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    i think i found a temporary fix for the undead samurai and the lines protruding from their bodies..... ok

    1. find the descr_mount_battle.txt in your data folder where you installed blue lotus..

    2.find the part for the undead samurai.... looks like this
    type undead_samurai
    skeleton fs_swordsman
    indiv_range 40
    texture egypt, data/models_unit/textures/ZOMSAM.tga
    model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 8
    model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 15
    model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 30
    model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 40
    model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, max
    model_sprite 60.0, data/sprites/egypt_undead_samurai_sprite.spr
    model_tri 400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f

    3. paste this over the whole entry....

    type undead_samurai
    skeleton fs_swordsman
    indiv_range 40
    texture egypt, data/models_unit/textures/ZOMSAM.tga
    ;model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 8
    ;model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 15
    ;model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 30
    ;model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, 40
    ;model_flexi data/models_unit/zomsam.cas, max
    model_flexi data/models_unit/samurai.cas, 15
    model_flexi data/models_unit/samurai_low.cas, 30
    model_flexi data/models_unit/samurai_low.cas, 40
    model_flexi data/models_unit/samurai_low.cas, max
    model_sprite 60.0, data/sprites/egypt_undead_samurai_sprite.spr
    model_tri 400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f

    4. there you go... if you have any trouble just post here....

    also they dont have the arrows in their bodies.... they look like regular samurai's but with a skeleton face...

    like i said this just a temporary fix until hoggy and the dev team actually fix it
    Grenadier Guards an NTW 2 Clan

  8. #68

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    srry its the descr_model_battle.txt
    Grenadier Guards an NTW 2 Clan

  9. #69

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    I got it to work, using BI to patch to 1.3 worked fine. My problems seemed to come from a corrupted download. Thanks to The_White_Knight, I wouldn't thought to check whether my download contained descr_strat, without his post.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Hi, anyone know if this is suppose to be,
    I have the Kamikaze heavy infantry, and when these guys go into a battle they go completely berserk and lust for blood, no control on them at all and can't even click on the unit card. Their banners turn red and off again,
    Is this supposed to be so?? :)

  11. #71

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    yes thats how it is
    Grenadier Guards an NTW 2 Clan

  12. #72
    Vote: Sasaki Member ByzantineKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Epistolary Richard
    More likely that their last character died.
    We tried playing the monks, i dont think the characters died we had like 7 and they were pretty young, it wasnt pirates either.
    RIP Tosa, I can't believe you are gone, but we will never forget you

  13. #73

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by neumonic
    Hi, anyone know if this is suppose to be,
    I have the Kamikaze heavy infantry, and when these guys go into a battle they go completely berserk and lust for blood, no control on them at all and can't even click on the unit card. Their banners turn red and off again,
    Is this supposed to be so?? :)
    I love all the beserk units, they are great especially the hanyas those guys kick ass.

    I have had the ctd's but not really noticed a pattern as yet, had them at all times using diffrent factions, mainly when seiging but other times also, i find if you just play through them it always calms down, you may get a particular city will keep crashing you, if you attack it but just keep trying and it seems to manage it after a few trys, havent had hardly any on my demon campaign tho.

  14. #74

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    These are some bugs I have noticed while converting BL to run with -mod :

    - In descr_vegetation.txt there are references to models_vegetation/lotus_blossom.cas and models_vegetation/lotus_blossom02.cas but those files are missing

    - (Not sure if this causes problems) In descr_model_battle.txt, some chinese units have a "," after the first skeleton but they don't have a secondary skeleton specified.

    - (Not sure if this is a bug) In models_building/textures folder there are some files named starting with CHINESE that have .dds extension instead of

    - City of Shinshan starts with non-demon building.

    - Krishnapur population and level don't match in descr_strat (this makes the city unable to grow)

    - The undead samurai problem (lines coming from it) is caused by a problem in the arrow at the back in the .cas

    - (Not sure if this is a bug) In descr_model_battle.txt there are some duplicate (?) entries at line ~2900 for rebel, mongol and monk generals. May be the slave unit showing without unit card nor description is the one listed here instead of the one in the upper part of the file (or viceversa) ?

    - The sprites of the chinese firelances and mongol thunderbombers don't show properly

  15. #75
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by moreb_benhk
    One thing that came to my attention recently that may or may not be intentional is the armor rating of those Khanate spearmen. They have 10 armor. This is miles higher than anything I have seen in the Japanese factions. Heck, my 'heavy' samurai have only 8 armor. Consequently, these 'basic' spearmen are an absolute pain to take down. They can take down a unit of samurai 1:1, are resilient to archer fire, will massacre horse. They even stand up to my heavy anti-infantry infantry for a reasonable period of time. I am wondering if this armor value is a mistake, giving such a super-tough, super cheap spear unit to a horse-type faction.
    Based on their description I doubt this. They are described as third-rate spearmen, more of speed-bump for cavalry than a killer-unit. On the other end of the spectrum you have the Japanese ashigaru, who have possibly the lowest armour value and always die in droves. I don't mind this as much, as this is what they are supposed to do, but perhaps this is a bit too low?

    Just out of curiosity, how were the units given their stats? Did it happen on the fly or is there some system behind it?
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  16. #76
    Back in black Member monkian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Loving the game but I always seem to have trouble keeping my cities happy when playing as any Japanese faction.

    Maybe its something to do with the massive populations but I dnt seem to have any way to counter it.
    Look what these bastards have done to Wales. They've taken our coal, our water, our steel. They buy our homes and live in them for a fortnight every year. What have they given us? Absolutely nothing. We've been exploited, raped, controlled and punished by the English — and that's who you are playing this afternoon Phil Bennett's pre 1977 Rugby match speech

  17. #77

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Some more bugs (or strange things):

    - The chinese faction with the red dragon banner starts with a cartaghinian temple at the capital.

