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Thread: Claim of Kings (1272 to 1453)

  1. #1

    Default Claim of Kings (1272 to 1453)

    Claim of Kings Mod for MTWII (1272-1453)

    1272 - Crowned Edward I (Longshanks)
    1453 - End of the Hundred Years War.

    Mod Description
    The mod will focus on the years between 1272 to 1453. The English will be the main focus in this mod with events such as the Scottish War of Independence, The Peasants Revolt, 100 Years War, the Black Death and will feature characters such as William Wallace, Jeanne d'Arc and Robert Bruce.

    The period saw a number of famous battles between the English and French/Scottish including Agincourt, Falkirk and Crecy.

    While many events in the mod will be tied closely to history there will be many opporunities to change history.

    There will also be a number of smaller factions to contend, or make diplomatic ties with.

    Kingdom of England
    Kingdom of Franks

    Kingdom of Scotland

    Minor Factions: (There may be more to come as research progresses)
    Duchy of Normandy
    Duchy of Brittany
    Counties of Flanders
    Duchy of Burgundy
    Gwynedd (Welsh)
    Mumu (Munster)
    Earldom of Ulster
    Laigin (Leinster)

    Start game many of these minor faction are in fact allied or under english rules.

    Stalins_Ghost (Researcher)
    Anthony (Researcher)
    Desertfox (Researcher/PR)
    najak (2D Artist)

    For More Info

  2. #2
    Member Member Solon of Athens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Somerset UK

    Default Re: Claim of Kings (1272 to 1453)

    I like the look of this mod...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Claim of Kings (1272 to 1453)

    Interesting period, I look forward to the impact those events will have on the game.

    Don't forget to add the mod to the M2TW Mods in Development database.
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