    - (Already reported?) The choson have three faction leaders definied in descr_strat.

    - (may be a bug?) There is an UI pic for a barbarian wall that is much larger in kb than the other files in the folder, may be it's corrupt?

    - Entry for rebel_cavalry_general missing in export_units (this is phantom rebel unit, forget about the bug about duplicate entries in my previous list)

    - (may be a bug?) In descr_regions and descr_strats most (all?) cities are defined as created or belonging to the culture of the gauls and britons. There are reports of errorless CTDs with slaves in cities of different cultures, and mismatchs in the descr files, so perhaps it would be better to have at least one rebel per faction and correctly asign the culture of each city.

    Though I have not have too much time to play, I think the game is more stable after fixing all the bugs in my two lists.

  18. #78

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    When battling Rebel Wang Liangs as the Yomi Empire, they appeared to be invisible until they were very near the "camera"(the player's flying perspective). What is the cause of this? It's quite a bother.

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  19. #79
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Wilhelm The Mediocre
    When battling Rebel Wang Liangs as the Yomi Empire, they appeared to be invisible until they were very near the "camera"(the player's flying perspective). What is the cause of this? It's quite a bother.
    It is probably because their sprites (the 2D soldiers that are used when viewing troops from a distance) are missing. Did you install the patch? It is supposed to fix a few sprite issues.
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  20. #80

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    I did install the patch. The only units I've experienced this problem with are the Rebel Wang Liangs.

    "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
    -Michael Palin

  21. #81

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    noticed some former monk armies have more than 20 units in their army

  22. #82
    Member Member Taneda Santôka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero1
    GAH!, I just won an outnumbered battle to take a city, took the city but when I clicked on "Exterminate populace" the damn thing CTDed!!!

    It was at the Khazari capital city

    Same here, with the north japanese capital... and since it's the only thing possible to stop pop growth for some time, I'm F***ED! Besides, the samurai have disco pants, and the mod works, those things excepted, perfectly well on a RTW Gold Edition!
    It's a huge work you've come up with! Its just beautyfull.

  23. #83
    MOΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Member Idomeneas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Can i ask something?. Is there now anyone taking care of the reported bugs? and if yes is there an improved version of BL? is there a timetable for the release of a complete product?
    μηνιν αειδε θεα Πηληιαδεω Αχιληοs ουλομενην

  24. #84

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    I'm not sure if this is exactly a bug, but the Monk faction always gets wiped out by rebels a few turns into each of my campaigns.

  25. #85
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Idomeneas
    Can i ask something?. Is there now anyone taking care of the reported bugs? and if yes is there an improved version of BL? is there a timetable for the release of a complete product?
    Well Bigbeef and familyman are helping with the bugs. Family man is working on the demon city ctd bug. (wich is a big deal of work as he's converting a whole faction.) I'm not really sure what bigbeef is up to and I'm well be active for BL (and EB) again by tomorrow. And as hoggy is leaving (hopefully temporarly) you must understand it's a bit confusing now.

    Tough still please keep posting bugs even if you think it might already have been reported. They will have to get fixed in the end.

  26. #86

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    Well, I'm reworking the traits system, the ancillaries, and providing descriptions for things that didn't have them. The Demon CTD problem is being resolved, as you said, by converting the entire faction over to the Carthaginians from the Egyptians. I have had no news about the full progress of that... Just that FamilyMan is having some problems with the settlement plans.

    I've pretty much finished tooling around with the changes I've made and could release them in a few days if there's any interest for them to be released now as opposed to when the Demon CTD is resolved. I was pretty much waiting around for the Demons to be fully converted before I restarted on it... which is just to finish up some trait descriptions anyway. When I release it, some feedback on balance would be great. The traits system I'm using is based on the Trivium's CVP so I don't expect any huge imbalances anyway.

    Another set of bugs that have to be resolved are the bugs with the map. I am, unfortunately, not familiar with RTW mapmaking and so cannot provide any help in that department at the moment. If you guys can provide some mapmaking tutorials that actually show you what you need to modify a map (as opposed to making a new one), I'll tool around with that and see what I can come up with.

    I've also pretty much resolved most of the other easily resolved bugs such as missing info pics, and a couple of the desc_strat bugs; and those will be released along with the other changes I've made if anyone is interested to have them now.

  27. #87
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    good, I've send you a pm. I'll take it over from hoggy (temporary tough), at least if you're fine with that.

  28. #88

    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    I run the .bat file and no new folder is created.

  29. #89
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    the bat file and the rest of the program needs to be in the folder: Data/PAcks and then you run it. Then afterwards there should be a floder called Data.

  30. #90
    Gin Tonic Drinker Member iberus_generalis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Blue Lotus open beta bugs here:

    im having some trouble too...with the missing .cas files for the new vegetation..the question is this...i installed the mod, all was good, and then i remembered how lovely the trees are, and i had seen a tutorial of how to had new trees from Lordz, i did as it told there...and erased the vegentation.db the game won't even load...telling me that silver.cas, and lotus-what's his name are missing...any way for you guys at blue lotus release a patch/version of the mod with the model_vegetation folder, containing the cas files specific to the mod, so ppl can add new trees of their own to the forests and make them more varied, but also keeping yours? is just that i really wanted to see the result of the mixture of trees in forests...but the only way i can play again is putting vegetation.db in but that way the new trees won't show up... any help? according to the said tutorial, if i remove the .db file, and have the models in the Models_vegetation folder, the game will load well...
    Last edited by iberus_generalis; 08-06-2006 at 02:24.
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